Young Members Survey

February 7, 2016

Young Members Survey


Young Members Survey


We surveyed all young members in our branch of 25 and below and asked them the below questions

  1. Have you ever attended a union meeting?
  2. Have you ever need representation?
  3. Do you feel the union is relevant to you?
  4. Do you use any of the branch media?
  5. Do you have any comments?

A reasonable amount of people replied and below are there answers

Attended Events Needed Representation Found the Union Relevant to them
Yes 19% 25% 81%
No 81% 75% 19%


We also asked if they used any of the union media

APP 6%
NONE 56%


  • We need to improve participation to encourage and make more events for members to attend
  • Whilst most members have never used the union on an individual basis, most still believed that the union was relevant to them
  • There are a small group that do not feel this relevance, we therefore need to reach out more to these people and in some cases do a better job. For example one comment was with regards to negotiations that involved ex-UKPN members. We will revisit their concerns and if necessary take those matters forwards.
  • Most young members do not use our media. This is a shame because it provides fast information about what is going on in many companies that work on London Underground

Other information

To get the Branch App for Android



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