Women's Advisory Committee

January 7, 2016

The LUEngineering Branch passed the below resolution last night to raise all our members consciousness of the work of our advisory committee:

Resolution: Women’s Advisory Committee

This branch asks the Regional Council to support the following resolution

This Region believes that some Women in the RMT are not aware that there is a Women’s Advisory Committee. In order to maximise our reputation (as with the badge that we sent out to all Women) we ask the NEC to support RMT women activism by
1. To send out a copy of the Women’s Charter
2.  Send out a short explanatory letter making Women aware that their views can be shared through their Branch and also through the Women’s Advisory.
3. Encourage Women to send articles about their experiences to the RMT Equality Officer, Jess Webb, that can be edited to appear in the RMT News and/ or Equality Newsletters


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