Dear Colleagues,
Further talks were carried out last week between TFL/ Tube Lines and the Trade Unions. There is no further progress and we remain in dispute. Hopefully, our ballot matrix will be ready soon
- Minutes from 3rd June agreed
- Pension there are no planned JWP meetings because TFL are still busy talking to LU reps about night tube/ pay.
- If agreed that Night Tube is to be done on a voluntary basis on LU, Tubelines would not be able to because all 3 of their lines are effected.
- The rest of the pay/ night tube is the same as LU’s.
- We said if you give us the pension we could sort out Night Tube, Andy Derbyshire will talk to TFL, he asked in the meantime can we talk about night tube we said no.
- Xmas & new yrs/ working arrangements Bonus, they could not tell us what it will be and are going to get back.
- LU strike days Tube lines will still be asking for sick notes and refusing A/L but there would be managers discretion on A/L , they said staff phone in sick or take A/L rather than try to get to work or cross picket lines, we did not agree to this they said they have done it in the past, we said they let staff know beforehand and didn’t this time.
- They would tell managers to inform staff in future.