LUL Transformation Update

July 3, 2019

Dear ALL,


The closing date for the Transformation Ballot is Tuesday 16th July.


It is very important that everyone has a vote and uses it as there are legal thresholds to achieve.


Therefore please vote YES for strike action.


This is a vitally important dispute that affects many people on LUL .


This is about how we discuss Job losses in Operational Areas and is happening now.


Initially, LUL tried to force incorrect processes on our reps in the Transplant area and we resisted and had the matter stopped.


Now they are forcing their version of how they consult job losses throw and steamrollering over your agreements and protect.


As a reminder, the RMT have won agreements that:


  1. Protect you from losing your job through Compulsory Redundancy. This agreement sets how talks must be progressed
  2. Protect you from job losses that make your work place unsafe. This sets how job losses must be safety validated to ensure each and every one of us is safe at work. LUL are not following this process fully.
  3. Protects your rosters. Both Asset operations and Tube Lines areas have roster agreements that make sure any changes to rosters are agreed through negotiation. LUL are ignoring this.
  4. Protects your rights to how and which unions negotiate on your behalf. LUL are refusing to accept these agreements by allowing non-recognised trade unions access to these talks. The RMT have clearly stated that we will oppose bad changes and will not bow to any proposals that are not acceptable to our members.
  5. Refuse to accept that job losses are an issue for NEGOTIATION and not consultation. We will not allow them to TELL us our members are losing their jobs,

The answer is simple. Please VOTE ‘YES’ if you want to protect what rights your union has won for you over the years, or VOTE ‘NO’ if you agree with LUL


If you have not received a ballot paper, please call 0800 376 3706 for a replacement






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