LUL Trainers

September 12, 2014

The RMT was disappointed that despite raising the issue regarding the LUL Trainers reorganisation, LUL are hell bent on forcing new trainers to become support manager grades. This will not only have an impact on new starters but create a two tier work force and try to impose a ‘race to the bottom’ in terms of terms and conditions whilst at the same time ripping through existing agreements in that area. It looks like a cynical attempt to remove new starters from the protection that Q Grade staff have under the Main Framework Agree i.e. the ‘jobs for life deal’ and  can only be seen as a precursor for further attacks on our members. 


This issue will be discussed at the 16th September LU Engineering Branch Meeting to decide what action to take next


RMT – Training DirApp 9 9 14

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