LUL Pay Cut Offer

March 21, 2015



Today we met LUL for the second time since they made their first and only offer so far in this year’s pay negotiations


At today’s meeting no new offer was made , but management have agreed to have further talks (to have concluded by the end of next week) at Functional level to ascertain the impact of Night Tube in each of the 7 Grade Functional council areas.IE all staff


I have told LUL that they have to , outside of Night Tube ,significantly improve the base rate, address the issue of low pay, shorter working week  as well as addressing all of the other items in our claim and that I will be reporting back LUL s offer  to the General Secretary by the 20th March to enable the Union to make its formal response.


The next scheduled meeting with LUL is the 25th March. I have advised them that we are available before that date if needs be to discuss these matters .


John Leach

RMT Regional Organiser LT

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