LUL Disciplinary

October 6, 2014



Further to my previous circular dated 14th August 2014 (IR/208/14) the GGC had considered a resolution from Central Line East Branch over the use of CCTV in a disciplinary case. Despite using CCTV evidence against the member, this evidence was not made available to her rep in order to argue her case. Unfortunately LUL has since decided to dismiss this member who is Sister Vicky Hayward.


We are shocked and appalled that the company chose to disregard all the arguments and evidence that Sister Hayward and her representative put forward, and persisted in using managers’ statements as to what they had seen on CCTV footage as “evidence” despite the actual footage having been destroyed.


We sought legal advice on this issue which confirms that LUL’s actions are in breach of Data Protection Employment Law. Consequently the GGC has instructed us to : –

  • immediately submit an Employment Tribunal claim for unfair dismissal, requesting an assessment from, and making a complaint to, the Information Commissioner’s office about London Underground Ltd’s breaches of Data Protection Law.
  • claiming appropriate redress and compensation.
  • pursuing the internal process within London Underground Ltd.

Additionally, RMT is currently fighting two other unfair dismissals by London Underground Ltd – those of Brother Alex McGuigan and Brother Noel Roberts. We believe LUL is acting with systematic disregard for basic standards of justice in all these cases. Therefore we are  implementing a campaign to demand the reinstatement of all three of these unjustly-sacked members.


We will be writing to personal letters to all members affected, producing a leaflet for distribution to LUL members at work, and liaising with the relevant branches and Regional Council to organise visits to workplaces. We will also be looking at the prospects for industrial action to secure these reinstatements.


Branches will be kept informed of developments.

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