Cleshars PAYE Contracts

February 9, 2015

CCS has issued many of their agency members with PAYE contracts which must be returned no later the Sunday 1st March 2015.


RMT Industrial Relations Department have provided the following advice:

  • What you have been offered as written in the contract is what is available; improvements will need to be made in due course by the RMT union through meetings with CCS
  • Each Cleshar agency worker needs to consider for themself whether to go PAYE or a become a limited company; based on your particular grade and rate of pay in relation to tax arrangements etc etc
  • PAYE status provides employee status; which means you will have employee rights that can now be promoted by the RMT with improvements sought and won!
  • This is the first time most CCS workers have had employment rights; and is a door opener for RMT to defend and progress all aspects of your employment: job security, fairness at work, pay, real holiday and sick pay, pensions & so on ……..


RMT will fight for all agency/contract union members; if you are not yet a RMT member you need to join for the RMT to fight for you!


A special reduced membership fee of £5 per month is available to all track agency/contract workers and RMT is running a campaign to win you better pay and conditions of work

Its time for all track workers get in the union now so together we can organise to sort out these long standing issues………..


To join RMT or for further information and advice

please call 0754 1593131

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