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Engineering Train Operator Dispute

Yesterday the RMT attended Acas with our sister union, Aslef.

The intention was to finalise the agreement that we have been working on since May 2016 and there was very little outstanding to resolve. Unfortunately the talks have completely collapsed as LUL have now stated that they wish to discuss job losses and our previously worked proposals were now invalid.


Transplant – Proposed ETO Regrading Initiative – updated Proposal 23 1 17 – Final for submission


Original Acas Proposal


At the meeting the RMT and Aslef stated:

  • That the RMT and trade union position was that they would not allow a situation whereby people were made redundant to fund a payrise. This was completely rejected.
  • That the company was again deliberately moving the goal posts and that they needed to be honest, they either wanted to ‘do a deal’ or they didn’t. This was also perceived as an attempt to further delay talks by introducing a proposal that would take months to discuss
  • The RMT and Aslef proposal had given them every productivity that they had asked for.
  • That basically the company are ripping up the previous proposals and saying ‘screw you’
  • We continually asked them, that on the basis of a company proposal to link job redundancies to a payrise was completely unacceptable, and given that we was at a dispute resolution meeting, how did they intend to solve this issue. They could not answer
  • We informed them that our members would therefore answer for them with their action over the next few weeks and months and we will then see how the company feel
  • There are no further meetings planned on this dispute.

The company stated that they are going to table these job losses at the Tube Lines Company Council which we believe the first available time slot is approximately March 2017.

Our response will be from our members starting this Friday when their Industrial Action will commence. We expect there to be serious impacts and we are dismayed that our members have been forced into this position when there was a deal there ready to be signed off.

We will remain available to talk should there be a change of heart from the company

Engineering Train Operator Dispute

Over the last month there has been intensive talks with Tube Lines to achieve 6.3% Pay Parity with their Tamper Driver colleagues.

During these talks both the RMT and our sister union Aslef have consistently worked hard to reach agreement with management, only to find that on each occasion management have moved the goal posts just when agreement has looked close. Despite reaching consensus on the core areas to fund the pay increase of the role of Assistant Drivers, where they are used and agreeing a process to negotiate rosters, management have scuppered the deal by adding unacceptable conditions under the guise of a new draft roster.

We were surprised to find that management had included full multi-skilling of the Engineering Train Operator Grade to take over the core work currently done by shunters within their draft roster proposal. This was to facilitate the wholesale destruction of the shunter role. Coupled with  previous attempts to vary the core agreement to make it an Aladdin’s Cave of Senior Management’s every dream come true such as disbanding the Track Recording Vehicle Team,  we feel that there is no other option but to refer this matter back to Acas and also request that the NEC calls the following action:

Strike Action:

Members not to book on for shifts  as below starting after:

05:59- 21:59 on Wednesday 19th, Thursday 20th and Friday 21st October

21:59-05:59 Friday 4th November

17:59- 05:59 Saturday 5th November

05;59 Friday 18th Nov- 05:59 Sunday 20th Nov.

An overtime ban on the following dates

22:00 – 05:58  Weds 19th and Thurs 20th Oct

22:00 Friday 21st October until 21:58 Friday 4th November

06:00 – 17:58 Saturday 5th November

06:00 Sunday 6th November to 05:58 Friday    18th November

Indefinite overtime ban from 06:00 Sunday 20th November

We also note that some members that we have asked to be included in pay rise and the company have rejected that proposal. We therefore ask for these staff (Assists and Operational Managers with an ETO License) are balloted for strike and action short of strike


LUL: New Signals Framework Agreement Agreed

Following lengthy discussions, the New LUL Signals Framework Agreement has been agreed at the Company Council.




If you work for LUL in Signals, Power or DLO (Comms & Electrical), then this will apply to you.

The Main changes are:

  • The introduction of the support fitter grade in Stations & Civils area
  • Changes to how people are chosen for grade progression (move to trade tests to ensure equality)
  • Changes to the On-Call agreement in Power
  • Auto-Tech Grade will be phased out with new technology. Agreement on their promotion to Technical Officer and redeployment to alternative signalling areas agreed at Functional Council

Mayor Sadiq Khan on tube, rail and taxis

RMT calls for urgent meeting with Mayor Sadiq Khan on tube, rail and taxis.


London’s main transport union RMT  today called for urgent talks with newly elected Mayor Sadiq Khan to discuss a wide range of issues that the union says pose the biggest collective threat to transport services in the Capital since the Blitz.

The RMT union agenda for talks includes;

* The looming £2.9 billlion financial crisis ‎facing TFL as a result of Central Government attacks on the budget cooked up with the connivance of former mayor Boris Johnson.

* A growing over-crowding and safety threat on both tube and rail as demand outstrips capacity against a background of savage cuts to staffing and maintenance.

* The impact of the axing of ticket offices and nearly 900 station and platform staff on the tube – an issue that the union understands that the new mayor is prepared to review.

* The future of commuter rail services into London with RMT already engaged in a major industrial battle on Southern over the threat to jobs, ticket offices and passenger safety. A further strike in the guards safety dispute takes place on Wednesday.

* The systematic undermining of the licenced taxi trade in London.

* The safe introduction of Night Tube and the resolution of the on going industrial dispute involving engineering staff.

* The threat to jobs, and the current dispute, over the Lillie Bridge depot‎ bound up in a Boris Johnson speculative luxury housing project in Earls Court.

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

“London now has a new Mayor and the focus now shifts to the policy agenda‎. RMT has set out the issues and the sheer scale of the financial and capacity crisis facing the capital leaves London facing it’s biggest transport threat since the Blitz.

“RMT is seeking an urgent meeting with the new Mayor based on our agenda but no one should be under illusions and as far as the union is concerned it is “business as usual” as we fight for jobs, conditions, safety and services.”

