Category: Tube Lines

Huge Action Planned for Section 15


Further to Head Office Circular NP/252/15, 15th December 2015, and following the ballot result showing overwhelming support for industrial action your National Executive Committee has taken the decision to instruct all members covered by this dispute at LUL and Tubelines NOT TO BOOK ON FOR SHIFTS that commence between:

  • 0630 Friday 12th February 2016 and 0629 on Saturday 13th February2016
  • 0630 and 1829 on Sunday 6th March 2016
  • 0630 Friday 25th March 2016 and 0629 Saturday 26th March 2016
  • 0630 Sunday 27th March 2016 and 0629 Monday 28th March 2016
  • 0630 and 1829 on Sunday 24th April 2016
  • 0630 and 1829 on Sunday 15th May 2016
  • 0630 and 1829 on Sunday 12th June 2016

Members are also instructed to take action short of a strike by doing: no work of any kind in a section 15 possession, and by taking meal breaks as per agreements.

I urge you all to support this action and demand that the Company takes action to resolve the issues at the heart of this dispute.

The Lead Officer has also raised concerns over staff in Service Control and similar grades that these staff are faced with additional workloads and duties due to the imposition of the Section 15 Possession arrangements and the National Executive Committee have instructed that we inform LUL that staff in these grades are also in dispute with the company and will be balloted for industrial action.




Section 15 Update: Tube Lines back safety

Tube Lines members have delivered a massive yes vote for action in their demand for safety at work

Out of 185 Votes


170 For

12 Against

Action short of strike

180 For

3 Against

That makes an overwhelming majority for action across affected Engineering Grades in both LUL and Tube Lines

Further talks at Acas are now expected and we believe that these will be arranged for next week

Our members will not stand by and allow this danger to continue

Unity is LIFE

Section 15 Ballot Result

28th January 2016

Dear Colleague,

Section 15 – Possessions – London Underground

Further to previous correspondence regarding the above, the ballot has now concluded with members voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast        381
Number Voting ‘Yes’        287
Number Voting ‘No’        92
Spoilt Papers            2

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast        381
Number Voting ‘Yes’        325
Number Voting ‘No’        54
Spoilt Papers            2

The National Executive Committee is currently considering this result and I will write again shortly.

Section 15: Carrot and Stick

Formal Investigation:

LUL have agreed today to hold a formal investigation into recent incidents within Section 15 Possessions. They have stated ‘Due to the recent protection irregularities and near misses that have been reported in possessions and specified areas, Jill Collis, Director of HSE, has commissioned a Formal Investigation. The investigation will undertake a holistic review of the underlying causes of all of the recent incidents and will also look at the effectiveness of our current safety management system controls to prevent a reoccurrence into these incidents’

Nice words and our reps will participate completely. Hardly what we have been demanding

Briefings Continue:Section 15 Poster

However, at the same time, Section 15 possessions are continuing and our members are being placed at risk. Incidents are occurring almost nightly, yet LUL are out every night ‘briefing’ staff and then pretending this is sufficient. These insufficient briefings hardly cover Section 15 Possessions and do very little to address the core issues surround these possessions.

LUL have a cuts agenda. They have removed possessions from PWT training and are trying to end a professional and tried and tested method of booking out with the Track Access Controllers. Replacing it instead with a rag bag process where people are badly briefed and safety is left to chance.

LUL call it holistic, we call it horrific.

Basic lack of safety

Let’s remember that these possessions have been rushed in without even the basic levels of safety and staff are left to muddle through a process that they do not understand and has no checks and balances. They do not even sign you out of a possession! Those in control are not even reported to Compliance and Licensing if there is an error. Indeed they are not safety critical roles for the most part. We warned that the introduction of dumbed down Protection Masters in PWT would lead to a watering down in safety, however, even we did not foresee the levels it would sink to or the speed at which track access has been like amateur night of the keystone cops.

They rushed the process in, they blame badly briefed and untrained staff, when the real culprits at fault for this whole charade sit in the head offices of LUL

Jubilee Lines Possessions

Even next few weeks, Possessions including Section 15 possessions are taking place on the Jubilee Line that uses TBTC signalling systems. The SSDM’s at Neasden are being put down as key contacts despite not even receiving the minimal safety briefings and ‘have no details on anything to do with this or what safety checks we need to undertake before implementing any requests in relation to this’.

This is a recipe for disaster and is, as we reiterate, the tried and tested methods need to be reinstated.

So please vote yes for safety and lets make sure its not only every journey that counts






Section 15: VOTE YES for Safety

Less than 24 hours after talks broke down with LUL regarding Section 15 Possessions, there have been two further incidents underlining the warnings that the RMT gave that the whole process has casualised safe track access to such a point that serious injury or death was becoming inevitable.

LUL’s stance that these possessions could continue and that their ‘robust’ response to previous incidents meant they did not feel the need to suspend Section 15 Possession. This reply is now shown to be a aspirational and this remains purely an example of cost cutting over safety.

We now know, as we warned at the meeting, two issues occurred last night that saw staff on the track with traction current on and in a further incident, staff on the track with a train master unaware they was there.

The reality is Section 15 is building human error into a process and then throwing in untrained staff into a cocktail that leaves safe working to luck and not process.

As a result of the two incidents, LUL have stated ‘… the initial response is for Maintenance work to be separated from possessions where CPD/AP occupy the same space forthwith. This initial response will be reviewed next Wednesday’. However, this does not detract that the whole process should have been suspended on Thursday and then both these instances would not have occurred. Nor does a temporary reprieve (for AP alone) leave time to address the entirety of the madness of Section 15 that we are facing

We stand firm that we want our members to be safe at work. Suspend Section 15 Possessions and enter detailed and safety first talks with our health and safety representatives


Section 15 Leaflet_further incidents


Incident 1

Irregula – 15/01/2016 02:15 – Hounslow West To Hatton Cross

HSE Incident Notification

Incident 51703336 has been reported and requires immediate action.

Please view the details below:

Incident Details

Incident 51703336
Incident Date & Time 15/01/2016 02:15
Incident Summary APJNP – TRACK&CIVILS – Operational Irregula – 15/01/2016 02:15 – Hounslow West To Hatton Cross

Reporter Details

Name of Person Reporting De Jager, Mr. Lourens
Contact Number 07841231015
Contact Email

Incident Accountability

Directorate Asset Performance JNP
Business Unit Track & Civils
Department Piccadilly Line Track
Contractor Involved
Responsible Senior Manager Ian, Mr. Bailey

Incident Details

Location of Incident Hounslow West To Hatton Cross
Line P
Incident Category Operational Irregularity
Weather Conditions N/A

Incident Description

A patrol man who was due to undertake a patrol through a possession booked on with the Lead SPC and was given access but was later challenged by a Train master in the possession as he was not aware of the patrol.

Immediate Action

Partol man reported incident to his line manager and IRF raised.


Incident 2

LU Incident – 51702711 – APJNP – TRANSPLANT – TBA – 15/01/2016 01:25 – Station Building – Paddington Stn

HSE Incident Notification

Incident 51702711 has been reported and requires immediate action.

Please view the details below:

Incident Details

Incident 51702711
Incident Date & Time 15/01/2016 01:25
Incident Summary APJNP – TRANSPLANT – TBA – 15/01/2016 01:25 – Station Building – Paddington Stn

Reporter Details

Name of Person Reporting Kortlang, Mr. Leslie
Contact Number 020 7918 9048
Contact Email

Incident Accountability

Directorate Asset Performance JNP
Business Unit Transplant
Department Transplant rail operations
Contractor Involved
Responsible Senior Manager Pereira, Mr. Andrew

Incident Details

Location of Incident Station Building – Paddington Stn
Line B
Incident Category TBA
Weather Conditions dry

Incident Description

After platform briefing was given by trainmaster of train 630, he informed staff that traction current had been discharged and that it was safe to commence work. The engineer’s train operator went on to the platform 2 track, to uncouple the train, when it was notice by one of the train drivers that current on indication was still showing as live in the driver’s cab.

Immediate Action

Staff cleared from the track , current re-checked with a Crid and current was found to be still on.

This message was sent on behalf of the Metro Maximo Administrator





Emergency talks ended in failure today when LUL refused to suspend the use of section 15 Possessions in the face of serious concerns from the RMT over their safety and a belief that someone may be killed.

LU’s proposed cuts to safe working in possessions, we believe, will result in fatalities. We have already seen a near-miss involving a engineers train, staff left on the track unprotected and over runs where associated traction areas are being left on.

 As a result and after trying to raise concerns with management numerous times; RMT is being forced to ballot members in London Underground and Tube Lines Members who work on the track

The ballot papers are arriving NOW.

VOTE YES for both Strike Action and Action Short of a Strike

RMT’s concerns about Section 15 are many and range from:

  • Lack of and even no training for staff so they know how to implement and work safely in a Section 15 Possession
  • Staff and trains being mixed in together with an inadequate safe system of work
  • Ending tried and tested access through the Track Access Controllers
  • Failure to complete consultation with the RMT prior to implementation to avoid the obvious pit falls of this policy
  • Ending a zero death culture and replacing it with an ill conceived and rapidly implemented process based on saving money

 The RMT will not let management play fast and loose with our members lives to save a few pounds.


Latest Leaflet

Section 15 Dispute

Emergency talks are due to take place today with both LUL and Tube Lines regarding the changes to track access that have been incorporated within the Section 15 of the rule book and association Operational Safety Notice.

The RMT will be pushing that the ‘deregulation’ of track access away from the tried and tested Track Access Controllers is a recipe for disaster and our members will not accept downgrading their safety to save money.

Interestingly, LUL has been arguing that the incident on the Piccadilly Line was not a Section 15 issue but an issue of Possession Access. A very interesting argument indeed as it looks like they are admitting that ALL possessions are dangerous so maybe our action will need to be extended to include ALL possessions!

The reality is that Section 15 has led to chaos within track access. The RMT believe that someone will end up being killed and this is why:

  • Lack of and even no training for staff so they know how to implement and work safely in a Section 15 Possession
  • Staff and trains being mixed in together with an inadequate safe system of work
  • Ending tried and tested access through the Track Access Controllers
  • Failure to complete consultation with the RMT prior to implementation
  • Ending a zero death culture and replacing it with an ill conceived and rapidly implemented process based on saving money

The harsh truth is that almost all roles, all briefings, the planning, the auditing and implementation have all been thrown into the air and we believe enough is enough. We hope LUL and Tube Lines see sense, get back to proper and meaningful talks and make sure that our tried and tested ways of working continue to keep us safe

Section 15 Leaflet



 Our Track members across Tube Lines have delivered a massive majority for strike action and action short of strike.

We are now in the process of seeking urgent talks with the company in the hope that common sense will prevail and an agreement can be reached that matches the aspirations of our members.

The results are below:

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast                37

Number Voting ‘Yes’           34

Number Voting ‘No’            3

Spoilt Papers                     0

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast                37

Number Voting ‘Yes’           37

Number Voting ‘No’            0

Spoilt Papers                     0

RMT Response to LUL Section 15 Possessions

The RMT response to Section 15 Possessions has been straightforward and forthright. We DO NOT intend to let a cost cutting agenda affect our safety at work. LUL and Tubelines have been notified of our concerns and urgent talks are being arranged for Thursday to address our concerns.

What is a Section 15 Possession?

LUL have always used to possessions to do work on the Railway. They are clearly defined and have rules regarding how they are used and access. In an attempt to cut costs, Section 15 of the Rule Book was changed to dumb down possessions instead of booking track access with the TAC. This is compounded by allowing all work to be undertaken with little training and a lack of control. It is clear that possessions are currently potentially unsafe and there is company wide confusion by the introduction of Section 15 Possessions.

So what is it that RMT members are so worried about?

There was a recent incident on the Piccadilly Line and LUL have investigated this and concluded this was NOT a section 15 issue? Below are the LUL bulletin and report.

Why are we NOT happy?

HSE Bulletin 1 in 2016 – attachment

HSE Bulletin 1 in 2016 – Update on possession related incident on Piccadilly line on 10 December 2015 PDF

The truth is simple


In a rush to cut, cut and cut, LUL are risking our lives with a flawed process to replace booking out with the TAC. The risks are to us; to my life and to yours. We are balloting because we are truly worried that someone may well die.

Our union will do anything for its members and our members will not stand by and risk being sent home in a body bag


Below is what our reps felt was wrong with the incident at Hounslow and with Section 15 Possessions in General:

  • There’s an inadequate number of protection staff
  • They’re  run by protection staff who do not know their job or are not aware of possession (section 15) procedures.
  • Evidence that possession staff who do not follow the rule book and regularly carrying out tasks that are not permitted
  • Possession Planners write plans that contradict the rule book
  • Management are not reviewing possessions as the failings highlighted have been occurring for some time.
  • Staff wanting access are not aware of section 15 procedures
  • The is no training, limited briefs and limited access to information.
  • Work sites are not defined as per rule book or possession plans/work guides, staff probably don’t know they’re actually accessing anything other than a routine possession.

Our H&S Rep’s Recommendations 

Training and planning

  • The company’s accept that staff are not adequately trained in Section 15 processes, they therefore should be halted immediately and all possessions should revert to pre-Section 15.
  • LUL should return to the table and start meaningful discussions with all concerned.
  • The TAC’s are tried and tested and need to be retained in its current format
  • All staff to be fully trained in ALL Possession Procedures and are added to all PWT training and not just limited to POM courses.
  • Selected Managers/ Reps from departments involved  (those who will be briefing staff, not as a cascade format) will be invited and required to attend a briefing held by “safety training team” on Section 15 Processes. These briefings are not to be instead of formal training.
  • Stop blanket booking areas as a “section 15” to skirt around the rule book.
  • Keep it as a normal Possession for single large works or book out with the TAC.
  • All briefings on section 15 nightly access in be a face to face format, (not via phone or email publication)
  • Review of all current possessions and planning processes, including TBTC, rule book, specified areas, EVs etc.
  • Service control cannot be responsible for all staff track access. All protection should be carried out via TAC as stated previously.
  • Inadequate risk assessments and case for safety.
  • Those authorising must sign (not electronically) the associated paperwork and not just because signature box ‘A is complete. This makes us concerned on who many purely are relying on others, of those who sign and do not actually read the plans.
  • Possession staff to have certificates confirming what sections they are authorised to protect.
  • Review of how less experienced staff are exposed to new areas.

Section 15, Possessions and work sites

  • No blanket booking areas as a “section 15” to skirt around the rule book.
  • As per rule book, only published works (or emergency works) can take place. Therefore NO opportunistic works. Only published works .
  • All emergency work must be briefed to those planned work groups to avoid conflicts and there must be no opportunistic work
  • SACs should be located within its worksite, not within another work site.
  • Review of PICAD wording and usage to include “do not access site until you have had an Work Site Site Person in Charge (SPC) briefing” and signature box alongside associated work group SPC signature.
  • 22:00 safety briefings at Pelham St are to be monitored and enforced. All protection staff and staff associated to site safety are to attend.
  • All staff associated to works within possessions to be given 24 hrs notice and access to Work Group and plans (Not just email link).
  • POM safety briefing to adopt PWT style safety briefs.
  • All work departments accessing possession to attend. (Time or even day to be discussed)
  • Too often POM staff turn up at 01:30 disregarding safety and staff requesting information.
  • POM to be on site at all times and in a location described in the plan. (Not just an auto number). Clearly defined at possession access point.
  • All site paper work to be official with those monitoring to sign and submit.
  • Possession SAP emergency stickers to be re-introduced or coloured hard hat stickers etc Clearly identifies those who attended briefings.
  • Each worksite to be assigned a protection master who remains at SAC. Point of contact for POM. SPC and SAC liaise directly to PM.
  • Each worksite to be clearly defined, with clear access to Work Guides, possession plans and map of work sites.
  • Post possessions, all paper work to reviewed for safety and ensuring procedures are followed. Results to be distributed to all LUL departments and TUs.
  • 1/4 audits of all possession plans and processes to ensure they are still fit for purpose.

Printable Newsletter




Tube union RMT confirmed today that it making the final preparations for a ballot of Tube Lines staff for both strike action and action short of a strike after a meeting of reps overwhelmingly rejected the latest pay and Night Tube offer which mirrors the rejected proposals from London Underground to its workforce.


Tube Lines is a wholly owned subsidiary of London Underground and was taken in-house in the wake of the tube privatisation fiasco, RMT has nearly 1300 members looking after maintenance and upgrade works on the Piccadilly, Northern and Jubilee Lines.


The details of the pay offer, identical to the LU offer which is already in dispute, are:



Pay – 4 year settlement from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2019


  • A 2% average increase for staff covered by collective bargaining, effective 1st April 2015. This is made up of 1% (equivalent to RPI) pay increase on base pay for 2015, plus a consolidated flat rate increase of £500 to recognise the transformation to a 24 hour passenger service operation – Night Tube
  • An increase of RPI or 1% (whichever is greater), effective from 1st April 2016
  • An increase of RPI or 1% (whichever is greater), effective from 1st April 2017
  • An increase of RPI + 0.25%, effective from 1st April 2018


Night Tube


  • A £500 non-consolidated launch payment to all working on Night Tube. This will be applied to all AP JNP staff covered by collective bargaining.
  • It should be noted that Night Tube Operation will impact on all of our lines and therefore some of our staff will be required to work alternative rosters to enable the business to maintain the infrastructure.



RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“Our Tube Lines members have been offered the same deal on pay and Night Tube as their London Underground colleagues and our reps have clearly rejected it as wholly unsatisfactory and now we move to a ballot of our members for both strike action and action short of a strike. Preparations for that ballot are now underway.

“RMT has made it clear that with growing numbers of tube users, and planned expansions of the service, the staff in all grades who are expected to keep the railway running must be respected and their efforts properly rewarded. The union remains available for talks.”



Latest LUL Circular








23rd December 2015                                                                Circular No IR/321/15


Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/299/15, 4th December 2015) there remains a number of areas of concern over London Underground’s Fit for the Future Stations (FFFS) proposals and the Lead Officer has written to LUL seeking assurances that there will be no imposition of a new framework agreement, that staff will not be forced to sign new contracts and that rosters will not be imposed. At the time of writing we have not yet received a response from LUL.


The General Grades Committee has noted the correspondence on file and as a result, has taken the decision to call on all RMT Station Grades to take part in the industrial action detailed below.


  • NOT TO WORK ANY OVERTIME from 05:30 hours on Sunday 3rd January 2016 until further notice.


Also, members are instructed to refuse to sign any contract or letter regarding working hours or agreements (with the exception of members on Fixed Term Contracts who should sign permanent contracts).


I urge all members to make sure this overtime ban is solidly supported to apply pressure to the Company and to demonstrate loud and clear that there is so much more to resolve on stations specifically. I will of course keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/299/15, 4th December 2015) the negotiating team has held further discussions and negotiations with the Company and these have resulted in some movement from the Company on a number of key issues. These include a commitment to review a number of specific cases; the risk assessment for the use of Managers to cover the CRT has finally been provided and is being reviewed; a review of staffing in the Stores department has been completed and an additional new post has been created.


As a result of the above and the commitments already given by KAD on the use of agency staff and the on-going positive discussions regarding a new attendance procedure and machinery of negotiation, the negotiating team recommended that the first two rounds of strike action called are suspended to recognise that progress has been made but also to make sure that these productive discussions continue until all matters are fully resolved.


This matter was discussed at a DLR Branch meeting on Friday 18th December and having considered the correspondence on file, the General Grades Committee has taken the decision to suspend the strike action due to commence on Monday 11th January and Wednesday 13th January 2016 – ALL MEMBERS SHOULD THEREFORE BOOK ON AS NORMAL ON THESE DATES.


The other strike action dates, now starting from Monday 8th February 2016, still remain in place and I will keep you informed of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/243/15, 13th October 2015) the RMT negotiating team met the Company on Tuesday 22nd December and a revised and improved offer was received which includes a payment to address the pay differentials, certain tasks to be performed by Security staff and a commitment from the Company to continue talks with RMT into 2016 to discuss any other matters of concern.


Make no mistake that this movement from the Company is in response to the resolve, determination and unity shown by members throughout this dispute which has made the Company see sense and take steps towards resolving this issue. As a result, the General Grades Committee has taken the decision to SUSPEND ALL INDUSTRIAL ACTION and all members are therefore instructed to work as normal. The Company has also been informed that all industrial action is suspended.


The offer will be discussed at the next DLR Branch meeting and the GGC has noted that following this meeting it may be possible to resolve this dispute. I will keep you advised of all further developments.


I also wish to take this opportunity to thank all Interserve (KAD) members, our DLR Branch leadership and the Lead Officer for all their hard work and dedication to reach this position.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/276/15, 12th November 2015), members will recall the previous GGC Decision to obtain a report on how negotiations are proceeding and also to update the GGC and membership on what stage we are at with our dispute with Tube Lines. A number of TLL Company Council meetings have since taken place discuss Pay including PRP, Pensions and Night Tube  and the Company again presented the same offer as the one made by LUL, which is as follows:-


Pay – 4 year settlement from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2019


  • A 2% average increase for staff covered by collective bargaining, effective 1st April 2015. This is made up of 1% (equivalent to RPI) pay increase on base pay for 2015, plus a consolidated flat rate increase of £500 to recognise the transformation to a 24 hour passenger service operation – Night Tube
  • An increase of RPI or 1% (whichever is greater), effective from 1st April 2016
  • An increase of RPI or 1% (whichever is greater), effective from 1st April 2017
  • An increase of RPI + 0.25%, effective from 1st April 2018


Night Tube


  • A £500 non-consolidated launch payment to all working on Night Tube. This will be applied to all AP JNP staff covered by collective bargaining.
  • It should be noted that Night Tube Operation will impact on all of our lines and therefore some of our staff will be required to work alternative rosters to enable the business to maintain the infrastructure.


At a mass meeting of Tube Lines Reps held last week at Unity house, this offer was unanimously rejected and the General Grades Committee has taken the decision to ballot our Tube Lines members for strike action and action short of strike action.


I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.




A proposal was recently received from LUL which has been produced following a series of discussions and negotiations at Fleet Functional Council. It covers those members currently employed on fixed term contracts in Train Maintainer (TM) and Advanced Train Maintainer (ATM) grades on the Central Line Heavy Overhaul Programme Lift (HOPL) Project.


The proposals will give the opportunity to transfer 47 fixed term contracts into permanent contracts, all current LU terms and conditions will be applied and the staff will move into the TfL final salary pension scheme.


The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to inform the Company of our acceptance of the proposals. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision.




In line with Union policy, a claim was submitted for a substantial increase in rates of pay and improvements to conditions of service. Following discussions with the Company, the final offer which was received is as follows:-


  • A 2% pay increase, backdated to 1st April 2015.
  • A £50 increase to travel costs.


Having consulted with affected members, the Lead Officer recommended acceptance of the offer and the General Grades Committee has now taken the decision to inform the Company of our acceptance of the offer. I am currently acting in accordance with the above decision and have asked that the increase, along with backdated monies, is paid to members at the earliest opportunity.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary
