Category: Tube Lines

Tube Lines Ballot Result



Tube union RMT confirmed today that a ballot of Tube Lines maintenance and engineering staff over Night Tube, pay and pensions has recorded an overwhelming vote for action.

Over 85% voted for strike action with an even larger majority for action short of a strike.

The dispute is over the companies refusal to discuss outstanding pensions issues until after the launch of the Night Tube operation.  There are also major unresolved issues over Night Tube staffing arrangements and a threat to undermine PRP agreements through Tube Lines refusing to base budgets on the negotiated levels of Performance Related Pay.

The result will now be considered by RMT’s executive.

RMT General Secretary, Mick Cash said:

“RMT members have now shown their anger at the way that Tube Lines have attempted to tie in attacks on pensions with the offer on pay and Night Tube. There are also major unresolved issues over the Tube Lines staffing arrangements for the Night Tube and over Performance Related Pay.

“The ballot result will be considered by RMT’s executive and now that the members have shown their anger it is absolutely essential that there is the earliest possible resumption of serious and meaningful talks on these issues and the union is ready to engage in those talks.

Health & Safety Issues: Trackside House

The situation at Trackside House: Stratford Market Depot Messroom has long been undesirable. It is over crowded and not good enough to cope with the large numbers of staff based there.

Following a recent inspection and the fact that even more staff are due to be has now made this issue intolerable and serious management action by facilities needs to take place.

Therefore the below advise is issued to our members with a reminder that staff have the right to refuse to work if they feel that they are in serious and imminent danger.


Dear Union Members

We have agreed not to condemn the locker room today and to resolve the outstanding issues with management over the next few days on the basis that all the “new” extra white lockers and benches restricting the emergency walk way are removed prior to any member being asked to use the room (ie before tonight’s shift)
This was agreed, and if it has not/ does not take place, we recommend staff do not access the room on the grounds of H&S

Following a routine inspection of the male locker room facilities a number of issues which have been identified and raised many times over a long period of time either remain or have become even more hazardous , We believe these are a substantial risk to our members health and safety.

This has almost lead to local Union H&S reps condemning the use of the male locker room on health and safety grounds.

Some of the substantial issues are listed below:

1: Benches/seating situated along the fire exit walk way restricting the width of the walk way and potentially obstructing staffs exit in an emergency

2: Benches/Seating could also possibly cause collision injuries if staff had to move quickly through the area in an emergency due to extreme reduction in space

3: Emergency exit signage isn’t visible from all areas of the locker room

4: Benches had been removed from the seating area running down the centre of the locker room and replaced with lockers, restricting the full use expected for comfortable changing in and out of work PPE

5: Width between lockers reduced to 800mm in some places making it impossible for staff to be able to change in and out of PPE safely and unobstructed and without contaminating the clean clothes of nearby colleagues

6: Width between lockers restricted when locker doors are open on both sides to between 000mm and 300mm reducing path ways to inaccessible and presenting a serious collision hazard

7: Access to windows for ventilation restricted or obstructed

These are just a few simple examples of the issues which have been brought to us by numerous members.

It is worth remembering that this is not a “legacy” building but a room originally created just a few years ago for Signal works and Track staff at that time, and as such should maintain high standards of welfare rather than the constant degradation of conditions that has taken place in those few short years.

There was also an incident raised (IRF) regarding the possible contamination of the male locker area, which is now being checked out by the hazardous materials unit (HMU)

We have also been working closely with management over the day and into the evening resolving some of the issues now and agreeing to talk further with a view to resolving all the issues asap.

We would also like to ask at this point if staff and members could please keep PPE in lockers or the drying room after each shift to help maintain good house keeping and free up space for people on shift to use accordingly.

If tools could be locked away in the appropriate areas and lockers.

Materials return to their rightful places and storage areas.



Working in a possession – May 2016

The Secretary



Dear Colleague


Further to Head Office Circular NP/077/16, 1st March 2016, this matter has again been considered by the National Executive Committee. Discussions with the company have been continuing to our representatives satisfaction. The National Executive Committee carried the following resolution:

We note the report on file from the Lead Officer which sates that good progress has been made in the safe system of work in a possession. We further note that agreement of this document will be used to create a training programme so we therefore instruct the General Secretary to inform LU that we accept the document on safe access and working in possessions.

 However more work needs to be done on how possessions themselves are created so we therefore remain in dispute until this matter is resolved.

 Relevant Branch and LTRC to be informed.

I shall keep you informed of progress with this case. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


Working in a possession 3 – May 2016 Final Draft





Tube union RMT confirmed today that a ballot for action involving nearly 1500 Tube Lines maintenance and engineering staff over Night Tube pay and pensions will open today – Tuesday 3rd May – and close on Tuesday 24th May 2016.

The dispute is over the companies refusal to discuss outstanding pensions issues until after the eventual launch of the Night Tube operation.  There are also major unresolved issues over Night Tube staffing arrangements and a threat to undermine PRP agreements through Tube Lines refusing to base budgets on the negotiated levels of Performance Related Pay.

The key issues at the heart of the dispute in detail are:

Pay & Night Tube

There are some important differences between the London Underground offer and the Tube Lines offer which are unacceptable to RMT.

Firstly, the wording in the LUL offer refers to an “all-night passenger service operation on a Friday and Saturday night”, whereas the Tube Lines offer refers to “a 24-hour passenger service operation”. RMT Reps have sought clarification on this point and management admitted that acceptance would mean agreeing to the principle of 24-hour running any night – this could mean running more than 2 nights at Bank Holidays or Special Events.

Secondly, LUL has recruited more staff where additional resources are needed, for example additional Night Tube CSAs and new ‘part time’ Train Operators. The position from Tube Lines is that all staff have to work on Night Tube and all rosters will be changed to reflect this: “Full implementation of the Sunday to Thursday rosters to support Night Tube Operations”. The response from RMT is that Tube Lines members should also be given the same opportunities as BCV and LUL workers and allowed to opt out and if necessary move to SSL Lines.


Tube Lines came under the umbrella of TfL in 2011 and RMT representatives have been demanding that former Tube Lines employees are given the same pension and travel rights as other LUL employees. In respect of the latter this has been concluded but due to managements’ stance the pensions issue is yet to be resolved.

After lengthy discussions on cost efficiencies to pay for pensions for all Tube Lines members an agreement and time scale was agreed between RMT, Tube Lines, LUL & TFL in 2015. However management demanded a no strike clause be added to the agreement.

Although the union has been in discussions with TFL/LUL/TLL, talks were halted when LUL started pay negotiations and since then the company have refused to talk to the RMT about the pensions issue. Tube Lines management are now demanding that the pay offer is accepted and Night Tube is launched and running successfully before they will reopen discussions on pensions.

Without agreement on these other issues RMT members are being refused pension parity with their LUL colleagues.

RMT General Secretary, Mick Cash said:

“RMT members are furious at the cynical way that Tube Lines have attempted to tie in attacks on pensions with the offer on Pay and Night Tube and our reps for this group of over a thousand safety-critical staff have unanimously thrown the whole package out. As a result, the ballot for both strike action and action short of a strike opens today.

“There are also major unresolved issues over the Tube Lines staffing arrangements for the Night Tube.

“It is absolutely essential now that there is the earliest possible resumption of serious and meaningful talks on these issues and the union is ready to engage in those talks.

“In the meantime, the ballot continues .”










Working in Possessions: Code of Practice

Following discussions on safety on the track with regards to the Section 15 dispute, it was recognised that there was issues on how safe management of staff working in a Possession was undertaken. To this end our health and safety reps on LUL and Tube Lines have been working with management to produce the following final draft ‘Working in Possessions: Code of Practice’.


Working in a possession 3 – May 2016 Final Draft


This document is now being reviewed by the RMT National Executive and if they accept it, this will then be used to produce the detailed training that staff will need to be safe at work.

The RMT will then start to negotiate on how Possessions are created and maintained (Section 15 of the Rule Book) and our dispute still remains live with plenty of work to do before we can be fully satisfied that our members are safe when working on the Track.

Tube Lines Pay & Pension Ballot: Notice Given

I can advise that the notice of ballot has been sent to Tube Lines today.

The ballot papers will be posted to members on Tuesday 3rd May and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 24th May 2016.

If any member does not receive their ballot paper, please ask them to call the Freephone Helpline number on 0800 376 3706 or e-mail so a replacement can be sent to them.


TfL Pension: 'Transfer In' Issue Won (existing members only)

Following pressure and a concerted campaign by the RMT through the Pension Consultative Committee Members, Trustees and Unity House, LUL have been forced to allow existing TfL Pension Scheme members to transfer benefits from other funds into their TfL Pension.

This means that former Metronet and Tube Lines (among others)  who are already in the TfL Pension scheme now have the option to take their existing pots from other pension schemes and transfer that money into the TfL Scheme. This should only be done following independent financial advise.

The TfL Pension initially prevented this from happening six years ago, however, following our campaign, they recognised that they could no longer maintain this position without a rule change of the Pension Fund, something that would have been severely opposed.

Now the struggle continues to get all staff in LUL (ex-Metronet etc) and those in AP JNP entry into the TfL Pension. AP JNP (Tube Lines) staff are in the process of being balloted over this issue

Tube Lines Pay/ Night Tube and Pensions

Following LUL Tube Lines continually stating that they would offer the same pay and night tube deal to Tube Lines staff as LUL employees, the RMT was shocked to find that compulsory roster changes and refusal to peg PRP to the general pay increase were among a raft of differences in the offer that finally came from TLL.

The RMT notified the company that they would not be accepting inferior terms and conditions and that they wanted full settlement of Pay, Night Tube and Pensions as our members had waited long enough. Our members deserve the same conditions as LUL.

The RMT ballot matrix is now completed and Tube Lines will be served in the very near future with notice of our intention to ballot.


Pay Night Tube offer RMT 05 02 16


Latest Tube Lines Leaflet Tube Lines Mar16v3

Tube Lines Safety Forum Minutes March 2016

Minutes of the AP JNP Health & Safety Forum

On Thursday 17th March 2016 at 10:00 to 13:00

In Auditorium 1, Ground Floor, Westferry Circus


  Attendees representing Management:

Angela Back, Head of HSE Operations (Chair)

Paul Cooper, JNP HSE Senior Manager

Paul Rankin, Head of Operations

Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk, Meeting Secretary


Attendees representing the Trade Unions:

Peter Bickers, RMT

Russ Clark, RMT

Pat Gaskin, RMT

Michael Jones, ASLEF

Paul Lisi, RMT

Anthony Mack, RMT

Danni Rogers, RMT

Phil Saunders, ASLEF

Bill Teale, RMT

Stephen Wakefield, ASLEF

Martin White, RMT


Paul Arnott, RMT

John Edmonds, HR Business Partner

Mark Langridge, RMT





1.0 Items raised by the H&S Representatives


1.1 Diesel fumes and dust whilst tamping in cut and cover tunnels


  SSL staff now refusing to work with tampers. Anthony Mack gave an overview:


·         This issue had been previously raised at Tier 1 and Tier 2 meetings in TransPlant one year ago.

·         Staff are not assured by the level of protection in the cab

·         Staff are exposed to diesel fumes, emissions and dust.

·         You cannot communicate when wearing full face mask.

·         A trial was promised but has not been carried out.

·         Personal monitoring of the tamper crew was promised has not been carried out.

·         Certificates for exhaust emissions have not been requested but not produced.


  Paul Rankin advised he fully supported getting the above resolved. A meeting is to be arranged with Paul Rankin, Andy Pereira, Tony Jessop and Paul Cooper to take this forward.

Action: Paul Rankin


1.2 No fire evacuations taking place at Stratford and other locations at night when most staff are in attendance


  Bill Teale said that Mark Langridge had originally raised this issue but was off sick.

·         Raised at Tier 1 and 2.

·         A test was scheduled at SMD but cancelled at the last moment.

·         This has been ongoing for 2 years.

·         There are lots of contractors that are not familiar with SMD


  Paul Cooper advised TfL Facilities were now responsible for fire evacuations. Paul Rankin is to follow up.

Action: Paul Rankin

1.3 Request that the PPE Committee is reinstated


  Bill Teale advised that it was reinstated but abandoned after one meeting. It should be a regular meeting.


  Paul Cooper and Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk to arrange the PPE Committee meetings.

Action: Paul Cooper/Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk

1.4 Appropriate arrangements should be made for reps to attend H&S Exhibitions


  Martin White advised that reps had not been notified of when H&S exhibitions were on, been released to attend or had any involvement in them.


  Paul Rankin said this needs to be discussed and coordinated at management level and he is happy for the reps to be involved.
1.5 Up date regarding the Euston number 4 escalator diamond issue


  It was noted this issue is already on the open action tracker and was originally raised by Paul Arnott who was not at the meeting.


  Escalator left in passenger service with a passenger emergency stop covered up after contractor cut into a cable. There was a meeting on 16 October with Robin, Andy Derbyshire and Paul Cooper.

A follow up meeting is to be arranged with Robin, Paul Rankin, Paul Cooper and Paul Arnott.

Action: Paul Rankin/Paul Cooper

1.6 Engineers train paths – Unrealistic train travel times


  Michael Jones advised:

·         Trains were coming back late

·         They shouldn’t be getting back after 6.15 – should be cancelled

·         Was advised it would take 3 months to sort out the train paths on the district line


  Paul Rankin is to speak to Andy Pereira and Charles Carter to get a better understanding of the above issues and provide feedback at the next H&S forum.

Action: Paul Rankin

1.7 Communications on outcomes of IRF’s


  Bill Teale advised the H&S reps never get the outcome of an IRF or any feedback. Managers should be notifying a rep of the outcome if it an issue the reps were involved in.


  Paul Rankin said that IRF’s could be reviewed at local monthly H&S meetings and fully supports these meetings taking place.


Paul Cooper is to check the IRF list to ensure all the H&S reps are on there.

Action: Paul Cooper

1.8 Clarification on Station and Site access – passes and permits
  Bill Teale said there still seems to be a great deal of confusion as to what is necessary to access a Station or work site. Pat Gaskin was not able to access a site with his PTAC.


  Paul Cooper is to get a definitive statement on what is required to access stations and sites.

Action: Paul Cooper

  Transplant H&S Reps are not provided with details, results of fact finding or reports of the safety incidents listed below:
1.9 Incident 1: SPAD involving Schoma locos 3+9 pulling tamper 774
1.10 Incident 2: Two separate incidents of handbrake failure of JLE wagons
1.11 Incident 3: Current not discharged in a specified area, member of train crew lucky not to get electrocuted.
1.12 Incident 4: Train returning to Ruislip depot from a weekend site uncoupled en-route.
1.13 Incident 5: Track Recording Vehicle (TRV) on the Northern line.
  Peter Bickers advised that the TransPlant reps had not been notified officially of the above incidents but had been told by other drivers. They had requested further information, updates and reports from management but this had not been provided despite chasing several times. H&S reps are entitled to be part of the investigations.


  A regular ‘H&S review’ meeting is to be arranged on a monthly basis with the H&S reps, Paul Rankin, Andy Pereira and TransPlant management to review all of the incidents. Paul R will also have a separate discussion with TransPlant management.

Action: Paul Rankin

2.0 Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising


2.1 The minutes of the 17th December 2015 were agreed as a true record.
2.2 Refer to the action tracker for the latest status of actions.
3.0 Health & Safety Quarterly Overview


3.1 Paul Cooper gave an overview of performance during Periods 09 – 12 2015/16 (15th November 2015 – 5th March 2016).


High Potential Incidents and Noteworthy Incidents are currently included in the report but will be included from the next report.


The section titled Assets: System Safety Precursors will be presented in a different format going forward.


Paul is to get the H&S reps registered for inspection training.

Action: Pau Cooper




4.0 Safety Bulletins & Alerts


4.1 Paul Cooper gave an overview of some recent Safety Bulletins.
  It was noted that the AP JNP H&S reps had not been receiving the recent HSE Bulletins that had been issued.


Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk is to speak to ask Joanne Parker if the HSE Alerts and Bulletins distribution lists can be updated.

Action: Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk

5.0 A.O.B


5.1 Anniversary of  staff member killed in service


  Danni Rogers said there had been no communication regarding the 40th anniversary of Julia Stevens who was killed in service and the company should do more to mark the anniversaries of staff that have died in service.

Action: Angela Back

5.4 The next H&S forum will be held on Thursday 23rd June at 10:00 in Auditorium 1, WFC.


Save Lilliebridge Depot

The following resolution will be discussed at the next LUEngineering Branch Meeting: Save Lilliebridge

Ballot of All RMT Members in Lillie Bridge Depot

 Lillie Bridge Depot Closure and Breach of LU Company Council Agreement

 Talks at LU Company Council aimed at averting a dispute were successful and ended in an agreement that the Beaumont Ave end of the depot would be opened up to allow works traffic in and out during the Lillie Rd development, and that LU/TfL would consult the RMT in good time as and when the TfL/Capco development plans progressed to affect the depot again.

Beginning this year notice has been given to our departments TDU, MIS TMD, MM, District Line Trains and Fleet, Plant Services at Lillie Bridge Depot that we are required to vacate the depot by 2019.

The time scales are very tight:

The Feasibility Study for the move to Acton Depot has to be done by May 2016 (1 month) the concept approval for what happens to all of us based in the depot is due to be completed in June 2016 (2 months)

We have had little only one consultation meeting despite raising the urgency of the situation at both the last LU Track & Signal Functional Council and LU Company Council, and no real progress has been made.

At this consultation meeting on 8th March 2016; it was agreed to hold a further consultation meeting before Easter 2016.

This has not happened and my reminders to LU in the intervening period were first ignored and then the consultation meeting refused despite my advice this would lead to a “failure to agree”.

RMT reps and members and this branch will not be satisfied until we have:

  1. An agreement signed off at the highest LU/TfL level setting out an acceptable location for us all to move to.
  2. An agreement signed off at the highest LU/TfL level that all the finances needed to fund the move plus any building etc at the new location is agreed to be made available


Because LU are breaching the previous LU Company Council agreement to consult adequately in good time; and due to the extremely tight timescales we are now in dispute.

RMT LU Engineering Branch requires a ballot for both strike action and action short of a strike of all affected RMT members in members in TDU, MIS TMD, MM, District Line Trains and Fleet, Plant Services (TLL).

The livelihood and continued work of all affected RMT members is under a most severe threat due to London Mayor Boris Johnsons wish to wrap up the Capco/TfL luxury housing development deal for the super rich between Earls Crt, West Kensington and West Brompton ahead of the Mayoral election  at the expense of local tenants, residents and the jobs of our RMT members affected by the accompanying demolition of Lillie Bridge Depot.

The RMT has spent years successfully defending our members at Lillie Bridge Depot which is one of if not the most solid RMT depot on London Underground.

We will resist this blatant attack with all forms of action necessary!

LUL Tendering Tube Lines Work

The RMT have caught LUL red-handed as they try to hive off work currently done internally by Tube Lines staff to outside companies. At a time when the RMT are pushing for an end to privatisation and race to the bottom, we was shocked to find out that whilst our members have been working hard and are extremely successful and productive, that LUL are trying to hive off some elements of escalator maintenance to the lowest bidder. This slap in the face to internal staff will not go unchallenged and we are demanding talks at the highest level to put an end to this madness. Even insiders on Tube Lines have told us that they was unaware of this tendering process which if true would show the present arrangement to be a complete farce.

It is time to fully integrate Tube Lines back into the LUL umbrella and end the waste of tax payers money by subsidising external companies profits and enriching their shareholders





Further to my previous Circular (IR/029/16, 5th February 2016) the meeting with Tube Lines Reps, the Senior Assistant General Secretary, National Executive Committee and Lead Officer took place at Unity House on Tuesday 23rd February to discuss Pay, Night Tube and Pensions.

Pay & Night Tube

Following a recent referendum of LUL members, the offer from London Underground in respect of Pay & Night Tube was accepted and the Company has been informed accordingly however, the offer from Tube Lines AP JNP in respect of Night Tube has been REJECTED. Although the offer from each Company is very similar, there are some important differences in the Tube Lines offer which are unacceptable to RMT.

Firstly, the wording in the LUL offer refers to an “all-night passenger service operation on a Friday and Saturday night”, whereas the Tube Lines offer refers to “a 24-hour passenger service operation”. We sought clarification on this point and management admitted that acceptance would mean agreeing to the principle of 24-hour running any night – this could mean running more than 2 nights at Bank Holidays or Special Events.

Secondly, LUL has recruited more staff where additional resources are needed (e.g. additional Night Tube CSAs and new ‘part time’ Train Operators). The position from Tube Lines is that all staff have to work on Night Tube and all rosters will be changed to reflect this: “Full implementation of the Sunday to Thursday rosters to support Night Tube Operations”. The response from RMT is that Tube Lines members should also be given the same opportunities as BCV and LUL workers and allowed to opt out and if necessary move to SSL Lines.


As you will recall, since Tube Lines came under the umbrella of TfL in 2011 our representatives have been demanding that former Tube Lines employees are given the same pension and travel rights as other LUL employees. In respect of the latter this has been concluded but due to managements’ stance, pensions are yet to be resolved.

After lengthy discussions on cost efficiencies to pay for pensions for all Tube Lines members an agreement and time scale was agreed between the RMT, Tube Lines, LUL & TFL in 2015. However management demanded that a no strike clause be added to the agreement.

Although we were in discussions with TFL/LUL/TLL, talks were halted when LUL started pay negotiations and since then they have refused to talk to the RMT about your pensions. Tube Lines management are now demanding that the pay offer is accepted and Night Tube is launched and running successfully before they will reopen discussions on pensions.

The National Executive Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to declare a new dispute situation and ballot all Tube Lines members over Pensions, Pay & Night Tube. Previous recent ballots no longer apply and due to previous challenges from the Company over the validity of our notice of ballot in respect of members’ job details it is necessary for us to carry out further checks. I would therefore ask all Branches to ensure that we have the correct membership details for all Tube Lines members. 

I will keep you advised of all further developments.



Further to my previous Circular (IR/299/15, 4th December 2015), the ballot concluded with members’ voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast                37

Number Voting ‘Yes’           34

Number Voting ‘No’            3

Spoilt Papers                     0

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast                37

Number Voting ‘Yes’           37

Number Voting ‘No’            0

Spoilt Papers                     0

This matter was discussed at a meeting with all Tube Lines Reps on Tuesday 23rd February and having considered the correspondence on file, the National Executive Committee has taken the decision that we remain in dispute with Tube Lines over this issue but, in line with the recommendation of the Lead Officer and Reps, we take no further action at this time in view of the other dispute with Tube Lines.
