Category: Tube Lines

Update on the Section 15 Dispute

 Update on the Section 15 Dispute

Section 15 possessions are now a thing of the past. This is because over last year or so, local RMT H&S reps have successfully negotiated with LU management to completely withdraw Section 15  and replaced it with a Possession Code of Practice to work in all possessions on London Underground.

Final discussions on a new way of taking possessions in Engineering Hours are in the final steps of allowing LU to introduce this new, safer possession.

The RMT have also been involved in the rewriting of Possession Rule Books 14 & 15 and once agreed, the new rule books will be introduced sometime in the New Year.

Let’s be clear of what has happened of the past year, in regards to the section 15 dispute, LU management have been forced to listen and work with the RMT on this serious matter. This was not for political gain, not for financial gain, but for the safety and welfare of not only the RMT members but the safety of all people that work on the track.

Your strength and perseverance and our determination to make a safe working environment, we believe, will significantly address the issues that caused this dispute and we truly believe that someone would have been killed if we had not taken action. The fight for your safety continues and we must not drop our guard.

Unity is Strength







This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the following decision:-

“We note the report from our Lead Officer that after over 4 years of negotiation and industrial action that our members working for Tube Lines have won their demands on pensions. They have also been offered the same deal as LUL Staff on Pay and Night Tube working.

 This represents a significant victory for our members and we congratulate our Lead Officer and negotiation team and the resolve of our members for winning this excellent agreement.

 Our Reps meeting on the 4th November unanimously supported this offer and we instruct the General Secretary to inform the Company that we accept the offer.

 We instruct the General Secretary to place an article in RMT News outlining this historic agreement.

 Relevant Branches and LTRC to be informed”.

I am currently acting in accordance with this decision.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary




Tube Lines Pay, Night Tube and Pensions

Following over four years of complex and detailed talks between the RMT and LUL, we have finally reached a conclusion.

The below Agreement was placed before all our Tube Lines and Senior LUL Engineering Reps today and was unanimously accepted. This will now be put in front of the RMT executive next Tuesday to ratify.

In summary:


ALL existing members of the Tube Lines Pension or who are eligible to be members, (including those that transferred to LUL and TfL) and future staff will be able to enter the TfL Final Salary Pension Scheme from the 29th January. This is the earliest possible date given the large amount of administration associated with this change and the need to ensure people have enough time to consider their pension options. This will only viable through self funding initiatives which are driven by changes in technology. Implementation of any efficiency project will be negotiated through the Machinery of Negotiation as and when they occur.


A four year pay deal will be accepted. This will amount to:

  • 1st April 2015: 1% plus £500 consolidated into the basic salary
  • 1st April 2016: RPI (1.3%)
  • 1st April 2017: RPI
  • 1st April 2018: RPI plus 0.25% (RPI figures based on the February Inflation Rates)

It should be noted that some PRP staff have already received these payrises. However, for those that have not, this is likely to be paid in the December pay packet along with all associated back pay.

Night Tube

A £500 one off payment to all operational staff for the launch of Night Tube.

Agreement to work together to finalise rosters that need to be altered due to the full implementation of Night Tube. In reality this means staff in Signals, Civils, Power and Electrical that currently work Monday to Friday on Night shifts moving to Sunday to Thursday. This is likely to be the first or second week in January. There are also some talks on Fleet that have already started (Arnos Grove Call Point) that will continue in the present manner. Those particular talks also involve grading issues and any concerned members should contact their local reps for details

Where this causes genuine hardship then this will be considered locally to address this matter. Please contact your local reps or email if this affects you.

Joint Initiatives

Work Life Balance: Looking at ways that working patterns can be altered in a safe and mutually agreed way to give more choice to staff and a better work life balance.

Personal Career Development: Looking at ways to pursue career opportunities across the TfL and making reciprocal agreements with companies such as Lorol.

Agreement on each of the issues above was dependent on us agreeing the whole package.

The RMT has stood firm throughout this dispute and we believe this is a tremendous step forward for our members pay and conditions and will end a two tier Pension workforce.

Once our National Executive have ratified the deal, we will put up more information as to it implementation and the full agreement

October RMT Circular



Further to my previous Circular (IR/287/16, 5th October 2016), LUL has been advised that a dispute situation exists between us over job numbers, imposed displacements, inadequate training and the failure of the ticket office closure programme.


I can now advise that the ballot papers will be posted to all RMT Station & Revenue members on Tuesday 1st November and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 15th November 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/133/16, 5th May 2016), the following resolution has recently been received from Finsbury Park Branch, as well as a similar resolution from Piccadilly & District West Branch:-


“This Branch notes that the current drivers’ dispute on the Piccadilly Line remains unresolved and despite a series of meetings at ACAS and limited progress, line management remain belligerent in engaging with the Union on a number of issues.


In particular this Branch notes the following:


  • The victimisation of Bro Fitzpatrick by the malicious use of LUL’s H and B policy against him and a total failure to protect his safety in the workplace against genuine and well founded threats to his safety made by the same individual who made malicious allegations against him which has now been completely revealed by Employment Tribunal disclosure documents


  • Failure to properly administer LUL’s SPAD policy with continued threats to our members’ role as drivers


  • Failure to respond to our concerns regarding the quality of training with them refusing machinery meetings to discuss our concerns and reneging on previous commitments given in talks


  • Failure to respond to our concerns regarding stock issues and not working with our safety reps in any meaningful way to address our concerns


  • The assertion from the Director of Employee Relations stating that staff other than the driver have the final say on the serviceability and safety of a train


  • Failure to address facility and familiarisation issues at Cockfosters Depot


  • Continued breaches of a number of LUL policies to the detriment of our members particularly by not exclusive to the attendance at work policy


This Branch therefore calls on the General Secretary to declare a breakdown of industrial relations on the line for these group of workers and ballot our members for strike action and action short of strike action. Furthermore, we call on the GS to contact our sister branch, Piccadilly and District West to establish their view on coordinating this ballot with any other issues they wish to resolve.”


Additionally, the following resolution has been received from Finsbury Park Branch:-


“Finsbury Park Branch has been made aware of a letter threatening our representative at the West End of the Piccadilly Line. The letter further goes to say that drivers not be allowed to decide if a train remains in service or not. It is the responsibility of the person on site to decide as a matter of safety and wish this position to be pursued with LUL.”


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to declare a dispute situation over the points raised in the resolutions and to conduct a ballot of all Train Operator and Instructor Operator members on the Piccadilly Line. The ballot papers will be posted to affected members on Tuesday 1st November and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 15th November 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/274/16, 27th September 2016), LUL has been advised that a dispute situation exists between us over the long running suspension of Nigel Banks, as this action is unduly harsh and unwarranted. I can now advise that the ballot papers will be posted to all RMT members at Ealing Common Rolling Stock Depot on Tuesday 1st November and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 15th November 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




The following resolution was recently received from our Piccadilly and District West Branch:-


“This Branch condemns the District Line management for failing to negotiate properly regarding the special timetable over the Christmas period.


We ask the General Secretary to declare a dispute with LUL over this matter and prepare a matrix for balloting members for strike action and action short of a strike”.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to declare a dispute with LUL over the issues raised, to prepare a ballot matrix of our Train Operator and Instructor Operator members on the District Line and to organise a meeting of our District Line Reps on Monday 31st October 2016. I am currently acting in accordance with the above decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.




Following discussions regarding the above, the Company has proposed that the arrangements for New Year’s Eve, where that coincides with Night Tube Operation will be as follows:-


  • Part-time Night Tube Train Operators will be rostered to work as normal
  • Any applications for annual leave on New Year’s Eve from part-time Night Tube Operators will be favourably considered
  • Any additional shifts created by the implementation of a New Year’s Eve service, or by annual leave applications from Night Tube Operators, will be open to volunteers as normal
  • All Train Operators, whether part-time or full-time, and whether rostered or volunteer, who work on New Year’s Eve will be entitled to the enhanced Special Event payment.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to list this item for discussion at a Reps meeting on Monday 31st October 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




The following resolution was recently received from Central Line West Branch:-


“This Branch notes the appalling sacking of Brother Dean Storey, Train Operator at West Ruislip.


At his CDI there were many mitigations against his dismissal ignored or wrongly discounted and the circumstances of the incident were never properly considered. We strongly believe that the sanction, dismissal, was far in excess of anything which could be considered reasonable.


This Branch states that to have dismissed Brother Storey is a disgraceful travesty of justice.


This Branch calls for, initially, a ballot of all drivers at White City and West Ruislip for industrial action and action short, spreading that out to the whole line and the whole combine if needed.”


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to prepare a ballot matrix of our Train Operator and Instructor Operator members at White City and West Ruislip and to organise a meeting of our Central Line Reps on Monday 31st October 2016. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/263/16, 9th September 2016), the National Executive Committee called further industrial action on a number of dates between Wednesday 19th October until Sunday 20th November. However, prior to this action taking place, talks at ACAS resulted in a draft proposed ETO Re-Grading Initiative. The NEC then took the decision to suspend the strike action and overtime ban to allow for the working party to examine this proposal further and seek to reach agreement over the finer details.


This work is due to be completed by Thursday 27th October and I will keep you advised of all further developments.




As members will be aware, the Union does not accept TfL’s Pay for Performance policy and continues to demand decent pay offers and full pensionable pay for all TfL employees. Following a request from the Lead Officer, the National Executive Committee took the decision to seek legal advice on the legality of pay for performance arrangements under the Equality Act and other statutory arrangements.


As a result of the above and having discussed the above with TfL Reps, it has been agreed that TWO members will run grievances, up to and including seeking legal redress.


In summary, the advice stated that a member may have a potential claim for indirect discrimination and additionally for a disabled member, for discrimination arising from disability and the failure to make reasonable adjustments. However, it is impossible to predict the merits of individual potential claims on a generic basis and each member’s circumstances would need to be assessed on a case by case basis. Furthermore, the Tribunal may accept the Pay for Performance policy was a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim or that a request for reasonable adjustments is not reasonable in the circumstances.

Engineering Train Operator Dispute

Proposed ETO Regrading Initiative – Prepared for ASLEF and RMT

Following productive discussions at ACAS on the 17th October, the below clarifications was agreed and the Engineering Train Operator proposed strikes suspended to allow further talks. Once those talks are completed on the 27th October, then we will meet with LUL again to discuss progress and then report back to our members.

The below link is to show the draft agreement and the clarifications that were discussed at Acas. This is not a final or accepted agreement but work in progress




The below clarifications relate to the terms of the agreement above

  1. Rosters

Assists will be added to the rosters as appropriate once their training is complete. Assists will be eligible for the New Grade (and associated salary) once their training is complete and they are appointed.

Draft rosters will be developed and discussed with the trade unions at a workshop by 27th October 2016.

  1. Assists

We will develop  training plans and discuss these with the Trade Unions.  These plans will ensure all Assists will be fully trained within 12 months. Progress against these training plans to be monitored by all parties.

  1. TRV

Existing TRV Drivers will be included in the ETO regrading initiative. They will be assigned TRV work as a priority. However should TRV work not be available they will be allocated work in accordance with their skills and competence. We will continue to follow our existing agreements with regard to shift working arrangements

  1. Managers

We will carry out a review of individual managers’ salaries by the 27th October 2016 to identify any pay compression issues as a result of this initiative.

  1. Utilisation of paid hours

From time to time it is recognised that substantial paid hours are not utilised. We would allocate work in accordance with employees  skills sets and current competence.  A workshop to be held by 27th October 2016 to identify work which meets these criteria.

  1. Suspension of industrial action

 In recognition of the productive discussions today, ASLEF and RMT to agree to suspend strike action and action short of strike due to commence this week.  This will allow all parties to focus on the actions detailed in this email.

Jean Cockerill –  HR Director, LU Operations

Tube Lines Pay, Night Tube and Pensions Dispute

As you know, talks with LUL and Tube Lines have been ongoing for several years regarding the issue of Pay, Night Tube and Pensions.

All these three issues have become intertwined and we have been trying to settle each dispute and come to a complete agreement for all three issues.

The dynamics are clear as it seems likely that Night Tube will be fully running on the Piccadilly Line soon meaning that an agreement with the RMT is now essential for its full implementation. This in reality would mean a move from Monday to Friday Rosters to Sunday to Thursday in all Tube Lines affected areas. We recognise that some areas have already changed roster (such as track) and we believe that the driver behind this was indeed night tube even if this is denied. We have been clear that any settlement for Night Tube would need to see all staff having the right to be entered into the TfL Pension Scheme should they choose. We also believe that there are people that simply cannot change their shift patterns and we are seeking guarantees that these people are not adversely affected and we are looking at alternatives such as flexible working and potential transfers to LUL equivalent vacancies on LUL terms and conditions.

We believe that the self funding element of providing pensions is met not only by any potential efficiencies from issues such as new technology but also from the savings achieved from the ending of the Amey Management Contract and the money that that will release. Therefore, we do not see any impediment to agreement that will allow as early as possible entry into the TfL Fund.

The expectation is that LUL could then implement the four year pay deal salary increases that have long been agreed and staff can be given their back pay that they have waited far too long to have. This, we believe, could be completed before the Christmas Pay Packet or very early next year should full agreement be reached.

To that end, your union, is pushing LUL and its Tube Lines Management to finally and fully reach settlement with us and we have requested release of all Tube Lines Representatives to come to Unity House to fully discuss this matter on the 4th November. If we do not reach a solution and agreement then we will be deciding what Industrial Action will be needed to conclude this matter.

For further details or clarifications please email

Tube Lines: Where's our Pay & Pension?

Tube Lines: Pay, Pensions and Night Tube

All three issues have now become intrinsically linked together. LUL/ Tube Lines want to state that the Pay cannot be settled without agreement to Night Tube. The RMT are saying that there will be no agreement to Night Tube unless the Company agree to entry into the TfL Pension Scheme for all. Throw into this complex web that LUL have now imposed Night Tube running on the Jubilee Line and are about to start on the Northern then matters are coming to a head.

So I think it is important to recap on where we are with each item.


Pay discussions stalled on the issue of the Company Offer differing from that given to LUL staff. All through the talks Tube Lines had stated it would be the same as LUL only for us to receive a final offer that was fundamentally different. Whilst the money was the same, there was none of the guarantees of no change of rosters, work life balance etc. Indeed it stated that staff would have to move to Sunday to Thursday and this had major impacts on our members. In LUL Engineering staff could stay Monday to Friday even on Night Tube Lines.

For clarity, we see no reason why implementation of the Pay rise cannot take place NOW. 






This offer was therefore unacceptable and the Night Tube Sections needed to be altered to meet the aspirations of our membership

Night Tube

LUL have now implemented night tube on the Jubilee Line and are about to start it on the Northern. However, Tube Lines have agreed that no further implementation of Sunday to Thursday working will occur at this time. Your union have made it clear that if this position changes with regards to this then we will have no choice but to ask our executive to name strike action.

Also, some staff went Sunday to Thursday a while ago such as Track Staff and the company alleged that this was not linked to night tube. This obviously, is not the case and we are making sure that any agreement incorporates all staff and that these changes are very much part of our talks. We are also pushing that any staff wishing to be on a Monday to Friday roster should be able to transfer to LUL lines in equivalent grades. This would be on LUL terms and conditions and where vacancies exist.


Discussions have taken place at a Joint Working Party in both Tube Lines and LUL and we are reporting back on any progress at Acas next week (probably Monday 17th October). LUL have again stated that they believe that the implementation date of April 2017 will be achieved and the issue is funding. We believe that there is money there now that Amey are losing the contract and demand an end to the two Tier workforce now.

There is never any money, unless of course, it is to pay for redundancy for higher level Managers to leave LUL before a Cap comes in on Redundancy Pay. There was plenty of money for that

What next?

The Tube Lines reps agreed to pull all these issues together and they either get resolved by October or we are back into dispute. Once next weeks talks at Acas are concluded then the reps will be call back and a full report and discussion will occur. Any offers or update will be sent out to our members first and you will need to let your reps know your views at that stage. Hopefully we can report progress and success. if not then our members will need to let us know what action they wish to take to take our demands forward.

In short, it’s time to give us our money and give us a TfL Pension and that time is NOW



Engineering Train Operator Dispute

Over the last month there has been intensive talks with Tube Lines to achieve 6.3% Pay Parity with their Tamper Driver colleagues.

During these talks both the RMT and our sister union Aslef have consistently worked hard to reach agreement with management, only to find that on each occasion management have moved the goal posts just when agreement has looked close. Despite reaching consensus on the core areas to fund the pay increase of the role of Assistant Drivers, where they are used and agreeing a process to negotiate rosters, management have scuppered the deal by adding unacceptable conditions under the guise of a new draft roster.

We were surprised to find that management had included full multi-skilling of the Engineering Train Operator Grade to take over the core work currently done by shunters within their draft roster proposal. This was to facilitate the wholesale destruction of the shunter role. Coupled with  previous attempts to vary the core agreement to make it an Aladdin’s Cave of Senior Management’s every dream come true such as disbanding the Track Recording Vehicle Team,  we feel that there is no other option but to refer this matter back to Acas and also request that the NEC calls the following action:

Strike Action:

Members not to book on for shifts  as below starting after:

05:59- 21:59 on Wednesday 19th, Thursday 20th and Friday 21st October

21:59-05:59 Friday 4th November

17:59- 05:59 Saturday 5th November

05;59 Friday 18th Nov- 05:59 Sunday 20th Nov.

An overtime ban on the following dates

22:00 – 05:58  Weds 19th and Thurs 20th Oct

22:00 Friday 21st October until 21:58 Friday 4th November

06:00 – 17:58 Saturday 5th November

06:00 Sunday 6th November to 05:58 Friday    18th November

Indefinite overtime ban from 06:00 Sunday 20th November

We also note that some members that we have asked to be included in pay rise and the company have rejected that proposal. We therefore ask for these staff (Assists and Operational Managers with an ETO License) are balloted for strike and action short of strike


Tube Lines Pensions Update

John Leach (LT Regional Organiser), John Reid (LT NEC Member), Senior LUL and Tube Lines Reps met today to discuss progress in the campaign to achieve Pensions for all staff.

It was noted that there was difficult talks in all areas however the talks in Tube Lines areas have progressed and we have visibility in nearly all areas regarding their proposed efficiencies to fund the pensions.

However, the talks in LUL have been less successful with Management tabling cuts to Main Terms and Conditions such as Pay, Annual Leave entitlement and increases to Hours worked. All of these are unacceptable and all are rejected. Similarly, it would appear that LUL are hoping to impose their previous proposals for efficiencies savings to fund pensions into the general austerity cut agenda. This would similarly be unacceptable and rejected.

In order to drive these talks in the right direction and maintain our deadline for progress of 5th October, we are now asking for Acas to be reconvened so that we can have a straight talking discussion on this matter. The fact is that there are plenty of efficiencies to be had from Amey losing their contract and our members want equality and an end to a two tier workforce

The reps will again reconvene after the 5th October and we hope to either announce progress or what action we may be forced to take regarding this cause

June 2016 Tube Lines Company Council Minutes

Notes of Company Council Meeting No 57

Held on Wednesday 1st June, 2016, at Westferry Circus.



John Edmonds, Chairman

Andy Derbyshire, Head of AP JNP

Terry Deller, ER LUL TfL

Brian Whitehead, RMT Full Time Officer.

Bill Teale, RMT

Russ Clark RMT

Paul O’Brien, RMT

Michael Hogg, RMT

Jason Cullen, RMT

Kelly Berry, RMT

Stephen Wakefield ASLEF

Peter Bickers ASLEF

Tony Wheeler, FTO TSSA

Gene Walton, TSSA


  1. Apologies for absence Wayne Geoghegan Rebecca Shah, Mel Taylor, Mark Langridge, Phil Rigby-Faux, Terry Wilkinson and Mark Alden.


  1. Minutes of previous meeting number 56,  held 9th March, 2016 approved, two minor spelling errors corrected.


  1. Review of action list:


  • RMT believe that there are still individuals being issued with TFL contracts of employment without consultation, agreement or discussion. JE asked RMT Reps to provide examples and the matter can be investigated.

3.2 RMT asked for the Ill Health Process to be re-circulated.

3.3 Paul O’Brien advised that plans to move Rail Lubricators were being finalised and so far going well.



  • The PMA Role Overview (Nicola O’Callaghan)

Nicola O’Callaghan (NOC) asked the staff reps what their issues are with the PMA role/model within AP JNP. She advised that once she has an understanding of the concerns she can set about dealing with the issues.

JE commented that at the last meeting Rebecca Shah had told the meeting that PMA role was just to advise line managers on policy and process.

BW observed that the PMAs do not do what they should be doing at the appeal stage of any issue because the person is usually the same person as advised the line manager at the original hearing and are therefore not impartial. They interrupt appeals and ask questions of the individual and are therefore clearly not advising on process or policy. He went on that there has been a good system in Tube Lines and that the TfL way of operating is not correct or in keeping with local practice. He asked that the former system be re-introduced.

NOC disagreed with this view. She said that the PMA is not present at these hearings to keep quiet and did need to ask questions when necessary in order to get clarity. She agreed that the PMA was not in attendance to cross examine individual but the manager needed to hear any case properly.

Michael Hogg (MH) pointed out that interaction should only be with the chair of the hearing.

NOC responded that it should require a common sense approach.

Tony Wheeler (TW) pointed out that if the current practice is not stopped it could be potentially embarrassing for TfL. He pointed out that the company needed to comply with statutory requirements and failure to observe these requirements as LUL has found to its cost, results in losing ET cases.

BW stated that TfL has caused the problem by trying to change the process without agreement.

NOC observed that the problem is one of lack of independence as matters are escalated.

Bill Teale (BT) said that TfL is changing an agreement that had been made with Tube Lines and they do not have the right to make that change.

TW asked if is the case that TfL is imposing its process on Tube Lines as a matter of principle.

Russ Clark pointed out that at a meeting a while ago Rebecca Shah advised the TU representatives that TfL were going to change some wording in the Tube Lines agreements and that the revisions would be sent to the Unions. He said that this had not been done and there has been a breakdown in communications. He concluded that the documents have not been agreed yet.

BW asked what was going to be done about the situation.

Andy Derbyshire (AD) said he would need to take advice.


TW asked that use of these revised procedures be suspended until agreement is reached.

BW said that a meeting was needed to discuss the changes.

Ad said he would take away and speak to Colin Game and get back with a response.


  1. Trade Union Issues

5.1 Pay and Night Tube and 5.2 Pensions.

BW stated that an agreement on pensions was reached including the reduction of 371 posts due to the introduction of new technology that would ‘pay’ for pensions. He said that agreement had also been reached on the timescales through to 2019, 2020 and 2021. He said that there was then a problem with the actual wording of the agreement and TfL wanted a no strike clause in the agreement. He went on to say that an alternative form of words was drafted which said that we would not strike as long as the agreement was adhered to. He went on that since then there has been no feedback and now no one will talk to us about the issue.

He went on that the company then wanted to talk about Pay and Night Tube but nothing on Pensions. He said that the RMT had been accused of linking pay and night tube with pensions but the discussion on pensions has been on-going since 2012, well before pay and night tube. He concluded that the RMT position now is that they will only talk about pay and night tube when the pension issue is resolved.

He went on to say that he been present in 2012 when Mike Brown, at one of his pre-Olympic road shows, said that all would be ok on pensions. So now he has either changed his mind or had his mind changed for him.

He said that he understands that Steve Griffiths is supposed to be reviewing things but there has been no outcome as yet although LUL has now reversed an earlier decision and re-opened the fund for transfers-in. He closed by observing that although this is a Tube Lines meeting, there is no representative from TfL to be able to provide answers. He said that the recent ballot had an 85% yes vote for action and the RMT wanted action because they are fed up with talking and the buck should stop with Mike Brown.

Terry Deller (TD) responded by clarifying that it had been made very clear throughout the pension discussions that it was always going to need an extra layer of approval.


BW acknowledged that he had told them that.


TD went on to say that although the two parties had come close to reaching agreement, the significant changes to senior management personnel had impacted on the discussions. He observed that had Phil Hufton remained the matter may well be in a different place but he is no longer in post. He also pointed out that there is a new commissioner, a new CE, a new MD and a new Mayor and things had made things substantially more difficult. In the current economic climate £15m is a massive amount of money at a time when TfL need to save £2.8B.

He said that he understood the frustration but prevailing circumstances are very different now.

He then said that he understood that ACAS have now been in contact and a suggestion has been made that the two sides meet week commencing 6th June, 2016.

BW said that TD had only stated the obvious. He referred back to the plan presented by Tim Keogh with a summary of the savings that would be made if the posts went.

He felt that the matter should have been referred to a higher level much sooner but all that has happened is that the TU reps have been kept in the dark.

He said that he understood that Phil Hufton had been the driving force but he said that there must have been some trust placed on the negotiating team to obtain the best possible deal.

He concluded by saying that in his eyes and those of his members, there is always something that is considered more important than pensions and the figures used were the company’s figures and  no one else’s. He said that pay and night tube would be a formality if pensions are given.


AD commented that the travel concessions have been granted as a goodwill gesture and now there is an opportunity to discuss further with ACAS next week.


BW Said he wasn’t optimistic. He said that John Woods from ACAS had been in touch with the RMT and claimed that Jean Cockerill didn’t even know that agreement had been reached on the 371 job losses.

AD asked if the TU reps were willing to talk about pay and night tube.


BW said there was no chance.


5.3 Tampers Agreement

BW said that under the Tamper Agreement, staff were paid the full rate of pay as soon as they were passed out as drivers and now this agreement is not being adhered to. There are two people now not being paid in accordance with this agreement.


AD said that if the agreement has been made it should be honoured and if someone wants to change it, they should negotiate the changes. He said that he would look into the matter.


5.4 CSS Bonus Scheme

RC asked when the CSS bonus payment is due to be paid.


TD said that he would find out and the information would be conveyed to the representatives.


5.5 recruitment Freeze

RC said that he understood that there is now a freeze on all recruitment.


AD confirmed that headcount is being reviewed across TfL because the new mayor has been very challenging over non-permanent labour across the whole of TfL.

He went on to say that if a role is safety critical or business critical there is a process to follow. He said that the process is still being refined and all on-going recruitment needs to be justified just as it always has been in Tube Lines.


BW asked if roles were being covered by contractors instead.


AD advised that bringing in contractors was really difficult now but would be required to meet the fluctuations in workload. But he said that where there are gaps on the roster that create difficulty to deliver workload they would be filled.


BW asked if promotions are being blocked.


AD confirmed that they are not.


5.6 Fit Notes

Steve Wakefield asked if a member of staff produced a fit note stating they are fit to do alternative duties, and where there are no alternative duties, whether the individual is considered to be off sick.


JE said that he was not sick but could be asked to report for duty on a daily basis to establish if there is alternative duties that he can do.


SW asked that the local manager be advised.


5.7 Bank Holiday Working

Steve Wakefield asked if there could be consideration being given to changing the current rules about bank holiday working.


AD stated that this had been a part of the ASLEF pay claim and that he is willing to talk about everything in relation to how staff are deployed as long as it does not introduce higher cost to the business.




Planned Meetings for 2016


September 7th 2016

December 1st 2016



Distribution list:

Andy Derbyshire, John Edmonds, Terry Deller ,Rebecca Shah, Brian Whitehead, Bill Teale, Russ Clark, Paul O’Brien, Phil Rigby-Faux, Mark Langridge, Kelly Berry, Terry Wilkinson, Stephen Wakefield , Gene Walton, Wayne Geoghegan, Hugh Roberts, Martin Coppen, Ian Bailey, Paul Rankin, Simon Pateman, Tony Wheeler






Tube Lines Pensions Dispute/ TUPE

The RMT have requested a Tube Lines Mass Reps meeting at Unity House on Friday 23rd September 2016 start 10:00 to report back to reps from the last ACAS meeting. We have set a six week deadline for progress on securing ‘Pensions for All’  and currently Joint Working Parties are being set up to review the costings and proposals.

At the same time, the RMT is massively concerned that the word TUPE is not being used with regards to staff following Amey not having their contract renewed. This has been raised with LUL who have confirmed that whilst they do not rule this out, it is currently NOT part of their plans.

This will be fully discussed at the meeting.

