Category: Tube Lines

Transplant Redundancies


Jean Cockerill

Human Resources Director

London Underground Ltd


7th Floor, 197 Blackfriars Road




16th November 2018


Dear Jean




I was some what surprised to come in possession of papers relating to meetings held on 6th and 11th Novembers  which purport to be minutes of meetings held on these dates of consultation with trade unions. As these minutes show, no trade union representatives or officials were present and the management side where simply talking amongst themselves.


That you should pretend that consultation has taken place by going ahead with a meeting when you were advised by all constituent unions in advance that we could not attend is simply unacceptable.


I would make it clear that consultation has not started and it is wrong to pretend that it has.


I believe in order to assist the process, then a special meeting of the Tube Lines Company Council should be convened to do so to address this matter, failing this, I am mindful that there is a statutory one scheduled in early December.


Whatever the case, I again make it clear that consultation has not started and you cannot claim that it has.


Yours sincerely



John Leach


Transformation Mass Meeting Confirmed

Transformation Mass Meeting


As part of the transformation consultation, the RMT have organised a Mass Meeting to feedback to our members involved in this reorganisation and decide our next course of action.


The meeting will take place at 14:00 – 16:00, Tuesday 8th May in the Mahatma Ghandi Hall, Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AQ.

(The nearest station are Great Portland St or Warren St Tubes)


The agenda for the meeting is:

  1. Feedback and Reports from the Negotiating Reps on TfL, LUL and JNP
  2. Questions from the floor, and then a response from your reps.
  3. A decision on what actions to take next.


The reality is that talks have been very hard and there has been a lot of misinformation and errors circulated. However, this is your chance to come and have your say and guide your union on how to take this matter forward or how we will oppose these changes.

The RMT London Transport National Executive (NEC) Member, Andy Littlechild will be in attendance to receive your feedback and report back directly to Unity House.

The meeting is open to ALL RMT MEMBERS and those staff that are affected and want to join our union to oppose cuts in any way our members and NEC direct us.


Transformation Mass Meeting Poster






On Friday 20th April the TUs met with management for a Consultation meeting.


I am aware of the email sent out to staff at 11.32, which was just under 30 minutes before we met them. We had no knowledge of the email’s contents. As you are aware the TUs had been asking for weeks for staff to be taken out of scope so we were pleased that common sense prevailed finally and the management have agreed to remove the immediate threat of redundancy.


However, based on the second email sent out and also on the Consultation meeting we attended, I have grave concerns over the way the management will put in place the “targeted development plan”. They will be on a restricted timeframe, which has not been specified, but the management did state they did not see this being as long as 6 months. They will not be using the Performance Improvement Policy to do this either. If staff are not successful during this period then they could be terminated on capability grounds. This is not something that has been done before during a reorganisation under the RSRP. There has been no detail on how this will work, what support will be given and how staff will be assessed to see whether they meet the competencies following this ‘plan’.


The TUs have been advised that staff will be given the option of undergoing the development plan or taking VS, but people won’t be able to go through development, and then ask for VS if they don’t meet the standards.


There has been no mention of whether SAE will be looked at as part of this plan, or whether staff will have to ask about this instead of the plan.


There are a significant number of things which will need to be in place to make this acceptable to the RMT, one of which will be that no member of staff who wants to stay, will leave until every option has been looked at.


I have a list of questions which I will be raising at Consultation and am more than happy for any feedback to be sent to me so I can add questions if necessary.


Maria Taylor or


Other Reps


07944 835 952



Jamie Parry

Tubelines/ LUL alignment

Tubelines/ LUL alignment


Since tube lines were transferred to come fully under the LUL Banner, there has been many rumours circulating around how much different grades get paid and who gets paid more or who gets paid less. Most of these have been very wide of the mark and were incorrect.


However, it is true to say that people’s terms have changed over the years and in some cases they are now considerably different.


Spot Rate Grades 


Grades that have spot rates are generally similar with some Tube Lines staff tending to be paid about 1% extra However, where some LUL staff are paid more, the differential can be as high as 20%.


Q Grades 


In terms of Q Grades, there is a large differential between LUL and Tube Lines as it appears that Tube Lines did not raise the bottom of the band over a significant period.



Pay comparison (click here)



There are also differences between other terms and conditions such as PM and SPC Payments, Paternity and Maternity payments etc



Benefits comparison (click here)



The RMT are well aware that these issues need to be resolved and these will form a huge piece of work to align these terms and conditions into one format. We will be pushing for an alignment upwards and I am sure that LUL will have a different view.


However the key point is that we are all aware that many of these issues are solvable and will need to be addressed. It should also be stressed that there are no proposals trying to push pay and conditions downwards at this time either.


The RMT therefore intend to place this firmly on the agenda and make sure that that LUL are fully aware that we intend to push, as always, for the best deal possible and that we are looking to end certain disparities such as Electricians (Senior Tech) Pay.



RMT Newsletter 7th December 2017

Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/540/17, 28th November 2017), the ballot has concluded and the result was as follows:-


Are you prepared to take strike action?


Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:        52

Number of votes cast in the ballot:                                               46 (88.5%)

Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question:                  41 (89.1%)

Number of individuals answering “No” to the question:                   5

Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned:       0


Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?


Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:        52

Number of votes cast in the ballot:                                               46 (88.5%)

Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question:                  42 (91.3%)

Number of individuals answering “No” to the question:                   4

Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned:       0


Following this superb result, the National Executive Committee took the decision to instruct all Train Maintainer (Train Maintenance), Technical Manager, Storeman, Storeman Team Leader, Materials Manager and Maintenance Performance Manager members to take industrial action as detailed below:


With effect from 00:01 hours on Wednesday 20th December 2017, until further notice, members are instructed:-


  • Not to work any overtime or rest days
  • Not to carry out roles beyond their substantive positions and locations
  • Not to deviate from current valid approved work and safety instruction documents
  • Not to deviate from current valid approved risk assessments
  • Not to deviate from latest issue of Tube Lines supplement to the rule book
  • Not to work onsite unless a first aider is on duty
  • Not to perform coaching and/or buddy duties
  • To take rest breaks within legal/agreed parameters
  • Not to use personal mobile devices for work related use


Further talks with the Company are due to take place and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/540/17, 28th November 2017), the ballot has concluded and the result was as follows:-


Are you prepared to take strike action?


Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:        32

Number of votes cast in the ballot:                                               32 (100%)

Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question:                  29 (90.6%)

Number of individuals answering “No” to the question:                   3

Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned:       0


Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?


Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:        32

Number of votes cast in the ballot:                                               32 (100%)

Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question:                  29 (90.6%)

Number of individuals answering “No” to the question:                   3

Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned:       0


Following this superb result, the National Executive Committee took the decision to instruct all Advanced Train Maintainer, Duty Maintenance Manager and Team Leader (Train Maintenance) members to take industrial action as detailed below:


With effect from 00:01 hours on Wednesday 20th December 2017, until further notice, members are instructed:-


  • Not to work any overtime or rest days
  • Not to carry out roles beyond their substantive positions and locations
  • Not to deviate from current valid approved work and safety instruction documents
  • Not to deviate from current valid approved risk assessments
  • Not to deviate from latest issue of Tube Lines supplement to the rule book
  • Not to work onsite unless a first aider is on duty
  • Not to perform coaching and/or buddy duties
  • To take rest breaks within legal/agreed parameters
  • Not to use personal mobile devices for work related use


I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/540/17, 28th November 2017), all affected members should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above.


Please ensure that members complete their ballot paper and return it to reach the Scrutineer by the closing date of Tuesday 12th December 2017. If any member has not received it, please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT Switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail; to request a replacement.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/540/17, 28th November 2017), all Work Train Controller members should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above.


Please ensure that members complete their ballot paper and return it to reach the Scrutineer by the closing date of Tuesday 12th December 2017. If any member has not received it, please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT Switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail; to request a replacement.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/540/17, 28th November 2017), all ISS (KAD Contrat) members should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above.


Please ensure that members complete their ballot paper and return it to reach the Scrutineer by the closing date of Thursday 14th December 2017. If any member has not received it, please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT Switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail; to request a replacement.





In line with Union policy, a pay claim for an increase in pay and improved terms and conditions was submitted to the Company. The Regional Organiser met with the Company and the following no-strings offer was received:-


  • An average increase to salaries of 2.64% from November 2017, including bonuses for shifts worked over that period.


  • Two months back pay.


The National Executive Committee has considered a report from the Regional Organiser and noted a consultation of affected members by the RMT Rep resulted in an opinion to accept the offer.  In line with the NEC decision, the Company has been advised of our acceptance of the offer and I have asked that the increase, along with backdated monies, is paid to members at the earliest opportunity.

ETO Agreement: Managers

Part of the agreement for Pay Parity with Engineering Train Operators was an agreed review of Operational Managers Pay to ensure that the differential was maintained between them and the grades that they controlled.


Detailed discussion took place with Tube Lines Management regarding this matter and centred around what managers were in scope and who were not.


Both Aslef and the RMT disagreed with the management view and both unions believed that Site Managers also formed part of the disadvantaged group.


However, further talks are due to take place with Management tomorrow in the hope that an agreement can be reached.



Letter to RMT – Duty Manager Salary Uplift 22.11.17-1



ETO Agreement 2017 Parity


RMT demand talks regarding Train Prep



It has been brought to my attention that LUL Fleet management in both BCV/LUL and JNP are attempting to discuss the important issue of changes in frequencies of Train Preparation. There is talk of moving to a 96 hours preparation and this proposal is of grave concern to my Union with regard to the safe running of the railway.


As this appears to be a company-wide issue effecting other grades than Fleet Staff such as Train Operators, I believe that an ad hoc Safety Directors’ meeting should be called with extended invitees to include the Trains and Fleet H&S Council representatives from both BCV/SSR and JNP, together with the full-time Trade Union Officers and that this should meet as soon as possible.


In the interim, I must insist that all other engagements and discussions should cease until the required meeting takes place.

Your urgent confirmation is asked for.

Transformation & Redeployment

The RMT are holding an urgent meeting tomorrow to discuss Transformation among their reps.


Part of these discussions will be the below proposal from Management that could be perceived as a variation to existing agreements that affect all members of staff.


The RMT are happy to work through changes with Management but they need be in no doubt that we won’t stand by and see them steamroller our conditions


Maximising job opportunities for employees in scope for Transformation

At our last Transformation Oversight Group (TOG) meeting with the union Full Time Officers, feedback was provided on the redeployment support provided by TfL. Specifically, the trade unions were not confident that adequate arrangements were in
place to ensure that TfL was maximising the opportunities for staff in scope of organisational change to find alternative employment across TfL and in other work streams.
I share your concerns about the potential to lose knowledge, skills and experience. I also agree that we should ensure “at risk” and “displaced” staff are provided with optimum opportunities to secure a suitable job within TfL without compromising any
of the principles or commitments contained within either the RSRP or OCP processes.

To this end we will be introducing a more proactive and prescriptive approach to filling all vacancies across TfL during Transformation which seeks to redeploy existing skills, knowledge and experience as follows:

• An employee in a selection pool where there are more people than roles will be able to apply for vacancies across the business as a priority candidate at the earliest opportunity in consultation. This activity will run in parallel with either RSRP or OCP as appropriate.
• This is entirely voluntary – an employee has a choice whether to apply for a vacancy elsewhere in TfL or not.

• Those employees already formally displaced (whether for medical reasons or as a result of a previous organisational change) will always be considered first for any vacancies that exist, including roles currently temporarily filled by non-permanent labour (NPL). This new category of priority candidate will be considered before any other internal candidates.
• If the role is a direct 1:1 skills match (e.g. an existing PA applies for another PA role) the priority candidate will be appointed on a permanent basis. There will be no trial period.
• If the role is not a direct skills match or more than one priority candidate applies, an assessment and selection process will be followed. If the minimum benchmark is met, a priority candidate must be appointed (no trial period).
• If the priority candidate chooses to accept the role they will come out of their pool at that point. They will not take part in assessment and selection.
• The relevant terms and conditions for the role will be offered. The successful priority candidate’s salary will be honoured provided it is within the pay band. If the current salary is above the salary maximum for the band, protection of earnings will be applied for 3 years in line with OCP / RSRP as appropriate. Their salary will always be capped at the band maximum.
• If an individual is unsuccessful in securing an alternative role prior to the assessment stage they will be required to participate in the relevant assessment process for their pool.
To maximise job opportunities available for those identified above, we will implement the following:
 Targeted recruitment freeze – we will immediately limit recruitment to priority candidates only in disciplines where we can readily identify potential redeployment opportunities – e.g. Band 1 and Band 2 administration, Project Management and Engineering roles. A jobsite will be created, only accessible to priority candidates, where all applicable vacancies will be posted. We will also seek to make work streams aware of new vacancies arising on an ongoing basis during consultation.
 Business critical roles will only be temporarily filled with NPL.
 For all other recruitment (excluding high volume and operational) we will ensure priority candidates are considered before any other applicant.

With regard to redeployment support for those who become displaced we will be even more proactive in identifying potential opportunities for our people as follows:-
 All business areas will be required to undertake ongoing reviews of their NPL and identify all long term / permanent non specialist NPL roles for potential swap out with anyone remaining at risk of redundancy post selection and assessment.
 All secondments over 3 months to be processed through the Redeployment Team, as potential opportunities.
 We will rigorously enforce that anyone referred to Redeployment, must be interviewed for posts where their skills, knowledge and experience are deemed to match by Recruitment. Managers must accept people into roles identified as suitable alternative employment.
HR Business Partners are being briefed on this and will be able to answer any questions your representatives may have in the course of the ongoing work stream consultation.

Special Company Council, Tube Lines TUPE

Special Company Council, Tube Lines TUPE Consultation,

Thursday 26TH October 2017,


Commencing at 10.00 ER Meeting Room, 7th Floor, Palestra



Martin Coppen, Head of AP JNP

David Swygart, ER TfL

Jackie May, HR TLL

John Leach, RMT

Russ Clark, RMT

Bill Teale, RMT

Paul O’Brien, RMT

Kelly Berry, RMT

Kyle Dempsey, RMT

Mark Langridge, RMT

Gary Clements, RMT

Terry Wilkinson, FTO, ASLEF

Stephen Wakefield ASLEF

Hugh Roberts, FTO UNITE

Dave Morgan, UNITE

Patricia O’Donoghue, UNITE

Bernie Horsley, UNITE

Maggie Hayes, TSSA Observer

Gene Walton TSSA

Madelene Bellingham, HR TFL


Apologies for absence:

Brian Whitehead RMT

Ben Stevenson, Organiser TSSA



Commenced: 10:02am


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Minutes from previous meeting.
  3. Issues Log

Issue log worked through and responses clarified and closed unless marked otherwise.


Ref No.10 Can early sight be provided


Consultation on the proposal is likely to begin on 7 November 2017.


  • Staff briefings for will begin on Tuesday 7 November
  • There is a large number of people who could potentially be in scope – operational roles are not in scope
  • Areas carrying out reviews:


LU Establishment Planning

LU Renewals and Enhancements

LU Senior Manager Admin

LU Skills Development

LU Network Operations Admin

LU Asset Operations


  • Other Areas listed


TFL Major Projects Directorate

TFL Engineering



  • Trade union representatives covered by the relevant forums for consultation will be invited to these briefings.


RMT wanted it made clear that they intend to resist this change and that the same is being said at the equivalent LU meeting.


Ref No. 45 Have any contracts been issued between 16 and 29 October


Zero contracts issued.


Ref No. 46 PPE Manager role


The role has been withdrawn as it is one position that is impacted by transformation.  Going forward the post may not exist.


RMT we don’t except this we think management should have continued with due process.


DS advised that a closed consultation letter will have the revised headcount at the time of transfer.


Ref No. 47 Will first aider payments apply retrospectively to the value of TLL


LU have advised the LU payment is £200.  RMT wanted to know whether those coming up for payment in November would be receiving the TLL rate at £250?  Confirmation given that it will be at the LU rate of £200.


RMT advised they intend to come back on this item as they were not happy.


RMT wanted to know about TRACS award for being safe?  Response given that anything due by 29/10/17 will be paid, at present we have only been made aware of Track and Vents.


  1. Additional questions/Feedback:

RMT wanted to know for clarity, the TLES vacancies gets advertised and they are offered a job would they get LU T’s and C’s what SPC rate would they be paid?  The advice is if they were transferred then the TLL rate would apply.  If they apply for a position then they would receive a LU contract and the LU SPC rate.

UNITE asked with LU contracts would the come under the LU attendance at work policy?  JM advised yes and as their service is continuous.

RMT wanted to know what was the limitation of transfer e.g. ATM’s HDP in Engineering?  MC advised if they transfer then they retain the TLL T’s and C’s.  If they were to apply for the position then they would be issued with an LU contract with LU T’s and C’s.  TFL MPD are going through their own transformation.

JM advised recruitment campaigns going forward will be managed by TFL recruitment consultants.  We have a meeting in the diary for next week to discuss Transplant.

DS advised if the roles in TLL don’t exist in LU then they will be paid at the TLL salary with LU T’s and C’s.

RMT wanted to know what was happening with Transplant?  MC advised they would eventually transfer to Renewals and Enhancement, currently led by Lincoln Ofakansi

RMT wanted to know if Transplant would still be part of the TLL machinery?  MC advised yes.

  1. Communications to date

– Everyone is due to receive a welcome letter over the coming days.

– There is a meeting in the diary for next Tuesday to close out any issues that may come up post transfer.

– A conference call is due to take place next Thursday.


RMT requested time off for their local representatives to allow for them to feedback.  This was agreed.


Unions advised to expect a letter in the coming days confirming transfer to take place on 29 Oct.


  1. Next meeting

10am Tuesday 31st October 2017, (ER Meeting Room) 7th Floor Waterloo Meeting Room, 7G4, Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, Southwark London SE1 8NJ.

End: 10:30am




TUBE UNION RMT today demanded that London Underground halt and reverse maintenance cuts and key asset sales after if emerged that reductions in vegetation management and the flogging off of a key piece of kit were major factors in the “wheel flats” fleet crisis that has dogged services on the Piccadilly Line for a number of years. RMT is warning that the next round of cuts being lined up to the TFL budget could unleash similar travel chaos but on an even wider scale.

A London Travel Watch Report into leaves on the line and the subsequent impact on braking systems shows that cuts have been a major factor in the Piccadilly Line fleet issues:

“The change in the vegetation maintenance regime from 2014 onwards is the obvious reason for this. However, it is surprising that unlike other ‘open air’ sections of London Underground railway (and Network Rail) that there was no Rail Adhesion Track activity on this route, given the volume of passengers using it and its strategic importance to London.


It also reveals that the flogging off of a key piece of kit to a private train operator has also had a significant impact:


“The consultants’ report also does not mention the sale of one of London Underground’s wheel lathes in 2015 to Abellio Greater Anglia to help them deal with a similar problem on their rural diesel multiple units. This effectively impaired London Underground’s ability to repair any damage being done to its own fleet and therefore more of their trains were unavailable for use.”


Strong and co-ordinated campaigning by RMT depot and driver members has forced London Underground to begin addressing the Piccadilly Line issues but the union is warning that the aging fleet, combined with future cuts that the union knows are in the pipeline, could tip the service back into crisis at any time.


Open air sections of London Underground need to be kept clear and clean, especially of leaves during the Autumn. Otherwise moisture and organic material make the tracks slippery, triggering automatic braking mechanisms on some older rolling stock such as on the Piccadilly Line trains. Excessive braking causes the wheels to lose their shape and become flattened. Those wheels then need to be lathed back into shape impacting on fleet availability, capacity and passengers’ journeys.


RMT is appalled that at the same time as this problem was being raised by the union London Underground was selling off a wheel lathe to the private company Abellio Greater Anglia which needed the kit to address exactly the same wheel flats problem, compounding the crisis on the tube.


Mick Cash, General Secretary of the RMT transport union, said:


“RMT has been warning for years that short term, politically-motivated budget cuts have long term implications for reliability and safety.  The Travel Watch examination of the Piccadilly Line crisis proves that we were right. What tube bosses were doing selling off key bits of kit to private rail companies like Arthur Daley in some back-street lock up at the very height of this crisis is beyond me.


“With billions of pounds worth of more cuts barrelling their way down the system, Londoners can expect more cancelled and delayed services if we don’t stand together in a united campaign to roll back the Government-sponsored assault on tube budgets.


“I want to pay tribute to RMT members across the Piccadilly Line who have stood strong against the cuts and who have been threatened and intimidated in the past for making that stand. That culture of trying to shut down the whistle blowers has no part on a modern and safe railway. RMT’s campaign against the tube cuts goes on.”

RMT Circular 26th October 2017

Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/431/17, 28th September 2017), it is now confirmed that on Sunday 29th October all AP JNP staff, approximately 1900 employees, will transfer into London Underground under TUPE. On this day, AP JNP members will be on their previous rates of pay, contract and terms and conditions and all AP JNP policies, procedures and agreements will continue to apply.


However, soon after the transfer has taken place, LUL will review and seek to reorganise its maintenance activities under the wider Transformation programme and these discussions are expected to commence in early November. As you would expect, this will involve in-depth discussions and negotiations with the Lead Officer and Reps from every affected function in attendance. The process is likely to take some time but be assured that RMT will of course remain vigilant and be fully involved throughout.


Any future proposals will of course be subject to full consultation with all affected members and any movement by the Company to threaten any member’s job security or our hard fought for agreements will be resisted by this Union by all means at our disposal up to and including industrial action if necessary.


At this early stage there are few details but as all members will now be back in-house under one public sector company we will be in a strong collective position going forward. Also RMT was always opposed to the private-public-partnership which led to Tube Lines in the first place and this transition finally brings that chapter to an end.




The following resolution was recently received from our LU Fleet Branch:-


“LU Fleet Branch calls upon the NEC to seek a formal dispute resolution to the following failure to agree at Tube Lines Company Council:-


  1. Pay parity for maintenance and stores staff with their fellow Transplant colleagues
  2. Train Preparation Payment


The members feel that they play a vital and pivotal role in the success and safe operation of the department and would like to seek an agreement that awards them parity with the rest of the unit.


We request that the NEC prepare a ballot for strike action and action short of a strike to resolve this dispute”.


The National Executive Committee welcomed the resolution and agrees that pay parity is justified for maintenance and stores staff. In line with the NEC decision, the Company has been informed that a dispute situation exists between us over this issue and I am currently making preparations to conduct a ballot for industrial action amongst affected members.
