Category: Tube Lines

Tube Lines Referendum Result

Tube Lines Track staff on the Northern, Piccadilly and Euston have voted overwhelmingly to reject the Sunday to Thursday changes and loss of rostered rest days by 39 votes to 7

The Union will now prepare a ballot matrix to move to a ballot for Industrial Action and we call on Tube Lines to respect the views of our members and get back round the negotiating table



Tube Lines Passes, Pensions and TUPE

Dear ALL,


We met with LUL/ Tubelines today ref APD job losses & TLL Passes+Pensions. LUL have demanded a no strike deal which is a massive u turn by them on the previous accepted agreement discussed at the reps meeting


This is rejected


We have now demanded NR Point to Point travel for TLL & withdrawal of no strike wording which they will respond asap


Further talks planned in 2 weeks. More details at the next branch meeting on 7th April

Tube Lines Rostered Rest Days etc

The following resolution was carried at our Branch Meeting last night:


The branch has been informed that the agreement reached below represents the most that can be achieved through negotiation‎.


We are concerned that our members need to be fully consulted and involved in deciding whether this agreement is acceptable and our branch therefore requests a referendum is carried out of all affected members in AP JNP Track and Civils, namely, Civils, Northern and Pic Track, Ultrasonics and the Lube Gang. We further ask for it to be clear in the referendum that a rejection is likely to lead to a need to take Industrial Action and a strike ballot will likely follow. We further ask for the Regional Organiser for Tube Lines, write to the company and ask for full talks at Company Council Level and that there is no imposition from Tube Lines as per the Machinery



  • From Sunday 4th January 2015; all AP JNP Track and Civils staff will be rostered to work a 35hr, 5 shift working week and will incorporate the use of Hand-held devices within their duties. Although the 15 Rostered Rest Days (RRDs) will no longer be applicable, annual leave will be increased to 37 days per year and an additional 4 lieu days will be provided to existing employees. In relation to these additional lieu days, they must be taken each year between 24th December and 31st March in the following year. This agreement includes all Q grades whose are rostered to work Sun/Mon to Thurs/Fri EHs.
  • In relation to the use of Hand-held devices it was agreed that any individual who had difficulty in transferring information onto these devices would receive additional training to fulfil the input requirement. In the event that any individual could not input information on to a hand-held device after the additional training, they would continue to complete the current paper template, and would remain in their current post
  • For the majority of staff rostered nights their normal roster will be Sunday/Monday to Thursday/Friday EHs. This will be implemented by local agreement to suite business needs on each of the JNP lines, rail ultrasonic team, rail lubrication team and civils department with a completion date of 31st March 2015. For any specific individual who has not changed their roster by the 31st March 2015, their circumstance will be reviewed on an individual basis to find a conclusion.


TubeLines TRACK Rostered Rest Days

Dear Colleagues,


The branch is holding a special meeting on Tuesday 20th January to discuss the below agreement with Tube Lines. It is vitally important that those affect try their best to attend so the branch can work and decide together the best way to take this matter forward. So if you are affected then please come and have your say in a democratic union.


  • From Sunday 4th January 2015; all AP JNP Track and Civils staff will be rostered to work a 35hr, 5 shift working week and will incorporate the use of Hand-held devices within their duties. Although the 15 Rostered Rest Days (RRDs) will no longer be applicable, annual leave will be increased to 37 days per year and an additional 4 lieu days will be provided to existing employees. In relation to these additional lieu days, they must be taken each year between 24th December and 31st March in the following year. This agreement includes all Q grades whose are rostered to work Sun/Mon to Thurs/Fri EHs.


  • In relation to the use of Hand-held devices it was agreed that any individual who had difficulty in transferring information onto these devices would receive additional training to fulfil the input requirement. In the event that any individual could not input information on to a hand-held device after the additional training, they would continue to complete the current paper template, and would remain in their current post.


  • For the majority of staff rostered nights their normal roster will be Sunday/Monday to Thursday/Friday EHs. This will be implemented by local agreement to suite business needs on each of the JNP lines, rail ultrasonic team, rail lubrication team and civils department with a completion date of 31st March 2015. For any specific individual who has not changed their roster by the 31st March 2015, their circumstance will be reviewed on an individual basis to find a conclusion.

Tube Lines Track (Sunday to Thursday)

Tube Lines have confirmed that the new Track Rosters will NOT be implemented this weekend and are still subject to local discussion.  That means existing Monday to Friday staff on track/ civils will continue to work as normal


We have requested that Tube Lines send out a circular confirming this to all affected areas



From: “Bailey, Ian”

Date: 31 December 2014 09:03:33 GMT

To: “Edmonds, John”

Subject: Re: Consultation; 35hr Rostered Week and Use of Hand-held Devices


No. The change will be before 31/3/15 by local consultation




Sent from my iPhone


On 30 Dec 2014, at 22:09, Edmonds, John  wrote:


Someone seems to think you are implementing new rosters at the weekend, can you please clarify?




Sent from my iPad


Begin forwarded message:


From: luengineering

Date: 30 December 2014 18:30:20 GMT

To: John Edmonds

Cc: Brian Whitehead  Paul O’Brien  Pat Gaskin

Subject: Fw: Consultation; 35hr Rostered Week and Use of Hand-held Devices


‎Dear John


This is the ‘agreement’ reached at Tier 2


I think ‎maybe someone has got it wrong regards the implementation date for the change of roster


Can revised notices be sent out urgently please?


Many thanks


Paul Jackson

RMT Branch Secretary

LU Engineering (0962)

07810 643 681

From: O’Brien, Paul

Sent: Tuesday, 30 December 2014 14:05

To: luengineering

Subject: Fwd: Consultation; 35hr Rostered Week and Use of Hand-held Devices





Sent from my iPhone


Begin forwarded message:


From: “Bailey, Ian” <

Date: 19 December 2014 11:43:05 GMT

To: “O’Brien, Paul”

Cc: “M. Gaskin, Patrick”  “Mc Callum, John”  “Egan, John P”

Subject: RE: Consultation; 35hr Rostered Week and Use of Hand-held Devices




Thanks you and have a good Xmas


Ian Bailey  CEng, FICE

Head of Track & Civils – AP JNP

Tel: 0207 088 4171

Mobile No. : 07818 046490


[cid:image003.png@01D01B80.F35CBF50]  To Deliver an outstanding tube for London


From: O’Brien, Paul

Sent: 19 December 2014 11:24 AM

To: Bailey, Ian

Subject: Re: Consultation; 35hr Rostered Week and Use of Hand-held Devices


Thanks Ian that seems as agreed


Sent from my iPhone


On 19 Dec 2014, at 09:52, “Bailey, Ian”  wrote:








Following our conversation yesterday please see below the amended text for you approval




Following our tier 2 meeting on Monday 8th December 2014 the following was agreed;




  • From Sunday 4th January 2015; all AP JNP Track and Civils staff will be rostered to work a 35hr, 5 shift working week and will incorporate the use of Hand-held devices within their duties. Although the 15 Rostered Rest Days (RRDs) will no longer be applicable, annual leave will be increased to 37 days per year and an additional 4 lieu days will be provided to existing employees. In relation to these additional lieu days, they must be taken each year between 24th December and 31st March in the following year. This agreement includes all Q grades whose are rostered to work Sun/Mon to Thurs/Fri EHs.




  • In relation to the use of Hand-held devices it was agreed that any individual who had difficulty in transferring information onto these devices would receive additional training to fulfil the input requirement. In the event that any individual could not input information on to a hand-held device after the additional training, they would continue to complete the current paper template, and would remain in their current post.




  • For the majority of staff rostered nights their normal roster will be Sunday/Monday to Thursday/Friday EHs. This will be implemented by local agreement to suite business needs on each of the JNP lines, rail ultrasonic team, rail lubrication team and civils department with a completion date of 31st March 2015. For any specific individual who has not changed their roster by the 31st March 2015, their circumstance will be reviewed on an individual basis to find a conclusion.




Please can you respond with your agreement.








Ian Bailey


Tube Lines Passes and Pensions

Dear ALL


Talks have been taking place over the last few months regarding the TUPE of all remaining Tube Lines employees back into LUL and giving them identical travel and pension rights to existing LUL staff. Talks have been difficult and extensive, however, we are awaiting a final draft agreement from management that we can place before our members. The timescales for implementation following agreement, will be as near as possible, the end of this year.

We have reason to feel confident, however, there is no agreement until we have everything in writing, so I will update everyone further when more details are available


Unity is Strength

Transplant Christmas Working Agreement

Title: TransPlant Operational Staff Christmas Working Arrangements: Financial Year 2014/15


Hi Everyone,


Although Summer is not quite finished I find ourselves already deep into planning for the Winter and more specifically for the expected blockade over the forthcoming Christmas period. I therefore need to establish whether we have volunteers who are willing to work over this period and detail below the arrangements for this year. You will see that other than the dates changing, it’s the same as l put out for last Christmas.


The Christmas Period

For the purposes of this document, the Christmas Period is defined as; from 15.00hrs 24th December 2014 through to 0700hrs 2nd January 2015 inclusive.


As a default position, any staff that have rostered work shifts in the Christmas Period will instead have these shifts reallocated as annual leave (in compliance with the Framework Agreement appendix 13 and with custom and practice over previous years).



For those staff who are rostered on a rest day during the Christmas Period and who volunteer to work and who are selected to work, will be allowed to take a replacement rest day at a later date (treated as a lieu day).


For those staff who are rostered on an annual leave day during the Christmas Period and who volunteer to work and who are selected to work, will be allowed to take a deferred annual leave day to be taken at a later date (treated as a lieu day).


Staff will be paid an enhanced rate of 3 times their normal rate of pay if physically working during the Christmas Period (see above for clarification of relevant dates/times).


Any lieu days earned in accordance with the above must be used by 31st May 2015.


Staff required to be “on standby” will receive a normal rate of pay equivalent to an 8 hour shift.  In the event that someone is then called in to work then that individual will receive remuneration as per the above paragraphs.  In the event that staff “on standby” are unable to immediately attend work if requested, then all payments in accordance with this paragraph are forfeited.


Shift Durations

Any staff working over the Christmas Period will be expected to work a minimum shift duration of 12 hours (being from time of signing on at the designated location or Ruislip Depot through to signing out at that location) with 11.5 hours work actually delivered (half hour break allowance).


Any staff “on standby” will be required to be available for a 12 hour period, which will be rostered in advance.


Staff Affected

TransPlant staff will be required to volunteer for working during the Christmas Period.  Any staff not working over the Christmas Period will either remain on their rostered rest day or will be allocated annual leave as per above.


Not all staff that volunteer are guaranteed work over the Christmas Period – the work is based upon customer demand.


Those staff wishing to volunteer for working over the Christmas Period shall confirm their interest to their department Manager (Operations Delivery Manager, Project Delivery Manager or the Asset Delivery Manager as appropriate) by 07.00hrs on 27th October 2014.


Note: the work content for the Christmas Period is not yet confirmed and is subject to cancellation in the event of changes to Customer requirements or insufficient volunteers from TransPlant.  In the event of a cancellation later than 17.00hrs on 22nd December then staff that had been allocated working shifts will be compensated with a payment equivalent to a normal rate of pay (8 hours) for each shift not worked.



Andy Pereira – Head Of TransPlant




I am pleased to advise branches that following further discussions with the company, the GGC has accepted the latest proposal from Tube Lines to resolve this dispute. The details of the agreement are below: –


  • All staff will be rostered to work a 35 hour week consisting of 5 consecutive shifts (either Sunday – Thursday or Monday to Friday) with 2 consecutive day off.
  • The 10 days on 4 off roster will be removed from the Contract of Employment.
  • Annual Leave days will be 37 days per annum.
  • 4 additional lieu days per annum to be given to existing employees (as of 1st August 2014)  3 days of which must be taken on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve when rostered to work, or between New Year’s Day and following 31st of March each year when not rostered to work.
  • Company Vehicle driving time will be half an hour (1/2 hour) per shift for existing staff (as of 1st August 2014) ; but not applicable for any future new employees or any employee who subsequently joints the work group upon promotion or transfer.


The amendments are in accordance with the current Terms and Conditions and will be applicable from 16th August 2014.


As a result of the above agreement, we are no longer in dispute with the company and all industrial action has suspended. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate your Tube Lines members for their solidarity and determination to resolve this dispute. Without their preparedness to take action, this successful agreement would not have been achieved.   
