Category: RMT



Term of Office – 5 Years



Nominations have been invited for the above position (Circular No. MF/137/17, 14th December 2017).


The deadline for nominations is WEDNESDAY 7th MARCH 2018.


If you wish to stand then please attend a branch meeting and stand for election for this nomination by your branch.


If your Branch wants Head Office to send other Branches details of your nominee’s qualifications, please send two copies of the circular to us by Saturday 13th January 2018. The circular must be signed by two Branch officials (ideally Secretary and Chair) and the nominee.


Election Addresses must reach Head Office by the close of nominations, i.e. by Wednesday 7th March 2018.


In the event of a ballot being necessary, ballot papers will be sent to individual members during the week commencing Monday 26th March 2018.


New Membership forms from the 1st March 2018



I am writing in relation to the production of new membership forms that we must use from the 1st March 2018.


The main reason for the change is that from this date the Tory government’s attack against unions using political funds to campaign and support political initiatives comes into force.


Our new membership forms will now have to have a box that must be ticked by new members joining the union from March 2018 to allow us to use part of their union subscription to fund the Political Fund. As you will know the fund is essential for supporting campaigns to defend our members’ interests.


If this box is not ticked then we will not be able to make the Political Fund deduction.   Please note the political fund aspect of the subscription is only £3.12 per year – that’s just £6p a week as part of member’s main subscription.


There will also be new EU legislation that will be coming into force later in 2018 regarding data protection.  The union is currently receiving legal advice but to comply with this legislation it is likely there will also need to be a privacy statement on the form that new members will have to acknowledge they have read.


Once all the legal hurdles are cleared the new forms will be distributed to Regional Offices and Branches and also activists in the New Year.


The new membership forms for new members will be red to distinguish them from the existing green forms. It is therefore very important that our Branches and Regions put some thought towards ensuring that the new red forms are distributed around all workplaces and that the old green forms are recycled and not used after 1st March 2018.  Any of the old forms used after that date will mean the union will not be able to take the political fund deduction from that new member and the union will have to write separately seeking authorisation.


I will also be asking Regional Organisers to draw up plans in conjunction with our Regional Councils to assist in ensuring every location and every activist has the stocks of new membership forms.


I can also advise you that the online form through which many new members join the union will also be updated.


It is vital that when recruiting new members from 1st March 2018 we ensure that whether joining by form or online that they are reminded of the need to tick the box on the membership form to join the political fund. The new forms will contain supporting propaganda to encourage this. I will also be sending advice to activists as to the arguments to use around the political fund and this issue will also be covered on our courses at the Bob Crow education centre.


Note the legislation only applies to new members joining the union from 1st March 2018. It does not apply to existing members or members who join the union before 1st March 2018.


Yours sincerely

Political School

Attendance on the Political School is intended to equip participants with a sound understanding of the political role of trade unions, the RMT’s political activity and our international work. Students on the course will consider how Branches and Regions can most effectively support national campaigns and develop local campaigning initiatives.


The Political School takes place mostly at the RMT National Education Centre at Doncaster, but also includes a trip to the UK Parliament at Westminster, with students staying overnight in Central London. The course is delivered by the union’s Political Officer, with the assistance of guest speakers, as well as MPs from our parliamentary group.


This residential school takes place twice a year, with the next one scheduled to run between Sunday 18 March and Friday 22 March 2018. Participants will be expected to arrive by the early evening of 18 March in Doncaster to meet fellow students at an evening buffet. The course will conclude in London on the morning of 22 March.


Branches are invited to now nominate one representative to attend the school. In doing so, please ensure that your nominee will definitely be able to attend the school. In the event of applications exceeding places available, the National Executive Committee will determine the successful applicants.


With regards to what information a nominee should provide in support of an application to participate on this course, the NEC has reached the following decision:


“This school is particularly beneficial to Branch and Regional Council Chairs, Secretaries and Officers and also members who already completed level one courses. All applications will however continue to be treated on their merits and the application form should be updated to obtain more information on the applicant’s union activity, previous courses attended, union positions held and reasons for attending the school.”


Please complete and return the attached form to nominate a representative and return by Thursday 30 November to the Policy Department based in our Head Office.




National Demonstration against Fees and Cuts November 15th 2017

National Demonstration against Fees and Cuts November 15th 2017

The National Campaign Against Fees & Cuts is a network of student and education worker activists, founded in 2010. Since then, the NCAFC has helped activists on campuses up and down the country organise direct action against tuition fees, education cuts and wider cuts to public services.


In the wake of the government defeat on tuition fees, the NCAFC has called a major demonstration to demand the abolition of tuition fees.


Free education accessible to everyone is within our reach. By taking action in our thousands, we can seize it now.


March with them on 15th November: for an end to tuition fees, for living grants, and for an education system that serves people not profit. Already over 50 universities and colleges are mobilising for this event.


They will march from Malet Street WC1E 7HX in the heart of the University of London from 1.00pm down Kingsway towards Shaftesbury Avenue, passing Picturehouse Central where workers are striking for the Living Wage, and down Whitehall to Parliament Square


Please bring this circular to member’s attention and make every effort to attend.


RMT Circular 26th October 2017

Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/431/17, 28th September 2017), it is now confirmed that on Sunday 29th October all AP JNP staff, approximately 1900 employees, will transfer into London Underground under TUPE. On this day, AP JNP members will be on their previous rates of pay, contract and terms and conditions and all AP JNP policies, procedures and agreements will continue to apply.


However, soon after the transfer has taken place, LUL will review and seek to reorganise its maintenance activities under the wider Transformation programme and these discussions are expected to commence in early November. As you would expect, this will involve in-depth discussions and negotiations with the Lead Officer and Reps from every affected function in attendance. The process is likely to take some time but be assured that RMT will of course remain vigilant and be fully involved throughout.


Any future proposals will of course be subject to full consultation with all affected members and any movement by the Company to threaten any member’s job security or our hard fought for agreements will be resisted by this Union by all means at our disposal up to and including industrial action if necessary.


At this early stage there are few details but as all members will now be back in-house under one public sector company we will be in a strong collective position going forward. Also RMT was always opposed to the private-public-partnership which led to Tube Lines in the first place and this transition finally brings that chapter to an end.




The following resolution was recently received from our LU Fleet Branch:-


“LU Fleet Branch calls upon the NEC to seek a formal dispute resolution to the following failure to agree at Tube Lines Company Council:-


  1. Pay parity for maintenance and stores staff with their fellow Transplant colleagues
  2. Train Preparation Payment


The members feel that they play a vital and pivotal role in the success and safe operation of the department and would like to seek an agreement that awards them parity with the rest of the unit.


We request that the NEC prepare a ballot for strike action and action short of a strike to resolve this dispute”.


The National Executive Committee welcomed the resolution and agrees that pay parity is justified for maintenance and stores staff. In line with the NEC decision, the Company has been informed that a dispute situation exists between us over this issue and I am currently making preparations to conduct a ballot for industrial action amongst affected members.




RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

“RMT members stand solid, united and determined this morning in the latest phase of strike action in four separate disputes which are qabout putting safety, security and access to services before the profiteering of these rip-off private rail companies. 

“Political and public support is flooding in as our communities choose to stand by their guards against the financially and politically motivated drive to throw safety-critical staff off our trains. 

“Again this morning I am calling on Theresa May and Chris Grayling to call off the centrally imposed blockade on serious talks in these disputes and allow us to get on with genuine negotiations with their contractors.”

RMT Circular 28th September 2017  

28th September 2017                                                                  Circular No: IR/431/17


Dear Colleagues,


PROPOSED TUPE TRANSFER OF AP JNP (TUBE LINES) TO LONDON UNDERGROUND LTD (formerly Termination of Amey Maintenance Contract – Tube Lines AP JNP) (LUL/15/10)


Further to my previous Circular (IR/237/16, 12th August 2016), I advised of Tube Lines AP JNP intention not to extend the contract with Amey for the management of maintenance activities across the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly lines from the end of 2017.


Correspondence has now been received from the Company confirming that the Amey contract will end on 31st December 2017 and all AP JNP activity will transfer to London Underground. As a result, all affected members will TUPE transfer from AP JNP to LUL and consultation meetings are due to start shortly.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee which has taken the decision to arrange a meeting of all infrastructure, maintenance and engineering reps from LU BCV, SSL and JNP AP with the Senior Assistant General Secretary, Lead Officer and NEC members. I am currently making preparations for this meeting to take place and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/337/16, 10th November 2016), I advised that TfL was undertaking a ‘root and branch’ review of the business and the joint trade unions recently attended a Director’s Level Meeting where TfL advised the Transformation Programme is about to enter its third phase. A presentation was given at this meeting to advise of the total transformation savings target of £5.8bn – made up from £5.2bn Business Savings and 0.6bn Operating Model Savings. The Trade Unions were also informed that they would each be receiving an official notification of proposed job cuts related to this review.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which is alarmed at the programme of job and financial cuts TfL is soon to be embarking on which would affect both our hardworking members and the service to the travelling public. The NEC then referred this matter into the Southern Sub-Committee for examination and repot. I will keep Branches advised of any further developments.


RMT Contribution Rates

RMT Contribution Rates


In 2014, following a successful AGM resolution, the union introduced a reduced contribution rate to encourage organisation and provide support for members within low paid sectors of the industry.


Upon its introduction the union conducted an exercise with full time officers to identify those members who met the qualifying criteria based on their basic rate of pay. Whilst this was by and large successful some members fell through the net and were subsequently given the opportunity to contact the union to adjust their contribution rate and claim any overpayments.


At this years AGM a further successful resolution drew attention to a number of members who may still be paying incorrect contributions and instructed the union to initiate a further exercise  to resolve such problems in line with the unions rules.


As a result we are now initiating a further campaign to encourage those members who  may be paying an incorrect contribution rate to contact the union and not only correct their contribution level but to also claim any refund.  The refund will be calculated from commencement date of the rule change , 1st January 2014 or the date of joining which ever is applicable.


Adverts encouraging members to apply will soon appear in the RMT News. Once members have contacted the union they will be sent a claim form for completion and return. They will also be asked to provide proof of earnings, normally a payslip or  tax return. Once this has been returned and processed eligible  members will receive a refund for any overpayments either by  Bacs Transfer or cheque. Corrections will be made to the deduction for those members paying by direct debit and employers advised to make the adjustment for those on paybill deductions.


It is important to note that all applications must be received by HO no later than 31 January 2018.


If branches or regional councils are aware of any groups of members who may be paying incorrect rates then they should provide full details to HO in order that these can be investigated by the Regional Organiser.


Just to clarify the low rate contribution applies to members who are paid a basic rate below £21,100 per annum. The correct contribution rate for these members is  £2.05 per week. Members paying above this level may be due a refund.


Yours sincerely



General Secretary





2nd October 2017




Dear Colleague,




ACAS have published new advice for employers on how to support staff who have given birth to premature or ill babies.


Over 95,000 premature or sick babies are born each year in the UK.  For their families this is a difficult time and working parents in these circumstances often find themselves trying to handle the demands of their job, caring for their new-born and looking after other family members.


Whilst this guidance is aimed at employers, it is a handy resource regarding statutory rights and good practice for such a stressful time.  The document can be found on-line here:


I would be grateful if you could bring the contents of this circular to the attention of your members.


Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary



Circular Premature Babies ACAS Guidance
