Category: RMT

RMT Circular 10th May 2018












10th May 2018                                                          Circular No: IR/228/18


Dear Colleague,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/209/18, 24th April 2018), the meeting of the Trains Functional Council Reps, Bakerloo Line Trains IR Reps and Senior Assistant General Secretary reached a clear consensus in relation to the appalling treatment of Brother Vigo who was sacked for obtaining a drink of water whilst on duty. It was noted that the company taking this draconian action has set a clear precedent which will put all Train Operators in the firing line for dismissal. The company’s action against Brother Vigo also flies in the face of natural justice, which is evidenced by him winning his recent Employment Tribunal case hands down.


The National Executive Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to immediately ballot all Train Operator and Instructor Operator members on the Bakerloo Line and to follow this with a ballot of all London Underground Train Operator and Instructor Operator members if the company fail to reinstate Brother Vigo as a Train Operator following his ET remedy meeting next week.


I am currently making the necessary preparations in respect of this decision and would be grateful if all Branches could ensure all Train Operator and Instructor Operator details are kept up to date. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/217/18, 30th April 2018), all Jubilee Line Train Operator and Instructor Operator members should now have received their ballot paper for the above ballot and I urge all members to make sure they return it, to reach the Scrutineer by the closing date of Thursday 17th May 2018.


If any member has not received their ballot paper, or knows of a colleague who has not received it, please call us on 0800 376 3706 or 0207 387 4771 and ask for the Industrial Relations Department or e-mail as soon as possible. It is imperative that we get a massive return in the ballot.




Following extensive negotiations with the Company regarding the new Hammersmith Control Room, a final position has been received from LUL. The Lead Officer has consulted our Service Control Functional Council Representatives and affected members and the National Executive Committee has noted the recommendation on file and taken the decision to inform London Underground of our acceptance of the offer.


The agreement reached for Hammersmith SCC – SCL2 Competence & Pay Progression is as below and is in addition to agreements already secured in October 2016.


Guaranteed minimum pay points: Subject to individual commitment to developing to SCL2 Controller activity competence across all line at Hammersmith:-


  • Four guaranteed minimum pay points created within the existing Pay Band
  • Movement to each pay point determined by achieving prescribed competence
  • Movement beyond each pay point continues to be achievable by demonstrating additional performance
  • Similar progression will exist for Service Managers who achieve SCL2 (Line Controller) CBTC/Cross-line competence and “Step Down” under the PCSA agreement
  • Similar progression will exist for Service Controller Level 1 who hold SCL2 (Line Controller) CBTC/Cross-line competence and “Step Up” under the PCSA agreement
  • Minimum pay thresholds are based on 25%, 55% and 85% of the salary range
  • Pay progression will have no impact on existing entitlement to Higher Grade working where that already applies
  • Subject to there being no additional training & development, the company will apply the equivalent threshold point for starting salary should Hammersmith SCL1s be successful in securing a permanent SCL2 position at Hammersmith


The above will apply also to both transferring and new starters to Hammersmith. This provides scope for others within Service Control, should they wish, to transfer to and take advantage of enhanced pay progression for multiple line SCL2 Controller competence.


Guarantee for single line operations: Individuals at SCL2 level transferring to Hammersmith who wish to only work their current line will be able to do so and remain at Hammersmith for a period of at least 5 years (until May 2023). This guarantee will be reviewed at that point and will be extended in 2 year blocks if possible. If not, consultation will take place on appropriate transfer arrangements to provide safe and reasonable solutions for those individuals who are still only willing to work a single line.




The following resolution has been received from our East Ham Branch:-


“This branch notes the flagrant ignorance of safety issues at Elizabeth Line stations that interact with LUL. These being Whitechapel, Tottenham Court Rd, Bond Street, Moorgate, Paddington and Farringdon.


Serious concerns include:


  • Reduction in minimum numbers, including having 2 supervisory staff within the minimum numbers
  • Lack of Elizabeth Line staff
  • Poor emergency procedures
  • Lack of general available staff


This branch asks the NEC to consider a ballot of all staff in effected station for industrial action”.


The National Executive Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to call a meeting of H&S Reps from affected lines/stations, the Lead Officer/Relief Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and NEC. This meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 22nd May and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




The following resolution has been received from our East Ham Branch:-


“This branch is appalled by London Underground’s proposals to significantly cut numbers of Stations Admin staff.


These cuts will cause unacceptable stress to our members, with increased workloads, significant changes to their roles and unsafe workloads. Additionally, this will create extra work for our station staff members, who will have to take on some of the responsibilities that currently fall to our admin members.


We call on the union to strongly oppose these job cuts by launching a campaign to protect these members and also to prepare a ballot matrix for strike action and action short of strike”.


The National Executive Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to arrange a meeting of all our Senior IR Reps affected along with the Lead Officer; Senior Assistant General Secretary and NEC and to launch a campaign to completely oppose these cuts. This meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 22nd May and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




The following resolution has been received from our East Ham Branch:-


“This branch notes the very dangerous intention by LU to change the train preparation schedule from every 24 hours to every 96 hours. London Underground are saying that this is as safe as 24 hours. No safety related submission has been provided to back this up. The company will effectively be running a train service with a large percentage of its train service unchecked for four days at a time.


Not only will this lead to major fleet issues, it will inevitably lead to more train failures in service putting an unacceptable pressure on all grades within LU.


This branch asks the NEC for consideration of bringing all operational grades into the possibility of balloting for action alongside drivers and fleet staff”.


The National Executive Committee has considered this matter, noted the upcoming joint Tier 2 meeting on 18th May between our Fleet and Trains Health & Safety Reps with management and taken the decision to arrange a meeting of H&S Reps at the earliest opportunity following the joint Tier 2; with our Fleet & Trains Senior Health & Safety Reps, Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and NEC. This meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 22nd May and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




In line with Union policy, a pay claim for an increase in pay and improved terms and conditions was submitted to the company. The Regional Organiser has met with them and the following offer has been tabled:-


  • RPI + 0.25% or 2% (whichever is higher) for 5 years (1st April 2018 to 1st April 2022)


  • RPI + 0.5% for employees with a salary under £30,000 for either the full 5 years or until they meet the £30,000 threshold


The National Executive Committee has congratulated our DLR Branch on achieving this offer through negotiations and taken the decision to conduct a referendum of affected members with a recommendation to accept the offer.


The voting papers will be posted to members next week and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary





On Sunday 6 May, fascist English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson and the racist Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA) have organised a so-called ‘Day of Freedom’ for racists and Islamophobes in London.


Unite Against Fascism and Stand up to Racism are holding a counter demonstration.  The plan is to meet at 2pm at Downing Street and RMT members are invited to join in.  Do check with any updates on arrangements via the facebook page:


I would be grateful if you could bring the contents of this circular to the attention of your members.


Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary


Merthyr Rising Festival May 25-27th 2018.

Merthyr Rising Festival May 25-27th 2018.


Merthyr Rising festival sponsored by RMT is a music, arts and ideas event that celebrates working-class culture and resistance at the birthplace of the red flag.

This year’s fifth annual event, set for May 25-27 at Penderyn Square, Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales, takes place during the anniversary of one of the very first organised uprisings by workers in 1831 known as the Merthyr Rising.

It was the violent climax to many years of simmering unrest among the large working class population of Merthyr Tydfil where it is believed that for the first time the red flag of revolution was flown as a symbol of workers’ revolt. Today Merthyr Rising celebrates this symbolic event annually through a cultural festival of music, arts, political discussion and ideas.

This year there will be two sound stages, one on Penderyn Square and the second a short walk away at the Castle car park. A campsite is available in the picturesque grounds of the iconic Cyfartha Castle. Full weekend camping is available from Thursday May 24 to Monday May 28 and is available to campers, caravans and campervans with costs from £35.

Artists performing at this year’s festival include Mike Peters and The Alarm, Dreadzone, The Blockheads, The Ruts DC, Roland Gift, Captain Ska amongst others. US political scientist, professor and author Norman Finkelstein, an expert on the Israel-Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust, will be holding a question-and-answer session in the Merthyr Red House.

Ticket prices for the whole weekend are £40 and day tickets are £15 per day.

Details can be found  Members and branches are urged to circulate details and encourage members to attend.

Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash

General Secretary

RMT Circular 24th April 2018












24th April 2018                                                                   Circular No: IR/209/18


Dear Colleague,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/135/18, 9th March 2018), the second round of strike action from Friday 20th to Tuesday 24th April was suspended at the final moment after 13 days of intensive talks at ACAS led to progress on the issues in this dispute.


The following summarises the progress made in the talks on each of the issues at the heart of this dispute:


KAD Failing to Honour Agreements

  • KAD will honour the 2-year PSA roster pattern
  • KAD to trial 3 months visibility for the PSA parameter agreement, with management and PSA reps to determine success criteria over the next two weeks.
  • KAD will roster PSAs for 1820 hours per annum. Staff who have worked in excess of 1820 hours in 2017 will be credited time off in lieu or the equivalent hours will be removed from their 2018 requirement, as agreed by the individual staff member.
  • KAD agree that rosters for other grades are negotiable and completed using the agreed Collective Bargaining Machinery.


Training needs being neglected

  • KAD commits to train, retrain and maintain licences for employees to undertake the role that they are currently employed to do. Any changes to be consulted.


Misuse of Attendance/Capability Issues

  • KAD to adhere to existing capability policy which includes wording that identifies that termination for reasons of medical capability will only be instigated following advice by GP or medical specialist.


Tax Bill to Members

  • KAD to offer financial assistance to anyone affected. Initially, staff to approach a member of the HR team to discuss it confidentially. Staff whose child benefit was affected and who can demonstrate a loss to have case reviewed by KAD/RMT Organiser and ACAS.


Health and Safety Issues

  • Outsourcing of gritting occurred prior to KAD taking over the contract. KAD to ensure that future work to be undertaken by competent people.
  • Agreement on use of contractors applied to all grades covered by collective bargaining. KAD commits to only utilising agency staff when all reasonable steps have been taken to exhaust internal resources for needs and requirements.
  • Air Quality Assessment results, Depot Assessments for hazardous substances and Risk Assessments to all be resolved via the Health and Safety Forum.


RMT Reps consulted affected members and the consensus was that the proposals from the Company were sufficient to suspend the industrial action. This position was endorsed by the National Executive Committee and all parties were informed accordingly. As always, the Union will remain vigilant to ensure the terms of this agreement are properly adhered to.




The following resolution was recently received from our Bakerloo Line Branch:-


“This Branch notes the recent Employment Tribunal decision that ex-Queen’s Park Train Operator Luis Vigo was unfairly dismissed by London Underground last year following a minor non-safety related staff error. Furthermore, it is clear to see that the investigating managers and the CDI panel conspired against Mr Vigo by compiling a heavily biased CDI brief and by repeatedly failing to investigate any evidence which was inconvenient to their cause.


Whilst we welcome the fact that these managers’ shenanigans did not fool the Employment Judge, the fact is that Mr Vigo remains jobless. Whilst he may be due financial compensation, it is totally unacceptable that LU should be allowed to sack a member of staff for a trivial offence and in a manner which might make a sweat-shop owner blush.


This branch believes that it is important that our employer abides by the many agreements, policies and procedures we have fought for in the past, and respects the fundamentals of natural justice in its treatment of staff; it is the job of our union to ensure this happens.


We see the company’s attack on Mr Vigo as an attack on us all because it sets a dangerous precedent. Therefore, this branch resolves to ensure justice is done by securing the reinstatement of Luis Vigo and calls on our union to ballot train staff combine-wide for strike action and action short of a strike in pursuance of this objective”.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to organise a Reps meeting to discuss this matter and its resolution. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


RMT / Cuba Solidarity Campaign 16th Garden Party

RMT / Cuba Solidarity Campaign 16th Garden Party: Wednesday 13th June 2018.


Following the United Nations General Assembly last week adopting a resolution underlining the need to end the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba, RMT will continue to show its solidarity with the people of Cuba. The resolution enjoyed favourable votes from 191 of the 193 UN Member States.


Therefore, I am pleased to announce that, in association with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, the 16th RMT Annual Garden Party for Cuba will take place on Wednesday 13th June 2018 at Maritime House, Clapham, London, commencing 7.00pm.


Tickets will be available in the new year and will be £15 each. This includes a free bar, buffet and music. As usual we will be joined by a number of distinguished guest speakers.


The Garden Party will provide a wonderful opportunity to show solidarity with Cuba with friends from across the Labour and Trade Union movement.


I hope to be able to see you at the Garden Party on 13th June.



2018 Cuba Garden Party Form

RMT LT Retired – next meeting, events

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


The next meeting of the LT Retired Members Branch will be on 8th May at 14.00 in Unity House, 39 Chalton St NW1 1JD. (A week later than usual because of May Day)


As usual we will have reports, discussion and updates on RMT and retired activities including a report from the National RMT Retired Members conference.  There will be a key discussion on Labour – should the RMT re-affiliate? This is part of the consultation process taking place across the union, leading up to a decision at a Special General Meeting on 30th May.


We are fortunate to have as our guest speaker Sarah Boston, author of “Women Workers & The Trade Unions”.


Please pass this on to retired members who may be interested.




Olly New


Branch Secretary

07931 198501


  • Two years of RMT strike action – say no to Driver Only Operation: on Wednesday 25th April RMT members are asked to join a protest outside Parliament at 11.30 am in Old Palace Yard, SW1P 3JY. This will be followed by a meeting inside Parliament.
  • May Day Demonstration Assembles 12.00 noon, Tuesday 1st May in Clerkenwell Green, nearest tube Farringdon. Rally in Trafalgar Square.

A New Deal for Working People” – TUC are holding a national march and rally on Saturday 12 May 2018 and RMT is planning a huge contingent. Assemble 11.00am Victoria Embankment WC2N 6PA


  • RMT Cuba Garden Party Wednesday 13th June – order tickets at the branch meeting


Pre- SGM Fringe Meeting for SGM delegates and Observers (RMT)

Dear Comrades,


The LUEngineering Branch are organising a fringe meeting at the Special Annual General Meeting for delegates and branch observers (RMT).


This will be to show case the debate and highlight the reasons why our branch, and many others, believe that we should retain our existing political strategy and not affiliate to the Labour Party.


We will name guest speakers at a later date


The fringe meeting will take place the night prior to the SGM at the same venue, i.e. Tuesday 29th May 2018, from 18:30 at the Doncaster Trades and Labour Club, 3rd Floor


To: All Branches, Regional Councils & Regional Offices


Dear Colleague,




I write in relation to the above matter. I have received notification that Powell Spencer Solicitors are currently in the process of installing a new system to handle out of hours calls for the Criminal Helpline. The new system will not be fully installed until the 27th April 2018.  In the meantime members should call on the usual switchboard number, 020 76045600, at all hours in order to access the criminal helpline.


Following 27th April 2018, the office hours number will be 020 76045600, and the new out of hours number will be 020 7624 8888.


I would be grateful if you could bring the contents of this circular to the attention of your members.



Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

RMT demands to know extent of private rail company profiteering at public expense during cold weather

RMT demands to know extent of private rail company profiteering at public expense during cold weather


Rail union RMT today demanded to know how much Britain’s private rail operators have extracted from the taxpayer during the adverse weather over the past week as they continue to milk Britain’s rigged rail franchising system at public expense.


Under the privatised system set up by the Tories ‎the rail operators carry no risk themselves and can fill their boots with Schedule 8  payments dished out by the publicly-owned Network Rail – underwritten by the taxpayer. RMT is aware that the financial projections of the private operators factor these publicly funded payments into their business models as they know it’s a one way ticket to the bank.


RMT has long held the view that the private train companies, most of which are owned by overseas state operators, can effectively make more money by not running trains under the bent and twisted franchise system.


General Secretary Mick Cash said;


“Today RMT is demanding to know how much the taxpayer has shovelled into‎ the pockets of the private train companies during the adverse weather over the past week under our rotten rail franchising system.


“The whole racket on our railways was rigged from the off by the Tories so that the profits are privatised and the risks are carried by the public. It’s a scandal that has led to a bail out culture on our railways which is being exploited by the train operators while passengers are freezing in luggage racks on broken down trains.


“RMT will be raising this issue with the unions’ parliamentary group and we are demanding answers and not the usual hot air we have come to expect from Chris Grayling and this Government.”




RAIL UNION RMT has today called on London Mayor Sadiq Khan to take immediate measures to bring Carillion’s London rail contract work into direct public ownership through Transport for London with guaranteed protection for the workforce, their jobs, pay, conditions and their pensions.

Staff working on the Carillion contracts carry out a range of safety critical signalling, power, maintenance, cleaning and track works on Crossrail, the East London Line Extension, Heathrow Express and London Overground.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“We have written to Sadiq Khan today urging him to step in as a matter of urgency and take the Carillion London rail operations into public ownership with jobs, pensions and the essential safety-critical work protected.

“When Metronet collapsed on London Underground immediate moves were made to maintain the functions under public ownership to ensure safety and continuity.  The Carillion situation is no different and RMT is seeking to move this forward as a matter of urgency.”




The 2018 RMT Festival of Education & Learning will take place at the Bob Crow National Education Centre. In accordance with a decision of the National Executive Committee a bespoke memorial will be unveiled in honour of the ‘Justice for the 96’ campaign and the victims and their families. JFT96 committee members, and family members will be invited to attend this year’s festival.


The Festival will take place on Friday 15th June 2018 opening at 11.00hrs and closing at 17.00hrs. Entry will be by free ticket (s). The festival will be very much an RMT family event, with food, refreshments, live music and guest speakers throughout the day. An extended invitation to our Trade Union friends affiliated to the TUC and GFTU will also be made.


If members and their families wish to attend you should request tickets from the National Education Officer at or in writing to Bob Crow National Education Centre, 47-49 Thorne Road, Doncaster, DN1 2EX

RMT calls on Government to give assurances to workforce caught in Carillion financial crisis.

RMT calls on Government to give assurances to workforce caught in Carillion financial crisis.


General Secretary Mick Cash said;


“The Government should be giving clear-cut assurances to the workers who are watching the Carillion crisis play out on their TV screens this weekend. They are caught in the crossfire of a financial crisis that is not of their making and Ministers should be giving them the guarantees that RMT and other unions have been demanding.


“Thousands of jobs, and a whole raft of essential services and works, are hanging by a thread this weekend and the reports that administrators and a team from Price Waterhouse are now on stand by waiting to move in comes as no surprise to the trade union as we have been through these corporate failures plenty of times before.


“RMT has called on the Government to put in place a programme that trans‎fers the rail infra-structure works over to Network Rail and which takes the out-sourced facilities work for the train companies directly in house rather than relying on these speculative chancers.


“Serious questions are being asked yet again about the judgement of ‎Chris Grayling who has awarded huge contracts to a company that was already known to be in serious financial trouble. He now has a moral responsibility to give the staff in the transport sector caught up in the Carillion crisis guarantees that they will not be left to pay the price for the failures of others.


“RMT has heard plenty about the Government holding meetings. What we haven’t heard about is a concrete plan of Government action which protects jobs, pensions and services. ‎Rather than prevaricating they should be getting on with it.”
