- A 3.8% increase for Systems Technicians and General Operatives

In the next few months, Bob’s family and friends are under taking some sponsored events for charities. Please see the below message from Bob’s partner, Nicky.
I am going to be jumping a small airplane on the Friday 15th February 2019 (sky diving) with my son Anthony, my brother Alan and his son Craig for the British heart foundation in the memory of my late partner Bob Crow
I am absolutely petrified to do this and have been told to just jump out the plane and face my fears…
I don’t know if that’s a good way to look at this or not ….
This special fund will help raise vital funds for the British Heart Foundation. The BHF is the nation’s heart charity, dedicated to saving lives through pioneering research, patient care and by providing vital information.
Please copy and paste the below link for donations to Bob’s memory.
Yesterday, the RMT agreed to change the name of our branch to the ‘Bob Crow Branch’ until the end of 2019.
This is the 5th anniversary of the passing of our late General Secretary and friend, Bob Crow and he is sadly missed by us all. As a mark of respect, we intend to honour his legacy and memory by the change to our name and other events throughout the year.
We are also in the process of having a new branch banner created which we intend to donate to his family.
Should anyone have their own memories of Bob, especially in his early days at LUL in the Veg Gang, please contact me, Paul Jackson, 07810 643 681 or post them on our memorial page below
The BTUC Young Members’ Conference will take place in March 2019 dates to be confirmed. The Union will be invited to send four delegates to the event and, one of the delegates will be the winner of the 2018 John Cogger Award for Young Members.
Members who will be under the age of 27 years as of 21st March 2019, and who are employed as defined in Rule 2, Clause 1(a), (b) or (c) and are fully paid up members, are eligible for nomination.
A nomination form is enclosed. Completed nominations must reach Head Office by no later than Friday 12th January 2018.
The Council of Executives will make the final selection of the delegates following the closing date for nominations.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary
Nominations are invited for the 2019 RMT John Cogger Award for Young Members. The winner of the Award also becomes the Union’s nominee for the BTUC Award for Young Members; is automatically nominated for the BTUC Young Members’ Conference and various other activities in which the RMT participates; and attends the BTUC as part of the RMT’s delegation. The BTUC Young Members’ Conference will be held at Congress House, London March 2019 dates to be confirmed. The BTUC will be held in September 2019, dates to be confirmed.
Members who will be under the age of 26 years as of 5th September 2018, and who are employed as defined in Rule 2, Clause 1(a), (b) or (c) and are fully paid up members, are eligible for nomination.
Information relating to the nominee’s Union activities, community activities and personal interests should be provided on the form.
A nomination form is enclosed. Completed nominations must reach Head Office by no later than Friday 7th January 2019.
The Council of Executives will make the final selection of the Young Members’ Award winner following the closing date for nominations.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary
Our event in the Acton Town LT Museum is this Thursday afternoon.
It’s looking good, with working and retired RMT members coming from as far as Bournemouth and the Forest of Dean.
It’s an RMT event but feel free to invite a friend
There’s a Regional Council rally and social afterwards so those who want can easily go to that – a short trip on the Picc from Acton to Finsbury Park.
A flyer for the event is attached and photo below.
Nominations were invited from Branches in the above election (Circular No. MF/59/18, 24th May 2018). The following valid nominations were received at head office on or before the close of nominations, 15th August 2018.
Name Branch
Wayne Barnett Bassetlaw
Mat Partridge East Midland Central
Keith Saunders Bridgend Llantrisant & District
Jeff Slee Lewisham Southwark & District
Harimelan Srikandarajah LU Fleet
Paul Thomas Cardiff No. 7
An election will be contested between the above candidates by a postal vote of delegates who attended the 2018 Annual General Meeting (Rule 14 Clause 3). Ballot papers have been sent in a direct mailing to AGM delegates today. If your Branch had a delegate in attendance at this year’s AGM please remind them of their responsibility to vote in this election, the closing date of which is MONDAY 5th NOVEMBER 2018. However, their choice of candidates does not require a decision or the involvement of their Branch.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary
12th September 2018 Circular No: IR/403/18
Dear Colleague,
Further to my previous Circular (IR/314/18, 16th July 2018) when the previous strike action dates were suspended, Branches will recall that further work was necessary towards the implementation of the promises that the Company gave in the Offer of Agreement.
We were of course hopeful that these talks would go smoothly and the dispute would be fully resolved but regrettably, management are up to their old tricks again and have not come good on the assurances related to this dispute concerning Driver Numbers; Pressure on Drivers from Service Control Management; Release of Reps for TU Duties and Application of the Attendance and Disciplinary Policies.
The National Executive Committee has therefore considered this matter again and taken the decision to call on all Piccadilly Line Driver members to take strike action by not booking on for any shifts that commence between:-
It is unacceptable for members to be treated in the same manner which led to this dispute in the first place and for agreements made in trust and good faith by our Reps to be totally disregarded by management. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
Industrial relations on the Central Line have been deteriorating now for some time, a situation which is exacerbated by Senior Line Management acting in a hostile manner and obstructing our Reps in their efforts to seek a resolution and improve conditions for all Drivers on the Central Line. Despite several meetings with the Company having taken place, there has been no progress made and the consensus from affected members is that this situation now represents a breakdown in industrial relations and cannot continue any longer.
The issues which form this dispute are: breaches of our local agreements; undue pressure on Drivers from Service Control management who routinely treat Driver members with contempt for adhering to the framework agreements – a review of communications and service recovery was promised two years ago but has never materlialised; obstruction of our representatives’ trade union duties by refusing release requests and meeting requests; misuse of the attendance at work policy with reports of management harassing members who are fit and at work and raising historic issues; inadequate welfare facilities, especially for Night Tube Drivers.
The National Executive Committee has taken the decision to ballot all Central Line Train Operators, Night Tube Train Operators and Instructor Operators over this issue and I am currently making the necessary preparations for the ballot to commence. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
Further to my previous Circular (IR/277/18, 20th June 2018), Branches will recall that RMT member and Union Learning Rep Paul Bailey has been dismissed from his position as a Train Operator at Leytonstone Traincrew Depot in a manner which calls into question the integrity of the entire drugs and alcohol policy and testing regime.
Throughout this case there have been numerous failings by the Company in the application of the disciplinary procedure and it is clear to the Union that the facts of this case have been grossly misinterpreted by the Company and evidence provided has been ignored. The appeal hearing officer was not impartial having previously investigated and conducted grievances raised by Paul over the same disciplinary process leading to his dismissal. Also the ‘factual’ findings in the appeal outcome letter only serve to further confuse the situation. The appeal hearing resulted in the dismissal being upheld and the Company has so far refused any further review into this case.
Remember, if management are allowed to get away with this kind of behaviour and sack members at will, by making up the facts and procedures as they go along to suit themselves, it leaves all members at risk of being the next victim.
The National Executive Committee has taken the decision to ballot all Central Line Train Operators, Night Tube Train Operators and Instructor Operators over this issue and I am currently making the necessary preparations for the ballot to commence. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary
LUEngineering Branch is proud to support Michelle Rogers for the position of President of our union.
Michelle is hard working and an excellent candidate for the role and we urge our branch members to ‘like’ her facebook page and vote for her.
17th August 2018 Circular No: IR/372/18
Dear Colleague,
Further to my previous Circular (IR/340/18, 27th July 2018), the ballot closed with the following result:-
Question: Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?
Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot: 67
Number of votes cast in the ballot: 53
Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question: 53
Number of individuals answering “No” to the question: 0
Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned: 0
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has congratulated members on the magnificent 100% yes vote to take industrial action.
The NEC has taken the decision to instruct all Train Operator and Instructor Operator members at Leytonstone Traincrew Depot to take industrial action and not to enter the sidings to reverse until the train has been physically checked and doors closed on porter buttons from 00:01 hours on Sunday 9th September 2018, until further notice.
While we remain available for talks to resolve this dispute, we cannot accept the Company’s dangerous cost-cutting plans to remove detrainment staff from the Waterloo and City Line at Waterloo Station. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
Further to my previous Circular (IR/355/18, 9th August 2018), I wrote to the Company giving two options, either to reinstate the canteen at Harrow or make arrangements for members to take booked meal breaks in other staff canteen location on the Metropolitan Line. The Company has now replied and refused to meet either of these options or provide any alternative solution.
The National Executive Committee has considered this matter and finds the company position sets an unacceptable precedent for members across the network. The NEC has taken the decision to arrange a meeting of our H&S and IR Reps from the Metropolitan Line, Neasden Branch Officers, Trains Safety Council and the Lead Officer. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
Further to my previous Circular (IR/277/18, 20th June 2018), the following resolution has been received from our LU Fleet Branch:-
“In regard to the removal of Fleet Materials members to Network, Planning and Services under Transformation; our brothers and sisters within Fleet Materials have been summarily removed from Fleet and placed into Network, Planning and Services without any notice or consultation, despite assurances given that Fleet members would not be affected by Transformation.
Having been told in mitigation that the machinery will remain unchanged, it takes little more than a desultory review to clearly see multiple scenarios which would now see them divided from their Fleet comrades during disputes.
We view this action as an attack on all Fleet members in an attempt to mollify future actions and we must not stand by and allow our Fleet brothers and sisters to be moved to a business area under attack from cuts due to austerity without any consultation or agreement. What is to say this is the extent of the vision in order to circumvent previous assurances?
This divisive action serves only to undermine our members’ position, having stood firmly with their Fleet comrades through any number of hard fought disputes and the time has now come for all Fleet grades to reciprocate that support.
We demand that all materials members who have been removed from Fleet be immediately returned to their pre-Transformation status of Fleet staff. Any further consultation upon their status will only be undertaken upon this action and with their full consent”.
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to seek an urgent meeting with the company to raise our concerns and objections with the aim of full reintegration of our Fleet Materials Stores members back into the Fleet family. I am acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
The following resolution has been received from our LU Fleet Branch:-
“In regard to the removal of Vendor Managed Inventory from Fleet Materials; approximately one year ago, our brothers and sisters within Fleet Materials were asked to trial a system called Vendor Managed Inventory. This system involved outside suppliers taking over management of stock control on items such as nuts and bolts held within the Stores. Despite clear reservations of their core work being outsourced to private companies, they were persuaded to get on board with this system in the promise that other (more technical) work was being created as part of their role.
Roll on one year later and the entire scope of VMI has completely changed. It would appear that any and every avenue for items to be contracted out is being exhausted, which in turn is completely eroding the role of a storeman; even the (more technical) work which was promised has failed to materialise!
It has become abundantly clear that privatisation by stealth is being employed in a furtive attempt to remove the necessity of Materials members to manage their own inventory. Furthermore, having also been summarily removed from Fleet into Network, Planning and Services; a business area under attack from cuts due to austerity without any consultation or agreement, the true proposed future for our Fleet Materials members is beginning to reveal itself. What is to say this is the extent of the division within Fleet, in order to circumvent previous agreements and assurances?
This management stream’s deceitful action in order to gain members confidence has resulted in an atmosphere of suspicion, distrust and mistrust. This surreptitious attack on our brothers and sister in Fleet Materials will not and must not be tolerated.
We demand an immediate end to all VMI and associated outsourcing of core Materials work to external contractors”.
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to seek an urgent meeting with the company to raise our concerns and objections with the view of an immediate end to all VMI and associated outsourcing of core Materials work to external contractors. I am acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
In line with union policy, a pay claim for an increase in pay and improved terms and conditions was submitted to the company. The Regional Organiser has met with them and the following offer has been tabled:-
Following a consultation of affected members, the Lead Officer submitted a report to the National Executive Committee, which noted the unacceptable below inflation pay offer. The NEC has taken the decision to inform the Company of our rejection of their derisory offer and that a dispute situation now exists between our organisations.
I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and in the meantime, would be grateful for all Branches to ensure members’ job details and postal addresses are correct in preparation for a ballot for industrial action.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary
Resolution to NEC ref Transformation:
“This branch condemns the cuts being carried out across LUL and TFL.
We note that LUL are now informing staff that they are intent on ignoring our jobs for life deal (Annex H, PPP Code of Best Practice) and have stated that people may be made compulsory redundant.
We also note that the TfL and LUL bahaviours in these discussions have fallen short of the expectations that our union has on how these matters will be negotiated. We believe that the companies have failed people on Maternity Leave or with Mental Health, among many other factors and have driven change through that will not work and will make life miserable for many that remain.
We also note the feedback of our members that attended the Mass Meeting on Transformation on the 8th May and unanimously decided to fight these cuts. We therefore ask the National Executive Committee to:
That general legal advice on the contractual nature of the PPP Code of Best Practice and particularly Annex H, is distributed to our affected branches.”