Category: RMT
Covid-19 and Membership Contributions

LUL Furlough & Company Council Report
Today we had the joint LUL & Tube Lines Company Council attended by the RMT.
Furlough: LUL announced that they are dealing with an unprecedented loss of income, with train journey’s over Easter, lower than at any time for nearly 100 years.
They currently had over 18% of their staff off with Covid related issues along with the normal levels of staff absence.
Therefore they had decided to use the Government Job Retention Scheme, also known as Furlough to add funding.
This scheme states that the Government will fund up to 80% (capped at £2,500) to support companies for a limitted time with staff that have no work currently. This period must last for a minimum of 3 weeks and staff must not be undertake any work for LUL during this period.
Full details of the Government Job Retention Scheme
LUL have stated that they intend to use this scheme starting on the 27th April and would spend next week trying to ascertain which staff that they was currently able to furlough. Examples that was given were those at home but unable to work, those being shielded etc. LUL also stated that they expected this to be mainly non-operational.
They confirmed that this would be on 100% of their pay and their terms and conditions would remain intact.
RMT Regional Organiser, John Leach, insisted that this must be put into writing and that the RMT would not accept anything less than FULL terms and conditions remaining the same and full involvement in the process of discussion who would be furloughed.
Non-essential work:
LUL confirmed that they had been examining how much and what types of non-essential work that they should stop doing. They stated that they had produced a list of items for each function and they would share with the RMT asap.
Our view remains the same, we will fully support members that are unsure if the tasks that they have been given is either safe or essential to the safe running of the railway. If in doubt, always say no and raise with your reps and managers. Put your health and your safety first as it it better to query and ask why, than risk doing something that is wrong.
Face Masks:
LUL reported that station staff would be given face masks from next week to deal with emergency situations and that they was reviewing exactly where else these masks were needed.
The RMT position remains clear:
- If the Mayor is telling passengers to wear masks then passenger facing staff should remain protected.
- PPE is a last resort and LUL agreed that the use of masks was NOT to enable more work to be undertaken
- The principles of social distancing and hand washing remains the most effective way to combat the spread of Covid 19
LUL Pay Deal:
LUL confirmed that this would be paid in July
The RMT have continually demanded that LUL and TfL take ownership of the issues regarding our sub-contractors and self employed staff and pay them.
The RMT today stated that they would work with Management to produce safe working practices to enable the restart of various project works such as in R&E that would enable this workers to be back earning money, but being kept safe by their union.
There is a real danger that these staff with be lost to the Railway and they have been denoted as Key Staff. People such as Protection Masters with Morsons and Cleshars, Track Staff employed by VGC and engineers in Engie etc are all core to the safe running of the Railway and all these core functions need to be done in house.
RMT accept Thales Pay Deal
The RMT have now accepted the Thales Pay deal and this should be paid in the very near future. We thank our members for their support that enabled us to negotiate this agreement
Please see below
Social Media Comments by Senior Assistant General Secretary
Union Fees & Furlough/ Laid off members
Your Union National Executive is currently at ways that we can help our members that have been placed onto furlough and how to apply the Rules with regards to members RMT subscriptions.
We are hoping that there will be new policy on this in the next few days.
In the meantime please contact the RMT membership department and let them know your current position and they will be able to advise and help your further.
Call: 0207 529 8837 or email
Furthermore, we have asked our National Executive to look into whether the RMT has a hardship fund that can be used
For more details see RMT Rule 2 as well
Victims of Covid-19
Our branch and our union have been touched by so many people becoming unwell and dying of Covid-19. We have now seen several members of our branch succumb to this terrible illness and we send our heartfelt condolances to their friends and families.
It is times like this that we need to draw together and be unified as many of us feel the pain and worry of the world that we now live in. We not only remember those that have sadly passed away but also those that are now unwell, whether they are a key worker, a Prime Minister, a member of our family, etc and we wish them all a speedy recovery.
We also are thrilled that one of our Senior Health and Safety Representatives is now almost recovered enough and will hopefully be set home today. He spent over 2 weeks on life support and our hopes and prayers have been with him as it has been with all other victims of Covid-19.
To this end we salute and praise our marvellous Doctors, Nurses, Care Workers and everyone that makes our National Health Service function and we will continue to clap and support you every thursday throughout this pandemic and afterwards when this illness has subsided.
Bob Crow Memorial Album
Retired Members Branch Meeting 3rd March 2020
The next meeting of the LT Retired Members Branch will be on Tuesday 3rd March at 14.00 in Unity House, 39 Chalton St NW1 1JD.
Our Guest speaker will be brand new LT Executive Member Jared Wood talking about the issues currently facing RMT on the Underground and LT.
We’ll also discuss retirement issues, and hear reports on a range of other issues including a report from the Branch members who took part in the recent on the Regional Recruitment Day.
Lesley is proposing that we join the RMT coach to the Tolpuddle Festival. Dates of that and other events below.
Our Branch Membership Officer Kate has hit the ground running and will unveil the latest plans to increase the Branch membership using RMTs database.
I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.
All the best,
Olly New
Branch Secretary
Coming Up in 2020
8 March International Womens Day, Ealing Trades Council event
1 May London May Day March
10 June RMT Cuba Solidarity Garden Party, Clapham
4th July Women Chainmakers festival, near Birmingham
11 July Durham Miners Gala19 July Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival, Dorset (from Friday 17th for the full festival)
6 September Burston Strike School Rally, Norfolk
12 September Wigan Diggers Festival
Our Branch Meetings
Tuesday 3rd March from 14.00 to 16.00
Tuesday 5th May from 14.00 to 16.00
Tuesday 7th July from 14.00 to 16.00
Tuesday 1st September from 14.00 to 16.00
Tuesday 3rd November from 14.00 to 16.00
All in Unity House, 39 Chalton Street NW1 1JD.
London Transport Regional Council
The London Transport Regional Council meets tonight at the Indian YMCA, nearest station Warren Street, from 4pm.
Our meeting will be followed by a Trade Union Rally, chaired by RMT President Michelle Rogers and feature speakers from French Rail Union, CGT Versailles, RMT AGS Steve Hedley, and includes other Trade Union’s in dispute; UCU,UVW amongst others.
Hope you’re able to make both events.
Fraternally yours,
Glen Hart
London Transport Regional Council Secretary