Category: RMT


Our Ref: HSR/1/9

Head Office Circular: NP/108/15

08th June 2015


The Secretary




Dear Colleague




South London Rail Branch submitted the following resolution to the National Health & Safety Advisory Conference 2015:


We South London Rail Branch feel our reps should make sure the companies do not just pay lip service to their bullying and harassment policies but actively administer it. It should be a standing item to be discussed on all H&S inspections or meetings.


We feel our female staff are especially at risk and more so in such roles as cleaners which are often male dominated


The Council of Executives have noted and adopted the following report of their Health & Safety Sub-Committee:


That we note the contents of the resolution the General Secretary is instructed to place this matter through the Health and Safety machineries of all companies we negotiate with. It is essential that issues raised in this resolution are addressed seriously. Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.


I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep you informed of any further developments. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all relevant members.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

International Brigade commemoration 2015

To the Secretary all Branches,

Council of Executive members,

Regional Councils and Regional Offices


Monday 08th June 2015



Dear Colleagues,


International Brigade commemoration 2015


This year’s commemoration at the International Brigade memorial in London’s Jubilee Gardens (Belvedere Road, SE1 8XX) will be held on Saturday 4 July.


Members of both the National Union of Railwaymen and the National Union of Seamen fought in the International Brigades and will be amongst those remembered on the day.


RMT is affiliated to the International Brigade Memorial Trust and I encourage you to attend.


I have attached a flyer for the event.


Yours sincerely,



Mick Cash

General Secretary


International Brigade commemoration 2015


Emergency resolution to RMT AGM 2015: Anti-Trade Union Laws

The following resolution was carried at our branch last night


Emergency resolution to RMT AGM 2015

Anti-Trade Union Laws


This AGM condemns planned attacks on trade union rights by a Try government serving the rich and powerful.

The government proposes to make any strike in the rail industry illegal unless 50% of eligible voters take part in the ballot AND 40% of eligible members vote in favour;  This from a government that was voted for by less than 25% of those eligible to vote in the General Election.

RMT will approach other transport unions and propose a joint campaign against the proposed legislation. RMT will also approach other trade unions who represent members in essential services including Unite, Unison, FBU, teaching unions and others to mount a joint campaign.

RMT will submit resolutions to the TUC in 2015 calling for:

  • A campaign against further anti-union legislation amongst trade unions representing members in essential services and in the wider trade union movement.
  • A commitment for the TUC to organise a general strike should legal action be taken against any trade union or trade unionist in connection with the proposed Tory laws.

Emergency resolution to RMT AGM 2015: RMT and Political Strategy

The following resolution was carried at our Branch meeting last night


Emergency resolution to RMT AGM 2015

RMT and Political Strategy


The establishment of a majority Tory government will put this union on an unavoidable collision course with the new administration. The new government has immediately stated its intention to introduce further anti-trade union laws; to intensify attacks on welfare and to privatise more of our public services. RMT commits to fight against this agenda, which serves only the rich and powerful and was supported by less than 25% of the British electorate.

The failure of the Labour Party to mobilise sufficient support to defeat the Tories is a result of decades of political retreat that has left Labour insufficiently distinguishable from the Conservatives. Labour’s insistence on balancing the budget by cutting welfare and public services as well as focusing of immigration control gave credibility to Tory lies that Britain can no longer afford welfare and rising wages.

The SNP was able to pose as being to the left of Labour because of Labour’s slavish adherence to Tory spending plans. UKIP were able to take large votes from Labour in working class areas because of Labour’s failure to offer an alternative.


This AGM believes that the 2015 General Election, and reaction inside the Labour Party since the election, vindicates the decision of RMT to call for a new workers party and to support TUSC and other left wing and progressive candidates in local and general elections (including some Labour candidates). RMT will continue to adopt this approach under rule. However we feel that it would be a backward political step to re-affiliate to the Labour Party as it would prevent our union working with and backing non Labour Party candidates and prevent us from backing TUSC and other socialist and progressive candidates. It would also cut us off from the most progressive section of the working class in Scotland who have turned their back on the Labour Party.


RMT will now step up our campaign to win support, throughout the trade union movement for a new workers party based on trade unionism and socialism. We will appeal to other trade unions to take part in a debate about the political representation of the working class.


Latest LUL Circular











4th June 2015                                                            Circular No IR/144/15


Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/081/15, 23rd March 2015), members will be aware that the Union continues to oppose and resist all cuts in jobs, pay and conditions at London Underground and the following resolution has been received from Finsbury Park Branch:-


“This Branch believes that LUL’s latest pay offer, including Night Tube, is completely inadequate and an insult to the hardworking men and women who deliver a world class service for London. If Night Tube is to work, the staff have to be properly rewarded for the extra antisocial hours and the disruption to their work/life balance.


This Branch believes that LUL’s Fit for the Future (FfF) programme is an appalling attack on the working conditions of London Underground station staff and will lead to a system that is unsafe for customers and staff.


This Branch instructs the RMT NEC to:-


  • Call an all grades ballot for strike action and action short of a strike in pursuit of our pay claim, our demand for a reduction in our working week, and our belief that Night Tube should be properly staffed and properly rewarded.


  • Call a ballot for strike action and action short of a strike for RMT station staff and a ballot for action short of a strike for all other grades in support of RMT’s Every Job Matters campaign.”


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has taken the decision to re-ballot all of our Station Staff members on London Underground over the dispute regarding Every Job Matters which, despite huge opposition from staff and the public remains unresolved. The issues included in this dispute are as follows:-


  • The closure of London Underground Ticket Offices
  • Loss of round the clock Station Supervision
  • Non Filling of Vacancies across London Underground
  • Restructuring of Station Staff, with job roles changing and staff being re-evaluated for their own jobs
  • The unacceptably high number of job losses
  • The unacceptable rosters being imposed on Station Staff, including lone working
  • The unacceptable displacement of huge numbers of staff on London Underground
  • Detrimental changes to employment policies


I am currently acting in accordance with the decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/124/15, 14th May 2015), members will be aware that the pay offer received from London Underground consists of a 0.75% increase effective 1st April 2015, and an RPI increase in 2016. Also included, in return for the future operation of Night Tube, is a non-consolidated lump sum payment for all COO and CPD Operational to be paid at two stages of £250, making £500 in total. Train Drivers and Track and Signals staff only would be offered a further £250 for Night Tube running.


This offer has been rejected and following the resolution received from Finsbury Park Branch (as above) and a resolution received from LU Engineering Branch, the General Grades Committee has taken the decision to conduct a ballot of all our London Underground members for strike action and action short of strike action as the pay offer from management and the proposals for and imposition of Night Tube are unacceptable.


I am currently acting in accordance with the decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/107/15, 23rd April 2015), members will be aware that preparations were underway to conduct a ballot for industrial action of all London Underground Fleet members over the Company’s intention to employ agency trainers at Ruislip Depot. The LU Fleet Branch also submitted a resolution on this matter and the Company has now been informed that a dispute situation exists.


The ballot papers will be posted out to all LU Fleet members on Tuesday 9th June and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 30th June 2015. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/070/15, 12th March 2015), members will be aware that preparations were underway to conduct a ballot for industrial action of all Station Grades members at East Ham, Tower Hill and Embankment over the unfair dismissal of Brother Noel Roberts. The Company has now been advised that a dispute situation exists as this Union finds it completely unacceptable that a long-standing employee is dismissed on spurious medical grounds, despite being cleared as fit for duty by his GP, London Underground Occupational Health and even the East Ham GSM who dismissed him.

The ballot papers were posted out to Station Staff members at East Ham, Tower Hill and Embankment on Wednesday 3rd June and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 16th June 2015. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




The following resolution was received from our Jubilee South Branch:-


“This Branch is concerned that once again a new procedure has been introduced on the Jubilee Line which decreases safety checks in order to avoid disruption to the train service.


The latest Jubilee Line supplement changes the procedure for responding to an ‘M door alarm’. Previously a rear M door alarm would require the train driver to stop the train where it is and check the rear M door is secured before proceeding. LUL want to alter this procedure so that the train can continue to the next station and then be checked.


We ask that the Union Executive take whatever action is necessary, up to action short of strike, to prevent LUL imposing this new process.


We also note that recent changes to procedures for train drivers effectively remove or less the role of the train driver and subsequently are less safe. We believe LUL’s primary aim is to enable the introduction of driverless trains”.


The Lead Officer has also raised this issue with the Company however, the situation remains unresolved. The General Grades Committee has now taken the decision to ballot our Train Operators and Instructor Operators on the Jubilee Line for industrial action short of strike action. I am currently acting in accordance with the above decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/124/15, 14th May 2015), members are congratulated for their solidarity in returning a magnificent result in favour of taking strike action however, despite being given numerous opportunities by our negotiators, Interserve has failed to take the initiative to resolve this dispute. The General Grades Committee considered this matter and took the decision to instruct members not to book on for a 48 hour period between Wednesday 27th May and Friday 29th May 2015.


The determination and resolve of our members is absolute in this dispute and the General Grades Committee has now called further action and instructed our Interserve (KAD) members NOT TO BOOK ON FOR ANY SHIFTS THAT COMMENCE BETWEEN:-


  • 05:30 hours on Monday 8th June 2015 and 05:29 hours on Wednesday 10th June 2015.


I am sure all Branches will show their support for these members who continue to fight for fair and decent wages and for long-standing agreements regarding differentials to be maintained. I have advised the Company that we remain available for talks at ACAS to resolve this dispute but management have stated they are unable to attend a meeting until late next week. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/124/15, 14th May 2015), members are congratulated for their solidarity in returning a magnificent result in favour of taking strike action. This prompted some movement from KAD management and our RMT Reps recently attended a meeting with the Company where the following revised three year pay offer was tabled:-


Year One

  • A 2% pay increase, backdated to 1st January 2015 (including for allowances) and running to 31st March 2016.
  • Those with a salary of less than £30,000 will receive a minimum increase of £750.


Years Two & Three

  • An increase of March RPI + 0.25%, with a guaranteed minimum increase of 1.5%.


  • To reflect the movement of the pay anniversary date, one additional day’s leave will be given in 2016 to each member of staff employed on 1st January 2016. This extra day of leave applies to 2016 only and is equivalent to 7 hours. Usual rules for rostering and/or booking of annual leave will apply.


The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and the improved offer from the Company and taken the decision to conduct a referendum with a recommendation that members VOTE ‘YES’ TO ACCEPT THE OFFER. The voting papers were posted out to members on Tuesday 2nd June and the closing date for this referendum is Tuesday 16th June 2015.


I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




In line with Union policy, a claim was submitted to the Company for a substantial increase in rates of pay and improvements to conditions of service. The Company initially tabled a 0.5% pay increase which was rejected. At a further recent meeting, the Company offered a two year deal which was the same as the offer received from London Underground – a 0.75% increase in year one, an RPI increase in year two and a one-off payment in return for the introduction of Night Tube. Following our rejection of the offer, the Company advised that this was not its final offer and agreed that further meetings would take place.


The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision or convene a meeting of Tube Lines Reps to discuss the pay offer and to decide whether or not they wish to be balloted for industrial action alongside our London Underground members. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.







The following resolution was received from our London Underground Fleet Branch:-


“This Branch calls on all RMT Ruislip Depot Tube Lines Night Transplant Drivers to be balloted for strike action and action short of a strike, to defend our members’ rights and to fight back against the imposition of compulsory overtime.


LU continuously book a number of transplant trains paths to stable after 06:15am at Ruislip Depot when management are fully aware that their shift finishes at 06:15am this is unacceptable to our membership and we expect management to adhere to our members’ contractual hours”.


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has noted the reports on file and taken the decision to organise a ballot of Tubelines Night Transplant Drivers at Ruislip Depot. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/098/15, 10th April 2015), members are commended for returning a solid vote in favour of taking industrial action. A number of meetings then took place with the Company and following lengthy discussions, an agreement was reached and the Company provided the required assurances and protections regarding redundancies and rosters. The threat of compulsory redundancies was withdrawn, all affected staff will retain their alignment compensation and members in an alternative role will have their pay protected for a period of 12 months so they do not suffer a detriment, all at risk members will get the opportunity to apply for Rapid Response Technician roles ahead of other staff. The Company has withdrawn its unacceptable roster proposals and all future rosters will be discussed through the machinery of negotiation.


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee and as confirmation of the agreement has now been received in writing from the Company, I have advised that the dispute situation is resolved.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary




My ref: EO/23

4th June 2015

Circular No. NP/103/15






Dear Colleague,




The union is hosting a weekend school from 10am Friday 10th July to 2pm Sunday 12th July 2015 for RMT members as well as fellow trade unionists to discuss “What is the role of the Trade Union Movement in the Fight for Reparations?” and includes how to campaign for Reparations.


Delegates will look specifically at organising around:

  1. a) moving the campaign forward in the union
  2. b) supporting the 2nd Reparation March being held in London on 1st August 2015
  3. c) supporting the RMT Annual Reparations Conference on 23rd August 2015


Professor Gus John will be one of the tutors leading the classes.


All Regions and Branches are encouraged nominate delegates for this school on the attached form which should be sent directly to the Education Centre by 30th June 2015.


Please contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb ( with any queries.


Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary





My ref: EO/3

4th June 2015

Circular No. NP/104/15






Dear Colleague,




Please note that two new Know Your Rights booklets are now available on the TUC website:



  • Time off and pay for parents having a child through surrogacy – covering rights to time off to attend ante-natal appointments, rights to adoption leave and pay, paternity leave and pay, SPL, unpaid parental leave, flexible working and time off for emergencies


Both booklets also cover rights for parents in same-sex relationships to equal treatment.


Please contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb ( with any queries.


Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary





I bring to your attention the following activities as listed below, please distribute as required to members and Health and Safety representatives who may take an interest and find use in exploring more about this illness and disease.


Friday 3rd July is Action on Mesothelioma Day across the UK, Asbestos Victims Support Groups will be staging activities. Information can be found at;  with further activities to be added throughout the planning process.


Two events already announced are given below:


Greater Manchester Asbestos Victims Support Group Event


London Hazards asbestos group Mesothelioma Day 3 July 10:30 to 14:30 at Layden House, 76-86 Turnmill Street, London EC1M 5LG.


Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all relevant members.


Yours sincerely


Mick Cash

General Secretary

Trade Union Rights Demonstration

To the Secretary all Branches,

Council of Executive members,

Regional Councils and Regional Offices


Thursday 28th May 2015


Dear Colleagues,


Demonstrate against the attacks on your trade union rights


A number of direct attacks on your trade union rights featured in the Queen’s Speech on 27 May 2015, including:

  • the introduction of a 50% voting threshold for union ballot turnouts (and retain the requirement for there to be a simple majority of votes in favour)
  • in addition to the above, there will be a requirement that 40% of those entitled to vote in favour of industrial action in certain essential public services (health, education, fire and transport).
  • the legislation will also seek to place additional restrictions on picketing and introduce an opt-in process for the political fund element of trade union subscriptions
  • it will introduce time limits on a mandate following a ballot for industrial action and make changes to the role of the Certification Officer

It is important to note that the new Business Secretary was elected below the threshold he plans to impose on trade unions, and that there are further draconian proposals in the Conservative Party manifesto.

I am sure you all agree that it is now vital that we take to the streets on 20 June and tell the new government to End Austerity Now. Now is the time to mobilise, to spread the word and to show the full force of anti-austerity opinion in Britain. Encourage family and friends to attend and ensure we are out in force, in a large visible bloc and that this demonstration is the biggest protest seen in London in years. Please assemble at 12pm, Bank of England (Queen Victoria St) City of London or members in Scotland at George’s Square, Glasgow.

Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash

General Secretary




Network Rail Strike





A meeting was held today with our Network Rail Area Council reps to discuss the latest pay proposals from Network Rail. (Copy attached).  The clear view of the meeting was that the new offer was unacceptable and therefore the General Grades Committee has called Network Rail members to take strike action as follows:-


Members are instructed Not to Book on for Duty for any shifts that Start between:-


  • 17.00 hours on Thursday 4th June 2015 and 16.59 hours Friday 5th June 2015


  • 17.00 hours on Tuesday 9th June 2015 and 16.59 hours Thursday 11th June 2015


In addition, members are instructed not to work any overtime, additional hours, extended shifts nor carry out any callouts between:


  • 00.01 hours on Saturday 6th June 2015 and 23.59 Friday 12th June 2015.


There are no exceptions to this instruction, all Network Rail members (excluding Band 1 to 4 staff and Managers who have not been balloted) are instructed to take this action.


Detailed information on how this action will affect members in the form of a Frequently asked Questions Document will be circulated to individual members very shortly. As regards picket lines, detailed guidance has already been circulated to Regional Offices for distribution. Picket lines will be coordinated locally.


The solidarity and determination of members in this dispute has been incredible and I urge Network Rail members keep up the fight and stand shoulder to shoulder with their colleagues on the days of action. It is abundantly clear from the views of the reps at the meeting that Network Rail’s offer simply isn’t good enough and we demand nothing less than a substantial improvement.


I will keep branches fully informed of developments.



Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


Helpline – Operating Hours


Due to the forthcoming Network Rail industrial action, the National Helpline (0800 376 3706) will be operating extended operating hours which are as follows:-


Monday 1st June 2015 until Wednesday 3rd June 2015 – 08.00 to 20.00


08.00 Thursday 4th June 2015 until 20.00 Friday 5th June the Helpline will be open permanently.


Please note that these extended hours are to deal with queries from members relating to the Network Rail Dispute. Members are welcome to continue contacting the helpline during office hours for all other matters.



Thales Pay Accepted

Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2014/2015 – Thales


Referring to our previous correspondence, the referendum has concluded and the result has been considered by the GGC and it has taken the following decision:-


“That we note the referendum result is as follows:-


Total Votes Cast 67
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 65
Number Voting ‘No’ 2
Spoilt Papers 0


We note the result of the referendum and the overwhelming acceptance of members of the offer from Thales. We instruct the General Secretary to notify the Company of our acceptance of the offer.


Relevant branches and London Transport Regional Council to be informed.”


Please inform the company of our acceptance and send an electronic copy of the revised pay scales to my office.


Yours sincerely




Mick Cash

Network Rail

General Secretary Mick Cash said.


“It is rank hypocrisy for Network Rail executives to be attacking the pay and conditions of the front line workforce when they themselves are soaking up telephone number salaries and jetting round the world business class at public expense.


“RMT is proud that we have secured decent pay and conditions for our members on Network Rail and this dispute is all about protecting and advancing those gains and on the eve of crucial talks it is entirely unhelpful for NR to be rubbishing it’s own workforce in this cynical fashion.


“We are talking here about men and women who work round the clock in often appalling conditions, being sprayed with excrement from passing trains, to keep Britain moving and our railways safe. We will take no lectures from the NR Boardroom, or from the politicians about to land salary increases of 10%‎, about pay restraint. RMT’s focus is on talks at ACAS aimed at negotiating a settlement while we prepare ourselves for action from next Monday. ”

