Category: RMT

DLR Strikes



Further to my previous Circular (IR/261/15, 29th October 2015) and the solid strike action taken by KAD members between Tuesday 3rd and Thursday 5th November 2015, the DLR Branch met to discuss this dispute. Having noted a report received from the Lead Officer and the consensus of the DLR Branch meeting, the General Grades Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to instruct all Docklands Light Railway members NOT TO BOOK ON FOR SHIFTS THAT COMMENCE BETWEEN:-


  • 03:59 hours on Monday 11th January 2016 until 03:59 hours on Tuesday 12th January 2016.
  • 03:59 hours on Wednesday 13th January 2016 until 03:59 hours on Thursday 14th January 2016.


  • 03:59 hours on Monday 8th February 2016 until 03:59 hours on Wednesday 10th February 2016.
  • 03:59 hours on Thursday 11th February 2016 until 03:59 hours on Friday 12th February 2016.


  • 03:59 hours on Monday 7th March 2016 until 03:59 hours on Wednesday 9th March 2016.
  • 03:59 hours on Thursday 10th March 2016 until 03:59 hours on Saturday 12th March 2016.


  • 03:59 hours on Monday 21st March 2016 until 03:59 hours on Friday 25th March 2016.
  • 03:59 hours on Tuesday 29th March 2016 until 03:59 hours on Saturday 2nd April 2016.


I am sure all members will show their support for our DLR colleagues in this ongoing dispute. As always, we remain available for talks with the Company to resolve this dispute and I will keep you informed of all developments.




The following resolution has been received from the TfL No.1 Branch:


“TfL No. 1 Branch are concerned that as a result of TfL/LUL managements decision to award certain layers of staff with pay for performance pay increases, union members are seeing their future pension benefits eroded.


We request that the General Secretary carries out a proper investigation into this position as a matter of urgency so that future pay and conditions negotiations see pay increases linked to basic pay and not awards of one off lump sum payments.


We also request that the General Secretary seeks legal opinion on this matter on the grounds that pay for performance can be legally challenged eg indirect age discrimination”


In consideration the General Grades Committee on 24th November 2015 adopted the following report from the Southern Sub Committee:


“We note the resolution on file from TfL No.1 Branch and its concerns that as a result of TfL/LUL managements decision to award certain layers of staff with pay for performance pay increases, union members are seeing their future pension benefits eroded.


We instruct the General Secretary to carry out a proposer investigation into this position as a matter of urgency so that future pay and conditions negotiations see pay increases linked to basic pay and not awards of one of lump sum payments.


We also instruct the General Secretary to seek legal opinion on this matter on the grounds that pay for performance can be legally challenged eg. Indirect age discrimination etc.


Relevant Branch and LTRC to be informed.”


I will keep you informed of developments.


Yours sincerely,




Mick Cash

General Secretary

Government Cuts




The Transport for London Bill passed through its latest stage in the Commons last night after a hard-line Tory whipping operation and will now go to the report stage with transport union RMT pledging to continue to work with Labour MPs to oppose it as it heads towards its third reading. The bill is designed to help TfL fill the funding gap arising from impending cuts in the grant it receives from central government, by allowing it to use offshore companies to develop its property.


Leaks show that, from the turn of the decade, the government will cut £700 million a year from its contribution to TfL’s budget. In return for accepting this reduction without a fuss, last night the government lined up its pet MPs to ram the bill through Parliament.


With its property development focused “Transport for London Bill”, TfL is trying to jump head first into the worst kind of corporate structures – “Limited Partnerships”. That is development orchestrated via opaque offshore investment vehicles that pay little tax and are magnets for crooks from around the world engaged in stealing money from their own public purses.

TfL is pinning all its hopes on filling the gap created by government cuts to its budget by leasing out land to offshore companies. It should not have been put in this position by government – TfL is struggling to run a transport network, let alone a property portfolio.


Their press office spins this as TfL’s contribution to tackling the housing crisis but RMT says it is nothing of the kind.


Even if Transport for London were to allow the building of giant residential towers above every one of its stations, the cost of housing in the capital will remain unaffordable.


While the provision of vital services such as housing continues to be dominated by corporate interests, the chief winners will remain the financiers. With ordinary working people left competing against each other to see how much money they can borrow for ever more miniscule and remote dwellings.


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:


“The Transport for London Bill may well have been whipped through the Commons last night but the fight is far from over.”


“TfL needs to be saved from itself and from a government indifferent to the growing financial crisis facing services in the Capital city as we saw from the transport department funding settlement agreed last week.


“Speculative property gambles benefit global finance capital and open the door to a barrage of dirty money and the warehousing of residential units that turn whole areas into ghost towns. TfL should have no part of that.


“TfL needs to be properly funded by government and not encouraged to gamble its financial future and the safe provision of transport services on shadey property deals straight out of The Long Good Friday.”



New Inflation Rates

New Inflation Rates


The Office for National Statistics has published inflation figures for the twelve months to October 2015.


The Retail Prices Index (RPI) stood at 0.7% for the year to October 2015, down 0.1% on the figure for the year to September 2015.


The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) remained at -0.1% for the year to October 2015, the same figure for the year to September 2015.


I would be grateful if you could bring this Circular to the attention of all Branch members and further information will follow in the Pay Bulletin presently.


Scroogeonomics Xmas Party

Head Office Circular No. NP/227/15/BO



To the Secretary all Branches,

Council of Executive members,

Regional Councils and Regional Offices


Friday 13th November 2015



Dear Colleagues,

RMT in association with Philosophy Football presents a Scroogeonomics Xmas Party


We are proud to present in association with Philosophy Football a seasonal night out against austerity, Scroogeonomics on Saturday 19 December at Rich Mix 35-47 Bethnal Green Road E1 6LA. A great Xmas party, with a purpose, for RMT members, families and friends. Tickets are on sale at £9.95.


The evening will feature the stand-up comedy of Bridget Christie, spoken word from poet Salena Godden and music from the legendary Thee Faction ‘Singing down the government one song at a time’ and in hot musical pursuit Ska legends The Meow Meows. If this array of talent does not get you laughing and dancing all we can say is, bah humbug!


The night won’t be short of ideas either. Opened by the renowned writer on inequality Danny Dorling there will be an international discussion on austerity and its discontents with Marina Prentoulis of Syriza joined by Sirio Canos Donnay of Podemos and Shelly Asquith NUS Vice-President Education & Welfare.

Plus new work has been commissioned especially for the night inspired by the message of The Christmas Carol by poet Matt Abbott and musician Nia.

Filling the dancefloor with an upbeat indie set will be the Melstars Music sound system.

BOOKING now from  or call to book 01273 472 721


Please bring this circular to member’s attention and make every effort to attend.


Yours sincerely,



Mick Cash

General Secretary















In advance of the government’s Autumn Statement, the Trade Union Co-ordinating Group has organised a major event in the campaign against austerity. The rally will take place on Saturday 21st November 2015 from 1.30pm to 4.30pm at the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, London.  Speakers include Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP, Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister, and senior representatives of unions and campaign organisations.


Entrance is only by advance ticket.  Register online at Questions to John McDonnell MP and Yanis Varoufakis can also be emailed in advance to


Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all relevant members.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


TUCG rally leaflet


RMT on transport cuts announcement expected today

“This is just more of the same from this Government – ring-fencing the profits of the private companies while hitting jobs, services and safety and RMT will continue to fight the cuts assault in every corner of the transport sector.


“With soaring passenger demand it is ludicrous to be hammering down on transport budgets while services are already struggling to cope and ‎are running right on the knife edge of public safety.


“If this rotten Government was serious about efficiency it would kick out the profiteering private operators and‎ bring our transport services back under public ownership and control.”


Dear Colleague




In conjunction with the ‘Independent Working Class Education’ (IWCE) organisation the RMT is hosting at the Bob Crow National Education Centre a residential education weekend entitled:


“A World to Win – Learning from the past; Making the Future”


You are invited to come and join RMT activists in Doncaster to explore key moments in the working class history – and make connections with the issues we face today.


This year we celebrate 100 years of women playing a part in rail and transport unions, but of course, the weekend would hugely benefit from experience and contributions of ALL RMT members on the events in history that shaped our union and our class and how they might be relevant and informative to the struggles of today.


The weekend takes place on Friday 20th November (14.00hrs) until Sunday 22nd November (13.00hrs) 2015.


Your reasonable travel expenses will be met by the Union and free accommodation is available at the Bob Crow National Education Centre if required. If you wish to attend please complete the attached application form.


For further details please contact the National Education Officer at


Yours sincerely





Statutory Meetings of the National Executive Committee Unity House

Weeks commencing – March; June; September and December (tbc)



Signalling Grades Conference                                                                        20th – 21st                    Perth

RMT National Health & Safety Conference                                      24th                              Doncaster

RMT Young Members’ Conference                                                   26th – 27th                    Canterbury

Catering & Hotel Grades Conference                                               27th                              Weymouth



RMT National Women’s Conference                                                 4th – 5th (tbc)              Scarborough (tbc)

BTUC Women’s Conference                                                              9th – 11th                    London

Supervisory Grades Conference                                                        12th – 13th                   Great Yarmouth

RMT Black & Ethnic Minority Members Conference                                    21st – 22nd (tbc)            Manchester (tbc)

RMT National Education Conference                                               23rd (tbc)                      Doncaster



Busworkers’ Conference                                                                    8th                              Torquay

BTUC Young Workers’ Conference                                                   9th – 10th                   London

Traincrew & Shunters Grades Conference                                        14th – 16th                    Liverpool

BTUC Black Workers’ Conference                                                   15th – 17th                    London

Scottish TUC                                                                                      18th – 20th                    Dundee

RMT Retired Members’ Conference                                                 21st                              Doncaster

Engineering Grades Conference                                                        21st – 22nd                    Brighton

Station Staff & Associated Grades Conference                                  22nd – 23rd                   Warwick

Road Freight Grades Conference                                                      23rd                              Portsmouth



RMT BGM (Shipping & Docks)                                                          11th – 13th                    Dover

RMT National LGBT Members’ Conference                                                13th – 14th (tbc)            Nottingham (tbc)

RMT BGM (Offshore)                                                                                    18th – 19th                    Aberdeen

BTUC Disabled Workers Conference                                              19th – 20th                    London

Wales TUC Biennial Conference                                                      24th – 26th                    Llandudno


RMT National Conference of Branch &
Regional Council Secretaries                                                               5th – 6th                      Gloucester

BTUC LGBT Conference                                                                   23rd – 24th                    London
RMT Annual General Meeting                                                           26th –   1st                    Cardiff

BTUC                                                                                                  11th – 14th                    Brighton

RMT Disabled Workers Conference                                                      tbc                               tbc

RMT confirms 48 hour DLR strike

RMT confirms 48 hour DLR strike from tomorrow morning is on as talks fail to make any progress



RAIL UNION RMT said today that staff across all grades on Keolis Amey Docklands Light Railway will strike for 48 hours from early tomorrow after last ditch talks failed to make any progress this morning. The dispute is over a range of serious unresolved issues that are wrecking industrial relations.


Talks on Friday and this morning with KAD failed as management refused to address the core issues of use of agency staff, imposition without agreement of fundamental changes to the control centre managing movement and power, abuse of procedures and the adoption of a wholly cavalier attitude to the issues of risk assessment and the safety and security of both staff and the travelling public.


RMT members voted by a massive 92% to act and will now take 48 hours of strike action with no shifts booked on or after 0359  on Tuesday 3rd November until 0358 on the Thursday 5th November 2015.


The key issues at the heart of the dispute are:


  • Abuses of the use of agency staff  within the KAD network.
  • Undermining the position of Control Centre, stores and other grades effectively casualising key functions
  • A creeping culture of bullying and intimidation of staff, including an abuse of the use of CCTV,  being allowed to develop
  • Breaches of agreements, procedures and the recognition framework

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“RMT negotiators have made every effort over the past 72 hours to resolve this dispute through negotiation but due to the sheer intransigence of the management the DLR will now face its first ever all-out strike action in the 28 years history of the railway. The responsibility for the massive disruption that will kick in from early tomorrow morning is entirely down to the aggressive and bullying attitude of the new KAD management who don’t seem to understand the basic principles of industrial relations.

“Our members on DLR are furious at the way that Keolis/Amey are trying to bulldoze through some of the worst working practices and conditions that we associate with the operations of the most cheapskate and anti-union companies in the transport sector and that anger is reflected in the ballot results. We will not sit back and allow this aggressive and bullying culture to develop on this key part of London’s transport network.

“The company should not have underestimated the anger of the workforce and KAD’s abject failure to address these issues which left us with no option but to ballot for action and that ballot registered a massive 92% in favour.

“The 48 hour strike now goes ahead as planned.  The union remains available for further meaningful talks.”




Dear Colleagues,






All south of England Branches are urged to do everything within their capability to ensure a maximum turn out for the mass rally and lobby of Parliament that will take place on MONDAY 2nd November 2015 from 11.30


Branches can legitimately use their Branch Political funds to ensure this so please start acting now.


The rally will take place in Westminster Central Hall prior to the lobby. Members are encouraged to join the TUC and other union members from all over the country by coming together to lobby and rally against the Trade Union Bill.


The Trade Union Bill is a massive attack on trade unionists across Britain, but particularly in sectors such as transport.


To register for more information prior to the event please visit:


It is vitally important that members make every effort to attend this lobby, and to encourage family, friends and colleagues to attend. We need to show the Government how strongly we value our trade union rights and that we are prepared to fight their proposals.


We will see your there. Best wishes until then.


Yours sincerely

John Leach, Paul Cox and Steve Smart



RMT on criminal prosecution of City Link directors

RMT Press Office


Mick Cash, General Secretary of City Link union RMT said;



“RMT demanded at the time of the City Link collapse that these directors should be prosecuted and barred from ever running a company again.


“They connived to get workers to do overtime over Christmas and for self-employed people to do shifts that they knew they would never be paid for.


” This was bandit capitalism in the raw and should have no place in British industry. Instead of twisting the knife with a new raft of anti union laws the Government should be clamping down on those who treat the workforce like dirt. ”

