Category: RMT

Week of action against Trade Union Bill

RMT to support week of action against Trade Union Bill as Tories target transport workers

 Transport union RMT is supporting a week of action from 8th to 14th February organised by the TUC and all affiliated unions against the Trade Union Bill which threatens a whole raft of workplace rights including the basic right to strike.

As well as attempting to shackle unions in transport, fire, education and health with undemocratic ballot thresholds that seek to ban the right to strike by the back door the legislation would also mean that:

  • Employers will be able for the first time to break strikes by bringing in agency workers to cover for strikers.
  • There will be massive restrictions on peaceful picketing and protests with the threat of criminalising workers and their elected representatives.
  • There are attacks on union representatives and their rights across the whole range of public sector bodies that would compromise their ability to provide effective representation.
  • There are restrictions on how unions collect and spend their money
  • There is a blatant attempt to tie unions, and their ability to operate effectively, down through a minefield of bureaucracy.

The week of action will showcase the vital work unions do – and tell the wider public why the Trade Union Bill threatens everybody who believes in basic human rights and freedom of association.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“Last week the Tory Government confirmed that transport is one of the sectors that they will be targeting with their new wave of oppressive anti-union laws as they seek to ban strikes by the back door.

“RMT will stand alongside our colleagues in health, education and the fire service – and across the wider Trade Union movement – to fight this outrageous attack on our basic human rights. That is why RMT will be supporting the TUC Week of Action.

“It is no surprise that the Tories are resorting to the policies of General Franco to try and tighten the noose of the anti-union laws around the necks of those workers in the front line of the fight against austerity. They will have a battle on their hands. “

‘London Recruits’ documentary

‘London Recruits’ documentary – Appeal for Branch and Regional Council Funding

In the 1960s and 1970s a number of NUS and NUR activists (as well as members of other British unions) were recruited to perform secret work in apartheid South Africa on behalf of Nelson Mandela’s banned ANC.

RMT, as the successor of NUS/NUR, is supporting the work of Cardiff-based production company Barefoot Rascals, to bring this story to the screen through a documentary entitled London Recruits, inspired by a book of the same name published in 2012.

Among the stories featured will be the daring attempt to secretly land returning ANC activists off South Africa’s coast in a boat crewed by NUS members from Merseyside. A plaque honouring these brave men was unveiled in Liverpool last year.

In a separate mission, NUR members were among those involved in dangerous propaganda work distributing banned anti-apartheid literature within the country. They faced lengthy imprisonment and torture if arrested.

RMT donated £2,000 last year to help with the film’s initial costs, as did a number of other unions. The project is backed by the TUC and a growing number of its affiliates, Ffilm Cymru Wales and anti-apartheid veteran Peter Hain.

The producers have just launched their second phase of fundraising in order to complete the film and our Council of Executives agreed in December 2015 to circularise Branches and Regional Councils encouraging them to contribute from their own funds as a legitimate expense.

  • Branches, Regional Councils (and individuals) can contribute by visiting Various rewards are listed, including private screenings of the completed film, depending on the size of the donation.

Latest LUL Circular



Further to my previous Circular (IR/299/15, 4th December 2015), and as members will be aware, RMT suspended industrial action in September 2015 to allow discussions at ACAS to continue. However we also strenuously reiterated the fact that the dispute situation was NOT RESOLVED and that we would reinstate industrial action if and when necessary if our just demands on pay and night tube were not met. Throughout this dispute, RMT has continuously asked for the pay discussions to be separate from the night tube discussions but the Company has always rejected this position.


The Union returned to discussions with the Company to seek improvements to the latest offer received from LUL and try to reach an agreement over night tube. Unfortunately it has now been reported that there has been a complete failure by LUL to work through the detail of implementing night tube.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has noted the total breakdown of negotiations over the linked issues of pay and night tube, and taken the decision to call on all LUL Members (excl. Fleet) NOT TO BOOK ON for any shifts that commence between:-


  • 21:00 hours on Tuesday 26th January 2016 and 20:59 hours on Wednesday 27th January 2016.


  • 21:00 hours on Monday 15th February 2016 and 20:59 hours on Tuesday 16th February 2016.


  • 21:00 hours on Wednesday 17th February 2016 and 20:59 hours on Thursday 18th February 2016.


All LUL Fleet members NOT TO BOOK ON for any shifts that commence between:-


  • 18:30 hours on Tuesday 26th January 2016 and 18:29 hours on Wednesday 27th January 2016.


  • 18:30 hours on Monday 15th February 2016 and 18:29 hours on Tuesday 16th February 2016.


  • 18:30 hours on Wednesday 17th February 2016 and 18:29 hours on Thursday 18th February 2016.


As before, this action is in conjunction with members in other Unions. We remain available for talks and I will of course keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/321/15, 23rd December 2015), and as members will be aware, at the time of calling the continuous overtime ban from Sunday 3rd January 2016, the Lead Officer had written to LUL seeking assurances that there will be no imposition of a new framework agreement, that staff will not be forced to sign new contracts and that rosters will not be imposed. At a meeting with the Company last week, management gave their response, which was a total refusal of our requests. They further advised that rosters and a new framework agreement will be imposed on the 7th February, regardless of whether or not any agreement has been reached.


The critical issues in this dispute that remain outstanding include no agreement over a new framework agreement, the proposed rosters do not comply with current agreements or assurances given regarding weekend working, the Company are denying promotion and career prospects by recruiting externally, there is no guaranteed protection of earnings and no guarantee that vacancies on rosters will be filled.


Following discussions between the RMT Reps, Senior Assistant General Secretary, Regional Organiser and National Executive Committee, the National Executive Committee has taken the decision to instruct all RMT Station Grades NOT TO BOOK ON FOR SHIFTS between the following times:-


  • 21:00 hours on Tuesday 26th January 2016 and 20:59 hours on Wednesday 27th January 2016.


  • 21:00 hours on Monday 15th February 2016 and 20:59 hours on Tuesday 16th February 2016.


  • 21:00 hours on Wednesday 17th February 2016 and 20:59 hours on Thursday 18th February 2016.


NB: To comply with legal advice the overtime ban is suspended for the duration of the strikes but will commence again immediately after each strike ends and continuously from 21:00 hours on Thursday 18th February 2016.


Also, the National Executive Committee has taken the decision for all station staff grades to take a week of action from the imposition of the rosters and new operating model on Sunday 7th February through to Saturday 13th Feburary. The nature of this action will be confirmed in due course and I will of course keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/321/15, 23rd December 2015), the Company has now been informed that a dispute situation still exists between us as the offer which it has tabled in respect of the above, including an offer in respect of moving to a 24-hour service, has been rejected by RMT. Also, at a recent meeting with the Company management advised that any acceptance of the offer would mean an acceptance of renegotiation of rosters in preparation for night tube. In response, RMT made a counter proposal that the long running saga of pensions parity for Tube Lines AP JNP staff be included in any final deal. This counter proposal was rejected by management, although they did state that on acceptance of the pay offer, fresh talks could begin around pensions. This position/offer was rejected and as a result, the National Executive Committee took the decision to conduct the ballot for industrial action.


The ballot papers will be posted out to members on Wednesday 13th January 2016. The closing date for this ballot is Thursday 28th January 2016 and I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/276, 12th November 2015), members will recall the decision to ballot all operational permanent way track staff for strike action and action short of a strike. This dispute is over LUL’s decision to train Cleshar’s staff to undertake track patrolling duties, which has not been agreed by RMT. It is a clear breach of our agreements, represents a casualisation of members’ jobs and is a direct attack on their job security.


The ballot papers will be posted out to affected members on Tuesday 19th January and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 2nd February 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/261, 29th October 2015), the National Executive Committee has considered a report from the Lead Officer and also noted from the LTRC that there is strong support for Glen from our members across all London Underground grades and taken the decision to conduct a ballot for strike action and action short of a strike.


I have advised LUL that a dispute situation exists over the continued suspension and threat of disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, against RMT Rep Glen Hart. Also that this dispute situation will remain in place until this matter is resolved to my members’ satisfaction and Glen Hart is reinstated to his full substantive role.


The ballot papers will be posted out to all London Underground members on Thursday 21st January and the closing date for this ballot is Thursday 4th February 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




As Branches and members will be aware, a dispute situation currently exists between us, LUL and Tube Lines AP JNP in respect of the above. I can advise that the ballot papers will be posted out to members on Wednesday 13th January 2016, the closing date for this ballot is Thursday 28th January 2016 and I will keep you advised of all further developments.




It was on the 18th October 2006 that the recently renamed Bob Crow National Education Centre was opened by our union. In succeeding 10 years the centre has expanded and developed into a first class residential Trade Union Education Centre. To mark this 10 year anniversary the Centre will be organising a Festival to celebrate the educational work and facilities the Union is rightly proud of.


The Festival will take place on Friday 29th July 2016 at the Bob Crow National Education Centre, opening at 11.00hrs and closing at 17.00hrs. Entry will be by free ticket (s). The festival will be very much an RMT family event, with food, refreshments, live music and guest speakers throughout the day. An extended invitation to our Trade Union friends affiliated to the TUC and GFTU will also be made.


If members and their families wish to attend you should request tickets from the National Education Officer at or in writing to Bob Crow National Education Centre, 47-49 Thorne Road, Doncaster, DN1 2EX


Rip off Privatised Rail

UK commuters spend up to six times as much of their salary on rail fares as other European passengers


Commuters on the UK’s privatised railways returning to work today (Monday) will face new fare increases, while spending up to six times as much of their salaries on rail fares as European passengers on publicly-owned railways, new analysis has revealed.


Action for Rail, a campaign by rail unions and the TUC, has compared average earnings with monthly season tickets on similar commuter routes across Europe.


The analysis looked at a UK worker on an average salary who is now spending 13% of their monthly wages on a £357.90 monthly season ticket from Chelmsford to London.


By contrast, the average amount of salary going on a monthly season ticket for a similar journey is just 2% in Italy, 3% in Spain and 4% in Germany.


Even in France, which is the closest to the UK for cost, commuters still spend nearly a third (30%) less on season tickets than their counterparts in the UK:



Monthly season ticket

% of monthly median earnings























The comparably high costs of the UK’s privatised railways are reflected by public opinion. A separate new poll for Action for Rail of 1,719 British adults by YouGov found that:


61% say train services in the UK are bad value for money

62% think that fares would be cheaper if train companies weren’t trying to make a profit

62% support public ownership of train operating companies



The findings come as rail campaigners and workers plan to hold protests at over 60 stations around the country against fare rises and in support of public ownership.


The government point to regulated rail fare rises being capped at the rate of inflation. But Action for Rail says the public will pay for this cap through taxes amounting to £700m over the next five years.


Research shows that more than double this (£1.5bn) could be saved over the same period if the rail franchises up for renewal were returned to the public sector. Researchers at Transport for Quality of Life have estimated that this could fund a 10% reduction in season tickets and other regulated fares from 2017.


Rail campaigners, passengers and rail unions will be outside London Kings Cross mainline station (on the edge of Kings Cross Square) at 8am today (4 January) handing out mock tickets to passengers, which highlight the high costs of fares and privatisation and call for public ownership of the railways.


TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said:


“It’s hardly surprising that UK passengers think rail travel is bad value for money. They are shelling out far more of their income on rail fares than their counterparts in Europe.


“Years of failed privatisation have left us with exorbitant ticket prices, overcrowded trains and ageing infrastructure. It would be nice if ministers woke-up to this reality instead of allowing train companies to milk the system at taxpayers’ and commuters’ expense.”


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:


“Today is national rail rip off day when, along with the looming Christmas credit card bills, the British public awake to another kick in the teeth from the greedy private train companies. We would urge everyone to join with the trade unions to end the money making racket on our rail tracks in 2016. “

Tory London Mayoral Candidate is having a laugh

RMT hits back at Goldsmith claim that he will ban tube strikes


Tube union RMT today hit back at a leaflet being distributed by multi-millionaire Tory mayoral candidate Zac Goldsmith claiming that he will ban tube strikes in the Capital.


The leaflet is being distributed as RMT and sister transport unions step up their campaign against cuts to jobs and safety and stand alongside passenger groups in the fight against relentless fare increases.


General Secretary Mick Cash said;


“Zac Goldsmiths pathetic stunt marks him down as little more than a second-rate Boris Johnson tribute act as the current Mayor made similar bogus promises when he first stood for election.


“If Zac Goldsmith thinks that the way to win in London is to attack working people and threaten to jail them for standing up for for jobs, services and safety then he should think again. Zac Goldsmith has never had to fight for a decent standard of living, he comes from a privledged background where everything’s been handed to him on a plate.


“RMT will take no lectures from multi-millionaires like Zac Goldsmith when it comes to our fight for economic and social justice ‎and jobs, safety and decent, affordable transport services.”

Transport union RMT pledges full support for junior doctors’ industrial action


Transport union RMT pledges full support for junior doctors’ industrial action


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“RMT stands in full support of our junior doctors as they prepare to take industrial action in defence of the basic principle of decent working conditions for NHS staff who work round the clock saving lives.

“RMT members are urged to join the picket lines at their local hospital tomorrow to show solidarity with the junior doctors at this crucial point in their fight for justice.

“The NHS is the cornerstone of the post-war welfare state and it falls to the entire trade union movement to line up alongside those prepared to take action to defend it.”






RMT Events 2016

Monday 11th January 2016


Circular No. National Policy NP/07/16/BO


To the Secretary all Branches,

Council of Executive members,

Regional Councils and Regional Offices.


Dear Colleagues,




RMT members, as well as friends and family, are invited to attend and join a number of social and commemorative events this Summer. The 14th Annual RMT Cuba Garden Party, the Durham Miners’ Gala, the Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival and the Burston Strike School Rally are all chances to celebrate RMT and other unions’ history and recommit to preserving and extending our legacy:

The legendary RMT Cuba Garden Party on Wednesday 15th June – Celebrate the achievements of the Cuban Revolution with music, special guest speakers, food and drink. Tickets to go on sale soon. From 19.00 pm at Maritime House, Clapham, London.


Durham Miners’ Gala – from 8:30am on Saturday 9th  July
Marching from the Market Place to the Racecourse, with the Big Meeting taking place at the Racecourse from 12:15 – including addresses from a number of key speakers.
Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival – in Dorset over the weekend of Friday 15th to Sunday 17th  July. Includes commemorative events, music (including marching bands), kids’ activities and speakers – with the main march and rally taking place on the Sunday. Nearest train stations are Dorchester and Dorchester South (both to the West of Bournemouth)
Burston Strike School Rally – in Norfolk on Sunday 4th September
Help celebrate the longest running strike in history – there will be music (including a marching band) and speakers.
Nearest train station is Diss (to the South of Norwich)

Further information will be sent out nearer the time but please let people know of these dates now.
Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash

General Secretary


Latest LUL Circular








23rd December 2015                                                                Circular No IR/321/15


Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/299/15, 4th December 2015) there remains a number of areas of concern over London Underground’s Fit for the Future Stations (FFFS) proposals and the Lead Officer has written to LUL seeking assurances that there will be no imposition of a new framework agreement, that staff will not be forced to sign new contracts and that rosters will not be imposed. At the time of writing we have not yet received a response from LUL.


The General Grades Committee has noted the correspondence on file and as a result, has taken the decision to call on all RMT Station Grades to take part in the industrial action detailed below.


  • NOT TO WORK ANY OVERTIME from 05:30 hours on Sunday 3rd January 2016 until further notice.


Also, members are instructed to refuse to sign any contract or letter regarding working hours or agreements (with the exception of members on Fixed Term Contracts who should sign permanent contracts).


I urge all members to make sure this overtime ban is solidly supported to apply pressure to the Company and to demonstrate loud and clear that there is so much more to resolve on stations specifically. I will of course keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/299/15, 4th December 2015) the negotiating team has held further discussions and negotiations with the Company and these have resulted in some movement from the Company on a number of key issues. These include a commitment to review a number of specific cases; the risk assessment for the use of Managers to cover the CRT has finally been provided and is being reviewed; a review of staffing in the Stores department has been completed and an additional new post has been created.


As a result of the above and the commitments already given by KAD on the use of agency staff and the on-going positive discussions regarding a new attendance procedure and machinery of negotiation, the negotiating team recommended that the first two rounds of strike action called are suspended to recognise that progress has been made but also to make sure that these productive discussions continue until all matters are fully resolved.


This matter was discussed at a DLR Branch meeting on Friday 18th December and having considered the correspondence on file, the General Grades Committee has taken the decision to suspend the strike action due to commence on Monday 11th January and Wednesday 13th January 2016 – ALL MEMBERS SHOULD THEREFORE BOOK ON AS NORMAL ON THESE DATES.


The other strike action dates, now starting from Monday 8th February 2016, still remain in place and I will keep you informed of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/243/15, 13th October 2015) the RMT negotiating team met the Company on Tuesday 22nd December and a revised and improved offer was received which includes a payment to address the pay differentials, certain tasks to be performed by Security staff and a commitment from the Company to continue talks with RMT into 2016 to discuss any other matters of concern.


Make no mistake that this movement from the Company is in response to the resolve, determination and unity shown by members throughout this dispute which has made the Company see sense and take steps towards resolving this issue. As a result, the General Grades Committee has taken the decision to SUSPEND ALL INDUSTRIAL ACTION and all members are therefore instructed to work as normal. The Company has also been informed that all industrial action is suspended.


The offer will be discussed at the next DLR Branch meeting and the GGC has noted that following this meeting it may be possible to resolve this dispute. I will keep you advised of all further developments.


I also wish to take this opportunity to thank all Interserve (KAD) members, our DLR Branch leadership and the Lead Officer for all their hard work and dedication to reach this position.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/276/15, 12th November 2015), members will recall the previous GGC Decision to obtain a report on how negotiations are proceeding and also to update the GGC and membership on what stage we are at with our dispute with Tube Lines. A number of TLL Company Council meetings have since taken place discuss Pay including PRP, Pensions and Night Tube  and the Company again presented the same offer as the one made by LUL, which is as follows:-


Pay – 4 year settlement from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2019


  • A 2% average increase for staff covered by collective bargaining, effective 1st April 2015. This is made up of 1% (equivalent to RPI) pay increase on base pay for 2015, plus a consolidated flat rate increase of £500 to recognise the transformation to a 24 hour passenger service operation – Night Tube
  • An increase of RPI or 1% (whichever is greater), effective from 1st April 2016
  • An increase of RPI or 1% (whichever is greater), effective from 1st April 2017
  • An increase of RPI + 0.25%, effective from 1st April 2018


Night Tube


  • A £500 non-consolidated launch payment to all working on Night Tube. This will be applied to all AP JNP staff covered by collective bargaining.
  • It should be noted that Night Tube Operation will impact on all of our lines and therefore some of our staff will be required to work alternative rosters to enable the business to maintain the infrastructure.


At a mass meeting of Tube Lines Reps held last week at Unity house, this offer was unanimously rejected and the General Grades Committee has taken the decision to ballot our Tube Lines members for strike action and action short of strike action.


I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.




A proposal was recently received from LUL which has been produced following a series of discussions and negotiations at Fleet Functional Council. It covers those members currently employed on fixed term contracts in Train Maintainer (TM) and Advanced Train Maintainer (ATM) grades on the Central Line Heavy Overhaul Programme Lift (HOPL) Project.


The proposals will give the opportunity to transfer 47 fixed term contracts into permanent contracts, all current LU terms and conditions will be applied and the staff will move into the TfL final salary pension scheme.


The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to inform the Company of our acceptance of the proposals. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision.




In line with Union policy, a claim was submitted for a substantial increase in rates of pay and improvements to conditions of service. Following discussions with the Company, the final offer which was received is as follows:-


  • A 2% pay increase, backdated to 1st April 2015.
  • A £50 increase to travel costs.


Having consulted with affected members, the Lead Officer recommended acceptance of the offer and the General Grades Committee has now taken the decision to inform the Company of our acceptance of the offer. I am currently acting in accordance with the above decision and have asked that the increase, along with backdated monies, is paid to members at the earliest opportunity.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary





Dear Colleague,




I am pleased to inform you that the 2016 National LGBT Members’ Conference will take place in Nottingham on Friday 13th (commencing at 2pm) and Saturday 14th May 2016 (concluding at 3pm).  The venue is the Ramada Nottingham City Centre, 19-21 Wollaton Street, Nottingham NG1 5FW.


Branches and Regional Councils are entitled to nominate a maximum of four delegates each. Nominations must be made on the attached form, which should be returned to Head Office by 15 April 2016. 


Branches and Regional Councils are also invited to submit motions for the agenda of the Conference which should be relevant to the concerns of LGBT members throughout the transport industry and must conform to Union policy. All motions must be received at Unity House by 15 April 2016 at the latest.  In addition to the above, invitations would be welcome from Branches and Regional Councils to host the 2017 Conference.

Branches and Regional Councils need to confirm with delegates that they are up to date with their subscriptions and what arrangements will be made towards their expenses before nominating.  A £35 per delegate payment is made to Branches, up to a maximum of seven, i.e. £245 per Branch per year, payable in respect of delegates to a Grades Conference or the RMT National Women’s; Young Members’; Health and Safety; Black and Ethnic Members’; or LGBT Members’ Conferences.


Should you have any queries please contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb, on or t:020 7529 8821.


Yours sincerely,





Dear Colleague,




I am pleased to inform you that the 2016 National Black and Ethnic Minority Members’ Conference will take place in Manchester on Monday 21 March (starting at 1pm) to Tuesday 22 March 2016 (concluding at 4pm). The venue is the Mercure Manchester Piccadilly Hotel, Portland Street, Manchester M1 4PH.


Branches and Regional Councils are entitled to nominate a maximum of four delegates each. Nominations must be made on the attached form, which should be returned to Head Office by 26 February 2016. 


Branches and Regional Councils are also invited to submit motions for the agenda of the Conference which should be relevant to the concerns of black and ethnic minority members throughout the transport industry and must conform to Union policy. All motions must be received at Unity House by 26 February 2016 at the latest.  In addition to the above, invitations would be welcome from Branches and Regional Councils to host the 2017 Conference.


Branches and Regional Councils need to confirm with delegates that they are up to date with their subscriptions and what arrangements will be made towards their expenses before nominating.  A £35 per delegate payment is made to Branches, up to a maximum of seven, i.e. £245 per Branch per year, payable in respect of delegates to a Grades Conference or the RMT National Women’s; Young Members’; Health and Safety; Black and Ethnic Members’; or LGBT Members’ Conferences.


Should you have any queries please contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb, on or t:020 7529 8821.


Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary    
