Category: RMT

Referendum on Membership of the European Union

Dear Colleagues,

Referendum on Membership of the European Union

As you may be aware, the referendum campaign surrounding UK membership of the European Union has now begun.

RMT policy on this matter was decided by rank and file members at the 2015 Annual General Meeting, and the union is campaigning for a Leave vote. The motion carried at the AGM was as follows:




That this Annual General Meeting notes the outcome of the UK general election on 7 May 2015 means that a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union will take place before the end of 2017.


We note that David Cameron has stated that his government intends to renegotiate terms of Britain’s EU membership by removing restrictions on big business and protecting special interests of banks and financial institutions based in the City of London, before recommending a ‘Yes’ vote for Britain to remain in the EU.


We note that the Tory government will be supported in their attempt to maintain Britain’s membership of the EU bosses’ club by the leadership of the parliamentary Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party and the Scottish and Welsh nationalist parties. This pro-EU coalition will be joined by the Confederation of British Industry and Institute of Directors, the TUC and most of Britain’s billionaire press-owners in calling for a ‘Yes’ vote.


RMT’s 2010 Annual General Meeting held in Aberdeen, adopted a policy to call for a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union and to campaign for a vote for Britain to leave the EU in a referendum. RMT’s policy therefore is to campaign for a progressive ‘No’ vote to Britain’s membership of the EU.


This AGM instructs the General Secretary and Council of Executives to work to establish an alliance of trade unions, socialists and democrats calling for a ‘No’ vote in the coming referendum on Britain’s EU membership in order to ensure that the arguments for workers’ rights and public ownership outside of the Thatcherite straightjacket of the EU are made to British electors.

RMT has registered as an official “leave” campaigner with the Electoral Commission. The union has also affiliated to Trade Unionists against the European Union ( and will be supporting and assisting initiatives by TAEU. The union will also provide speakers for socialist and progressive platforms against the EU. The union is also campaigning publicly with other unions, socialists and trade unionists who share our position.

Additionally, RMT will be promoting the following six key points direct to members across all sectors of the transport industry through the RMT NEWS, through branches and reps and through the union’s social media platforms. Copies of the below in leaflets and poster form will shortly be made available to Branches and Regional Councils.

1.    Leave the EU to end attacks on rail workers
New EU rail policies are set to further entrench rail privatisation and fragmentation. That will also mean more attacks or jobs and conditions and EU laws will make it impossible to bring all of rail back into public ownership.2.    Leave the EU to end attacks on seafarers and the offshore workers
The EU has promoted undercutting and social dumping leading to the decimation of UK seafarers. The same is now happening in the offshore sector. EU directives also require the tendering our public ferry services.

3.    Leave the EU to end attacks on workers’ rights
It’s a myth that the EU is in favour of workers. In fact the EU is developing a new policy framework to attack trade union rights, collective bargaining, job protections and wages. This is already being enforced in countries which have received EU “bailouts”.

4.    Leave the EU to end Austerity
If you join a union you expect members of the union to protect each other in times of trouble. The European Union has done the opposite. It has used the economic crisis to impose austerity and privatization on member states. Instead of protecting jobs and investment EU austerity is driving UK austerity.

5.    Leave the EU to stop the attack on our NHS
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade agreement being negotiated between the EU and the United States will promote big business at the expense government protections and organisations including our NHS! Environmental regulations, employment rights, food safety, privacy laws and many other safeguards will also be secondary to the right of corporations to make even bigger profits.

6.    Leave the EU to support democracy
The vast majority of the laws that affects our lives are now made in the EU and not the UK. We have no say over those Laws. As the late Tony Benn said in 1991…

“We are discussing whether the British people are to be allowed to elect those who make the laws under which they are governed. The argument is nothing to do with whether we should get more maternity leave from Madame Papandreou [a European Commissioner].”

I would be grateful if you could bring this Circular to the attention of all Branch members and I will keep you informed as to developments and initiatives in the campaign.

If you have any queries regarding the union’s campaign please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely


Mick Cash

General Secretary





Shipping union RMT will be officially launching a new booklet – “TURNING THE TIDE” – marking the fiftieth anniversary of the 1966 seamen’s strike at the union’s biennial shipping general meeting in Dover today – Thursday 12th May.


There will be a press call and photo opportunity with delegates and visitors to the BGM at:


One pm – Thursday 12th May

RMT Dover Office

48 Snargate Street

Dover CT17 9BZ


Turning the Tide is a pamphlet specially commissioned by RMT to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1966 seamen’s strike and to ensure that a new generation of trade unionists can understand the background of this important dispute and learn the lessons from it that resonate with our work today.


The pamphlet has been written by former NUS staff member Jim Jump and starts by setting out the background to the dispute in the run up to 1966 and taking us right back to the early days of trade union organisation in the shipping industry at the end of the 19th century.


Extraordinary pictures have been sourced of the pivotal strike in the Port of Liverpool in 1911 which show thousands of workers and their supporters out on the streets of the City as part of a national six weeks of action which forced the dropping of the employers anti-union pledge and paved the way for national wage rates and the closed shop.


The pamphlet pulls no punches – taking readers through the dark days when the NUS refused to support the general strike, was thrown out of the TUC and didn’t return until the 1930’s by which time the depression was hammering jobs and wages throughout the industry. A “top down” approach remained in the union and it was left to local militants to fight wildcat actions with some jailed just after the second world war.


It was these industrial militants who were the backbone of the rank and file movement as the clock ticked down towards 1966.


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:


“Turning the Tide” sets out a unique background to the looming dispute and a handy time-line through the forty seven days in 1966 that quite literally shook the country to its very foundations.


“With archive shots of “The Seaman”, and a rich use of contemporary pictures, this pamphlet will be seen in the future as an important educational and historical resource. It will be invaluable to anyone studying the industrial battles of the sixties and seventies.”


RMT National Secretary Steve Todd added:


“The publication explores the political climate at the time of the dispute and homes in on biographies of some of the “politically motivated men” named by Harold Wilson in his infamous quote.


“It also brings us bang up to date, explaining how the struggles for workplace justice that led to the 1966 strike are mirrored in the battles that RMT is engaged in across the shipping industry today.”


Retiring Reps and Friends

LUEngineering Branch held a special award evening for four of our long standing reps; Martin Eden, Dave Godfrey, Frank Murray and Jackie D’Arby, with over 150 years membership and service to the union.

All of them were friends of Bob and we laughed and joked together about old times and it was as if he was there in the room with us.

All four were given Bob Crow Busts which we as a branch could not think of a better, more deserving and apt award.

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 The TUC is conducting an Equality in the workplace survey of union representatives on the type of equality issues arising in the workplace and the support reps need to tackle these issues. The TUC would like to hear from union reps, and questions include:

  • Have you dealt with any equality issues at your workplace related to members?
  • Where do you go to for resources and support?
  • Do you struggle to find guidance or information?
  • Have you received any training from the TUC or your union on equality issues?

The results of the survey will feature in the main TUC Equality Audit report. The survey will be used to collate data and case studies. At the end of the survey you can voluntarily provide your contact details for the TUC to contact you for further information. Please click below to complete the short survey and share with all workplace reps that deal with equality issues.  The closing date for the survey is 6 May.

Sexual Harassment- TUC Survey


Recent TUC polling indicates that sexual harassment is still rife in many workplaces. These findings are in line with European data on the extent of sexual harassment. As part of a project on sexual harassment in the workplace, the TUC would like to hear about your experiences either directly or as a rep of sexual harassment.

Please complete this short survey to tell the TUC about your experience. The information you share will be treated in confidence and the survey can be completed anonymously. If anyone is prepared to speak to the TUC and/or to the media please do add their contact details.


The RMT is also committed to tackling sexual harassment and assault and is the process of putting together a guidance booklet to help reps and branches deal with these issues.

As EU imposes rail privatisation – RMT says "vote to Leave"

As EU imposes rail privatisation – RMT says “vote to Leave”

The European Parliament’s decision this week to back the opening up of all rail routes across the EU to more competition for private operators was just one more reason to vote Leave on June 23, transport union RMT said today.

Under the proposals in the EU’s so-called Fourth Railway Package, train operators would have complete access to the networks of member states to operate domestic passenger services.

The European Council had already agreed that mandatory competitive tendering should be the main way of awarding public service contracts.

RMT general secretary Mick Cash said that the failed Tory privatisation of rail over twenty years ago using EU directive 91/440 was now being imposed on 500 million people by EU diktat without a mandate.

“This rail package is designed to privatise railways across Europe and its proposals are remarkably similar to the McNulty report on the future of GB railways, imposing further fragmentation and attacks on workers.

“McNulty, the Tory government and the EU share the business-led mania for privatisation and agree on the need to jack up fares and attack jobs, pay and pensions to pay for it, no-one has voted for that.

“It is impossible to make changes to this privatisation juggernaut inside the undemocratic EU so the only solution is to get out by voting Leave on June 23,” he said.

RMT Supporting Blacklisted Members

Should you feel that you have been subject to blacklisting and have appeared on a Blacklist Database (as the Information Commissioners Office can confirm) then the RMT may be able to support you through their solicitors, Thompsons.

Many of our members have suffered severe hardship for fighting for safety or undertaking legal activities such as representing members and have had their livelihoods taken away through the actions of the state and in the name of corporate greed.

Both our Assistant General Secretaries, Steve Hedley and Mick Lynch appeared on lists that stopped them earning a living without recourse.

It is time for justice. So if you was affected, then fill in the form below and send off to Unity House for our legal team to review whether they believe you have a case.


L2-June 2014

Blacklisting and Police Spies

Newly uncovered documentary evidence shows how police officers infiltrated campaigns by construction workers protesting against deaths on building sites. The documents include a series of letters written to and from Mark Jenner, an undercover officer from the discredited Special Demonstration Squad (SDS), who during the late 1990s claimed to be a carpenter while infiltrating the construction union UCATT. Using the cover name of Mark Cassidy, the spycop ingratiated himself with the Colin Roach Centre (formerly known as Hackney Trade Union Resource Centre) and targeted a series of trade unions and union backed campaigns, attending union branches, conferences, picketlines and pay talks.

The new documents give an insight into how deeply, the police went to embed themselves into even grassroots union campaigns. On 21st March 1997, Cassidy / Jenner  wrote a letter to a number of different organisations regarding the ‘Building Workers Safety Campaign’,which he describes as a ‘rank and file organisation run by building workers’, asking for support in getting ‘information on deaths on building sites’ in order to visit ‘the site within one week after the event and ask workers to stop work’. The police authored letter continued: ‘We believe that only by hitting production can we hope to stop the killings on building sites’. This was in 1997, when the fatality rates in construction were averaging around 3 deaths a week.

The identical letter was sent to a number of trade union bodies including Haringey UNISON, Hammersmith UNISON, TGWU North London Textile branch and civil servants in the CPSA union (forerunner to PCS). The police spy also sent the letter to the charity ‘Inquest’ that provides free legal advice to people bereaved by a death in police custody. Why a charity dealing with deaths in custody would be an obvious source of information about deaths on building sites is difficult to fathom but raises questions of public interest about what the undercover police officer was trying to achieve.

One response from the local authority funded and well respected safety charity the London Hazards Centre, identifies HSE inspectors, the Coroners Office and the local police as sources of information but highlights that the authorities ‘can be very tight lipped when it comes to giving out information’ – this no doubt brought a smile to Jenner’s face when reading it.

The documents were uncovered by Brian Higgins, a 75 year old Glaswegian grandfather and blacklisted retired bricklayer based in Northampton who was the national secretary of the rank & file Building Worker Group (BWG). Brian Higgins has been granted ‘core participant’ status in the Pitchford public inquiry into undercover policing alongside a number of other union activists from the Blacklist Support Group, as information gathered by police officers appears on a number of blacklist files kept on construction workers by the notorious Consulting Association.

Brian Higgins commented:

“The police would be infinitely better employed investigating, prosecuting and jailing the corporate criminals responsible for the killing and maiming of many building workers, rather than spying on those of us who dedicate our industrial lives to trying to put a stop to this wanton carnage and the terrible grief which accompanies it. Intelligence gathered by these police spies has found its way onto an illegal blacklist in the construction industry. They say justice never sleeps: time it woke up over this!”

Alison (not her real name) was the female activist that Mark Jenner deceived into a long term relationship and lived with during his deployment. It was from their shared address in hackney that the undercover police officer joined the construction union UCATT and became a regular attendee at the Hackney branch meetings. Alison is one of the women that has received an unreserved apology and compensation from the Metropolitan Police for the abuse and human rights violations they suffered due to the activities of undercover police. Alison recalls having numerous conversations about the building industry and trade union campaigns which she describes as ‘a key part of his work’ and ‘a big part of what he was doing during this period’.

Another trade unionist who was spied upon by Mark Jenner and has been granted core participant in the Pitchford inquiry is the RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary, Steve Hedley. He commented:

“Mark Jenner gained my confidence and even stayed at my mothers home in Ireland. When I learned that he was a police spy I was dumbfounded .Why the police would be interested in a trade unionist like me is quite frankly astonishing. All my activities were open and transparent and usually even minuted. What kind of a society are we living in, when the state feels it’s necessary to employ people at the taxpayers expense to snoop on people carrying out perfectly legal activities?”

RMT Circular 14th April 2016




 14th April 2016                                                                   Circular No: IR/111/16


Dear Colleagues,


As Branches and members may recall (Circular No. IR/584/13, 7th October 2013), agreement was reached to resolve the previous dispute with London Underground in 2013 over the proposed closure of Lillie Bridge Depot. However, it now seems that this agreement has been breached and I have recently received the following resolution from our LU Engineering Branch:-

“Ballot of all RMT members in Lillie Bridge Depot and those affected. Lillie Bridge Depot Closure and Breach of LU Company Council Agreement.

 Talks at LU Company Council aimed at averting a dispute were successful and ended in an agreement that the Beaumont Ave end of the depot would be opened up to allow works traffic in and out during the Lillie Rd development, and that LU/TfL would consult the RMT in good time as and when the TfL/Capco development plans progressed to affect the depot again.

 Beginning this year notice has been given to our departments Track Delivery Unit, Maintenance Infrastructure Services, Track Manufacturing Department, Material Management Department (Stores), Transplant, Fleet Maintenance, District Line Trains and Plant Services at Lillie Bridge Depot that we are required to vacate the depot by 2019.

 The timescales are very tight: 

  • The Feasibility Study for the move to Acton Depot has to be done by May 2016 (1 month) the concept approval for what happens to all of us based in the depot is due to be completed in June 2016 (2 months).
  • We have had little only one consultation meeting despite raising the urgency of the situation at both the last LU Track & Signal Functional Council and LU Company Council, and no real progress has been made.
  • At this consultation meeting on 8th March 2016; it was agreed to hold a further consultation meeting before Easter 2016. This has not happened and my reminders to LU in the intervening period were first ignored and then the consultation meeting refused despite my advice this would lead to a failure to agree.


RMT Reps and members and this Branch will not be satisfied until we have:


  1. An agreement signed off at the highest LU/TfL level setting out an acceptable location for us all to move to.
  2. An agreement signed off at the highest LU/TfL level that all the finances needed to fund the move plus any building etc at the new location is agreed to be made available.


We request a meeting of all Reps from all areas and companies with affected staff to decide whether to ballot in their areas too.

 Because LU are breaching the previous LU Company Council agreement to consult adequately in good time; and due to the extremely tight timescales we are now in dispute.

 RMT LU Engineering Branch requires a ballot for both strike action and action short of a strike of all affected RMT members and members in TDU, MIS, TMD, MM, District Line Trains and Fleet, Plant Services (Tube Lines Ltd).

 The livelihood and continued work of all affected RMT members is under a most severe threat due to London Mayor Boris Johnson’s wish to wrap up the Capco/TfL luxury housing development deal for the super-rich between Earl’s Court, West Kensington and West Brompton ahead of the Mayoral election at the expense of local tenants, residents and the jobs of our RMT members affected by the accompanying demolition of Lillie Bridge Depot.

 The RMT has spent years successfully defending our members at Lillie Bridge Depot which is one of, if not the most solid RMT depot on London Underground.

 We will resist this blatant attack with all forms of action necessary”.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to prepare a ballot matrix for all affected RMT members and organise an all grades Reps meeting to discuss the implications of this attack on our members’ terms and conditions and future job prospects. Also, to provide and fund the necessary leaflets and propaganda and to link up with the local community campaign against the redevelopments in the Earl’s Court, West Kensington and West Brompton areas of West London.


I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/073/16, 17th March 2016), members took part in solidly supported strike action on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th March which closed down the Piccadilly Line. However, management took the aggressive stance of threatening our members that they would lose wages if they refused to book on at Oakwood Depot and the National Executive Committee took the decision to rescind this instruction.

Since then, LU agreed to meet at ACAS and constructive discussions with LUL Directors took place on Friday 8th April. These talks led to an offer of a review of industrial relations on the Piccadilly Line to be led by an ACAS nominated representative on the basis that it will lead to a binding dispute resolution agreement. The Company has also agreed to ‘stay’ the disciplinary procedures against members over booking on at Oakwood and hold a Director’s review over Sister O’Loughlin.

The above represents good progress from management over these issues and the Lead Officer has recommended that the strike action due to take place from Tuesday 19th April is pushed back to allow more time to hopefully come to a firm dispute resolution agreement.

This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has noted the reports on file and taken the decision to cancel the planned strike action between Tuesday 19th and Friday 22nd April 2016. Instead, affected members are now instructed NOT TO BOOK ON for any shifts that commence between:-

  • 12:00 hours on Tuesday 26th April 2016 and 11:59 hours on Wednesday 27th April 2016. 
  • 12:00 hours on Thursday 28th April 2016 and 11:59 hours on Friday 29th April 2016.


I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/073/16, 17th March 2016), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                34

Number Voting ‘Yes’           33

Number Voting ‘No’            1

Spoilt Papers                     0


Question: Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?


Total Votes Cast                34

Number Voting ‘Yes’           30

Number Voting ‘No’            1

Spoilt Papers                     3


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee and referred to the Southern Sub-Committee for further examination and report. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




The Lead Officer has recently advised that our Fleet Reps have registered a failure to agree on two issues; S-Stock Shoe Gear Replacement and Breaches of the Core Work Agreement.


An agreement was reached for a trial where BTUK controlled inspections on S-Stock Shoe Gear but, if the trial had not resolved the issue of shoe gear not lasting up to the 25k maintenance target by the beginning of April, this job would come under Fleet duties and extra staff would be added accordingly. Last week, management made it known that they would not honour this agreement.


LUL management has also stated that the airbag replacement programme on the S-Stock is a warranty issue and as such BTUK would be carrying out this work which involves stripping the train bogies to get to this piece of equipment and they are employing contractors JMac to do this. RMT stated that whilst we could accept them changing out the airbags, the lifting and lowering of the bogies and stripping them out is Fleet work and as such, LUL Fleet staff should be doing this. Management rejected this position and also stated that any warranty work will be done by BTUK. This could cover any aspect of work on the train and is therefore in conflict with our Fleet Core Work Agreement. Furthermore, it brings in more agency staff through the back door.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has noted the correspondence on file and that there is a major attack on our Fleet Core Work Agreement and taken the decision to prepare a ballot matrix of all affected RMT members so that we can prepare for industrial action in defence of our agreements. Also, to organise an all grades Reps meeting and to provide the necessary leaflets and propaganda material.


I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


14th RMT Annual Garden Party for Cub

RMT / Cuba Solidarity Campaign 14th Garden Party: Wednesday 15th June 2016.

In association with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign the 14th RMT Annual Garden Party for Cuba will take place on Wednesday 15th June 2016 at Maritime House, Clapham, London, commencing 7.00pm.

Tickets will be available shortly and will be £15 each. This includes a free bar, buffet and music. As usual we will be joined by a number of distinguished guest speakers.

The Garden Party will provide a wonderful opportunity to show solidarity with Cuba with friends from across the Labour and Trade Union movement.

I hope to be able to see you at the Garden Party on 15th June.

Yours sincerely




 The Trade Union Bill has continued its passage through Parliament and was progressed to the Report Stage on 16th March 2016.

As you are aware, the Bill is a draconian piece of legislation which threatens the basic right to strike, in addition to placing massive burdens of various types on the trade union movement.

One aspect of the Bill is an attack on check-off (also known as ‘paybill’), or the deduction of union subscriptions from wages, in the public sector. Public sector employers are defined as follows:

  1. a)     An employer is a relevant public sector employer if the employer is a public authority specified, or of a description specified, in regulations made by a Minister of the Crown.
  1. b)    A Minister of the Crown may by regulations provide, in relation to a body or other person that is not a public authority but has functions of a public nature and is funded wholly or partly from public funds, that the body or other person is to be treated as a public authority for the purposes of this section.

This means that Tory ministers can force companies to withdraw paybill deductions from our members who currently pay their Union subscriptions by that means.

The Union has identified that we have members paying their subscriptions via check-off in Network Rail, TOC’s and Bus companies.  We have sought legal advice but the Executive Committee believes that we should encourage our members to transfer to direct debit to thwart the government’s blatant attack on our Union.

The matter was placed before the National Executive Committee at the March Statutory Meeting. The following report from the Organisation, Training and Education Sub-Committee was adopted by the National Executive Committee:

“That we instruct the General Secretary to initiate a campaign to encourage all members on paybill deductions to transfer to Direct Debit.”

As part of this campaign, it has been identified that there is a body of administrative work that will be required which will need to be overseen and project managed. Dave Jones, our Regional Administration Manager from Birmingham, has been temporarily seconded to this project to coordinate our efforts until its eventual conclusion. I have therefore made arrangements for the Midlands Regional Office to be covered during Dave’s secondment.

Over the coming weeks we shall be contacting members affected to ask that they transfer to Direct Debit and would encourage members, representatives, branches and regional councils to support our efforts to get a maximum sign up for Direct Debit

I shall be writing again with further details.

Yours sincerely





You will recall from the contents of NP/021/16 1st January 2016  Circular, that the attacks on Trade Unionists and Health & Safety reps in particular are not just confined to other parts of the globe, but are taking place right here on these islands. The TUC have issued further information and detail with regards to events for this year, please make every effort to attend and where ever possible contribute. As a reminder to the previous circular in January I will keep it enclosed in this mailing.

Every year more people are killed at work than in wars. Most don’t die of mystery ailments, or in tragic “accidents”. They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn’t that important a priority. Workers’ Memorial Day (WMD) commemorates those workers.

Workers Memorial Day is held on 28 April every year, all over the world workers and their representatives conduct events, demonstrations, vigils and a whole host of other activities to mark the day. The day is also intended to serve as a rallying cry to “remember the dead, but fight for the living”.

The TUC coordinates activities across the country, publishing a comprehensive listing of events and suggestions. If you are organising any events in your area please let me know and I’ll make sure it goes on the TUC website. See

A listing of the global activities is available from the Hazards website.

In 2016 the theme for the day is “Strong Laws – Strong Enforcement – Strong Unions”.  Across the world we are seeing growing attacks on health and safety protection, including in Britain where the Government have removed protection from millions of self-employed workers, and across Europe where the European Commission are pursuing a dangerous de-regulatory strategy. However strong laws are not enough if they are not going to be enforced. That is why we need proper inspections and enforcement action against those who break the law. Here in the UK the number of inspections has fallen dramatically in the past five years, however in many other countries enforcement has always been non-existent. That is why we also need strong unions. Unionised workplaces are safer, yet the Government is trying to stop unions protecting the health and safety of their members by restricting the right of health and safety representatives to take time off to keep the workplace safer, and also trying to reduce our right to strike when things go wrong.


Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all members.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary
