Category: RMT

Latest RMT Circular 22/6/16



Further to my previous Circular (IR/175/16, 22nd June 2016), members will recall the NEC decision to organise a Stations & Revenue Reps to discuss industrial action following the implementation of the “Fit for the Future” programme which is having a detrimental effect of members working lives with serious implications for their work-life balance. The arrangements for this meeting have now been finalised and are as follows:-


Meeting of all LUL Stations and Revenue Grades Representatives

10:00 hours on Wednesday 27th July 2016

Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AQ


There is no agreement for release and Reps are therefore asked to make your own arrangements to attend for these important discussions.




Following recent discussions, the RMT London Transport Retired Members’ Branch has been re-launched. Brother Olly New is the Branch Secretary and can be contacted at . It was agreed that the Branch would initially meet once every two months, if possible on the first Tuesday. Arrangements have now been made for the first two meetings to take place in Committee Room 1, Unity House, 39 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD as follows:-


  • 14:00 hours on Tuesday 6th September 2016
  • 14:00 hours on Tuesday 1st November 2016


All retired LT members are very welcome and encouraged to attend.




The following resolution was recently received from our Finsbury Park Branch:-


“Finsbury Park Branch resolves to request an immediate ballot for strike action and action short of strike action of all our Victoria Line Train Operator members to resist the imposition of new duty rosters in connection with the start of night tube on 19th August.


These rosters are not acceptable to our members on the basis they have an adverse effect on their work/life balance and the usual protocols of consulting our local representatives have not been followed”.


A report was also received from the Lead Officer advising that further meetings are due to take place with the Company over the Victoria Line rosters but that as a precaution against imposition, members should be balloted in line with the above resolution.


The National Executive Committee took the decision to raise this matter for discussion at the Reps meeting on 27th July and also, due to the tight timeframes involved, to conduct a ballot of our Train Operator and Instructor Operator members on the Victoria Line for industrial action against the imposition of unacceptable rosters.


I am currently acting in accordance with the above decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.




The following resolution was recently received from our LU Fleet Branch:-


“Management at Transplant have awarded some drivers in our unit a 6.3% pay increase outside of the Tube Lines collective pay deal for agreeing a roster that Engineers Train Drivers already work.

Engineers Train Drivers are asking for parity.


This Branch calls upon the NEC to ballot all RMT Transplant Engineers Train Drivers and Assistants after failure to resolve this issue with management”.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to ballot RMT Transplant Engineer Train Drivers and Assistants for industrial action. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary





In order to assist Branch Secretaries and to streamline the process for applications for licensing and criminal assistance in work related matters we have now produced an L3 form. This will replace the existing system for criminal/licensing requests.

The form will be available on the website at I also attach a form for your convenience. Please advise members to complete and sign the form, and then provide it along with all documents to their Branch Secretary for approval and signing as soon as possible. Should the Branch wish to support the application, copies of the form and documents should then be sent/emailed by the Branch Secretary to the Legal Department for processing and assessment, who will then advise and consult the General Secretary for a decision on funding. Legal assistance remains discretionary and according to Rule.


Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary

RMT on Southern "crisis timetable"

Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said;


“The axing of nearly 350 trains a day by GTR is a crisis measure designed to rig their appalling performance figures. The fewer trains you run, the fewer will be delayed and the better your headline performance statistics will look. That is a fix of epic proportions and the public will not be fooled by this chicanery.

“The new timetable also means that the vast reduction in services, approved by the Government, will leave remaining trains dangerously overcrowded and it will be our members at the sharp end ‎left to manage the safety of the passengers while the Minister and her GTR colleagues are tucked away in their plush offices.

“It is outrageous for the minister to claim that front line Southern rail staff are not on the side of the passengers. Unlike Ms Perry, her officials and the GTR bosses it is our members out there at the sharp end this morning trying to deliver a service against a background of gross managerial incompetence and rank profiteering. The disgraceful slurs, abuse and lies being heaped on our members by the company and their cheerleaders in Government have to stop.

“It is shameful that supposedly impartial BBC outlets, including the flagship Today programme, have chosen to peddle the company line this morning about bogus unofficial action and sickness when the core problem is down to systemic mismanagement by GTR and a failure to recruit enough guards and drivers to fill rosters and diagrams.

“Despite the timetable fix this remains a franchise in terminal meltdown and RMT will continue to fight for safety-critical jobs, safe services and public ownership and control.”



 The following resolution was carried at the National Retired Members Advisory Conference held on 21st April 2016.

“Members of this branch regularly report at meetings that retired members of the RMT have not yet received Retirement Benefits, nor the benefits which follow, such as honorary membership.

 This is usually because they were not aware of the existence of these benefits.

 It will perhaps be argued that details of Members Benefits are available on the RMT website. This assumes a) that all members have access to the internet b) that after retirement members will continue to use the website. Neither of these assumptions is reliable enough to ensure that members receive their entitlement.

 We propose, therefore, that Branch Secretaries, as a mark of respect to retired members’ service to the RMT, be required to write formally to each member upon retirement thanking them for their support and enclosing a copy of the F3 form.

 To do this Branch Secretaries must be in regular receipt of joiners and leavers lists and liaise regularly with local representatives to establish which leavers are retiring.

 Upon receipt of F3 forms and granting of Honorary Membership, Head Office should send out Retirement Packs along with Retirement Benefit.”


In consideration the National Executive Committee adopted the following report:

 “That we note the resolution from our Retired Members Advisory Conference. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to write to all branches quoting the resolution and seek assistance from branch secretaries to ensure retired members receive the Form F3.”


In accordance with the resolution I would ask:

  1. That Branch Secretaries liaise with local representatives to ensure that where known those members retiring are aware of RMT retirement benefits. These members should then be contacted by the relevant Branch Secretary and provided with Form F3.
  1. Branch Secretaries should write to those members who appear on the leavers list as “Retired” and provided with Form F3.
  1. That Head Office ensures that on receiving Form F3, and granting Honorary Membership, relevant members receive a retirement pack.


To assist you I have attached a copy of Form F3.


Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary



Durham Miners’ Gala 2016

Durham Miners’ Gala 2016

Further to circular no. NP/32/15 of 23rd February 2015 please be advised that the details for RMT activists and members attending this year’s Durham Miners Gala, Saturday 9th July 2016, are as follows:

RMT activists and members are asked to congregate at 10.00 a.m. prompt at the New Inn, Church St Head, Durham, DH1 3DN for the line up behind the RMT band as marching will commence at 10.30 a.m.

Please bring RMT Branch banners, flags and whistles. Attendance is a legitimate use of branch funds and I urge as many RMT members as possible to attend this year’s Big Meeting.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


TUCG Annual Tolpuddle Seminar

TUCG Annual Tolpuddle Seminar

This year’s Trade Union Coordinating Group Annual Tolpuddle Seminar will take place on Tuesday 12th July, 2016 at 18.30 in the Wilson Room, Portcullis House, Westminster, SW1A 2LW. Please allow 20 minutes to get through security.

The theme will be based around trade union rights and specifically keeping the right to strike. It will bring unions together for the first time since the Trade Union Act was passed to discuss and formulate a positive and coordinated fight against the reforms.

I will be chairing the discussion, and John Hendy QC, Caroline Lucas MP, Louise Regan (NUT Senior Vice President), Mark Serowtka (PCS General Secretary) & Liz Lawrence (UCU Past President) will be speaking.

Please see attached flyer. The event is open to the public and I hope to see you there.

Yours sincerely,


TUCG_strike_flyer (1)

Latest RMT Circular

Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/133/16, 5th May 2016), members will recall the resolution from LU Fleet Branch concerning unjustified disciplinary action taken against members at Northfields Depot after a shunting incident where a signal was passed at danger. The Lead Officer raised our concerns with the Company and a meeting took place between our Reps and local management at Northfields Depot where management admitted that the investigations seem not to have got all the evident that was available.


So far, one appeal has taken place but no decision has yet been given and members are not confident that the issue will be resolved through this channel. The National Executive Committee has considered the correspondence on file and taken the decision to proceed with a ballot for industrial action. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/144/16, 19th May 2016), the following resolution has been received from Bakerloo Branch:-


“This Branch notes:


  • The hugely detrimental effect of the “Fit for the Future” programme on our members’ working lives, including through a severe impact on work/life balance.
  • LU’s plans for similar restructuring projects in other areas and functions, including trains.
  • That four Branches – Central Line West, Central Line East, Hammersmith & City Line and Piccadilly and District West – have submitted resolutions to the NEC calling for new disputes and industrial action ballots on stations.


This Branch further notes and welcomes the NEC member’s announcement that the Union will relaunch an all-grades campaign against cuts, including by circulating a broadsheet briefing to all members.


This Branch resolves to add our voice to the call for new ballots, which we hope will follow swiftly on from the launch of the new campaign. To send this motion to the NEC.”


The National Executive Committee has noted the resolution and taken the decision to prepare a ballot matrix for stations and revenue members and also to organise a Reps meeting of these grades to discuss industrial action. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/051, 3rd March 2016), the following resolution has been received from Central Line East Branch:-


“This Branch intends to defend our Train Operators in our area who are threatened with being unjustly displaced to other depots around the combine in breach of the Pay and Night Tube dispute settlement.


We believe that members’ work-life balance must be maintained at the very least and should be improved wherever possible. The detriment to our members is unacceptable, adding over ten hours to their weekly travelling time to and from work.


We call on the Union to take urgent and all necessary action (strikes and action short of strike) if these threats are not removed completely”.


The National Executive Committee has noted the resolution and taken the decision to organise a meeting of our Train Grades Reps to discuss the matters raised in the resolution and to action a response. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.


London Pride 2016

Our Ref EO/16

Circular No. NP/167/16

13th June 2016




Dear Colleague,



This year we will be marching in London Pride, one of the world’s largest LGBTI events. Not only are Pride marches a time of celebration for our LGBT community, but are an opportunity to promote the union and our campaigns.

Pride marches are family friendly events and all members, whatever sexuality or gender/gender identity are welcome to join in.

We encourage branches and regions to take their banners and support our LGBT members.

This year we meet at Unity House 10.30 – 11.30 to hand out T-shirts, banners etc before moving off to Portland Place to form-up with the March.

The March starts off at around 1pm and finishes at around 3pm In Whitehall.

For any queries or to say you wish to take part, contact either John Stack ( 07941 809262 or our Equal Opportunities Officer Jess Webb ( 020 7529 8821.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

Undercover police spied on the RMT union

Undercover police officer Carlo Neri spied on the RMT union.  Photographic evidence shows that in October 2004 the spy cop was present at the industrial dispute following the sacking of the prominent union militant Steve Hedley (now elected as Senior Assistant General Secretary of the RMT union) during construction of the Kings Cross terminal for the Channel Tunnel Rail Link.

The presence of the police spy from the Met’s disgraced Special Demonstration Squad was captured on camera by the freelance photographer Andrew Wiard. The photographs show the police spy standing behind an RMT banner with the slogan ‘Reinstate Steve Hedley’ while handing out leaflets to construction workers who had walked out in support of the victimised union activist.  Also present at the picket line were RMT activists Alex Gordon and Sarah Friday plus GMB construction organisers Kelly Rogers and Steve Kelly (who was subsequently banned from the project controlled by the blacklist companies Costain, O’Rourke and Emcor).


Photographs only available for use in the media upon direct email request to Andrew Wiard


Steve Hedley commented:

“I am appalled that a secret police spy thought that it was justified to turn up on a peaceful RMT picket line in order to gather information. I had earlier housed this person rent free as he claimed he was being made homeless and feel shocked that taxpayers money could be used like this to betray the trust of people engaged in completely legitimate industrial action. We heard a lot growing up about police states in other countries whilst it turns out our state was doing exactly the same thing here”.


The photographs were rediscovered by Dave Smith while researching for the updated version of the book Blacklisted and were first made public at the GMB conference in Bournemouth on Sunday evening (5th June). Smith commented afterwards:

“We were standing up for workers rights but apparently the British state considered us such a threat, that we were kept under constant surveillance by shady anti-democratic units in the police. This is nothing less than political policing and has no place in a democracy.

This took place during the Tony Blair government and I want to know why trade unions were were being spied on under a Labour Home Secretary. David Blunkett has serious questions to answer”.


The CTRL dispute is recorded on Consulting Association blacklist files of Steve Hedley and GMB organiser at the time, Steve Kelly.

Both Steve Hedley and Dave Smith have been granted core participant status in the Pitchford public inquiry into undercover policing.



Blacklist Support Group








Latest LUL Circular 26th May 2016



Further to my previous Circular (IR/133/16, 5th May 2016), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast…              610

Number Voting ‘Yes’…         524

Number Voting ‘No’…          86

Spoilt Papers…                   0


Question: Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?


Total Votes Cast…              610

Number Voting ‘Yes’…         584

Number Voting ‘No’…          26

Spoilt Papers…                   0


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee and a meeting has been arranged between the Lead Officer, Reps and NEC Member within the next 7 days to discuss the result and to decide on industrial action. I will keep Branches informed of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/043/16, 25th February 2016), I am pleased to report that following a further meeting with London Underground and discussions with the Lead Officer and Reps, Brother Glen Hart has accepted a proposal from LUL for his return to work. This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has noted the correspondence on file and that Glen Hart will be returning to his grade and his workplace after 20 months of being suspended for trade union related activity.


This successful outcome has been achieved due to the resolve of Glen himself and the actions of all LUL grades who were balloted and took industrial action to defend Bro. Glen Hart. All those who supported Glen, including our Branches nationally and the wider Labour movement should be applauded and I wish to take this opportunity to thank our Lead Officer, Reps and all members for returning Bro. Glen Hart to work.



Further to Head Office Circular NP/115/16, 11th April 2016 the TUC have published a guide for union workplace representatives as part of their campaign to make all workplaces asbestos free, RMT is part of this campaign.

The guide sets out details of the scale of asbestos substances in the workplace, the legal position and debates the question of whether to remove asbestos or leave it in place. The guide concludes with a section on what steps health and safety reps should take in the workplace.

Please find attached a copy of the guide which can also be downloaded from the RMT website at:


Copies of the guide will also be sent directly to RMT Health and Safety Reps.


Headline forecasts

Inflation rate: Average new forecast

April 2016 RPI inflation (change in cost of living relative to same time one year earlier) was 1.3%

For the final three months of 2016, annual RPI (according to the latest forecasts) will rise to 2.2%

For the final three months of 2017, annual RPI (according to the latest forecasts) will rise to 2.9%


Average earnings growth: Average new forecast

Over the course of 2016, average earnings are predicted to increase by 2.6%

Over the course of 2017, average earnings are predicted to increase by 3.1%


Proportion of company turnover paid to Exchequer as tax, is falling

Even companies reliant on public contracts avoid tax. In the year to 30 April 2015, Stagecoach had a turnover of £3.2 billion, but paid just £25.7 million tax. It is unclear how much Stagecoach spends on tax advisers – other firms, such as National Express, admit to sometimes spending £1 million a year.


Forecasts in detail: RPI inflation[1]

Predictions for RPI inflation made by a range of forecasters are:


Q4 2016

Average forecast (non-City): 2.2%

Average new forecast: 2.2%

Average forecast (City): 2.3%

Highest recent forecast: 3%

Lowest recent forecast: 1.6%

Median recent forecast: 2.1%


High RPI Q4 2016 forecasts to quote to employers in pay negotiations are:

Schroders Investment Management (3% – forecast made in May 2016), Nomura (2.8% – forecast made in May 2016), Pantheon (2.6% – forecast made in May 2016), Experian Economics (2.6% – forecast made in May 2016), Commerzbank (2.5% – forecast made in May 2016)


Q4 2017

Average forecast (non-City): 2.9%

Average new forecast: 2.9%

Average forecast (City): 2.9%

Highest recent forecast: 3.5%

Lowest recent forecast: 1.8%

Median recent forecast: 3%


High RPI Q4 2017 forecasts to quote to employers in pay negotiations are:

NIESR (3.5% – forecast made in May 2016), Pantheon (3.5% – forecast made in May 2016), Economic Perspectives (3.3% – forecast made in May 2016)[2], Bank of America/ Merrill Lynch (3.2% – forecast made in May 2016), Nomura (3.2% – forecast made in May 2016), Experian Economics (3.2% – forecast made in May 2016)


Forecasts in detail: Average earnings growth

Predictions for average earnings growth made by a range of forecasters are:



Average forecast (non-City): 2.6%

Average new forecast: 2.6%

Average forecast (City): 2.5%

Highest recent forecast: 3.2%

Lowest recent forecast: 1.8%

Median recent forecast: 2.6%


High average earnings growth forecasts for 2016 to quote to employers in pay negotiations are:

European Commission (3.3% – forecast made in May 2016)[3], Schroders Investment Management (3.2% – forecast made in May 2016), Liverpool Macro Research (3.2% – forecast made in May 2016), Oxford Economics (3.2% – forecast made in May 2016)



Average forecast (non-City): 3.1%

Average new forecast: 3.1%

Average forecast (City): 3.1%

Highest recent forecast: 3.5%

Lowest recent forecast: 2.6%

Median recent forecast: 3.1%


High average earnings growth forecasts for 2017 to quote to employers in pay negotiations are:

European Commission (3.5% – forecast made in May 2016)[4], Capital Economics (3.5% – forecast made in May 2016), Economic Perspectives (3.5% – forecast made in May 2016), Pantheon (3.5% – forecast made in May 2016), IHS Global Insight (3.5% – forecast made in May 2016)

Recent RMT Settlements



Effective From

Train Operating Companies and Rail freight
First Great Western
  • Year 2 of two year deal was for a 2% increase or Feb 2016 RPI, whichever was greater. Accordingly pay award was for 2%.
1 May 2016
Serco Caledonian Sleeper ·         2.32% 1 April 2016
North Yorkshire Moors Railway
  • 1%
1 Jan 2016
Infrastructure Companies
Babcock Rail Year One

a)    2% increase on basic rates for all members covered by Procedure Agreement 1 (General Collective Bargaining)

b)    An additional 0.5% on the basic rate for those working as Infrastructure Assistant (IA Grade); Infrastructure Technician (IT Grade); Clerical Officer  Grade 2 (CO2 Grade); Clerical Officer Grade 3 (CO3 Grade); Professional & Technical Grade 1 (Grade PM1 Basic & Steps 1 -6 inclusive) and Apprentice. This will give a total increase of 2.5%

c)     A minimum increase in salary of £500 will be applied where implementation of a) and b) results in salary increase of less than £500.

d)    The levels of meal, lodging disturbance and associated allowances will be increased by 2%


Year Two

a)    2.5% increase or Jan 2017 RPI, whichever is greater, on basic rates for all members covered by Procedure Agreement 1 (General Collective Bargaining)

b)    An additional 0.5% on the basic rate for those working as Infrastructure Assistant (IA Grade); Infrastructure Technician (IT Grade); Clerical Officer  Grade 2 (CO2 Grade); Clerical Officer Grade 3 (CO3 Grade); Professional & Technical Grade 1 (Grade PM1 Basic & Steps 1 -6 inclusive) and Apprentice. This will give a total increase of 3%

c)     A minimum increase in salary of £500 will be applied where implementation of a) and b) results in salary of less than £500.

d)    The levels of meal, lodging disturbance and associated allowances will be increased by 2.5%



4 April 2016



















3 April 2017

Unipart Rail Doncaster Year One

  • 1.9% increase to base pay, effective


Year Two

  • 0.5% + CPI (CPI as of Jan 2017, published in Feb 2017) on base rate

1 April 2016



1 April 2017

Volkerrail ·         2% on basic rates or £400,

whichever is greater

·         2% to taxable allowances

Colas Rail Year One

·         2% increase on all base wages


Year Two

·         Increase of Feb RPI + 0.5%,

subject to a minimum increase of 2% and a maximum of 2.5%


Year Three

·         Increase of Feb RPI + 0.5%,

subject to a minimum increase of 2% and a maximum of 3.25%


1 April 2016



1 April 2017





1 April 2018

Train workshop and maintenance
Voestalpine VAE UK ·         2% increase to basic rates of pay for everyone

·         Maintain £400 bonus attendance bonus if Company remains.

·         Increase the employee’s Engagement Bonus from currently £175 to £325

1 April 2016

Cleaning and catering

Carlisle Cleaning Services Ltd (Transpennine Express)
  • Living Wage (level recommended by the Living Wage Foundation) or 3%, whichever is greater
1 April 2016
Carillion Year One

  • 2% or £520 to basic rates,

whichever is greater


Year Two

  • Feb RPI +0.5% or £535,

whichever is greater


1 April 2015




1 April 2016

Ships and Docks

  • 2%


1 Jan 2016
Heysham Ports ·         2% on basic pay

·         0.5% on basic pay


1 Jan 2016

1 June 2016

Harwich International Port ·         2% increase on basic pay and variability

  • Changes to the long service awards
1 Jan 2016


Serco Ltd (PNTL/ INS)
  • 2%
  • 2%
1 April 2016

1 April 2017


Recent non-RMT settlements

Company (Sector)


Effective From

BMW – Mini (Manufacturing) ·         3.5% 1 Jan 2016
Aldi (Retail) ·         3.07% for store assistants outside London 1 Feb 2016
Asda – N Ireland (Retail) ·         3.9% 1 April 2016
Crown Paints (Manufacturing) ·         2.625% 1 April 2016
Western Power Distribution (Utilities) ·         2.5% 1 April 2016


We use RPI and not other measures of inflation such as CPI or CPIH

RPI, which includes housing costs and excludes high earners’ spending, is the only inflation measure to use for negotiating pay (though referencing average earnings is also recommended for the coming period).


RPI is also used to calculate index-linked government bonds, privately issued index-linked bonds, National Savings and Investments, Corporation Tax, Business Rates, Alcohol Duty, Tobacco Duty, Gaming Duty, Air Passenger Duty, Vehicle Excise Duty, Climate Change Levy, car and van Fuel Benefit Charge, regulated rail fares, regulation of water and sewerage charges, indexation of British Telecom’s wholesale charges and interest payments on student loans


CPI is designed for comparing different EU countries’ economic performances and not for internal UK purposes. It excludes housing costs (though includes stockbrokers’ fees and foreign students’ university tuition fees), is calculated to a mathematical formula less responsive to price fluctuations and doesn’t adequately reflect changes to ordinary workers’ cost of living: so says the Royal Statistical Society.


Any attempt by an employer to link a pay award to CPI or a new variation CPIH must be refused and should be logged with the union’s National Policy Department.


Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary


[1] The average of forecasts generally suggest a modest rise or fall.


While forecasts can be useful in indentifying a plausible trajectory for inflation and average earnings, the data is unreliable.

This is especially the case during periods of heightened volatility – such as now.


Accordingly, the main use of forecasts to us is as a negotiation tool with employers

and not as an accurate predictor of future changes to our members’ cost of living.



[3] “Growth in compensation of employees is expected to accelerate as the labour market tightens further”


[4] Table at end of doc – entry labelled “compensation of employees” – final two columns
