Category: RMT

Emergency Public Rally in support of Tube workers

Emergency Public Rally in support of Tube workers

 Wednesday 1 February, 18:30pm

Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6AQ

Tube journeys are up by 23% in the last six years.

Even Tube management have conceded that the 838 job cuts imposed by the previous Mayor, have had a devastating impact on passenger safety.

The cuts have also left station control rooms – which are the “eyes and ears” of the network – unstaffed. This has led to a serious threat to passengers at a time of heightened safety and security alerts. Last year’s incidents at Canning Town and North Greenwich, exposed just how serious those threats are. Those safety warnings have been reinforced by daily reports of intolerable overcrowding and pressures on stations and services right across all routes.

With the constant overcrowding on stations and platforms, it is only a matter of time before there is a major tragedy.

RMT has confirmed a new phase of action from 6 February, as part of Tube workers’ campaign for safe staffing levels.

I enclose a leaflet advertising the event. Please share this widely including on social media and with your workmates, family and friends.

Yours sincerely,


LUL Circular 18th January


 Further to my previous Circular (IR/395/16, 19th December 2016), the ballot concluded with members voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

 Total Votes Cast               90

Number Voting ‘Yes’          82

Number Voting ‘No’           8

Spoilt Papers                    0

 Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

 Total Votes Cast               90

Number Voting ‘Yes’          86

Number Voting ‘No’           2

Spoilt Papers                    2

The National Executive Committee has noted the result strongly in favour of taking strike action and action short of a strike and has taken the decision to call on all affected members at Hainault, Leytonstone and Loughton Traincrew Depots NOT TO BOOK ON for any shifts that commence between:-

  • 21:00 hours on Wednesday 25th January 2017 and 20:59 hours on Thursday 26th January 2017.

RMT met with the Company on 3rd and 13th January in an effort to reach an acceptable solution to this dispute but LUL has now written to us stating that it will be proceeding with the displacements. This has left us with no option but to take strike action to demand that management return to talks and halt any forced and unacceptable displacements until agreement is reached. I am sure all members will support our Central Line Train Operators and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


 The following resolution was recently received from LU Fleet Branch:-

“Due to a breakdown in industrial relations with management and the ongoing attacks at various levels, this Branch calls on the General Secretary to advise LU we are in dispute and request the NEC to ballot all LU Fleet members for strike action and action short of a strike. This action has been called due to management breaching the agreed machineries, our main agreement and local agreements, namely:- 

  • Not consulting or negotiating with this Union about reducing staff numbers within Fleet
  • Breaching our agreement on Night Tube and their failure to recruit the additional staff to cover this job
  • Actively attacking our Reps for carrying out their duties
  • Not following the correct process when seeking to change rosters
  • Removing a very long and established practice of ‘phone in days’ throughout Fleet without full and meaningful consultation”.

This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to inform London Underground we are in dispute and to conduct a ballot of LU Fleet members for strike action and action short of a strike. The Company has been advised accordingly and I am currently making the necessary preparations to conduct a ballot for industrial action. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


Further to my previous Circular (IR/1/17, 3rd January 2017), the National Executive Committee congratulated all members for the tremendous strike action on Sunday 8th and Monday 9th January 2017. Now the Company has until Monday 6th February to come up with a genuine proposal which meets our reasonable demands over station staffing and safety. If nothing is forthcoming, the NEC has resolved to call further, escalated strike action as the current situation is a disaster waiting to happen and cannot be allowed to continue.

In the meantime, the overtime and rest day working ban, non-familiarisation and non-rostering of overtime remains on as a clear demonstration that it is not possible to run a decent service without sufficient, experienced, safety-critical staff.

The following resolution has also been received from Bakerloo Branch:-

“This Branch calls on the NEC to name a programme of further strikes in the station staffing dispute. These strikes should:- 

  • Be longer than 48 hours
  • Seek to maximise disruption, for example by taking place on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Involve Night Tube staff, with at least one strike day starting or finishing at 23:01 on a Friday
  • Be announced as part of an ongoing programme of action, also involving demos, rallies etc., similar the approach RMT has pursued in the dispute on Southern
  • Coordinate as much as possible with other disputes, including the Central Line Drivers’ dispute and the Southern dispute”.

This National Executive Committee has now referred this matter to the Southern Sub-Committee and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


 Further to my previous Circular (IR/1/17, 3rd January 2017), London Underground agreed to conduct a Director’s Review into Brother Storey’s case and to allow this review to take place, the National Executive Committee took the decision to cancel the strike action which was due to commence on Monday 9th Janurary 2017. The outcome of the Director’s Review which took place on Thursday 12th January is awaited and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary



Further to circular NP/277/16, 23rd November 2016, promoting a week set aside to specifically organise women within the industry, the button badges saying “A woman’s place is in her RMT union” and a new leaflet aimed at women regarding the benefits of joining the union will be made available.  In addition we also hold “Violence against women transport workers – its not part of the job” posters which could be added to any membership pack.

Please do contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jessica Webb ( 020 7529 8821), immediately to say if are planning any activity and how many of the badges and leaflets you require.

Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary

Fighting Transphobia


 The RMT National LGBT Members’ Conference last year called for a new poster to be produced about transphobia in line with the union’s on-going fight against all forms of discrimination.  I am now pleased to enclose a copy of this poster along with TUC guidance for trade union activists to support trans members (which is also available at

By way of definition, transphobia is fear, discrimination or hatred against people who have changed their gender from the one they were assigned at birth (transgender) and/or against people who do not present or identify as either male or female.  In addition, people who are born with bodies with both male and female elements (intersex) may also suffer from transphobia whether or not they consider themselves as a transperson.

The colours of the poster are from the transgender community flag.  The colours of pink and blue represent male and female gender with the ground between them.  The symbol is the transgender symbol, with the male and female symbols and combining them.

Should you have any queries please contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb, on




Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary                                                                                                                 Enc.                                                    


Latest RMT Circular


 Further to my previous Circular (IR/361/16, 25th November 2016), talks took place with the Company at ACAS on 25th November, 1st, 2nd and 5th December  in an effort to avoid the strike action due to commence from 21:30 hours this evening. These were attended by the new LUL JNP Director and good progress was made with management moving to our position on some key issues.

The National Executive Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to cancel the planned strike action on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th December 2016 as the major issues of this dispute have been ceded by management and are therefore resolved.

LUL has confirmed that there are no foreseeable plans to extend the use of Cockfosters Depot facilities and all members will continue to receive full familiarisation. A SPAD Policy briefing with management will take place in conjunction with the Trans Functional Council Reps to seek to resolve any negative perceptions and to ensure the process is undertaken fairly and consistently. Assurances have been received on other issues and Brother Gary Fitzpatrick’s safety has been protected by removing the other party from the workplace while the matter is resolved through the proper procedures.



 Further to my previous Circular (IR/361/16, 25th November 2016), following constructive following talks at ACAS, the National Executive Committee considered a report from the Lead Officer and the view of the negotiating team and has taken the decision to suspend the planned strike action on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th December 2016.

Some important commitments were received from management regarding meetings and adherence to proper policies and procedures. Further meetings at ACAS will take place in January 2017 to review progress and I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/361/16, 25th November 2016), all RMT Train Operator & Instructor Operator members on the Hammersmith & City Line and District Line should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above dispute. I urge all affected members to vote ‘YES’ FOR STRIKE ACTION and ‘YES’ FOR INDUSTRIAL ACTION SHORT OF A STRIKE and to return the paper in the freepost envelope provided to reach the Scrutineer by Thursday 15th December 2016.

If you know of a member who has not received their ballot paper, please ask them to call the Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or e-mail as soon as possible so we can send them a replacement paper.



Further to my previous Circular (IR/361/16, 25th November 2016), all RMT Train Operator & Instructor Operator members at White City Traincrew Depot and West Ruislip Traincrew Depot should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above dispute. I urge all affected members to vote ‘YES’ FOR STRIKE ACTION and ‘YES’ FOR INDUSTRIAL ACTION SHORT OF A STRIKE and to return the paper in the freepost envelope provided to reach the Scrutineer by Tuesday 13th December 2016.

If you know of a member who has not received their ballot paper, please ask them to call the Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or e-mail as soon as possible so we can send them a replacement paper.






This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the following decision:-

“We note the report from our Lead Officer that after over 4 years of negotiation and industrial action that our members working for Tube Lines have won their demands on pensions. They have also been offered the same deal as LUL Staff on Pay and Night Tube working.

 This represents a significant victory for our members and we congratulate our Lead Officer and negotiation team and the resolve of our members for winning this excellent agreement.

 Our Reps meeting on the 4th November unanimously supported this offer and we instruct the General Secretary to inform the Company that we accept the offer.

 We instruct the General Secretary to place an article in RMT News outlining this historic agreement.

 Relevant Branches and LTRC to be informed”.

I am currently acting in accordance with this decision.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary




Tube Lines Pay, Night Tube and Pensions

Following over four years of complex and detailed talks between the RMT and LUL, we have finally reached a conclusion.

The below Agreement was placed before all our Tube Lines and Senior LUL Engineering Reps today and was unanimously accepted. This will now be put in front of the RMT executive next Tuesday to ratify.

In summary:


ALL existing members of the Tube Lines Pension or who are eligible to be members, (including those that transferred to LUL and TfL) and future staff will be able to enter the TfL Final Salary Pension Scheme from the 29th January. This is the earliest possible date given the large amount of administration associated with this change and the need to ensure people have enough time to consider their pension options. This will only viable through self funding initiatives which are driven by changes in technology. Implementation of any efficiency project will be negotiated through the Machinery of Negotiation as and when they occur.


A four year pay deal will be accepted. This will amount to:

  • 1st April 2015: 1% plus £500 consolidated into the basic salary
  • 1st April 2016: RPI (1.3%)
  • 1st April 2017: RPI
  • 1st April 2018: RPI plus 0.25% (RPI figures based on the February Inflation Rates)

It should be noted that some PRP staff have already received these payrises. However, for those that have not, this is likely to be paid in the December pay packet along with all associated back pay.

Night Tube

A £500 one off payment to all operational staff for the launch of Night Tube.

Agreement to work together to finalise rosters that need to be altered due to the full implementation of Night Tube. In reality this means staff in Signals, Civils, Power and Electrical that currently work Monday to Friday on Night shifts moving to Sunday to Thursday. This is likely to be the first or second week in January. There are also some talks on Fleet that have already started (Arnos Grove Call Point) that will continue in the present manner. Those particular talks also involve grading issues and any concerned members should contact their local reps for details

Where this causes genuine hardship then this will be considered locally to address this matter. Please contact your local reps or email if this affects you.

Joint Initiatives

Work Life Balance: Looking at ways that working patterns can be altered in a safe and mutually agreed way to give more choice to staff and a better work life balance.

Personal Career Development: Looking at ways to pursue career opportunities across the TfL and making reciprocal agreements with companies such as Lorol.

Agreement on each of the issues above was dependent on us agreeing the whole package.

The RMT has stood firm throughout this dispute and we believe this is a tremendous step forward for our members pay and conditions and will end a two tier Pension workforce.

Once our National Executive have ratified the deal, we will put up more information as to it implementation and the full agreement

New LUL Vehicle Policy

Following lengthy discussions regarding driving company vehicles and how best to ensure the safety of our members and at the same time protect their rights to privacy and against disciplinary action, the below document has finally been agreed.

Whilst not fully reaching our aspirations, we have removed many of the areas of concern that was in the original draft



October RMT Circular



Further to my previous Circular (IR/287/16, 5th October 2016), LUL has been advised that a dispute situation exists between us over job numbers, imposed displacements, inadequate training and the failure of the ticket office closure programme.


I can now advise that the ballot papers will be posted to all RMT Station & Revenue members on Tuesday 1st November and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 15th November 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/133/16, 5th May 2016), the following resolution has recently been received from Finsbury Park Branch, as well as a similar resolution from Piccadilly & District West Branch:-


“This Branch notes that the current drivers’ dispute on the Piccadilly Line remains unresolved and despite a series of meetings at ACAS and limited progress, line management remain belligerent in engaging with the Union on a number of issues.


In particular this Branch notes the following:


  • The victimisation of Bro Fitzpatrick by the malicious use of LUL’s H and B policy against him and a total failure to protect his safety in the workplace against genuine and well founded threats to his safety made by the same individual who made malicious allegations against him which has now been completely revealed by Employment Tribunal disclosure documents


  • Failure to properly administer LUL’s SPAD policy with continued threats to our members’ role as drivers


  • Failure to respond to our concerns regarding the quality of training with them refusing machinery meetings to discuss our concerns and reneging on previous commitments given in talks


  • Failure to respond to our concerns regarding stock issues and not working with our safety reps in any meaningful way to address our concerns


  • The assertion from the Director of Employee Relations stating that staff other than the driver have the final say on the serviceability and safety of a train


  • Failure to address facility and familiarisation issues at Cockfosters Depot


  • Continued breaches of a number of LUL policies to the detriment of our members particularly by not exclusive to the attendance at work policy


This Branch therefore calls on the General Secretary to declare a breakdown of industrial relations on the line for these group of workers and ballot our members for strike action and action short of strike action. Furthermore, we call on the GS to contact our sister branch, Piccadilly and District West to establish their view on coordinating this ballot with any other issues they wish to resolve.”


Additionally, the following resolution has been received from Finsbury Park Branch:-


“Finsbury Park Branch has been made aware of a letter threatening our representative at the West End of the Piccadilly Line. The letter further goes to say that drivers not be allowed to decide if a train remains in service or not. It is the responsibility of the person on site to decide as a matter of safety and wish this position to be pursued with LUL.”


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to declare a dispute situation over the points raised in the resolutions and to conduct a ballot of all Train Operator and Instructor Operator members on the Piccadilly Line. The ballot papers will be posted to affected members on Tuesday 1st November and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 15th November 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/274/16, 27th September 2016), LUL has been advised that a dispute situation exists between us over the long running suspension of Nigel Banks, as this action is unduly harsh and unwarranted. I can now advise that the ballot papers will be posted to all RMT members at Ealing Common Rolling Stock Depot on Tuesday 1st November and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 15th November 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




The following resolution was recently received from our Piccadilly and District West Branch:-


“This Branch condemns the District Line management for failing to negotiate properly regarding the special timetable over the Christmas period.


We ask the General Secretary to declare a dispute with LUL over this matter and prepare a matrix for balloting members for strike action and action short of a strike”.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to declare a dispute with LUL over the issues raised, to prepare a ballot matrix of our Train Operator and Instructor Operator members on the District Line and to organise a meeting of our District Line Reps on Monday 31st October 2016. I am currently acting in accordance with the above decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.




Following discussions regarding the above, the Company has proposed that the arrangements for New Year’s Eve, where that coincides with Night Tube Operation will be as follows:-


  • Part-time Night Tube Train Operators will be rostered to work as normal
  • Any applications for annual leave on New Year’s Eve from part-time Night Tube Operators will be favourably considered
  • Any additional shifts created by the implementation of a New Year’s Eve service, or by annual leave applications from Night Tube Operators, will be open to volunteers as normal
  • All Train Operators, whether part-time or full-time, and whether rostered or volunteer, who work on New Year’s Eve will be entitled to the enhanced Special Event payment.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to list this item for discussion at a Reps meeting on Monday 31st October 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




The following resolution was recently received from Central Line West Branch:-


“This Branch notes the appalling sacking of Brother Dean Storey, Train Operator at West Ruislip.


At his CDI there were many mitigations against his dismissal ignored or wrongly discounted and the circumstances of the incident were never properly considered. We strongly believe that the sanction, dismissal, was far in excess of anything which could be considered reasonable.


This Branch states that to have dismissed Brother Storey is a disgraceful travesty of justice.


This Branch calls for, initially, a ballot of all drivers at White City and West Ruislip for industrial action and action short, spreading that out to the whole line and the whole combine if needed.”


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to prepare a ballot matrix of our Train Operator and Instructor Operator members at White City and West Ruislip and to organise a meeting of our Central Line Reps on Monday 31st October 2016. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/263/16, 9th September 2016), the National Executive Committee called further industrial action on a number of dates between Wednesday 19th October until Sunday 20th November. However, prior to this action taking place, talks at ACAS resulted in a draft proposed ETO Re-Grading Initiative. The NEC then took the decision to suspend the strike action and overtime ban to allow for the working party to examine this proposal further and seek to reach agreement over the finer details.


This work is due to be completed by Thursday 27th October and I will keep you advised of all further developments.




As members will be aware, the Union does not accept TfL’s Pay for Performance policy and continues to demand decent pay offers and full pensionable pay for all TfL employees. Following a request from the Lead Officer, the National Executive Committee took the decision to seek legal advice on the legality of pay for performance arrangements under the Equality Act and other statutory arrangements.


As a result of the above and having discussed the above with TfL Reps, it has been agreed that TWO members will run grievances, up to and including seeking legal redress.


In summary, the advice stated that a member may have a potential claim for indirect discrimination and additionally for a disabled member, for discrimination arising from disability and the failure to make reasonable adjustments. However, it is impossible to predict the merits of individual potential claims on a generic basis and each member’s circumstances would need to be assessed on a case by case basis. Furthermore, the Tribunal may accept the Pay for Performance policy was a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim or that a request for reasonable adjustments is not reasonable in the circumstances.

RMT slams Tory axing of TFL Operating Grant

RMT slams Tory axing of TFL Operating Grant as “criminally irresponsible” as Greenwich incident focuses attention on safety and security.


General Secretary Mick Cash said

“The axing of the TFL Operating Grant is an act of criminal irresponsibility by the Tory Government which shows yet again that they could not care less about safety on Britain’s railways. It must be restored immediately.

“The unions will unite to fight this act of transport vandalism which come at a time of surging demand, dangerous overcrowding and heightened terrorist alert. The serious incident on the Jubilee Line at North Greenwich last week must lead to an immediate halt and reversal of the cuts programme ‎on London Underground. ”



Dear Colleague,




Please find attached a briefing note which has been requested on the rights of members who work past their statutory retirement age. Should you have any queries on this document, please refer to our legal team.


I would be grateful if you could bring this circular to the attention of all members.


Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary








Acting Secretary: Oliver New

Contact: 07931 198501

Minutes of Branch Meeting 6th September 2016 in Unity House

Present  were Jackie Darby, Carol Foster, Gary Weston, Olly New, Martin Eady, Roy Carey and guest speaker John Reid

Apologies were received from Geoff Palmer, Frank Murray and John Leach.

It was agreed that Carol chair the meeting.

Minutes:  The minutes of the previous meeting, which had re-launched the Branch, were agreed as a true record.

Matters Arising from the Minutes:

  • Jacky had discussed the LT Pension Consultative Committee with Mark Harding. A nominee was needed for the retired section, but the deadline was too short for the branch to assist. Mark had offered to help with some names of retired members.
  • Olly had arranged for the Branch to be publicised in a yellow circular
  • Carol reported that the National Pensioners Convention was holding a Greater London Rally on 2nd November at 1130 am on Old Palace Yard, opposite the House of Commons.


Everybody briefly introduced themselves.

Martin had brought copies of his excellent just published book “Hold on Tight – London Transport and the Trade Unions”.


  • Olly reported that the branch is still in the process of establishing itself and acquiring members – he had contacted all LT RMT Branches asking them to contact or pass on names of retired activists.
  • Martin and Carol had contacted several former activists, who were interested, although most were no longer in London.

Guest Speaker John Reid the RMT LT Executive Member reported on some of the current issues facing RMT.  The strikes taking place on Southern are not merely against the removal of guards, but effectively the removal of RMT. Southern management had made major concessions to station staff to prevent RMT opening a second front.

On LUL, the core working agreements on Fleet was under threat.

On the Piccadilly Line, threats of drivers strike action had beaten back management on 7 disciplinary cases and a similar struggle was underway on the H&C.  There was a major success in Tubelines coming back in house although there was a dispute over pay parity.

The big issue was stations and although RMT has done well in reducing the impact on members and jobs over 800 posts had gone and jobs was being systematically de-skilled and downgraded. Another ballot was possible.

LUL was preparing another across the board major re-structure (a so-called “Transformation”) in order to make cuts of 2.9 billion pounds.

Overall there is a huge bosses offensive but RMT’s record of resistance was far better than other areas – average RMT members pay had slightly beaten inflation over the last 10 years.

Regional Organiser John Leach had met the Mayor and used the opportunity to raise the issue of bringing cleaners in house. We need to keep organising and recruiting cleaners. John was thanked for his excellent report.



Olly circulated correspondence and highlighted out items of interest including a report from the AGM. It was noted that RMT was not seeking affiliation to the Labour Party, but remaining independent while supporting progressive developments.  A discussion ensued.


Building the Branch:

Roy offered to promote the Branch on Facebook

Carole offered to make phone calls to identified former activists and reps

Olly would try to get a list of former reps

Jacky would contact Paul Jackson and ask for contact details of former activists

Martin would do the same with Bill Teale.


Future Activity:

Cleaners’ recruitment – normally a 10.00am meet up at Unity House on the first Monday.

Southern picket lines – Ray was going

Olly was asked to bring flags and badges to the next meeting

It was agreed that when the Branch was bigger we would start to invite outside speakers – Dot Gibson and Louise Irvine were suggested and a speaker on social services. It was agreed to ask Mark Harding to talk about the LT Pension.

Discussion at next meeting:  Olly would talk about the battle to defend our NHS.


It was agreed that we would elect the following officers at the next meeting on November 1st.

  • Secretary
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Pensions Liaison Officer

Plus delegates to the London Transport Regional Council.

Future Meetings:

The next meeting will be Tuesday 1st November at 14.00 in meeting Room 1, Unity House.

In 2017:  Tuesday 10 January, Tuesday 7 March and Tuesday 2nd May (subject to room availability).

No other business: meeting closed
