Category: Political

RMT / Cuba Solidarity Campaign 15th Garden Party: Wednesday 21st June 2017

Dear Colleagues

RMT / Cuba Solidarity Campaign 15th Garden Party: Wednesday 21st June 2017.

Following the sad news over the weekend regarding the passing of Fidel Castro, RMT will continue to show its solidarity with the people of Cuba. It is especially important now that we continue to develop the friendship between our Union and the Cuban people, as we have done for many years.


Therefore, I am pleased to announce that, in association with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, the 15th RMT Annual Garden Party for Cuba will take place on Wednesday 21st June 2017 at Maritime House, Clapham, London, commencing 7.00pm.


Tickets will be available in the new year and will be £15 each. This includes a free bar, buffet and music. As usual we will be joined by a number of distinguished guest speakers.


The Garden Party will provide a wonderful opportunity to show solidarity with Cuba with friends from across the Labour and Trade Union movement.


I hope to be able to see you at the Garden Party on 21st June.


Yours sincerely



Mick Cash

General Secretary


National Lobby of Parliament for Palestine

National Lobby of Parliament for Palestine


The National Lobby of Parliament for Palestine will take place on Tuesday 15 November, from 12-6pm, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.


As it gets closer, more and more people are contacting their MPs about the lobby. Informing and pressuring our representatives in Parliament is central to the campaign.


The details about the lobby are all online:


The form for people to make appointments with their MPs:


The form for people who can’t attend the lobby but want to ask their MP to support it is here:


Please make every effort to attend and encourage family and friends to come along.


Yours sincerely,



Mick Cash

General Secretary


Jeremy Corbyn Victory

LU Engineering Branch would like to congratulate Jeremy Corbyn on his increased victory as Labour Leader. He is a member of the RMT Parliamentary Group and has always shown support for the union’s key policies such as Rail Nationalisation and Fighting the Austerity cuts.

We look forward to the Parliamentary Labour Party now getting behind their leader and start fighting for working people instead of among themselves.

It’s time for a strong and united Party to put the Government on the back foot. As the RMT say ‘Unity is Strength’

How Workers Beat a Government

The working class took on and defeated the Government in July 1972. Find out how.


July 28 2016 – 18.30

Marx Memorial Library, Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU

In the campaign against austerity and anti-union laws the successful fight to free the Pentonville 5 is often quoted. To find out what really happened and learn about this historic victory – join us.

Including the 23 minute video of the events made with the dockers’ shop stewards.


Commemorating 40 years since the Grunwick strike

Dear Colleagues,


Commemorating 40 years since the Grunwick strike


The historic Grunwick strike was sparked by the dismissal of Devshi Bhudia on Friday 20 August 1976 for working too slowly. Three other young men walked out in support of him. At 6.55pm legendary Jayaben Desai put on her coat to leave and was called into the office where she was dismissed for doing so. Her son Sunil walked out in support of her. On 23 August 1976 the six began picketing outside Grunwick and more workers joined their side. On 2 September 1976 all 137 striking workers were dismissed from the company’s employ and the next two years saw a bitter struggle and huge displays of support for them, and in which many RMT activists played a memorable part.

The solidarity they and other trade unionists showed to the mainly Asian women striker’s was in the face of considerable police violence with the highest number of arrests (over 500) in the course of an industrial dispute since the great strike of 1926.

RMT is now supporting local activists in Willesden and Brent Trade Council who are planning to erect murals in commemoration of the strike, hold a major exhibition with associated learning events, as well as a day event later in the year which will commemorate the activists but also relate it to the struggles we face today.

Please support all these events both practically and financially by donating. Also encourage members to sign up to and register for e-mail updates. You can also invite speakers to future meetings linking this to a showing of one of the films produced about the strike.


Please bring this circular to all member’s attention, support the events in any way possible and please try and get along if you can.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


Durham Miners’ Gala 2016

Durham Miners’ Gala 2016

Further to circular no. NP/32/15 of 23rd February 2015 please be advised that the details for RMT activists and members attending this year’s Durham Miners Gala, Saturday 9th July 2016, are as follows:

RMT activists and members are asked to congregate at 10.00 a.m. prompt at the New Inn, Church St Head, Durham, DH1 3DN for the line up behind the RMT band as marching will commence at 10.30 a.m.

Please bring RMT Branch banners, flags and whistles. Attendance is a legitimate use of branch funds and I urge as many RMT members as possible to attend this year’s Big Meeting.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


TUCG Annual Tolpuddle Seminar

TUCG Annual Tolpuddle Seminar

This year’s Trade Union Coordinating Group Annual Tolpuddle Seminar will take place on Tuesday 12th July, 2016 at 18.30 in the Wilson Room, Portcullis House, Westminster, SW1A 2LW. Please allow 20 minutes to get through security.

The theme will be based around trade union rights and specifically keeping the right to strike. It will bring unions together for the first time since the Trade Union Act was passed to discuss and formulate a positive and coordinated fight against the reforms.

I will be chairing the discussion, and John Hendy QC, Caroline Lucas MP, Louise Regan (NUT Senior Vice President), Mark Serowtka (PCS General Secretary) & Liz Lawrence (UCU Past President) will be speaking.

Please see attached flyer. The event is open to the public and I hope to see you there.

Yours sincerely,


TUCG_strike_flyer (1)

Transport union RMT ‎statement in support of Jeremy Corbyn.

Transport union RMT ‎statement in support of Jeremy Corbyn.


Responding to the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;


“By peddling the ludicrous notion that Jeremy is some how responsible for the EU referendum result, Jeremy’s critics are in fact insulting the intelligence of voters and in doing so further alienating millions of natural Labour supporters who are quite capable of making up their own minds and who voted for what they believed in.


“After a divisive referendum, and with the Tories on the ropes, working class people want the Labour Party to unite and address their concerns, instead those attacking Jeremy risk plunging the party into civil war and handing a gift to the Tories


“Jeremy has renewed the faith that many rank and file trade unionists have in the Labour Party which is vital in helping Labour assist in maintaining and increasing support amongst it’s base. Trying to force him from office will weaken not strengthen the Labour Party.”

RMT Political School




Please nominate by Monday 11 July 2016


The next school will take place from Sunday 16 October to Friday 21 October 2016 at the National Education Centre at Doncaster. Participants will be expected to arrive by the early evening of 16 October to meet fellow students at an evening buffet and to ensure a prompt start on the Monday.


With the assistance of guest speakers and our parliamentary group the purpose of the school is for participants to be equipped with a sound understanding of the political role of trade unions, the RMT’s political activity, our international work and how Branches and Regions can effectively support RMT national campaigns and develop local campaigning initiatives.


Branches are invited to nominate one representative but in doing so please ensure that your nominee will definitely be able to attend the school. In the event of applications exceeding places available, the Council of Executives will determine the successful applicants.


Branches are actively encouraged to nominate for the school including, applications from women members. All applications from Branches will be placed before the NEC for consideration.


Please complete the attached form to nominate a representative and return to Head Office no later than Monday 11 July 2016.



One of Britain’s most powerful unions today urged its members and trade unionists to vote for “hope not fear” in the EU referendum and support a leave vote.


In an email  to union members, RMT leader Mick Cash voted urged union members and their families to :


“….ignore the scare mongering of recent weeks and vote for hope over fear.”


In the letter RMT General Secretary Mick Cash says:


” Millions of trade unionists and working people will be voting leave because they want the hope of a better future at work and at home.”


“Hope that we can be free to develop our industries and public services free, from EU driven privatisation and deregulation.


“Hope that we can be free to pursue policies that promote jobs and prosperity, free from EU driven austerity.


“Hope for fair employment where all workers get the proper rate for the job, free from undercutting and a  EU race to the bottom.


“Hope that we can take back democracy so we can make laws that benefit  our communities  not corporations – and be free from laws and corporate carve ups that we have never voted for such as TTIP.”


“Hope for a better world and true international solidarity beyond fortress Europe.”

Joint Union Statement Supporting a Leave Vote



Joint Union Statement Supporting a Leave Vote

A united Labour Movement


Many great figures of the Labour moment such as Tony Benn, Michael Foot and Bob Crow were firmly against the EU.  Millions of Labour voters oppose the EU and we believe a similar number of trade unionists support withdrawal.

Whatever the result of the EU referendum the Labour and Trade Union movement will continue to fight against injustice and austerity.


The EU is anti-worker and cannot be reformed

We support a Leave vote in the forthcoming referendum because we believe the EU acts overwhelmingly in the interests of big business and against the interests of workers.

We note that David Cameron secured only very minor changes to EU rules and believe this demonstrates that there is little hope of reforming the EU.


The myth of the EU and workers’ rights


It’s a myth that the EU has won workers’ rights and protections for workers. Nearly all the laws that protect workers in Britain are UK laws which have been won by the struggles and campaigns of the British trade union and Labour movement.


In fact, the EU and its European Court of Justice have accelerated their policy agenda which attacks trade union rights, job protections and wages.


Defend our NHS and progressive legislation

The TTIP trade agreement being negotiated between the EU and the United States will promote big business at the expense of sovereign governments and their organisations including our NHS. Environmental regulations, employment rights, food safety, privacy laws and many other safeguards will also be secondary to the right of corporations to make even bigger profits.

The threat to democracy and from the far right


The majority of the laws which affect our lives are now made in the EU and not the UK. This is a major problem because a distant link between law makers and the electorate creates a vacuum which could be exploited by the far right. Big decisions such as TTIP are being made with very little regard for democratic oversight and cannot be reversed at the ballot box.

Internationalism not isolationism

We are internationalists. We believe workers throughout the world, in Britain, America and Asia, as well as Europe, have more in common with each other than the heads of big business in their own countries.  Out of the EU and into the world.


No fortress Britain. No Fortress Europe

Unlike UKIP and others we don’t believe Britain should be an island unto itself. Our country, and indeed many countries, are nations of immigrants. We want everyone to get a fair rate for the job and everyone to have the same rights at work.

We don’t support fortress Britain and so we don’t support fortress Europe. We profoundly regret that children and families fleeing poverty, persecution and war not being allowed in to Europe.


The challenge we need to address is not the distribution of people around the world it is the distribution of wealth and resources. There is enough wealth for everyone’s needs.

Referendum on Membership of the European Union

Dear Colleagues,

Referendum on Membership of the European Union

As you may be aware, the referendum campaign surrounding UK membership of the European Union has now begun.

RMT policy on this matter was decided by rank and file members at the 2015 Annual General Meeting, and the union is campaigning for a Leave vote. The motion carried at the AGM was as follows:




That this Annual General Meeting notes the outcome of the UK general election on 7 May 2015 means that a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union will take place before the end of 2017.


We note that David Cameron has stated that his government intends to renegotiate terms of Britain’s EU membership by removing restrictions on big business and protecting special interests of banks and financial institutions based in the City of London, before recommending a ‘Yes’ vote for Britain to remain in the EU.


We note that the Tory government will be supported in their attempt to maintain Britain’s membership of the EU bosses’ club by the leadership of the parliamentary Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party and the Scottish and Welsh nationalist parties. This pro-EU coalition will be joined by the Confederation of British Industry and Institute of Directors, the TUC and most of Britain’s billionaire press-owners in calling for a ‘Yes’ vote.


RMT’s 2010 Annual General Meeting held in Aberdeen, adopted a policy to call for a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union and to campaign for a vote for Britain to leave the EU in a referendum. RMT’s policy therefore is to campaign for a progressive ‘No’ vote to Britain’s membership of the EU.


This AGM instructs the General Secretary and Council of Executives to work to establish an alliance of trade unions, socialists and democrats calling for a ‘No’ vote in the coming referendum on Britain’s EU membership in order to ensure that the arguments for workers’ rights and public ownership outside of the Thatcherite straightjacket of the EU are made to British electors.

RMT has registered as an official “leave” campaigner with the Electoral Commission. The union has also affiliated to Trade Unionists against the European Union ( and will be supporting and assisting initiatives by TAEU. The union will also provide speakers for socialist and progressive platforms against the EU. The union is also campaigning publicly with other unions, socialists and trade unionists who share our position.

Additionally, RMT will be promoting the following six key points direct to members across all sectors of the transport industry through the RMT NEWS, through branches and reps and through the union’s social media platforms. Copies of the below in leaflets and poster form will shortly be made available to Branches and Regional Councils.

1.    Leave the EU to end attacks on rail workers
New EU rail policies are set to further entrench rail privatisation and fragmentation. That will also mean more attacks or jobs and conditions and EU laws will make it impossible to bring all of rail back into public ownership.2.    Leave the EU to end attacks on seafarers and the offshore workers
The EU has promoted undercutting and social dumping leading to the decimation of UK seafarers. The same is now happening in the offshore sector. EU directives also require the tendering our public ferry services.

3.    Leave the EU to end attacks on workers’ rights
It’s a myth that the EU is in favour of workers. In fact the EU is developing a new policy framework to attack trade union rights, collective bargaining, job protections and wages. This is already being enforced in countries which have received EU “bailouts”.

4.    Leave the EU to end Austerity
If you join a union you expect members of the union to protect each other in times of trouble. The European Union has done the opposite. It has used the economic crisis to impose austerity and privatization on member states. Instead of protecting jobs and investment EU austerity is driving UK austerity.

5.    Leave the EU to stop the attack on our NHS
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade agreement being negotiated between the EU and the United States will promote big business at the expense government protections and organisations including our NHS! Environmental regulations, employment rights, food safety, privacy laws and many other safeguards will also be secondary to the right of corporations to make even bigger profits.

6.    Leave the EU to support democracy
The vast majority of the laws that affects our lives are now made in the EU and not the UK. We have no say over those Laws. As the late Tony Benn said in 1991…

“We are discussing whether the British people are to be allowed to elect those who make the laws under which they are governed. The argument is nothing to do with whether we should get more maternity leave from Madame Papandreou [a European Commissioner].”

I would be grateful if you could bring this Circular to the attention of all Branch members and I will keep you informed as to developments and initiatives in the campaign.

If you have any queries regarding the union’s campaign please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely


Mick Cash

General Secretary

