Category: Political

New Membership forms from the 1st March 2018



I am writing in relation to the production of new membership forms that we must use from the 1st March 2018.


The main reason for the change is that from this date the Tory government’s attack against unions using political funds to campaign and support political initiatives comes into force.


Our new membership forms will now have to have a box that must be ticked by new members joining the union from March 2018 to allow us to use part of their union subscription to fund the Political Fund. As you will know the fund is essential for supporting campaigns to defend our members’ interests.


If this box is not ticked then we will not be able to make the Political Fund deduction.   Please note the political fund aspect of the subscription is only £3.12 per year – that’s just £6p a week as part of member’s main subscription.


There will also be new EU legislation that will be coming into force later in 2018 regarding data protection.  The union is currently receiving legal advice but to comply with this legislation it is likely there will also need to be a privacy statement on the form that new members will have to acknowledge they have read.


Once all the legal hurdles are cleared the new forms will be distributed to Regional Offices and Branches and also activists in the New Year.


The new membership forms for new members will be red to distinguish them from the existing green forms. It is therefore very important that our Branches and Regions put some thought towards ensuring that the new red forms are distributed around all workplaces and that the old green forms are recycled and not used after 1st March 2018.  Any of the old forms used after that date will mean the union will not be able to take the political fund deduction from that new member and the union will have to write separately seeking authorisation.


I will also be asking Regional Organisers to draw up plans in conjunction with our Regional Councils to assist in ensuring every location and every activist has the stocks of new membership forms.


I can also advise you that the online form through which many new members join the union will also be updated.


It is vital that when recruiting new members from 1st March 2018 we ensure that whether joining by form or online that they are reminded of the need to tick the box on the membership form to join the political fund. The new forms will contain supporting propaganda to encourage this. I will also be sending advice to activists as to the arguments to use around the political fund and this issue will also be covered on our courses at the Bob Crow education centre.


Note the legislation only applies to new members joining the union from 1st March 2018. It does not apply to existing members or members who join the union before 1st March 2018.


Yours sincerely

Train Ticket Price Hike

On 25th anniversary year of railway privatisation new study shows yesterday’s rail fare hikes will worsen the cost of living crisis

The 2nd of January marked the 25th anniversary of The Railway Act of 1993 – that led to the privatisation of the railways – and the day before rail season tickets are due to rise in price by 3.6% and fares on average by 3.4% a new RMT study has found that:‎


•        Today’s increase of 3.6% on season tickets is over 50% more than the increase in earnings over the last year alone

•        Rail fares have increased 5 times the rate of public sector pay awards and at twice the speed of average earnings since 2010

•        The average commuter pays over 10% their net income on fares, with some commuters paying as much as 20%

•        Commuter rail travel is now a pipe dream for those on low incomes. If you are on the National Living Wage you could spend on average 20% of your wages on fares


The figures were revealed as fare protests organised by the RMT were to take place at forty stations around the country when passengers returned to work on 2nd January. 

At many locations RMT members will be handed out chocolates to commuters to at least sweeten the bitter pill of the fare rises.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said,

“It’s another New Year and yet another hike in fares for passengers. These eye watering increases will make it even harder for workers to get by.

“Whilst workers are struggling the private train companies are raking it in. As we enter the 25th year anniversary of railway privatisation legislation the need for public ownership of rail has never been more popular or necessary”.


fares NLA

National Demonstration against Fees and Cuts November 15th 2017

National Demonstration against Fees and Cuts November 15th 2017

The National Campaign Against Fees & Cuts is a network of student and education worker activists, founded in 2010. Since then, the NCAFC has helped activists on campuses up and down the country organise direct action against tuition fees, education cuts and wider cuts to public services.


In the wake of the government defeat on tuition fees, the NCAFC has called a major demonstration to demand the abolition of tuition fees.


Free education accessible to everyone is within our reach. By taking action in our thousands, we can seize it now.


March with them on 15th November: for an end to tuition fees, for living grants, and for an education system that serves people not profit. Already over 50 universities and colleges are mobilising for this event.


They will march from Malet Street WC1E 7HX in the heart of the University of London from 1.00pm down Kingsway towards Shaftesbury Avenue, passing Picturehouse Central where workers are striking for the Living Wage, and down Whitehall to Parliament Square


Please bring this circular to member’s attention and make every effort to attend.


Renewed terror threat – RMT calls for reversal of Tory manifesto proposals

Renewed terror threat – RMT calls for reversal of Tory manifesto proposals to abolish British Transport Police and for a halt to cuts to rail staff


Transport union RMT has today written to the Home Secretary Amber Rudd seeking an urgent meeting and urging her to abandon the proposal in the Tory manifesto to abolish the British Transport Police and calling on her to protect security on the transport network by halting cuts to frontline staff who are trained to help prevent a terrorist attack.

The union also said it was pure hypocrisy for ministers to praise transport police and rail staff one day and then cut them the next.

The call follows the union’s demands last week for an urgent security summit to discuss security on the transport network. RMT has also made it clear that there are a number of specific safety and security issues on London Underground that it wants addressed as a matter of urgency and which have been raised with senior LU managers.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said,

“Rail staff are the eyes and ears of the rail network who are especially trained to help prevent terrorist attacks yet one day the government is praising rail workers as heroes and next day they are cutting rail workers- it is not only hypocrisy it is also pure folly.”

“On top of this the Tory manifesto is proposing to abolish the British Transport Police. Not only will this increase the terrorist threat by diluting a specialist police operation on the railway it will also mean that the force will be subject to a major reorganisation and no doubt cuts when it should be focusing on the terrorist threat.

We are repeating calls for an urgent security summit and seeking an urgent meeting with the Home Secretary.”

2017 General Election – Tory Manifesto proposals to attack rail workers right to strike

2017 General Election – Tory Manifesto proposals to attack rail workers right to strike 


I am writing to draw your attention to the following extract from the Conservative Party Manifesto.

“We will work with train companies and their employees to agree minimum service levels during periods of industrial dispute – and if we cannot find a voluntary agreement, we will legislate to make this mandatory.”

This proposal is a deliberate attack on your union. It is an attack on the right of rail workers to take effective strike action. It is intended to weaken us in our battle to defend jobs, safety and conditions of service.

Whilst the details of how this draconian proposals will work in practice are not ‎yet clear it will mean that even if members democratically vote for strike action that ballot will be undermined by the requirement to provide a “minimum” service.

This attack comes on top of the Tory Trade Union Act which recently came into force which as you know amongst other measures required higher ballot thresholds and a requirement for two weeks notice of action.

This latest proposals is particularly dangerous as it means that even when the union is able to legally overcome the various hurdles in balloting legislation that won’t be enough because there will still be a requirement to provide a “minimum service”.

Moreover whilst the proposals currently only apply to rail services they will no doubt be extended to other transport sectors and beyond.

These proposals will only be enacted if the Tories win the election‎.

We can stop them by campaigning to defeat the Tories in this election and instead help deliver a Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn. Please do all you can to help achieve that goal.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

RMT’s Mick Cash welcomes Labours’ rail campaign day

RMT’s Mick Cash welcomes Labours’ rail campaign day

Welcoming Labours’ rail campaign day today, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“The Labour commitment to British state ownership of our railways will end the debacle of three quarters of our railways being foreign-owned and UK passengers being ripped off with the profits shipped abroad to support other country’s railways.

“Fair fares, proper investment,  a safely staffed and accessible railway and ending the expansion of driver only trains shows Labour is on the side of passengers while the Tories do the bidding of the fat cat rail companies.”

4th March National Demonstration to defend the NHS

4th March National Demonstration to defend the NHS  

Health Campaigns Together (a national network of over thirty NHS campaigning organisations and unions working together to co-ordinate action to defend the NHS) have called a national demonstration in London on 4th March. RMT has agreed to support and widely publicise this demonstration starting at 12.00 noon from Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 0 and marching to Parliament.

The calling letter, signed by Mike Forster of Hands off HRI campaign in Huddersfield and Dr Louise Irvine of the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign states: “We believe the time has come to demonstrate the breadth and depth of support for the NHS and anger and opposition to the destructiveness of Tory policies.”

The organisers are aiming for maximum support so that the wider public will become more aware of the threats we face: “The NHS crisis will intensify this winter and there will be no let-up in the following months as drastic cost cutting Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP) are rolled out across the country, leading to more cuts and closures.”

The timing also means that the demonstration can be linked to strengthening vital campaigns in each locality. “By March the “winter crisis” will not be over, and the full reality of the STP plans will have become clearer to many more people. “We believe this could be a massive demonstration, bringing together the growing number of community campaigns with the trade union movement.”

We hope so and I urge everyone to do all you can to build for this important demonstration.

Bring colleagues, friends and family. The NHS is the single greatest achievement of working class people in Britain. We cannot allow it to be undermined and ultimately destroyed. We echo Nye Bevan’s words, sending a clear statement to this government; “The NHS will last as long as there are folk with the faith to fight for it.”

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary



Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said:

“These Tories would ban trade unions full stop if they could get away with it. Their objective is to turn the railways into a money-raking racket for their mates in the private train companies where safety counts for nothing. The Tories behind this Ten Minute Rule Bill won’t be happy until companies like Southern Rail have a free pass to run riot with no opposition whatsoever.

“The workforce, supported by the public, are the front line of defence against this union-baiting, bandit-capitalism which has more in common with a right-wing dictatorship than it does a modern, safe railway.”




In the light of Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s shocking decision in October not to grant an inquiry into “The Battle of Orgreave”, the Truth and Justice Campaign are planning their biggest and noisiest demonstration to date. Having sent our own letter to Teresa May, when she was Home Secretary, calling for a review RMT is fully supporting this action and urges everyone who can to support it.

The campaign has chosen Monday March 13th at 2pm to 4pm to demonstrate at the Home office address below:

Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF

Publicity is available via their website

or you can order hard copies of the materials by emailing

OTJC want to show how angry the movement feels about the decision so have billed the event as a “Noise Protest”.  Please circulate details and make every effort to attend with banners, join in and loudly tell this Government the campaign will never be silenced!

I look forward to seeing you all on the day.

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary


The Great Rail Rip Off

Southern Rail owners Go Ahead ramp up dividends and stockpile cash while services are left to rot and safety standards are slashed
New research by transport union RMT has found that as passenger brace themselves for yet another fare increase in the New Year the four big transport groups that own many of Britain’s Train Companies are so profitable that they are sitting on increasing levels of enormous cash reserves as well as paying ever higher dividends whilst simultaneously minimising the amount of tax they are paying.

A detailed analysis of the accounts of Go – Ahead, National Express, Virgin and Stagecoach has found that

The average annual change in cash reserves is +15.75%

Average the average annual change in dividends is +8.68%

Average annual change in tax -36.8%

The full data set and chart for each company is attached and the figures for each company will dismay passengers.

For example the amount held in the bank by Southern Rail owners Go Ahead rose from £128.9m a year from 30 June 2007 by five times to £636.3m in year to 2 June 2016.

In addition the amount that Go-Ahead paid its shareholders increased while the amount that it paid the Treasury fell. Dividends rose from £28.9m in year to 30 June 2007 by 36% to £39.4m in year to 2 June 2016

Tax paid fell from £23.6m in year to 30 June 2007 by 22% to £18.5m in year to 2 June 2016. The total dividend paid over this period was £344.8m while the total tax paid over this period was £183.8m.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said,

“These figures show that not only are rail companies paying out ever higher dividends they are also sitting on increasing huge cash reserves whilst paying less and less tax.”

“All of their revenues come from the tax and fare payer and while the rail companies are getting richer by the year while the passenger and taxpayer get less.”

“What’s equally as scandalous is they are sitting on hundreds of millions of pounds of idle wealth which could instead be put to work increasing rail capacity and staffing and reducing fares.”









DfT admits to rigging rail franchise market for privateers

DfT admits to rigging rail franchise market for privateers

RAIL UNION RMT says that today’s revelations in the media that the DfT intend to rig the rail franchise market to ensure privateers have their profits protected must be explained to Parliament and rail passengers.

The Department for Transport’s  Managing Director of Passenger Services has admitted to rigging the so called rail franchise market in order to boost company’s profits at the expense of passengers.

 In a news story today in The Times newspaper devastating details have emerged of a ‘private meeting’ between Peter Wilkinson and HSBC bank in which it is alleged he revealed how the Department will loosen financial agreements to “protect future franchises” and even “retrofit” existing franchises to alleviate the impact of any fall in passenger numbers.

Previously, Mr Wilkinson is on record as saying that train drivers that resist changes to their working practices can “get the hell out of my industry”

 Mick Cash RMT General Secretary said:

“This should come as no surprise to passengers experiencing fare increases today and simply confirms what we have been consistently saying for over twenty years.

“Train operating company profits are not earned in the market but politically fabricated out of regulatory obfuscation, political expediency and dodgy contracts which create profitable positions for private shareholders in a subsidised industry.

“How the Managing Director of Passenger Services can be promising a bank protection for this bogus profit laundering franchising system is beyond belief and is something the Secretary of State must urgently explain to Parliament.” 

RMT reaction to the death of Fidel Castro

RMT reaction to the death of Fidel Castro

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

“RMT is saddened to hear of the death of our comrade and inspiration Fidel Castro. It should never be forgotten that Fidel and his comrades swept away Batista and his corrupt, mafia-controlled regime and replaced it with a socialist model which put health and education at the forefront even in the toughest days of the US blockade.


“The resilience and determination of the Cuban people under the leadership of Fidel Castro and his comrades has been an inspiration to socialists and trade unionists around the globe for ‎six decades


“But now we get on with the job of organising for the future just as Fidel Castro would have wanted us to do and RMT reaffirms it’s support for the Cuba Solidarity Campaign in the work that lies ahead. “
