Category: News

Branch Meeting 7th March

Branch Meetings

Things we discuss:


  1. Equality in the Workplace.
  2. Lastest News from your area
  3. Last Meeting Matters Arising such as:
  4. MIS Local Level Meeting:  Report on cleaners were being given block joint testers to test blockjoints
  5. District Signals: Report on the issue of the cameras in IMRs.
  6. Flexible Working: Report on his flexible working request.
  7. COMMs Vacancies: Report on the vacancies in their area.
  8. Suspended Member: Report on a person that has been suspended for six months and no one is investigating the case.
  9. Trainers in Track Skills: Reported on the meeting with the reps today and the plethora of issues in that area, that was now affecting safety.
  10. Carillion Liquidation: Reports on the latest news and meetings with TfL and Cleshar
  11. Vinci Changes to Terms and Conditions: Meeting had taken place and were now preparing a counter proposal




I write further to my previous circular on the above matter (Ref: IR/65/18, 5th February 2018) to provide an update on the latest developments with regards to the liquidation of Carillion.


Your union was represented at a recent meeting convened by the TUC at which liquidators PWC provided an overview of the latest situation to the affected trade unions.


Consultation – with the official HR1 redundancy notices being issued on a national basis, this made it difficult to identify which specific contracts were at risk and which employees would be affected. Consultation is generally being carried out through employee forums rather than through trade union recognition agreements with elected represented, but it was noted that RMT has had formal talks with Network Rail, Arriva Rail North and Arriva London.


TUPE – PwC stated that TUPE does not apply in matters of liquidation, although it did say it was encouraging all parties involved in staff transfers to honour existing terms and conditions. However, it has no legal control over this process so it only remains an aspiration.


Legal entity of employer – the official receiver undertook to carry out further work in this regard as it remained a problem as to who the actual employer was on many of the contracts.


Pensions – A meeting is to be set up involving trade union pension officers, convened by the TUC, to discuss all aspects of the pension situation.


Trade union deductions via paybill – steps are being taken by RMT to identify any current Carillion contract who currently pay their subscriptions via paybill and ensure they do not lapse and that they continue to enjoy RMT membership.


The above matters were also subject of discussions at the initial redundancy consultation meeting for the rail business part of Carillion. Carillion stated that, while it had been an extremely complex and fast-moving process up to now, employees should continue to attend work and they will continue to be paid for any work carried out.


It was also set out that the bid process was about to close and the arrangements for Network Rail funding of the contracts would be known shortly.


The company also stated that it expected to reconvene the consultation process in the next week or so when further clarity will be provided on the sale process and how this will affect employees. The provisional date for the next meeting is 20th February 2018, after which I hope to be in a better position to provide members with further information. It is obviously a worrying time for our members working on the various Carillion contracts but I can assure them their union is doing all it can to defend their interests.


In the meantime, I would be grateful if you could bring the contents of this circular to the attention of your members.



Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

What’s the difference between Tube Lines and LUL conditions

Over the next few months and years there willl be discussions surrounding aligning Tube Lines and LUL T&C’s. We will be pushing for a movement upwards/


The below documents show the difference between LUL and Tube Lines conditions.


Comparison Document



Click here




LUL Pay Implementation Notice




LUL 2017 Implementation Notices




Tube Lines Pay Implementation Notice



Copy of Implementation notices Ops 2017

RMT PAY BULLETIN: Sept to Dec 2017

Dear Colleagues


RMT PAY BULLETIN: Sept to Dec 2017


RPI inflation (change in cost of living relative to same time one year earlier) remains high at 3.9%.


However, inflation has likely peaked. For the final three months of 2018, annual RPI (according to the latest forecasts) is expected to fall to 3.2%


The Office for Budget Responsibility projects the decline will be sharper than previously estimated:





Official inflation data records how prices are changing for workers on low, middle and higher incomes on an aggregate basis (ie not adequately distinguishing between those bands). The amount that people on average or below average incomes spend on everyday living expenses (as a proportion of salary) is obviously greater than for wealthier households.


The difference in the rate of inflation as experienced by workers on the lowest incomes (1st quintile) and those in one of the higher income brackets (in the chart below, the 4th quintile) is significant, especially when compounded over time:



Meaning that those on the lowest rates of pay, who are not being offered a path by their employer to better paid work, need the highest pay award. Failing which those on the lowest rates of pay, will see the relative value of their income (ie purchasing power) decline at the steepest rate.




Forecasts in detail: RPI inflation

For Q4 2018 – ie average rate during months of Oct, Nov and Dec 2018

the average new forecast is 3.2%


This figure is significantly below the current rate of inflation – you are advised not to volunteer to your employer, information on the size of the projected decline in inflation.


High RPI Q4 2018 forecasts to quote to employers in pay negotiations are:

Capital Economics (3.8% – forecast made in December 2017)

HSBC (3.7% – forecast made in December 2017),

Citigroup (3.6% – forecast made in December 2017)

Economic Perspectives (3.6% – forecast made in December 2017)



Forecasts in detail: Average earnings growth

For 2018 – ie average over whole of 2018

the average new forecast is 2.7%


This figure is significantly below the current rate of inflation – you are advised not to volunteer to your employer, information on the projected low increase in average earnings.


High average earnings growth forecasts for 2018 to quote to employers in pay negotiations are:

Goldman Sachs (3.5% – forecast made in December 2017)

Economic Perspectives (3.2% – forecast made in December 2017)

Scotiabank (3% – forecast made in December 2017)




Recent RMT Settlements



Effective From


East Midlands Trains (Customer Experience)
  • 3.2% on base pay and on all allowances
1 Apr 2017
  • 3.2%
2 Apr 2017
Train infrastructure
  • 2% increase to basic hourly rates and taxable allowances
  • 2% increase to basic hourly rates and taxable allowances
  • 2% increase to basic hourly rates and taxable allowances
1 Apr 2017


1 Apr 2018


1 Apr 2019


London Transport and other Metro

Serco London Cycle Hire Scheme
  • 2.5% increase
1 Apr 2017
Doppelmayr Emirates Air Line Cable Car
  • 2.64% average increase to salaries
Nov 2017
Thales GTS
  • 1.8% increase
  • 2% increase
  • 2.5% increase




STM (Arriva Rail London)
  • 3% increase


July 2017

Cleaning and catering

Axis Cleaning Services (Arriva Trains Wales Contract)
  • 6% increase
1 Oct 2017

Road Transport and Buses

Hants & Dorset Trim
  • Increase of 29p per hour – this equates to 2.55%
  • Increase of 35p per hour – this equates to 3%
1 July 2017


1 July 2018

Stagecoach South West (Exeter, Torquay & Barnstaple) ·         1.4% (Driver Rate to £10.14)

·         1.1% (Driver Rate to £10.25)

30 Apr 2017

30 Oct 2017

Bournemouth Transport
  • A basic rate increase to £10.15 per hour, consolidating the 20 pence per hour attendance allowance which equates to an approximate percentage increase of 3.5%. This was in return for receiving no pay for the first three days of any sickness absence.
27 Aug 2017
Stagecoach East Midlands (Mansfield & Worksop)Driver and Engineering Grades
  • 1.25% increase
  • 1.25% increase


30 Apr 2017

26 Nov 2017

  • 3% increase to all basic rates of pay and allowances
  • Increase of RPI plus 0.2% for all staff. (Lower limit of 2% and upper limit of 3.5%)



APC Delivered ·         2.5% increase Aug 2017
Damory Coaches
  • 2% increase to all rates of pay
  • The company has offered a guaranteed minimum starting point of a 2.5% increase for when negotiations begin for 2018 pay rise.
Oct 2017
  • 2% increase to basic rates
  • A further 1.1% placed into a performance related customer service bonus, instead of increasing the attendance allowance, operating from 1 August 2017
1 May 2017
Maritime and Offshore
Offshore Contractors
  • Lump sum payment of £450 for members who were employed in the period specified. The lump sum to be calculated on the basis of £37.50 per week employed.
  • 2% increase on the base hourly rate element D1 and all connected elements in the table of rates on page 27 of the current OCPA. This equates to an increase in base rate hourly for a Category B Craftsperson of £19.31 to £19.70.
7 Jan 2017




1 Apr 2017

Caledonian MacBrayne
  • Increase of Aug 2017 RPI (3.9%)
  • Increase of Aug 2018 RPI
  • Increase of Aug 2019 RPI
Oct 2017

Oct 2018

Oct 2019

Serco Northlink Ferries
  • 3.9% for all Ratings
1 Oct 2017
Isle of Man Steam Packet
  • 4% increase
1 Jan 2018
Heysham Port (Peel Ports) ·         2.5% increase 1 June 2017




Recent non-RMT settlements

Company (Sector)


Effective From

Moy Park (agri-food) 3.4% Aug 2017
Old Bushmills Distillery (drinks production) 3.7% Aug 2017
Rio Cinema (culture) 5% Oct 2017
Fordhourly paid workers (manufacturing) 4.5% Nov 2017
Tesco (retail) 5.25% Nov 2017




We use RPI and not other measures of inflation such as CPI or CPIH


What is RPI? It measures inflation as experienced by working households

In 1914 an indicator of inflation called the “Cost of Living Index” was established. It was designed to chart the increase in the costs of workers’ basic subsistence items.


The CLI was subsequently expanded to measure changes in prices facing whole households, and in 1947 it was renamed the Retail Prices Index. The RPI – which excludes data on the spending habits of the parasitic class (ie the richest 4% of households) – was from its inception therefore, designed for use by us.[1]



What is CPI? It is a tool for measuring the overall performance of the economy

By contrast, CPI – which was formulated by the European Union’s statistics agency, Eurostat -measures overall national economic performance. Specifically, CPI was introduced to help assess the eligibility of countries to transition to use of the ruinous Euro currency.


The Royal Statistical Society – the association for statisticians – explains that CPI was not designed to measure “inflation as perceived and experienced by households.”[2]


CPI includes elements irrelevant to ordinary workers, such as stockbrokers’ fees and foreign students’ university tuition fees – and it also excludes most taxes.[3] Unsurprisingly, CPI is “broadly representative of the price experience of households around two-thirds of the way up the expenditure distribution”.[4] In other words, CPI is the measure for wealthier households with spending habits significantly looser than the average.


The Royal Statistical Society confirms that: “[The calculation method used in CPI gives] a higher weight to the higher-spending households. We [ie the RSS] do not believe this is correct for a household-based index, which should aim to measure inflation as it affects typical households.”[5]



Why has RPI recently been criticised?

At least since George Osborne was Chancellor, the Office for National Statistics has been required to selectively sideline RPI and push CPI (and now a new version of CPI called CPIH). Further, some influential news outlets such as the Daily Mail and The Times have been waging a sustained campaign against the use of RPI.


The stated reason is that RPI is underpinned by a mathematical formula which is currently out of fashion. In fact, at its January 2016 meeting, the National Statistician’s “Advisory Panels [Technical and Stakeholder] on Consumer Prices” found that the formula used in RPI is no better or worse than alternatives: “Panel members agreed that the relative merits of the mathematical properties of elementary aggregate formulae were finely balanced.”[6]


The real reason that RPI is being slated by the bosses and their mouthpieces is that RPI generally records higher rates of inflation than other measures – leading to higher wage settlements, than those based on alternative measures such as CPI.



What do other countries do? No other country uses CPI for domestic purposes

The Royal Statistical Society explains that “nearly all EU countries…use their own national indices [ie their equivalents of RPI] as their main uprating index. Accordingly the RSS finds that: “The UK would therefore be out of line with most international practice if it adopted the CPI, or a close derivative such as CPIH, as its main uprating index.”[7]


The Royal Statistical Society adds that: “Neither the CPI, nor any index closely derived from it or established on similar principles [such as CPIH], will do.”[8]



RPI could be updated

The Royal Statistical Society has proposed that RPI or its derivative RPIJ be updated. Further, the RSS has called for work on a new similar measure of inflation called “Index of Household Prices”, the status and purpose of which will – not least through its name – be clear to users.


Sadly, the ONS has been directed to freeze all work on RPI’s methodological framework[9]. Further, its director has been publicly critical of RPI.


The ONS is instead promoting the discredited and inappropriate measure CPIH as an alternative to RPI. More positively, the ONS has begun work on a new experimental household weighted index (ie RPI type rate) which would be known as the “Household Costs Indices”[10].



RPI is vastly superior to CPI

The Royal Statistical Society finds that “Clearly it [CPI] cannot as it stands be considered a suitable measure of the median or modal household…[while RPI] is noticeably closer in practice to a household weighted index than the CPI.[11]


Any attempt by an employer to link a pay award to CPI or a new variation CPIH must be refused and should be logged with the union’s National Policy Department.


Yours sincerely,



Mick Cash

General Secretary


[1] Page 11, para 2 of


[2] Page 7, para 3 of


[3] Page 3, para 1 of


[4] Tanya Flower and Philip Wales of the ONS in “Variations in the Inflation Experience of UK Households: 2003-2014” published in Dec 2014. Quote at page 85, para 1 of doc linked to at:…6144.10919.0.11015.….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..8.0.0.bEbOdZlIqk8


[5] Page 2, para 3 of


[6] Page 6, third para from bottom of page


[7] Page 3, para 3 of


[8] Page 4, para 6 of


[9] Page 3, second para of




[11] Page 3, para 4 of

RMT Newsletter 7th December 2017

Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/540/17, 28th November 2017), the ballot has concluded and the result was as follows:-


Are you prepared to take strike action?


Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:        52

Number of votes cast in the ballot:                                               46 (88.5%)

Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question:                  41 (89.1%)

Number of individuals answering “No” to the question:                   5

Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned:       0


Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?


Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:        52

Number of votes cast in the ballot:                                               46 (88.5%)

Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question:                  42 (91.3%)

Number of individuals answering “No” to the question:                   4

Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned:       0


Following this superb result, the National Executive Committee took the decision to instruct all Train Maintainer (Train Maintenance), Technical Manager, Storeman, Storeman Team Leader, Materials Manager and Maintenance Performance Manager members to take industrial action as detailed below:


With effect from 00:01 hours on Wednesday 20th December 2017, until further notice, members are instructed:-


  • Not to work any overtime or rest days
  • Not to carry out roles beyond their substantive positions and locations
  • Not to deviate from current valid approved work and safety instruction documents
  • Not to deviate from current valid approved risk assessments
  • Not to deviate from latest issue of Tube Lines supplement to the rule book
  • Not to work onsite unless a first aider is on duty
  • Not to perform coaching and/or buddy duties
  • To take rest breaks within legal/agreed parameters
  • Not to use personal mobile devices for work related use


Further talks with the Company are due to take place and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/540/17, 28th November 2017), the ballot has concluded and the result was as follows:-


Are you prepared to take strike action?


Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:        32

Number of votes cast in the ballot:                                               32 (100%)

Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question:                  29 (90.6%)

Number of individuals answering “No” to the question:                   3

Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned:       0


Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?


Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:        32

Number of votes cast in the ballot:                                               32 (100%)

Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question:                  29 (90.6%)

Number of individuals answering “No” to the question:                   3

Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned:       0


Following this superb result, the National Executive Committee took the decision to instruct all Advanced Train Maintainer, Duty Maintenance Manager and Team Leader (Train Maintenance) members to take industrial action as detailed below:


With effect from 00:01 hours on Wednesday 20th December 2017, until further notice, members are instructed:-


  • Not to work any overtime or rest days
  • Not to carry out roles beyond their substantive positions and locations
  • Not to deviate from current valid approved work and safety instruction documents
  • Not to deviate from current valid approved risk assessments
  • Not to deviate from latest issue of Tube Lines supplement to the rule book
  • Not to work onsite unless a first aider is on duty
  • Not to perform coaching and/or buddy duties
  • To take rest breaks within legal/agreed parameters
  • Not to use personal mobile devices for work related use


I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/540/17, 28th November 2017), all affected members should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above.


Please ensure that members complete their ballot paper and return it to reach the Scrutineer by the closing date of Tuesday 12th December 2017. If any member has not received it, please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT Switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail; to request a replacement.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/540/17, 28th November 2017), all Work Train Controller members should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above.


Please ensure that members complete their ballot paper and return it to reach the Scrutineer by the closing date of Tuesday 12th December 2017. If any member has not received it, please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT Switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail; to request a replacement.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/540/17, 28th November 2017), all ISS (KAD Contrat) members should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above.


Please ensure that members complete their ballot paper and return it to reach the Scrutineer by the closing date of Thursday 14th December 2017. If any member has not received it, please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT Switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail; to request a replacement.





In line with Union policy, a pay claim for an increase in pay and improved terms and conditions was submitted to the Company. The Regional Organiser met with the Company and the following no-strings offer was received:-


  • An average increase to salaries of 2.64% from November 2017, including bonuses for shifts worked over that period.


  • Two months back pay.


The National Executive Committee has considered a report from the Regional Organiser and noted a consultation of affected members by the RMT Rep resulted in an opinion to accept the offer.  In line with the NEC decision, the Company has been advised of our acceptance of the offer and I have asked that the increase, along with backdated monies, is paid to members at the earliest opportunity.

VGC Works Controller Dispute

As part of the claim for an increase in Pay for Work Train Controllers on the Crossrail Project, working for VGC, the RMT have lodged the following case to support an uplift in salary.


We look forward to more detailed talks in support of our claim.




In our contract (see an example enclosed), the job role was clearly stated as a COSS/MC/CC. When we resumed for work we’re informed by Mick Bowles (former senior RMC) that our role will be that of a Worksite Train Controller, contrary to the role of COSS/MC/CC which VGC had informed us, and this is what we have been doing since then.


Additional Roles:


The WTC carry out far more than simple COSS duties for ATC so please see the list below:


  1. The role Worksite Train Controllers are currently carrying out at the ATC System wide Crossrail Project in Plumstead, is at a higher level than the role of an Engineering Supervisor (ES).
  2. We man a 24km worksite (Eastbound & Westbound Roads), setting up dozens of work areas.
  3. In these work areas, we control the movements of Engineer Trains, Road Rail Vehicles, Mewps, other types of mechanised plants & vehicles and human personnel.
  4. We field at least 2,500 radio calls per shift from personnel seeking to access our worksites to set up their individual work areas as depicted in the attached photograph as a typical example. The big  RED, YELLOW, GREEN and BLUE studs detonates TRAINS, RRVs and MEWPS, while the small white, red and black studs represent charge hands (Personnel) all working within the worksite which we have to constantly be in contact with on the system wide radio throughout our 12 hours shift.
  5. We are responsible for the safety critical role of setting up safe systems of work to all these Charge hands, who set up work areas and all work together seamlessly without incidents on a daily basis.
  6. The calls that come through are of an extremely large volume, relentless and the pressure is intense.
  7. We have also recently carried out Competent Persons training. This training is to enable us work together with Senior Authorised Persons (SAP) to set up Safe Systems of Work to facilitate the safe working of charge hands under isolated Overhead Line Equipment, once the energisation takes off and we go back to the trace.
  8. As Competent Persons, we will have the additional responsibility of accessing Low Voltage Switch Rooms and High Voltage Substation Rooms if required. We will be responsible for receiving and clearing both Low & High Voltage Permits to work.
  9. We will supervise working parties carrying out work under isolation and receive and clear Circuit State Certificates, to implement safe working practice at all times.
  10. The role of a COSS does not involve the role we have been carrying out here at ATC System wide; also for the record, the role of a MC/CC would involve  being responsible for only the machine I’m working with, at any one time.
  11. However, since all the WTCs have the competence of COSS/MC/CCs, we are expected to and have carried out severally other ad-hoc duties (in addition to our specific WTC role):
  12. These include but not limited to what we listed in our grievance letter.

Blacklist Support Group

Unite the Union has today launched a new blacklisting claim at the High Court. This time around they have named key individuals at the centre of The Consulting Association scandal as defendants including; Cullum McAlpine, David Cochrane (from Sir Robert McAlpine), Danny O’Sullivan (Kier) and Stephen Quant (Skanska), with the intention that these senior executives who orchestrated the conspiracy will be forced to account for their actions.


Following the settlement of the original High Court litigation in 2016, blacklisted workers have repeatedly stated that ‘compensation is not the same as justice’ and called for the union to use every means possible to ensure that directors of multi-national construction companies behind blacklisting were brought before a court. Blacklist Support Group fully endorses the new litigation and hopes that given that the costs risks have now been substantially reduced, this time around the guilty parties will be forced into a full trial. The sooner the better.


Roy Bentham, secretary Blacklist Support Group commented:  “Blacklisting of union members and those prepared to stand up for basic legal entitlements is not just a breach of the law it is a violation of human rights. It is not just in the construction industry: blacklisting takes place in the NHS, in the North Sea and increasingly in the so-called gig economy where the lack of employment rights means the bosses continue to get away with it. This epidemic of victimization needs to be sorted out once and for all”.


The announcement comes in the same week as the Day of Action on Blacklisting that will see protests and lobbies of parliament across the UK.


Day of Action – Wed 6th December – please show solidarity at whichever protest you can get along to:



09:00 – Skanska office, Goswell Road, Barbican, London

12:00 – Westminster lobby of parliament and rally



9:30 – Meet at Unite Edinburgh Office
10:00 – Protest at St James Centre
12:00 – Lobby the Scottish Parliament



08:00 – 10:00 City Square, Leeds, LS1 2, United Kingdom



10am – Balfour Beatty, Sussex University, Brighton, BN1 9RH



12.00 – McAlpine site Exchange Square, Urban Village Site, Gate 4, Dale End, B4 7LN



17:00 – McAlpine site, Durham city centre (Milburngate shopping centre).


Video of the previous Day of Action on Blacklisting in 2013:


Press coverage of the new High Court claim:



And finally, BSG would like to send our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Tommy Finn R.I.P.

Former chair of the Construction Safety Campaign, convenor of Hackney DLO in the 1990s, blacklisted and spied on by undercover police for standing up for the rights of his fellow workers.



Blacklist Support Group







2017 Branch Social and Long Service Awards

The Branch rounded off 2017 with a well earned social event.


Mick Cash, Steve Hedley and Mick Lynch all attended on what was a very enjoyable evening.


The branch also honoured our long service members of 10, 25 and 40 years, by giving out badges to all that could attend.


We thank them all for their help and support over the years.


LUL Asset Operations (Boxing Day Ballot)

London Underground Signalling Staff (former Metronet areas ONLY) that work for Incident and Maintence Departments and those in the Fault Report Centre are now receiving their ballot papers regarding Boxing Day Working.


This dispute has occurred following many years of discussions with management, whereby our members views, that we need to minimise Boxing Day working through better planning and accept that this is not a normal working day and should attract a premium as occurs in other areas. Management’s view is different and we have seen ever increasing amounts of people being made to work and this is not acceptable.


We are therefore left with no choice but to ballot over this issue and we urge all members to vote and vote yes.


The importance of VOTING


Due to the Anti-Trade Union Laws, especially the new 2016 Trade Union , means that it is far harder to now legally take strike action.


Under the Law we need:

  1. At least 50% of those entitled to vote in a ballot must have voted in all cases
  2. 40% percent of those entitled to vote in the ballot have voted ‘yes’ to strike action

That means no one can sit back and wait. It means that you need to vote.


So please put your cross onto the ballot and send it back urgently.


This ballot does not include Project Staff in Signals.

RMT Circular 28th Nov 2017








28th November 2017                                                Circular No: IR/540/17


Dear Colleagues,




A resolution was recently received from LU Engineering Branch regarding the appalling way LUL has treated its staff in Asset Operations when it comes to recognising the severe impact that Christmas working has on family life. Also that payments are available for all or part of this period in other areas such as Major Projects, Tube Lines and for Train Drivers and therefore we should demand and least parity and recognition for working these days.


The National Executive Committee considered this matter and took the decision to advise the Company that a dispute situation exists and to ballot members for strike action. The Company has been informed accordingly and the ballot papers will be posted to members on Thursday 30th November 2017. The closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 12th December 2017 and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


If any member does not receive their ballot paper, please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT Switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail; to request a replacement.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/522/17, 16th November 2017), the Company was informed of the dispute situation regarding the Work Train Controllers’ rate of pay. I can now advise that ballot papers will be posted to members on Tuesday 28th November 2017 and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 12th December 2017. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


If any member does not receive their ballot paper, please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT Switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail; to request a replacement.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/455/17, 5th October 2017), the Company was informed of the dispute situation regarding two issues; the failure to hold meaningful pay talks or provide a proper response to our pay claim and; the failure to resolve long-outstanding roster issues affecting the RPOs contracted hours and undermining everyone by offering shifts to grades outside of their normal responsibilities.


I can now advise that ballot papers will be posted to members on Thursday 30th November 2017 and the closing date for this ballot is Thursday 14th December 2017. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


If any member does not receive their ballot paper, please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT Switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail; to request a replacement.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/522/17, 16th November 2017), all Maintenance and Stores members at Ruislip Transplant Depot should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above.


Please ensure that members complete their ballot paper and return it to reach the Scrutineer by the closing date of Wednesday 6th December 2017. If any member has not received it, please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT Switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail; to request a replacement.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/522/17, 16th November 2017), all Advanced Train Maintainer (Train Maintenance), Team Leader (Train Maintenance) and Duty Maintenance Manager members at Ruislip Transplant Depot should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above.


Please ensure that members complete their ballot paper and return it to reach the Scrutineer by the closing date of Wednesday 6th December 2017. If any member has not received it, please ask them to call the RMT Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT Switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail; to request a replacement.




A report was recently received from the Lead Officer, along with correspondence from the Company regarding the end of the current SSL/VLU contract. The Company is currently undertaking work to place affected employees on alternative projects and any ‘at risk’ position would be announced in January 2018. The National Executive Committee has noted the reports and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




In line with Union policy, a pay claim for an increase in pay and improved terms and conditions was submitted to the company. Following discussions with the Company, the three year offer which has been received is as follows:-


Year Base % EBIT Related % Total Additional Offer
2017 1.5% 0.3%* 1.8% Increased base offer by 0.3%, 0.3% Ebit related paid in Jan 18 onto base salary *
2018 2% N/A 2% Inflation Protection **

Base % increased to reflect Guaranteed Ebit component

2019 2% 0.5%*** 2.5% Inflation Protection **

Base component increased to 2%


*0.3% increase to base salary – based on delivery of 2017 EBIT targets (confirmed). To be paid in January 2018 and backdated to 1st January 2017. EBIT related payments are in addition to any gain share payment.


** Inflation Protection – Base % will be reviewed subject to significant movement in RPI index (December 2017 for 2018 and December 2018 for 2019).


*** 0.5% increase to base salary – following delivery of 2019 EBIT targets. To be paid in January 2020 and backdated to 1st January 2019. EBIT related payments are in addition to any gain share payment.


EBIT Target Numbers


2017 – Confirmed

2018 – No Longer Relevant

2019 – Still being confirmed but likely to be £17.4m – this number is still being settled and may not be ready until December (but will be transparent when settled)


Inflation Protection


  • The fixed Base % rises indicated in the table above for 2018 & 2019 will remain as stated should RPI for the relevant year (measured at the preceding December) not exceed 4.0% (RPI data July 2017 3.6%).
  • Should the RPI index on the relevant year (measured at the preceding December) be higher than 4.0% then the Base % increase will be reviewed and adjusted to reflect this, however the total base % rise will not exceed 3% in 2018 and 3.45% in 2019.
  • If RPI rises above 5.2% the EBIT will be reduced so that the total does not exceed 3.7% but if RPI goes above 5.4% the base will remain at 3.45% and any EBIT paid will be 0.25%.


The National Executive Committee has noted the above offer including the built-in inflation protection elements and congratulated the Lead Officer, Reps and members for successfully moving the Company to make significant progress in light of the original multi-year offer comprising 0%.


The NEC has taken the decision to advise the Company that we are in acceptance of the offer and I have asked that the increase, along with backdated monies, is paid to members at the earliest opportunity.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

