Category: News

Thales Job Losses

Dear Colleagues,


The following has been discussed with Thales management and agreed:


  • We will meet on the RSS side with HR at 14:00 on Monday
  • Talks will in effect stay conducted by company level reps
  • I will set up a meeting with Nina ref DTS
  • The RSS numbers are now likely to be 8 or less
  • The DTS numbers are also likely to be less
  • I hope to receive a list of those affected asap and will check who our members are with Unity House
  • There will be a full company council meeting on a regular basis to overview this process
  • Again we hope to work together to make this as pain free as possible

Many thanks


TAC's and PM EH

LUL have let slip plans to radically alter the way staff take protection to enter the track, specifically on nights. It appears that LUL are working on a system to integrate inputs from service control/ power control and work plans to directly authorise entry onto the track via handheld devices. This has major health and safety worries and also massively impacts on job security for Track Access Controller Grades and Protection Masters EH.  These concerns are already being raised directly with LUL by our union and we will be seeking urgent meetings with them to discuss this matter

LUL Circular









24th November 2014                                                           Circular No IR/313/14




Further to previous Circular No. IR/282/14, 23rd October 2014, the ballot has concluded and the result is as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast…              58

Number Voting ‘Yes’…         45

Number Voting ‘No’…          13

Spoilt Papers…                   0


The General Grades Committee has considered this matter, noted the views expressed by members at a special branch meeting of our Morden & Oval Branch on 19th November, and taken the decision to instruct Train Operators and Instructor Operators at Morden Traincrew Depot NOT TO BOOK ON FOR SHIFTS THAT COMMENCE BETWEEN:-


·         04:44 hours on Monday 1st December 2014 until 04:43 hours on Tuesday 2nd December 2014.


I urge all affected members to stand firm together in this fight against a blatant victimisation by London Underground and to demand justice for Brother McGuigan.


Branch Long Service Awards

The Branch will be proud to present it’s 10, 25 and 40 year awards to branch members on the 5th December at the Sir Christopher Hatton pub near Chancery Lane.

Mick Cash has agreed to present these awards at 17:30 and we look forward to seeing friends old and new for those that can attend.

Invites have gone out by post and email and should arrive within the next few days for those that are due to receive an award. If you believe you are entitled to an award and not received it, then just contact Paul Jackson at

Thales Job Losses

Dear ALL

The senior reps met Wednesday 19th November and went through the initial Thales presentation.

It is obvious that the documentation is somewhat lacking in information, therefore we are contacting Thales to request the following:

*  Full details of the proposal, including health and safety and equality impacts
*  Full talks on saving jobs prior to devolution to local or individual level
*  A full timetable for talks, documentation in advance of the meetings and then feedback to our members
*  A review of non-permanent labour
*  No compulsory redundancy
*  A guarantee that red book etc redundancy terms are protected

This is obviously the start of what may be a rocky road however, we have made it clear to thales that we will make sure our members interests are fully protected


Paul Jackson
RMT Branch Secretary
LU Engineering (0962)
07810 643 681


Mick Lynch wins Nomination

Following a stirring speech and question and answer session, the Branch attended by over 50 people choose to nominate Mick Lynch for the position of Assistant General Secretary. The branch would like to thank Alan Pottage, the other candidate that attended and gave a good show of himself.

We wish them all well and look forward to a good discussion on the issues facing our union and how we take these matters forward

Branch AGM and Agenda

Dear ALL,


The Branch AGM will be taking place on Tuesday 18th November, from 17:00. ALL Branch officer positions are up for election. Also, all local and level 2 representatives will need re-electing. Ultimately the person that gets the most votes will win and from the initial Agenda, there’s likely to be several contested positions.

We also intend to nominate for the Assistant General Secretary and two candidates, Alan Pottage and Mick Lynch have confirmed attendance.

The agenda for the night is below

2014 AGM Agenda

Thales Redundancies

Dear ALL


The first meeting took place today and your reps will be going through the proposals on Wednesday next week. The key points to remember from is that we will be looking in detail and intend to come up with alternatives to save the jobs of our members. This is very early in the process and we will now need to go through the detail of what the company wants to do. Further information will follow as we have more meetings. Minutes for GTS Announcement Meeting

Tube Lines Passes and Pensions

Dear ALL


Talks have been taking place over the last few months regarding the TUPE of all remaining Tube Lines employees back into LUL and giving them identical travel and pension rights to existing LUL staff. Talks have been difficult and extensive, however, we are awaiting a final draft agreement from management that we can place before our members. The timescales for implementation following agreement, will be as near as possible, the end of this year.

We have reason to feel confident, however, there is no agreement until we have everything in writing, so I will update everyone further when more details are available


Unity is Strength
