Category: News

Blacklist Support Group

TUC Congress 


Last week, John McDonnell announced that a public inquiry into blacklisting would form part of the first Queen’s Speech for an incoming Labour Government.

More from the TUC Congress

Righting working class miscarriages of Justice:

Working class miscarriages of justice: Ensuring they never happen again chaired by Unite assistant general secretary Howard Beckett. Speakers include: Sheila Coleman from the Hillsborough Justice Campaign, Chris Peace from Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign, Dave Smith from the Blacklist Support Campaign, Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS) and Terry Renshaw from Shrewsbury Picket.


Major Morning Star Article at TUC congress on the need for a radical manifesto for employment rights – including a public inquiry into blacklisting. Lee Fowler representing.




Great article in the Daily Mirror on the Spycops inquiry

Good luck to Kate Wilson in court on 3rd October exposing the human rights abuses of the undercover police officer Mark Kennedy


Major report published by Big Brother watch UK with article on blacklisting by Phil Chamberlain. John Bryan representing at the launch party.


Labour Party Conference


Kier are to build the new Durham County Council HQ. The 2 contractors bidding for Manchester City Council’s historic Town Hall renovation are Laing O’Rourke & Lendlease. Why can’t some Labour councillors understand the policy: No Public Contracts for Blacklist firms?

Roy Bentham will represent the Blacklist Support Group at this session at the parallel The World Transformed conference to the Labour Party’s.


Haldane Fringe meeting 6pm, Monday 24th Sept – The miners strike and undercover policing (flyer attached)

Tackling the Housing Crisis meeting – Unite the Union Holborn – 6pm Thursday 27th September.  Speakers include: John McDonnell MP and blacklisted safety campaigner Tony O’Brien, whose book, ‘Tackling the Housing Crisis’, was published in July



BSG demonstrated at Royal Liverpool Hospital project when exposing Carillion back in 2015. There’s a public meeting over the embarrassing predicament the long from complete Hospital now finds itself. Roy Bentham will speak on behalf of the Blacklist Support Group.


An independent review is being carried out into the impact of policing on affected communities in Scotland during the 1984 to 1985 miners’ strike.


Launch of a major new oral history archive from post war construction workers covering building the new towns, the Southbank and the Barbican. Many blacklisted workers took part in the project. Prof. Linda Clarke (long time friend of the BSG) is the curator and project leader.

10th October @ Bishopsgate Centre


BBC story – Suicide risk for construction workers is 3 times the male average. One of the main reasons is precarious work. Top work Simon Pantry for representing.


No toilets? Seriously? Crossrail is a multi-billion pound publicly funded project. But watch out if you complain about it – Skanska & Costain have form on blacklisting workers who speak up about their safety concerns.


Gary Doolan R.I.P.

Blacklist Support Group send our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Gary Doolan, National Political Officer for GMB who has passed away. Gary always fought our corner; standing with us on pickets, protests and at the High Court. Gary also got us private meetings in parliament which led to the Labour manifesto pledging a public inquiry into blacklisting (under Ed Milliband). In his role as Labour Councillor in Islington, he took the £16m a year housing maintenance contract away from Kier because of their role in the blacklisting scandal. All the workers were taken back in-house. Islington were the first local authority in the country to publicly take that step. This is what solidarity looks like and what our movement should aspire to.

“There are times when doing the right thing is easy. There was no other way to deal with this, but to send a message loud and very clear to any contractor wishing to bid for work in our borough, in that those contractors who are guilty of blacklisting will be excluded from any tendering for work. Islington is the first local council that’s made this statement. If it’s right for one council to stand up for workers, it’s good enough for all the others to take the same stance. Perhaps that way blacklisting will finally be eradicated”. Gary Doolan R.I.P.


Bob Crow Branch nominates Sean Hoyle for General Secretary

The Bob Crow Branch overwhelmingly backed Sean Hoyle for General Secretary tonight at our branch meeting.


Both Sean and Mick Cash spoke well and were a credit to our union, but ultimately, it was Sean’s passion and vision for the future that won the vote.


Sean stated


  1. His history within the union and roles on the NEC and as President. That the RMT was not the same as other unions such as Unite and that our NEC and our was run by the members..
  2. Affiliation: Did not believe in Affiliation to the Labour Party and discussed people like Sadiq Khan in London was not representing workers. He believed that the only people that can save us is ourselves and being kicked by our own so called party was unacceptable and hurt more. He wanted to see more MPs removed from our parliamentary group
  3. Community: He wanted to defend people in their communities and mobilise the workers and the RMT become a progressive voice for social change as we had in the past.
  4. Equality: Wanted to see more activity from all areas of our union and a voice for all. He was against tokenism but our union was doing something wrong and we needed a will to change things rather than accept the status quo. He stated his aim to make the union more inclusive.
  5. Legacy:  he wanted to remove the philosophy that the General Secretary runs the union and make it the vision that we the members run the union. A union back to being visible and known
  6. Legal: Wanted a situation where union reps are not turned down for representation to 0%  and all members get represented should we have a case.
  7. He wanted a fighting fund to help us win our disputes such as DOO
  8. On branch matters he would attend regularly and that he would support our goals and would remain accountable, visible and approacable.

To learn more see below





In accordance with Rule 13, Clauses 5 to 8, I am writing to advise you that nominations for the following candidates were received at this Office on or before Saturday 6th April 2019:

Name Employer Candidate’s Branch


Mick Cash RMT Watford
Sean Hoyle Wightlink Portsmouth


Also, I hereby publish Mick Cash’s Branch Circular, as received by this Office on or before 6th April 2019.


Branches that have not already nominated a candidate in this election may do so by using the form attached to Circular No. MF/22/19, dated 7th March 2019, which contained full details of the ballot requirements and election schedules. This should be completed and sent to Unity House, 39 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD, to arrive no later than WEDNESDAY 29th MAY 2019. Nominations received after this date cannot be accepted.

Voting will be by postal ballot by members of the Union.


Ballot papers will be sent to all members entitled to vote during the week commencing Monday 24th June 2019. Completed ballot papers must be received by the independent scrutineer, Electoral Reform Services, by no later than the first post of Tuesday 27th August 2019.


Yours sincerely


Michelle Rodgers


Portsmouth Branch Circular GS Election 2019



Watford – Cash

General Secretary Nomination

Dear Members,

We have a very important branch meeting on the 17th April. There we will discuss all disputes and members complaints plus hear reports from many areas.

We also have Mick Cash and Sean Hoyle attending as they seek our nomination from our branch for General Secretary of our union

Please attend if you can.

For more details click the link below

Click here

RMT Circular 5th February 2019

Further to my previous Circular (IR/15/19, 11th January 2019), the ballot closed with members’ voting as follows: –
Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?
Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot:              68
Number of votes cast in the ballot:                                                 57
Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question:                       57
Number of individuals answering “No” to the question:                        0
Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned:            0
Following the close of this second ballot, the National Executive Committee has considered this matter and congratulated members on again returning a magnificent yes vote to continue to take industrial action. The instruction for all Train Operator and Instructor Operator members at Leytonstone Traincrew Depot not to enter the sidings to reverse until the train has been physically checked and doors closed on porter buttons will therefore continue uninterrupted (from 00:01 hours on Thursday 14th February 2019) until further notice.
While we remain available for talks to resolve this dispute, we cannot accept the Company’s dangerous cost-cutting plans to remove detrainment staff from the Waterloo and City Line at Waterloo Station and I am sure all members will stand by this industrial action to protect your safety and that of your passengers.
Further to my previous Circular (IR/31/19, 23rd January 2019), a meeting took place with the Company to discuss the unacceptable imposition of a new roster at Bollo House. Following strong representations from RMT and the possibility of a dispute situation, the Company advised that they have brought forward a recasting of the duties by a year to this coming Easter in order to find a solution. In the meantime, the status quo will apply and Drivers can still work their normal shift patterns. Any future proposals will be subject to negotiation and agreement before any new roster is introduced.
The National Executive Committee has considered the correspondence on file and commends our members, local representatives and Piccadilly & District West Branch for the successful resolution of this issue.
Further to my previous Circular (IR/31/19, 23rd January 2019), the Company was advised of the dispute situation due to a lack of staff and unfilled vacancies meaning shifts are left uncovered and remaining members are left with an extra workload and increased stress which is unacceptable to this Union. Preparations for the ballot are now complete and I can advise that ballot papers will be posted to all CSA, CSS and CSM members on the District Centre Group (Embankment, St. James Park, Gloucester Road, High Street Kensington, South Kensington and Sloane Square Stations) on Tuesday 12th February 2019. The closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 5th March 2019.
If any member does not receive their ballot paper, please ask them to call the freephone helpline on 0800 376 3706, RMT Head Office on 0207 387 4771 to ask for the Industrial Relations Department or e-mail to request a replacement. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
In line with Union policy, a pay claim was submitted to the company for a substantial increase in rates of pay and improvements to conditions of service. Following discussions, the pay offer which was received is as follows:-
  • A 3.8% increase for Systems Technicians and General Operatives
Noting the views of our Representatives, the National Executive Committee has instructed me to inform the company of our acceptance of the offer. This instruction has been carried out and I have requested that the increase and any back monies are paid at the earliest opportunity.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary

The Bob Crow Branch

Yesterday, the RMT agreed to change the name of our branch to the ‘Bob Crow Branch’ until the end of 2019.


This is the 5th anniversary of the passing of our late General Secretary and friend, Bob Crow and he is sadly missed by us all. As a mark of respect, we intend to honour his legacy and memory by the change to our name and other events throughout the year.


We are also in the process of having a new branch banner created which we intend to donate to his family.


Should anyone have their own memories of Bob, especially in his early days at LUL in the Veg Gang, please contact me, Paul Jackson, 07810 643 681 or post them on our memorial page below


Bob Crow Memorial Page




The BTUC Young Members’ Conference will take place in March 2019 dates to be confirmed. The Union will be invited to send four delegates to the event and, one of the delegates will be the winner of the 2018 John Cogger Award for Young Members.


Members who will be under the age of 27 years as of  21st  March 2019, and who are employed as defined in Rule 2, Clause 1(a), (b) or (c) and are fully paid up members, are eligible for nomination.


A nomination form is enclosed.  Completed nominations must reach Head Office by no later than Friday 12th January 2018.


The Council of Executives will make the final selection of the delegates following the closing date for nominations.




Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary



RMT Social Event 22nd Nov – Acton LT Museum



Our event in the Acton Town LT Museum is this Thursday afternoon.


It’s looking good, with  working and retired RMT members coming from as far as Bournemouth and the Forest of Dean.


It’s an RMT event but feel free to invite a friend

There’s a Regional Council rally and social afterwards so those who want can easily go to that – a short trip on the Picc from Acton to Finsbury Park.


A flyer for the event is attached and photo below.


Museum Social flyer









Please be advised that the following resolution was placed before the National Executive Committee by the London Transport Regional Council:


“This Regional Council call on the NEC to endorse the following candidate for the upcoming TfL Pension Consultative Committee election for Section 2: Sister Jamie Parry of TfL No.1 Branch.


This branch believes that we need to strengthen RMT presence on this committee especially in Section 2 where the TSSA have the majority of committee members.


Please consult with Regional Council and current PCC members on the best way to assist this very good candidate.”


In consideration the National Executive Committee on 16th August 2018 made the following decision:


“That we note the endorsement from our London Transport Regional Council of Sister Jamie Parry for the pending election to the TfL Pension Consultative Committee Section 2.


This NEC Endorses Sister Parry, and instructs the General Secretary to inform all RMT members eligible to vote in the Section 2 election for the Tfl Pension Consultative Committee, and render Sister Parry, TfL No.1 Branch and the London Transport Regional Council every reasonable Assistance in this important election.


Members to be advised by email and Text.


Relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.”


In accordance with the motion, and having liaised with our PCC representatives, emails and texts are being prepared to go out once the ballot papers are due to be sent to members.


I would remind you that it is essential that the RMT maintains a strong presence on the Pension Consultative Committee so that members past and future pension rights are protected. I therefore urge you to encourage members to vote for Sister Parry to maintain the RMT’s voice on this committee.











I will keep you informed of developments.


Yours sincerely,



Mick Cash

General Secretary

RMT Trustee Election



Nominations were invited from Branches in the above election (Circular No. MF/59/18, 24th May 2018). The following valid nominations were received at head office on or before the close of nominations, 15th August 2018.


Name                                       Branch

Wayne Barnett                       Bassetlaw

Mat Partridge                          East Midland Central

Keith Saunders                        Bridgend Llantrisant & District

Jeff Slee                                   Lewisham Southwark & District

Harimelan Srikandarajah        LU Fleet

Paul Thomas                           Cardiff No. 7


An election will be contested between the above candidates by a postal vote of delegates who attended the 2018 Annual General Meeting (Rule 14 Clause 3). Ballot papers have been sent in a direct mailing to AGM delegates today. If your Branch had a delegate in attendance at this year’s AGM please remind them of their responsibility to vote in this election, the closing date of which is MONDAY 5th NOVEMBER 2018. However, their choice of candidates does not require a decision or the involvement of their Branch.


Yours sincerely



Mick Cash

General Secretary

Mass Meeting Transformation

Mass Meeting Transformation


On the 8th May 2018, LUEngineering branch organised a mass meeting of RMT members affected by the Transformation proposal from LUL  & TfL. Full reports were given by our representatives that had attended the discussions with Management from both companies and members were informed that this was the most that could be achieved through negotiation.


Views were then sought from the 50 plus members that attended and they then voted unanimously to take action to defend their jobs.


Furthermore, they were informed that they would need to be at the forefront of any dispute however that the threats from LUL & TfL to make our members compulsory redundant would need to be challenged further and the issue was further placed onto the agenda of the LUEngineering Branch Meeting that followed.
