Category: News

Rate of Pay and Conditions of Service 2015 and Night Running LONDON UNDERGROUND

1 July 2015

London Underground

Our Ref LUL/0001

1st July 2015


Dear Colleagues

Rate of Pay and Conditions of Service 2015 and Night Running LONDON UNDERGROUND

Firstly you should all be congratulated for the massive yes vote in favour of industrial action which sends a clear message to LUL that RMT members stand united and are prepared to fight for a fair pay increase.

The company’s below inflation offer on pay and Night tube is simply not good enough. It would see your pay fall well behind the rate of inflation and will see you burdened with even more unsociable hours, bring an end to any meaningful work/life balance, and dilute your hard fought terms and conditions.

Their pathetic one off lump sum offer for introducing Night Tube is frankly insulting. A £500 lump sum paid in two stages for COO and CPD Operational Staff, with £250 extra for Drivers, Track and Signal Staff, goes nowhere near far enough to compensate for the major upheaval this will mean for your working arrangements.

The General Grades Committee has considered the clear and overwhelming mandate from members and has decided to call you and your colleagues to take the industrial action outlined below.

All LU members, excluding Train Operators And Instructor Operators are instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

•    18.30 hours Wednesday 8th July 2015 and 18.29 hours Thursday 9th July 2015

Train Operator and Instructor Operator members only are instructed not to book on for any duties that commence between: –

•    21.30 hours  Wednesday 8th July 2015 and 21.29 hours Thursday 9th July 2015

ALL LU members are instructed not to work any overtime from 21.30 hours on Thursday 9th July 2015 until further notice.

I urge LUL members to stand shoulder to shoulder with your colleagues during the days of action. We must send a clear message to LU and their political masters that we will accept nothing less than a substantially improved offer. It is your hard work and dedication that keeps London running and its only right you should receive a decent offer that keeps pace with the cost of living and reflects the long hours and hard work you do.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary


My ref: EO/3

1st July 2015

Circular No. NP/117/15





Dear Colleague,



Following new rules introduced in April this year, parents with at least one year’s service with their current employer qualify for 18 weeks’ unpaid parental leave per child, which can be taken any time up until the child’s 18th birthday. Previously only parents with children under five were eligible for this EU-derived right.

The statutory right is to unpaid leave which has to be taken in blocks of one week. However, employers can go beyond the statutory minimum and pay the leave or allow it to be taken on a daily or more flexible basis.  The leave must be requested 21 days in advance.

With schools breaking up for the summer holidays in the next couple of weeks, parents who might want to use this unpaid time off work should let their employers know as soon as possible. Employers can postpone parental leave for up to six months if they feel it would unduly disrupt the business.

The TUC’s guides to leave and pay for working parents are available at


Please contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb ( with any queries.


Yours sincerely,

Jeremy Corbin

Transport union backs Jeremy Corbyn’s bid for Labour leadership.


At its Annual General Meeting in Newcastle today, transport union RMT voted to endorse Jeremy Corbyn’s bid for the Labour Party leadership.


Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said;


“RMT’s AGM has voted to support Jeremy Corbyn’s bid for the Labour Party leadership and to provide whatever practical assistance we can.


“Jeremy has been a long standing member of RMT’s parliamentary group and has stood shoulder to shoulder with RMT members in every sector whenever and wherever they have been in struggle.


“Jeremy’s standing on a platform of opposition to austerity, support for public ownership and for the repeal of the anti-union laws. That platform matches much of RMT’s core campaigning programme and we are delighted to be backing him. “




It was made known to me that some agencies who currently provide staff to Interserve were charging their employees for the PPE they are required to wear to carry out duties for London Underground whilst working for Interserve.


Information received suggested that they were being charged £35 for boots, which can only be purchased from the agency, £5 for bump hats, £5 for Hi Vi vest, as well as being charged for overalls and safety goggles.


Under the PPE at Work Regulations 1992, Regulation 4 it states Employers shall provide PPE and training in the use of that PPE to their employees. It states in the H&S at Work Act 1974 that no charges can be made to workers for PPE if it is used in the workplace.


As you can imagine, a lot of the staff involved in this would be on zero hour contracts which makes the situation even more unpalatable. I duly raised the matter with LUL in the strongest terms.


This resulted in management carrying out a thorough review of the practices in place within their direct contractors as well as their sub-contractors. They claim there was no evidence of employees or other workers having to purchase their own PPE or other safety-related equipment, however, there did appear to have been “….a practice among a small number of organisations whereby new workers were asked to pay a refundable deposit of £60 when PPE was first distributed.” This appears to tally with the total of the sums given above.


LUL did accept that whether or not such practice is consistent with the relevant legislation, RMT was right to say it is not appropriate or acceptable. They have therefore instructed their contractors to ensure that both they and any subcontractors cease this practice with immediate effect. They also undertook to monitor the situation.


I am sure you share my delight in seeing such a dodgy working practice getting kicked into touch. In closing I would like to thank our Fleet Representatives for bringing this matter to my attention.


Yours sincerely



John Leach





Report on the National Women’s Advisory Committee Wednesday 10 June 15

Report on the National Women’s Advisory Committee Wednesday 10 June 15

There are 40 Members for the RMT National Women’s Advisory Committee with 10 vacancies still open. Our meetings are very well attended with lots of interaction and views about various issues.

The General Secretary Mick Cash was in attendance today. He gave a talk on the current events and some disputes which were ongoing around the country.

Janet Cassidy of North Clyde Branch announced that she was retiring from her job and so was standing down from her positions in the RMT. She will be taking up other duties in the STUC. Mick Cask presented her with flowers and some crystal glasses to thank her for all the hard work that she had contributed to the RMT.

We also welcomed three members of the Council of Executives (CoE) to our meeting. A written report was received from the Equal Rights Sub-Committee which came from the resolutions put to the CoE. Please see review below:

  1. RMT – Coverage of Equalities Issues

The view of the Committee was that the coverage of women’s and other equality issues has been good and reasonably prominent in the RMT News given the pressures on space in the journal.

  1. Challenging Sexism and Sexual Harassment at Work

The following actions are being carried out:

  • Negotiate a sexual harassment policy with all companies with whom we have recognition.
  • Ensure all industrial and health and safety representatives are trained in identifying and dealing with sexual harassment and;
  • Produce a guidance booklet and place before the CoE after consulting with our advisory committees.
  1. Violence Against Women Transport Workers Poster

The poster which was produced by the RMT is being printed up and will be distributed to the Branches before the UN Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November.

The next RMT National Women’s Conference 2016 will be held in Scarborough. The dates are to be confirmed as the March dates are conflicting with others conferences taking place.

There is a Women’s training course taking place in Doncaster on 25-26 September. All Women members are welcome to attend.

The Women’s Advisory Committee are Celebrating 100 Years of Women in the RMT at the Houses of Parliament, 25 November 2015 between 5-7pm. The RMT Parliamentary Group will be invited to speak. Further details will follow about the invitations to this event.

One resolution was discussed which was supporting two women members, ISS cleaners who were subject to physical sexual harassment. On discussion we felt that a letter of support and a petition should be arranged.

The next meetings will be 23 September and 25 November.


The Blacklist Support Group (BSG) has made a formal submission to the Home Office with suggested Terms of Reference for the Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing, calling for the judge led inquiry to investigate police surveillance of trade union members. The Pitchford Inquiry was set up by Teresa May before the General Election, in response to revelations that undercover police units spied on bereaved relatives of murder victims, including the Stephen Lawrence family and had long term sexual relationships with women activists they were spying on. BSG are being legally represented by the prominent human rights solicitor Imran Khan, who has supported the blacklisted construction workers since presenting an IPCC complaint about police collusion in blacklisting back in 2012. Imran Khan is also representing Doreen Lawrence in the Pitchford Inquiry. The deadline for such submission is tomorrow (Wednesday 24th June) and the final remit is expected to be published by the end of July.


Proposed Terms of Reference for the Public Inquiry into Undercover policing from the Blacklist Support Group:


“To inquire into and make recommendations as to the role, conduct and governance of the police service and her majesty’s Government in the establishment and deployment of undercover and covert operations, with specific regard to the Special Demonstration Squad, National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit and any other similar units in the police and in particular, to consider: 

  • The surveillance of trade union activists and trade union supported campaigns;
  • The provision of information by the police, whether directly or indirectly, of information contained on databases they have access to, to businesses about prospective employees;
  • The collusion, specifically with the Economic League and the Consulting Association and any other similar organisations, in the blacklisting of trade union members;
  • The outsourcing of state surveillance operations to private contractors;
  • The level and degree of political oversight into the above operations;
  • The extent to which the police were assisted in the above operations by the security services;
  • The circumstances of, and the reasons for, the loss, destruction and /or unavailability of documentation with regard to the matters above.

The Inquiry will also consider how to fulfill the objectives set out in these Terms of Reference by considering, in particular, the:

  • Extent and degree of protection from prosecution, under the Official Secrets Act or any other relevant legislation, of any witnesses giving information / evidence including whistleblowers;
  • Extent and degree to which the police’s stated position of ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ affects a transparent and thorough investigation into the matters set out above”. 

The covering letter to the Home Office from Imran Khan states:


“In 2009, following a raid by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at premises connected to The Consulting Association (hereinafter “TCA”), it was discovered that there was a database of secret files kept on 3123 trade union activists by some of the largest multi-national building firms in the UK.  The database was used to deny trade union activists work on major projects and was a continuation of a process that had been previously conducted by the Services Group within an organisation called the Economic League. There is prima facie evidence that some of the information on the database originated from or was provided by the police. Given this, a complaint was lodged with the Independent Police Complaint Commission (hereinafter IPCC) whose initial scoping of the complaint confirmed that “every Special Branch in the country routinely provided information about prospective employees”. 


In addition to the trade union members, around 200 environmental and social justice activists also appear on the blacklist, including some of the women spied on by the undercover police that led to the inquiry to be set up.


Dave Smith, BSG secretary commented:

“3 years ago, when the BSG started talking about the police colluding with big business to spy on trade union members, people looked at us as if we were paranoid conspiracy theorists. But we refused to let it lie and now the evidence is beyond dispute: senior police officers were actively participating with the Consulting Association blacklisting operation. Trade unions are a perfectly legal part of civil society. Why are we being infiltrated by undercover police units and why is the state sharing intelligence with big business?


It is only because we were prepared to kick up a stink that the evidence about police collusion has slowly come to light. We now call upon the Pitchford Inquiry to carry out a thorough and transparent investigation into the out of control anti-democratic practices of these secret political police units. A first step would be for the Inquiry to be given a wide enough remit to uncover the truth, rather than being so narrowly defined that we get another establishment whitewash”


Imran Khan commented:

“It is extremely sad to note that it often takes many years, grave injustices and tenacious individuals to uncover discreditable conduct in society. Those involved in the BSG have been bearing the brunt of severe injustices for a long time. Their hardship in doing so has not diminished their tenacity in seeking to throw light on this most murky of worlds. The Public Inquiry to be chaired by Lord Justice Pitchford will give the BSG the opportunity to not only uncover what happened to them but also ensure that the general public finally hears what went on and that the conduct complained of never happens again.”


John McDonnell MP, who has championed the cause of blacklisted workers in parliament commented:

“Thousands of innocent trade unionists and their families have suffered at the hands of blacklisting companies. They deserve a thorough and open inquiry to bring out the truth of how they were victimised and harmed by blacklisting.”





LUL Ballot

Dear Colleagues,

If you wish to see how to fill in a ballot paper to vote yes, see attached below


Ballot Paper

LUL Dispute



Latest Leaflet


ALL London Underground Workers will be receiving Ballot papers through their letter boxes in the next few days. This is a massive dispute by anyone’s standards and ALL the Tube Unions are standing together (RMT, Aslef and TSSA) and any strike is likely to have a massive impact across London. It is the actions of LUL that have driven those unions into dispute through sham talks and. The new Tory Government has stated their intention to change the law on Balloting to make it harder to take Industrial Action on the Tube, so it is vitally important that people get out and return those ballot papers as soon as they arrive.  Let’s show any changes in the Law will not defeat our right to fight.

PAY & Night Tube

LUL are demanding the Unions accept a below Inflation Pay Rise of a measly 0.75% effective from 1st April 2015, and an RPI increase in 2016. Also included, in return for the future operation of Night Tube, is a non-consolidated lump sum payment for all COO and CPD Operational to be paid at two stages of £250, making £500 in total. Train Drivers and Track and Signals staff only would be offered a further £250 for Night Tube running. Even then the extra £250 is ONLY paid to affected staff and not everyone (i.e. day signal and track staff are not being offered the extra £250). If that was not bad enough LUL have now decided to start imposition talks on how they intend to implement these changes. That in short is a declaration that they intend to drive a steam roller through our agreements on rosters.

CMO Roster Agreement

The shame is that talks in Engineering were progressing quite well until LUL decided almost randomly that they would impose a solution. Now we have managers jumping on the bandwagon with rosters that they’ve wanted for years such as on the Bakerloo and Victoria Line track, which have never even been proposed to your functional union reps, let alone discussed. The truth is that Signal Staff went on strike for that agreement, which in effect made rosters an issue of Negotiation. LUL cannot be allowed to rip up our agreements.

What did other companies get this year?

Network Rail 2% (gone to referendum)

Thales 1.68%

DLR 2% (referendum)

MP’s 10%


Ballot papers MUST be returned by June 30th

If you haven’t received a ballot paper please contact RMT membership department 0800 376 0376


Network Rail Pay Referendum



Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous circular IR/140/15 dated 1st June 2015, branches are advised that the new proposals from Network Rail have been discussed with our Area Council reps. Having considered the view of our representatives the GGC has decided to conduct a referendum with a recommendation to accept the offer. Voting papers are being dispatched from today with a closing date of Wednesday 24th June 2015.


The full details of the proposals are as follows: –




2015 – A 2% consolidated increase in basic rates of pay backdated to 1st January 2015.


2016 – A consolidated increase equal to November 2015 RPI with effect from 1st January 2016.


Importantly, as part of this proposed agreement, and in line with the views expressed by our Representatives at the consultation meetings, we have retained the link to the Retail Price Index (RPI) as part of the structure of agreements with Network Rail.




No compulsory redundancies for those members covered by this pay claim until 31st December 2016.


Job Security


Network Rail and the Trades Unions will enter into discussion to agree a comprehensive job security package working within the principles of PTR&R, which includes:


Voluntary Severance (VS)

Extending VS to those not affected but who want to go, via “bumping”

Publication of a national Network Rail vacancy list



Trial-period opportunities


Efficiency and Improvement Project (Completely separate from pay discussions)


Separate to the pay proposals, the latest offer provides for joint participation (under the auspices of ACAS) between Network Rail and your union in an Efficiency and Improvement Project to deliver savings.


This will not affect terms and conditions and these discussions would not hold up the pay offer for 2015/16. The General Grades Committee would consider any formal proposals that emerge and the affected members would be fully consulted in the normal way.  Any proposals would have to be agreed by the union.


The issues proposed for discussion are as follows: –


  • Safe and efficient working practices and processes which identify methods to drive down incidents and accidents.
  • Examine opportunities to reduce labour-only, agency, sub-contract supplier and consultancy costs.
  • Joint review to create opportunities in our maintenance, operations and controllers teams to enable enhanced efficiency and improvements.
  • Develop a forum between Network Rail and RMT, TSSA and Unite as appropriate, to examine options for reducing waste from the business to enable further efficiencies to be made.
  • Creating single ‘point care’ teams.
  • Cross boundary working for response teams within Route for incidents and disruption.
  • Develop technology for placing of detonators and PLBs thus releasing staff for other work.
  • Train and deploy resident signallers to work adjacent mechanical signal boxes on a voluntary basis for an agreed premium.


Final proposals on implementation plans for any agreed changes would be delivered by 30th November 2015.


Since last week concerns have been raised by members with regard to information posted on Network Rail’s website on Friday 5th June 2015. The company has clarified their position in writing to the General Secretary which is quoted below: –


  • “The remarks under the smarter working section were carried over from a previous posting and do not apply to the proposal made to RMT on Monday 1st June 2015.
  • The issues to be discussed in the Efficiency and Improvement Project are separate from the pay proposals and will not affect your members’ Terms and Conditions.
  • Specifically, the remarks on signalling engineers (S&T) team size on the website should not have appeared there and are withdrawn.  We will not table this matter during the Efficiency and Improvement Project meetings.
  • Our proposal listed specific items to be agreed through the Efficiency and Improvement Project and we look forward to jointly developing opportunities with the Trade Unions in this forum. “


Having considered this latest offer with our reps we believe it is a significant improvement and our recommendation is for members to accept it. It cannot be understated just how important the massive ballot result and the clear will of our members to take industrial action has been to achieving this improved offer.


This proposal will mean members get two years of consolidated pay increases and a two year no compulsory redundancy guarantee. Considering at the start they stated members would have to sell off terms and conditions in order to get a pay rise and refused to guarantee no redundancies, it is clear the solidarity and determination of members has forced Network Rail to move their position massively. As a democratic union, members will have the final say on this offer and should begin receiving their papers early next week.


If any member has not received their voting paper by Wednesday 17th June 2015 please ask them to  contact the National Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or by email to


Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary

'Fear is contagious, but not as contagious as courage'

Our Branch and Union will soon be heading into an unparalleled period of Industrial unrest and attacks from the Tory Government. Even our very own right to strike is being restricted in an attempt to strangle the life out of the Trade Union Movement. Attacks over pay and conditions will heighten and the spectre of Night Tube looms over us as an LUL management try to impose this vanity project on our members.

But it is worth remembering the power of the RMT lies within us all. Unity is our strength and determination to stand up and say no lays within our grasp. I felt it would be worth remembering some of Bob’s quotes and how he would be rallying us all to rise up and fear no one. Our members are never on their knees.

‘Fear is contagious, but not as contagious as courage’

‘If you fight you may lose, if you don’t fight you will always lose’

‘If one person spits it won’t make a difference, but if we all spit, we’ll drown the bastards’

‘Once again Tube management have jumped the gun and are trying to impose policies without agreement.’

‘It’s an ultimatum by LUL (London Underground Limited); it’s like Henry Ford saying you can have any colour you want as long as it’s black.’


LUL Acas Report

ACAS REPORT Monday 8th June

Night Tube

We reiterated (again!) our joint all tube union (RMT, ASLEF, TSSA) position: Rescind in writing all LU letters putting night tube talks to local level, return talks to agreed level, address all aspects of all unions claims & remove no strike clause. They this time responded through ACAS that they didn’t agree with our interpretation of agreements & frameworks .


We again told them no pay cuts, no breaking agreements; they must comply with our normalisation of industrial relations demands first. No improved offer still a below inflation pay cut in real terms

No dates for further ACAS talks yet.

We need a big YES vote for strike action please from all union members



Our Ref: HSR/1/9

Head Office Circular: NP/108/15

08th June 2015


The Secretary




Dear Colleague




South London Rail Branch submitted the following resolution to the National Health & Safety Advisory Conference 2015:


We South London Rail Branch feel our reps should make sure the companies do not just pay lip service to their bullying and harassment policies but actively administer it. It should be a standing item to be discussed on all H&S inspections or meetings.


We feel our female staff are especially at risk and more so in such roles as cleaners which are often male dominated


The Council of Executives have noted and adopted the following report of their Health & Safety Sub-Committee:


That we note the contents of the resolution the General Secretary is instructed to place this matter through the Health and Safety machineries of all companies we negotiate with. It is essential that issues raised in this resolution are addressed seriously. Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.


I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep you informed of any further developments. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all relevant members.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary
