Category: News

Handheld Devices: LUL

The RMT have reached agreement on track and signals regarding the use of Hand Held devices. After months of careful discussions the RMT have made sure that members can use the devices without fear of job losses, their privacy being invaded and also benefit from the fact that they are safe


Mobile Devices Agreement Oct 2015

Blacklisting: High Court latest

  1. High Court latest

The blacklisting firms have admitted ‘vicarious liability’ for the role of their managers in blacklisting. But they still refuse to admit that their conspiracy caused the workers they targeted any financial loss. So we are still full steam ahead for a 10 week conspiracy trial at the High Court next May. The next pre-hearing will take place on 7th-8th December. Blacklist Support Group will be organising a public meeting on the evening of Monday 7th December (venue tba)


  1. Trade Union Bill

The Trade Union Bill which intends to restrict the freedoms of trade unions is currently in the committee stage and a number of organisations have given evidence highlighting how it breaches international law. Blacklist Support Group gave evidence alongside Amnesty International and the human rights organisation Liberty. (this is the punchline) (full evidence starts around 15:03)


Monday 2nd November TUC Demo & Mass lobby of Westminster parliament 12:30 onwards


There are 100s of Trade Union Bill meetings taking place around the country – we encourage all supporters to attend and join the campaign to Kill The Bill. Cambridge Trades Council who are hosting TU Bill 21st October. 7pm – 9pm at Keynes Hall, University of Cambridge.


  1. Ongoing issues

BAM win £170 million rail upgrade in Scotland


Pay The Rate in Teesside – police target protesters


Carillion in Liverpool (BBC Radio 1:54:30)


  1. Blacklisting & Art currently wowing audiences in Peckham and New York


Ragged Trousered Philanthropists in Peckham – Dave Smith will be speaking about blacklisting on Tuesday 20th October


United We Stand – story of the Shrewsbury Pickets in Peckham – multiple celebrity nights from 2-14 November


Mark Thomas brings his award winning human rights show to New York. Blacklisted by the construction giants, spied on by BAE systems and placed on the Met Police domestic extremism database. Spread the word to our US comrades. If any NY unions or journos want to contact Mark while he is in the US, get in touch to arrange.


  1. Charlie Pottins R.I.P.

The funeral of our comrade and friend, Charlie Pottins will take place at 1pm on WEDNESDAY 21st OCTOBER, at Northwood Cemetery, Chestnut Avenue, Northwood, HA6 1DE. Charlie was an active trade unionists and a stood shoulder to shoulder with blacklisted workers over many years on protests, picket lines and in court.

Nearest tube: Northwood Hills (Metropolitan Line)

  1. Future dates for the diary

Wed 4th November (6pm) – Blacklisted book event in Holyrood parliament

Saturday 7th November – Socialism 2015, Institute of Education (blacklisting will be covered in the ‘Big Brother is watching you’ workshop.

Saturday 14th November – Unite the Resistance – Defend Our Unions conference (Blackisting & Teesside #PayTheRate coovered).


Blacklist Support Group







Website Update & future APP

Just to update you all that our branch website has now been migrated onto a new software package that should help us to continue to update the look of our site. We have also commissioned an APP to be developed to take our communication ability to another level. The APP will be ready in approximately January.





In November, three directors of logistics firm City Link (including the CEO and finance director) are before the courts over their failure to consult with workers. If convicted, they face fines and the prospect of being struck off from working as directors elsewhere.


The prosecution is taking place partly as a result of tireless campaigning and forensic investigation by RMT and our Parliamentary Group – keeping the issue in the media and unearthing information about what directors knew and decided when.


That the company could not be rescued, was not helped by the directors failing to be more open about their plans earlier. We now know, that although staff were not notified until Christmas 2014 of the impending closure of City Link, as early as 9 October, directors were considering radical restructure – including closing down the company.


Under TULR(C)A 1992 an employer must consult about its “proposals” – this being something less than a decision – and must consult while its plans are still at a formative stage. Despite representatives of the company receiving legal advice on the need to consult, the company chose not to. It is for the courts to assess the directors’ role in that failure.


Although the conduct of some of the directors finally being scrutinised by the courts is welcome, the potential fines that they face (capped at £5,000 each) are paltry. This is specially so as the CEO was paid over £600,000 – in the year to 29 December 2013 alone.


It’s inexcusable that individual workers labelled as self-employed (maybe bogusly) will likely recover less than 2% of sums due. And it’s inexcusable that the state has had to pay out around £4 million (via the National Insurance Fund) to workers the company short-changed.


We will continue to campaign for justice for our members and for the law to be tightened.


Yours sincerely,


Night Tube Delay

General Secretary Mick Cash said;


“This crisis management of the Night Tube could have been avoided if LU hadn’t chosen to try and railroad through imposed rosters and had stuck to the agreed negotiating framework from the off.


“No one wins from this situation – neither Londoners or tube staff. RMT supports the principle of a Night Tube with properly agreed reward and rosters and the union remains available for further constructive talks.


“RMT is frankly astounded that Boris Johnson has rung his officials from Japan and instructed them to kick the night tube into next year. RMT is seeking further urgent talks at the most senior level to get this process back on track.”


RMT on criminal prosecution of City Link directors

RMT Press Office


Mick Cash, General Secretary of City Link union RMT said;



“RMT demanded at the time of the City Link collapse that these directors should be prosecuted and barred from ever running a company again.


“They connived to get workers to do overtime over Christmas and for self-employed people to do shifts that they knew they would never be paid for.


” This was bandit capitalism in the raw and should have no place in British industry. Instead of twisting the knife with a new raft of anti union laws the Government should be clamping down on those who treat the workforce like dirt. ”




Circular No: NP/200/15

TO: The Secretary,

All Retired Members’ Branches and Regional Councils


Dear Colleagues,




Arrangements have been made for the 2016 National Retired Members Advisory Conference to take place on Thursday 21st April, commencing at 13:00 in the Concert Room, Doncaster Trades & Labour Club, Doncaster.



The Advisory Conference consists of a maximum of four delegates per Region. Retired Branches, or where applicable Regional Councils, are invited to nominate retired members as delegates. Four nomination forms are enclosed herewith.


Nominations are also sought for the National Advisory Conference Liaison Committee which consisting of two delegates per Retired Member Branch, or where applicable Regional Council. Two nomination forms are enclosed.


Please also find a nomination form for internal conference positions and external committees.


The closing date for receipt of nominations at Head Office is Friday 11th March 2016. Head Office will meet delegates’ legitimate travel and subsistence expenses but only with valid receipts.


May I please bring to your attention to Rule 4 of the National Retired Members Advisory Conference Constitution:


“Each Retired Members Branch shall have the right to nominate four delegates, who shall be retired members or have been resettled under ill health or PT&R.


In the event of a Regional Council having more than one Retired Members Branch, two nominees from each Branch shall be permitted, subject to a maximum of four nominees per Regional Council.


A Regional Council which does not have a Retired Members Branch may, if it so wishes, nominate four delegates.”


Therefore only Retired Member Branches or a Regional Council without a retired member branch can nominate delegates to the Conference and Liaison Committee. Nomination forms received which are not supported by a Retired Members Branch or a Regional Council will not be accepted.


I would therefore advice branches in a region which does not have a Retired Members Branch to go through the appropriate Regional Council to ensure retired members can attend the conference and Liaison Committee.




I would also take this opportunity to seek resolutions for inclusion on the Conference Agenda. Resolutions, which must deal with issues directly relating to pensioners, should also reach Head Office by Friday 11th March 2016.


The Conference is entitled to submit two resolutions, which must deal with issues directly affecting pensioners, to the Union’s Annual General Meetings. Two representatives of the Advisory Conference may attend the Annual General Meeting to move the resolutions.




As you will be aware the Retired Members Conference was moved from London to Doncaster as a result of the increasing number of delegates attending this event. This has inconvenienced some delegates who have to travel a great distance. It has been agreed that accommodation in Doncaster will be offered on a limited basis to those delegates who have a genuine problems with travelling.


If a delegate meets the above and requires one nights’ accommodation can they please indicate this on the Conference Nomination Form.


Yours sincerely,



Mick Cash

General Secretary





Massive Blacklisting Victory

High Court trial – employers surrender!

Blacklisting was in the High Court on Thursday and after 6 years of denying everything, that the High Court trial is getting close, the blacklisting wretches have revised their legal defence, finally admitting their guilt. The 8 largest firms have run up the white flag and the ongoing negotiations between the lawyers are now just drawing up the terms of the surrender. The lawyers representing the blacklisting contractors are still huffing and puffing about their desire to go to court to fight the issue of ‘quantum’ and ‘causation’ (ie: how much compensation they need to pay) but this is just for show. The blacklisters will do anything to avoid the spectacle of a High Court conspiracy trial, which is still set to start in May 2016 and last for 10 weeks. BSG position is that we still want to see the directors of these multinational firms being forced to give evidence under oath at the High Court about their active involvement in this human rights scandal. Buying us off with a few thousand pounds is not justice.


The Blacklist Support Group would like to go on record to thank the stirling work carried out by all of the lawyers on our behalf. We could not have done this on our own. But we would like to particularity praise the work carried out by JC Townsend, Liam Dunne, Sean Curren and the rest of the legal team at Guney Clark & Ryan solicitors who have been working on the High Court conspiracy claim completely unpaid since 2009. Without their initial support, hard work and the resources allocated by GCR over the past six and a half years, we would not be in this position today. Blacklisted workers salute you.


Below is the statement issued & written by PR spin-doctors Graylings on behalf of the 8 largest firms.

On 7 October 2015 we, the eight companies that comprise the Macfarlanes Defendants*, submitted a Re-Amended Generic Defence to the Court.  In this document we lay out clearly a number of admissions; these admissions are also covered in the accompanying summary which, we hope, will provide interested parties with an easily accessible reference.  Both documents contain a full and unreserved apology for our part in a vetting information system run in the construction industry first through the Economic League and subsequently through The Consulting Association; we recognise and regret the impact it had on employment opportunities for those workers affected and for any distress and anxiety it caused to them and their families.


We are making these admissions now as we believe it is the right thing to do; we are keen to be as transparent as possible and to do what we can to simplify the High Court hearing scheduled for mid-2016.  We hope that the clarity this brings will be welcomed by the affected workers.    Indeed, ever since the closure of The Consulting Association in 2009, we have been focused on trying to do the right thing by affected workers.  This was why we set up The Construction Workers Compensation Scheme (TCWCS) in 2014 to provide those who felt they had been impacted by the existence of the vetting system with a fast and simple way of accessing compensation. Currently, we have paid compensation to 308 people who have contacted TCWCS and we are processing 39 ongoing eligible claims.


We remain committed to TCWCS.  We are approaching the High Court hearing in the spirit of openness and full transparency and continue to defend the claim strongly in relation to issues of causation and loss.


* Balfour Beatty, Carillion, Costain, Kier, Laing O’Rourke, Sir Robert McAlpine, Skanska UK and VINCI PLC


TV and newspaper coverage:



Pitchford Inquiry – police involvement in blacklisting to be investigated

If the blacklisting companies think that they can buy their way out of public scrutiny, they are very wrong. Teresa May has set up a public inquiry into undercover policing being headed by Lord Justice Pitchford. The first preliminary session took place on Wednesday in the Royal Courts of Justice. Blacklisted workers represented by the Blacklist Support Group have been granted core participant status. So the Pitchford inquiry will now investigate the role of the police in the blacklisting scandal. UCATT, FBU & NUM have also been granted CP status. The next 3 years will be very interesting.


Ongoing fights against blacklisting

Blacklisting is not a historic thing of the past – it is still ongoing.


Victimsed PCS rep, Candy Udwin reinstated at the National Gallery after more than 100 days on official strike. BSG would like to send a message of support to all the PCS strikers and especially to Candy. Your determined struggle and solidarity are an inspiration to us all.



New Royal Hospital project being built by blacklisting firm Carillion.

Sat 10th October

9.00am-10.30am Demo outside New Royal Hospital, Crown Street Entrance

11am-1pm – Organising meeting at Unite the Union Office



The ongoing dispute over contractors refusal to pay the nationally agreed rates of pay and blacklisting of union members at Wilton In Teesside is now in its 7th month. The Teesside activists recently took their fight against SITA to Liverpool. #PayTheRate


Andy Burnham pledges to fight for Shrewsbury Pickets


Blacklisted book was in Leeds this week – massive thank you to Kath Owen and jane Holgate for organising the meetings. The blacklisting campaign can only operate if local grassroots activists support us.


Blacklisting & the Arts 

Film maker Lucy Parker has been working with the Blacklist Support Group for a number of years. she will be doing a presentation in Edinburgh. BSG encourage anyone who has been blacklisted and especially wives and artners of blacklisted workers to participate in this project.

Contact Lucy via:


Mark Thomas in New York

Comedian / activist Mark Thomas appears on the construction industry blacklist, was spied on by BAE systems and also appears on the Metropolitan Police domestic extremism database. He is one of 6 journalists being represented by the NUJ currently suing the Met Police. Mark is taking his award winning show Cuckooed (about his experience of corporate spying) to New York throughout November. The show won awards at the Edinburgh Festival and the Amnesty International. The link is for tickets. If any trade unions or journalists in New York wish to get in touch with Mark during his NY run, please contact BSG at to arrange.


United We Stand – Ragged Trousered Philanthropist

Townsend Productions 2 political plays about the building industry are in Peckham throughout October & November with special press nights and speakers throughout the run.



Blacklist Support Group








Dear Colleagues,


Reminder – Protect the Right to Strike – Mass Lobby of Parliament

The Tory government is trying to rush through into law, draconian new anti-trade union legislation. Responding to their accelerated timetable, the following events have been called.


On Tuesday 13 October, members are invited to join a lobby of Parliament. I will be addressing the event along with:

    • Ian Lavery MP (RMT Parliamentary Group member)
    • Caroline Lucas MP (Green Party)
    • John McDonnell MP (RMT Parliamentary Group Convenor)
    • Mark Serwotka (PCS)
    • Michelle Stanistreet (NUJ)
    • Matt Wrack (FBU)

Members are encouraged to attend this event which will take place at 6pm inside Parliament at Committee Room 10. (As the event is inside Parliament, members attending should allow sufficient time to clear security).




A mass rally and lobby of Parliament will take place on 2nd November 2015 from 11.30. The rally will take place in Westminster Central Hall prior to the lobby. Members are encouraged to join the TUC and other union members from all over the country by coming together to lobby and rally against the Trade Union Bill.


I look forward to welcoming as many members as possible to these events. And for those who can’t attend, please use the following link to write to your MP to state your opposition to the Trade Union Bill:

Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash        

General Secretary

Self-Employed or Employed? (LUL)

The RMT have been asked to research the issue of whether self-employed/ agency-employed members meet the legal tests for being treated as employees of end user (LU)

We are especially interested in copy of contracts, which will remain private and will be returned, and details about how members actually work (eg whether provide own uniform/ equipment, who controls how do job, subject to disciplinary proceedings). Depending on feedback, we may carry out a survey of our members to get a fuller picture.

However, if you can help please email

Paul Jackson, Branch Secretary


Gabriel Barton, Research Officer, National Policy Department


Tube Lines Pay & Company Council Update

Dear Colleagues,

Further talks were carried out last week between TFL/ Tube Lines and the Trade Unions. There is no further progress and we remain in dispute. Hopefully, our ballot matrix will be ready soon


  • Minutes from 3rd June agreed
  • Pension there are no planned JWP meetings because TFL are  still busy talking to LU reps about night tube/ pay.
  • If agreed that Night Tube is to be done on a voluntary basis  on LU, Tubelines would not be  able to because all 3 of their lines are effected.
  • The rest of the pay/ night tube is the same as LU’s.
  • We said if you give us the pension we could sort out Night Tube, Andy Derbyshire will talk to TFL, he asked in the meantime can we talk about night tube we said no.
  • Xmas & new yrs/ working arrangements Bonus, they could not tell us what it will be and are going to get back.
  • LU strike days Tube lines will still be asking for sick notes and refusing A/L but there would be managers discretion on A/L , they said staff phone in sick or take A/L rather than try to get to work or cross picket lines, we did not agree to this they said they have done it in the past, we said they let staff know  beforehand and didn’t this time.
  • They would tell managers to inform staff in future.


Notes of Company Council Meeting No 53 3rd June 2015
