Category: News




Statutory Meetings of the National Executive Committee Unity House

Weeks commencing – March; June; September and December (tbc)



Signalling Grades Conference                                                                        20th – 21st                    Perth

RMT National Health & Safety Conference                                      24th                              Doncaster

RMT Young Members’ Conference                                                   26th – 27th                    Canterbury

Catering & Hotel Grades Conference                                               27th                              Weymouth



RMT National Women’s Conference                                                 4th – 5th (tbc)              Scarborough (tbc)

BTUC Women’s Conference                                                              9th – 11th                    London

Supervisory Grades Conference                                                        12th – 13th                   Great Yarmouth

RMT Black & Ethnic Minority Members Conference                                    21st – 22nd (tbc)            Manchester (tbc)

RMT National Education Conference                                               23rd (tbc)                      Doncaster



Busworkers’ Conference                                                                    8th                              Torquay

BTUC Young Workers’ Conference                                                   9th – 10th                   London

Traincrew & Shunters Grades Conference                                        14th – 16th                    Liverpool

BTUC Black Workers’ Conference                                                   15th – 17th                    London

Scottish TUC                                                                                      18th – 20th                    Dundee

RMT Retired Members’ Conference                                                 21st                              Doncaster

Engineering Grades Conference                                                        21st – 22nd                    Brighton

Station Staff & Associated Grades Conference                                  22nd – 23rd                   Warwick

Road Freight Grades Conference                                                      23rd                              Portsmouth



RMT BGM (Shipping & Docks)                                                          11th – 13th                    Dover

RMT National LGBT Members’ Conference                                                13th – 14th (tbc)            Nottingham (tbc)

RMT BGM (Offshore)                                                                                    18th – 19th                    Aberdeen

BTUC Disabled Workers Conference                                              19th – 20th                    London

Wales TUC Biennial Conference                                                      24th – 26th                    Llandudno


RMT National Conference of Branch &
Regional Council Secretaries                                                               5th – 6th                      Gloucester

BTUC LGBT Conference                                                                   23rd – 24th                    London
RMT Annual General Meeting                                                           26th –   1st                    Cardiff

BTUC                                                                                                  11th – 14th                    Brighton

RMT Disabled Workers Conference                                                      tbc                               tbc

RMT confirms 48 hour DLR strike

RMT confirms 48 hour DLR strike from tomorrow morning is on as talks fail to make any progress



RAIL UNION RMT said today that staff across all grades on Keolis Amey Docklands Light Railway will strike for 48 hours from early tomorrow after last ditch talks failed to make any progress this morning. The dispute is over a range of serious unresolved issues that are wrecking industrial relations.


Talks on Friday and this morning with KAD failed as management refused to address the core issues of use of agency staff, imposition without agreement of fundamental changes to the control centre managing movement and power, abuse of procedures and the adoption of a wholly cavalier attitude to the issues of risk assessment and the safety and security of both staff and the travelling public.


RMT members voted by a massive 92% to act and will now take 48 hours of strike action with no shifts booked on or after 0359  on Tuesday 3rd November until 0358 on the Thursday 5th November 2015.


The key issues at the heart of the dispute are:


  • Abuses of the use of agency staff  within the KAD network.
  • Undermining the position of Control Centre, stores and other grades effectively casualising key functions
  • A creeping culture of bullying and intimidation of staff, including an abuse of the use of CCTV,  being allowed to develop
  • Breaches of agreements, procedures and the recognition framework

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“RMT negotiators have made every effort over the past 72 hours to resolve this dispute through negotiation but due to the sheer intransigence of the management the DLR will now face its first ever all-out strike action in the 28 years history of the railway. The responsibility for the massive disruption that will kick in from early tomorrow morning is entirely down to the aggressive and bullying attitude of the new KAD management who don’t seem to understand the basic principles of industrial relations.

“Our members on DLR are furious at the way that Keolis/Amey are trying to bulldoze through some of the worst working practices and conditions that we associate with the operations of the most cheapskate and anti-union companies in the transport sector and that anger is reflected in the ballot results. We will not sit back and allow this aggressive and bullying culture to develop on this key part of London’s transport network.

“The company should not have underestimated the anger of the workforce and KAD’s abject failure to address these issues which left us with no option but to ballot for action and that ballot registered a massive 92% in favour.

“The 48 hour strike now goes ahead as planned.  The union remains available for further meaningful talks.”

Thales Rail Signals: Debt Issue

Following an audit of overtime approximately a year ago, it transpired that many staff owed money through being over paid and some owed many thousands of pounds.

The RMT have been in talks with Thales Rail Signals ever since and the company have offered the below compromise


Thales RSS Debt

Glen Hart

The union has one over riding belief that at the end of a dispute no one is left behind.

Once again RMT activist, Glen Hart finds himself with a gross misconduct charge hanging over him. This sword of Damocles exists purely, we belief, because Glen has been key in defending job and supporting the LUL strike.

There can only be one reply to this, and that is to meet each industrial attack with an industrial response. Come for us and we will come for you.

Tube Lines PRP

The LU Engineering Branch has passed the below resolution that now has gone to the RMT General Grades Commitee to review


Tube Lines General Pay Award (PRP) Resolution:


This branch reiterates that we will fully support our members on full Performance Related Pay (PRP) which also includes many Operational Managers (Q Grades), Technical and Admin Grades (the same Grades remain on part PRP within LUL). We therefore ask the General Grades Cmtee to ensure our negotiating team continue to equally push the claims of these members and that a report and letter is sent to ALL our Tube Lines members detailing not only this issue but why pay talks have stuttered and the RMT are in dispute with Tube Lines over Pay.”


LUL Update

Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/224/15, 23rd September 2015), regarding the above, I am writing to provide an update to members following recent meetings that have taken place and correspondence which has now been received from LUL. No specific revised pay offer has been made yet however, the Company has provided clarification on one part of the current proposal and has stated that it has no objection to any grade working a compressed 36 hour 4 day week as long as it is safe and mutually beneficial.


The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to conduct a referendum amongst our Train Operator and Instructor Operator members on whether or not they wish us to look at potentially changing the parameters in their Framework Agreement in order to hold further discussions over a trial of a compressed 36 hour 4 day week at two depots. To reiterate, this is not a referendum on any specific offer or package and as well as being temporary and only applicable for the duration of any trial at the two depots, any changes would only apply to members who choose/volunteer to take part in any trial.


There is also the potential that 36 hour 4 day week trials will take place for all grades across London Underground in the future and all members would be consulted, including voting in the event of any necessary changes to their Framework Agreement. Further talks will continue in due course and we have advised LUL and ACAS that we are available at any time. I will keep you advised of all further developments and when any final offer is received from the Company, all members will of course be consulted and have the opportunity to vote on the proposals.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/236/15, 1st October 2015), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                171

Number Voting ‘Yes’           123

Number Voting ‘No’            48

Spoilt Papers                     0


Question: Are you prepared to take action short of a strike?


Total Votes Cast                171

Number Voting ‘Yes’           145

Number Voting ‘No’            25

Spoilt Papers                     1


The General Grades Committee is currently considering this result and I will keep you informed of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/236/15, 1st October 2015), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                339

Number Voting ‘Yes’           315

Number Voting ‘No’            24

Spoilt Papers                     0


Question: Are you prepared to take action short of a strike?


Total Votes Cast                339

Number Voting ‘Yes’           320

Number Voting ‘No’            16

Spoilt Papers                     3


The General Grades Committee is currently considering this result and I will keep you informed of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/211/15, 3rd September 2015), the Lead Officer and our Reps held a meeting with Interserve over the cuts in cleaning jobs on this contract. The Company advised that a number of positions will be cut but that all reductions will be made up wholly of agency staff.


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has noted that Interserve are planning job cuts and ‘efficiency’ measures and taken the decision to launch a major campaign to build our membership of cleaning staff grades working for Interserve so that we can resist these attacks. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision.


Yours sincerely

Colas Rail Pension Valuation

Num: NP/211/15

To: The Secretary All Branches & Regional Councils


Dear Colleagues,




I refer to Circular NP/050/15, 25th March 2015, our representatives met with management on 11th September to discuss the Colas Rail Pension Scheme proposal. It was made clear by the RMT once again to management that the employer was mainly responsible for the large deficit in the scheme and that they had a duty to help make the fund affordable for members.


While management were reluctant to accept they were responsible for the shortfall they did agree that they would consider taking some of the deficit correction payments away from members of the scheme. However, it was unlikely that member contribution would be below 20%.


It was also suggested by the RMT that a cap on member contributions should be introduced to protect active member from seeing their contributions becoming unaffordable in the future.


Management agreed they would go away and consider the RMT’s proposals and respond accordingly.


Please find below managements amended proposal:


  • Member contribution to increase from 15.68% to 20.68% minus salary sacrifice savings 18.5% approximately


  • Employer contributions to remain at 23.52% but Colas Rail to make 12 lump sum payments of £1.7m pa


  • Member deficit correction contributions to be capped at a maximum of 11%


The General Grades Committee in consideration of this proposal on 20th October 2015 adopted the following report:


“We note that that following a meeting with RMT representatives’ on 11th September, management have formally proposed to cap member’s future deficit correction payments. This will result in the employer making additional lump sum payments into the fund to reduce the shortfall now and in the future.


While it is noted that the member contribution rate will be in the region of 18.5%, it is recognised that before the discussions with our representatives the member contribution rate was set to increase from 15.68% to 35.8%.


These proposals can be found on file with the enhanced Defined Contribution scheme management have also proposed in the event members are unable to afford the contribution rate mentioned above. It is noted that the employer is also offering financial advice for members.


In light of the progress our representatives have made we instruct the General Secretary to inform management of our acceptance of their revised proposals.


Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.”


I will keep you informed of any developments.


Yours sincerely,



Mick Cash




Dear Colleagues,






All south of England Branches are urged to do everything within their capability to ensure a maximum turn out for the mass rally and lobby of Parliament that will take place on MONDAY 2nd November 2015 from 11.30


Branches can legitimately use their Branch Political funds to ensure this so please start acting now.


The rally will take place in Westminster Central Hall prior to the lobby. Members are encouraged to join the TUC and other union members from all over the country by coming together to lobby and rally against the Trade Union Bill.


The Trade Union Bill is a massive attack on trade unionists across Britain, but particularly in sectors such as transport.


To register for more information prior to the event please visit:


It is vitally important that members make every effort to attend this lobby, and to encourage family, friends and colleagues to attend. We need to show the Government how strongly we value our trade union rights and that we are prepared to fight their proposals.


We will see your there. Best wishes until then.


Yours sincerely

John Leach, Paul Cox and Steve Smart



ex-UKPN Referendum

The members that work in Power (ex-UKPN) have voted by nearly 3:1 to accept LUL’s final offer. Ths agreement will now be put to the RMT’s General Grades Committee

The agreement in summary means that existing staff can retain their present terms if they wish or accept a new LUL contract.

The main differences are

35 hour week: LUL contracts mean that staff will go down to a 35 hour week from an average of 40-37 hours. This will be done without loss of non-allowance basic pay

Fixed Allowances: These will be incorporated into the salary and will be pensionable (in some cases they were not previously)

New Salaries: These have been generally set at the top of the existing bands with some grades seeing increases in pensionable pay

Non-Fixed Allowances: These will not continue. However, LUL have agreed to pay £10 for each full shift worked for Protection Master/ Site Person in Charge (track and non-track locations)

Overtime Rate: The LUL rate is 1.25 which is lower than UKPN rates (1.5/ 2x). However, the LUL hourly rate is higher therefore the difference is lower but it is still less on LUL contracts. It should be noted that Overtime is expected to reduce.

Paydays: LUL paydays are four weekly and not monthly or weekly.

Supplementary Days: These will be phased out over two years due to the reduction in hours Year 1 will still get 10 days and year 2 will get 5

Full details below:


WS Grade Proposal Tables v6 20 10 15


Power Framework


ex-UKPN Staff: LUL Final Offer

Following months of talks with LUL we are now in a position whereby LUL have made the below final offer to our members.

  • The new Framework will be for NEW staff or for existing staff that choose to take a new grade or accept the new contract
  • All existing staff can remain under their existing terms and conditions, if they so choose. I stress people do not have to go onto new contracts.
  • The LUL contracts will be for 35 hours only. Existing UKPN work an average 37-40 hour week and gain accrued rest days. LUL have agreed that staff that accept new contracts and reduced hours will continue to receive these accrued rest days but that they will be phased out over the next two years.
  • The new contracts will retain the same basic salary and not be pro-rata’d for the reduced hours
  • Fixed allowances are to be included into the basic salary and will be pensionable, such as London Weighting etc.
  • Non-Fixed Allowances such as meal allowances will not be incorporated into the salary in the LUL contracts and will no longer continue for those staff.
  • LUL will pay the Protection Master (PM) and Site Person in Charge (SPC) Allowance for track and non-track locations (£10 a shift making a potential £2500 a year if worked daily)
  • The LUL overtime rate is a flat 1.25 compared to the variable UKPN rates, but the basic rate of pay will be higher. It is expected that overtime will fall with the additional recruitment and cuts to budget.


For full details please see below


Power Framework


WS Grade Proposal Tables v6 20 10 15


LUL have agreed to review these times with the RMT. This work is ongoing


Booking On Times


The below agreement is the LUL agreement for paying Protection Master (PM) and Site Person in Charge (SPC)


SPC PM Paynment JWP Proposal 4Jul11


We will now be putting the final offer to our members via a referendum. To either accept the agreement (including remaining on their own terms) or reject the offer in which case we would ballot our members to try to force the company into more concessions

Section 15: LUL Possessions

LUL have now moved to imposed Section 15 Possessions and have now implemented this change into the latest Traffic Circular despite talks still being ongoing on this matter.

The RMT have demanded urgent talks to address this matter as we believe that this change is not only dangerous but also potentially lethal.

We will not sit by and see our members hit by a train and the LUL Engineering Branch is currently compiling a matrix of all track workers across all companies to potentially ballot for action short of strike and even strike action if needed.


