Category: News




Further to my previous Circular (IR/270/15, 5th November 2015), the summary of the recent offer which was received from London Underground and communicated to all members last week, is also below for your information and attention.




A four year above inflation deal from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2019


  • Year 1 – An average 2%, made up of 1% plus a flat rate £500 consolidated increase on basic salaries recognising the introduction of Night Tube
  • Year 2 – RPI or 1% whichever is greater
  • Year 3 – RPI or 1% whichever is greater
  • Year 4 – RPI + 0.25%


Fit for the Future Stations


Building on commitments made last year, London Underground will guarantee:


  • Comparable number of weekends off as today
  • 28 days’ notice of rest days and duties on cover weeks – these rest days are guaranteed
  • Staff will work within their own Cover Group – occasionally working at adjacent Cover Groups
  • Higher Duty Pay from day one where someone steps up to fill another role for an entire shift
  • A review within 12 months to ensure resources keep up with rising customer demand
  • Negotiations on Stations Framework including new transfer and promotion process
  • Within Location Matters, part time staff will maintain their existing shift patterns and hours


Plus, a £500 non-consolidated payment to all station staff once the new operating model is introduced.


Night Tube


We will minimise the impact of Night Tube on our people, e.g.


  • Recruiting more staff to take on Night Tube duties – c.500 hired to date
  • No existing CSA will need to work Night Tube shifts
  • Providing choice on roster patterns and options for further banked rest days, Track & Signals and Service Control
  • No existing Train Operator will need to work Night Tube shifts, unless they choose to do so


Plus, a £500 non-consolidated launch payment to all staff on Night Tube lines and an equivalent launch payment for staff when Night Tube is introduced on other lines in the future.


Long term commitments


We will work with the Trade Unions over the next 12 months to jointly deliver, where safe and mutually beneficial:


More choice for staff to enhance work/life balance including:


  • A compressed working week (e.g. a four day, 36 hour week)
  • A range of part time contracts where these do not already exist
  • Protecting quality time off, e.g. Weekends
  • More opportunities for progression and development


A Reps meeting took place on Tuesday 1st December to discuss this offer and this matter has now been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has noted that the overwhelming mood from the meeting was to reject the latest pay offer from London Underground. The GGC has taken the decision for the Lead Officer to seek a further meeting with LUL and report back to the GGC on Thursday 10th December 2015.


I will of course keep you advised of all further developments.

Withdrawal of Rest Days, Track & Civils Staff – Tube Lines (AP JNP)

Following the Tube Lines decision to withdraw the Rest Days from new starters and existing staff that transfer to new job, the Operational Track staff across the Northern, Pic and Jubilee are to be balloted for action

The papers will be posted out to members on Thursday 10th December and the closing date for the ballot is Thursday 7th January 2016.

Vote YES to action and NO to cuts to our work life balance




RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:


“Today was the first opportunity for RMT reps to come together to consider the revised offer on Night Tube and pay and conditions received from London Underground last week.


“The feedback from the meeting is that the offer has not matched up to the expectations of our members across the combine and falls short in a number of key areas. That feedback will now be considered by the unions executive committee who will make decisions on the next steps that RMT will  follow over the Night Tube and pay and conditions issues.


“External attempts to apply pressure on RMT’s internal democracy and processes will have no impact on our procedures whatsoever.”


Long Service Awards

The Branch will be welcoming members due a long service award on Friday 4th of December at the Savoy Tup. If you are due a 10/ 25 or 40 badge, then you would have been contacted earlier in the year pending the venue being confirmed. If you were unaware, contact your local rep for help.

The awards themselves will be posted out on Monday

Tube Lines Pay, Night Tube and Pensions

All issues to be discussed at the Company Council on 3rd December

Pay/ PRP: Talks are stalled as Tube Lines, despite stating their independence, remain tied to the same offer that is being offered to LUL staff. The RMT await an improved final offer from Tube Lines that will no doubt mirror identically the offer made to LUL staff last week. We will then make a decision whether this is acceptable or whether we are in dispute. The RMT will ensure that any pay offer is equally applied to the Performance Related Pay (PRP) Pot for staff on full PRP

Pension: Despite being close to an agreement, LUL have put the entry of all Tube Lines staff into the TFL Pension and their TUPE back into LUL on a slow track whilst they try to reach agreement on London Underground regarding Night Tube. The RMT will not allow this issue to be dragged on any longer. LUL need now to be more proactive and finalise an agreement that could easily have been completed nearly a year ago

Night Tube: The RMT are refusing to discuss this until Tube Lines/ LUL return to the table and put finalise the agreement to enter staff into the TfL Pension and Tupe the remaining staff into LUL


LUL Pay & Night Tube: Reps Meeting


RMT has just received confirmation from LUL that they have agreed to release all Industrial and H&S Representatives to attend a special dispute resolution meeting next Tuesday 1st December 2015.

Full details of the meeting now follow:


Mass Meeting of RMT Representatives – Dispute Resolution

Commencing 14.00 hours sharp on Tuesday 1st December 2015

The Indian YMCA

41 Fitzroy Square, London, UK W1T 6AQ


Mick Cash – General Secretary

Steve Hedley Assistant General Secretary

John Leach – Regional Organiser

John Reid – RMT Council of Executives   


  1. Women activists win major breakthrough in undercover policing scandal

The Met Police have apologised publicly to the women activists who were deceived into long term relationships with undercover police officers. Until now the police would ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ whether the men involved were even police officers. The apology is a major breakthrough and should be read by everybody on the ‘Spies Out of Lives’ website. The apology from the Met Police to the women activists should set the tone for the kind of apology blacklisted workers should expect from the construction employers.

The institutional sexism of the police and the detail of the abuse will be investigated fully by the Pitchford Inquiry into Undercover policing of which the women are all ‘core participants’. The fight by these women activists against the might of the British secret state is heroic. They are an inspiration to our movement and the Blacklist Support Group are honoured to have worked alongside the campaign. Helen Steel and other women activists also appear on the construction industry blacklist. We are immensely proud of you all.,-now-what-about-the-blacklist


  1. Day of Action on Blacklisting – Monday 7th December 2015

9am – High Court blacklisting group litigation (meet outside the Royal Courts of Justice for photo-opportunity)

6pm – Westminster Parliament – with John McDonnell MP

9pm – Xmas celebration drinks

This is the first legal hearing since the employers admitted their guilt and apologised for their role in the Economic League and Consulting Association blacklisting scandal. Bring your banners and your ‘Blacklisted’ t-shirts


  1. Scotland

Following our recent meeting in the Scottish parliament – there have been major articles in the quality press:


  1. Corporate & state spying on union activists in USA


  1. Construction industry

Teesside PayTheRate protest comes to Liverpool

Umbrella Scam –

Sickness –


  1. Victimisation of CWU union reps Clive Walder and John Vasey

Support them on social media via #ReinstateCliveandJohn #SupportCWU2


  1. Don’t forget that ‘Blacklisted’ book makes a great Xmas prezzie for all the family (apparently)



Blacklist Support Group










The following resolution has been received from the TfL No.1 Branch:


“TfL No. 1 Branch are concerned that as a result of TfL/LUL managements decision to award certain layers of staff with pay for performance pay increases, union members are seeing their future pension benefits eroded.


We request that the General Secretary carries out a proper investigation into this position as a matter of urgency so that future pay and conditions negotiations see pay increases linked to basic pay and not awards of one off lump sum payments.


We also request that the General Secretary seeks legal opinion on this matter on the grounds that pay for performance can be legally challenged eg indirect age discrimination”


In consideration the General Grades Committee on 24th November 2015 adopted the following report from the Southern Sub Committee:


“We note the resolution on file from TfL No.1 Branch and its concerns that as a result of TfL/LUL managements decision to award certain layers of staff with pay for performance pay increases, union members are seeing their future pension benefits eroded.


We instruct the General Secretary to carry out a proposer investigation into this position as a matter of urgency so that future pay and conditions negotiations see pay increases linked to basic pay and not awards of one of lump sum payments.


We also instruct the General Secretary to seek legal opinion on this matter on the grounds that pay for performance can be legally challenged eg. Indirect age discrimination etc.


Relevant Branch and LTRC to be informed.”


I will keep you informed of developments.


Yours sincerely,




Mick Cash

General Secretary

Government Cuts




The Transport for London Bill passed through its latest stage in the Commons last night after a hard-line Tory whipping operation and will now go to the report stage with transport union RMT pledging to continue to work with Labour MPs to oppose it as it heads towards its third reading. The bill is designed to help TfL fill the funding gap arising from impending cuts in the grant it receives from central government, by allowing it to use offshore companies to develop its property.


Leaks show that, from the turn of the decade, the government will cut £700 million a year from its contribution to TfL’s budget. In return for accepting this reduction without a fuss, last night the government lined up its pet MPs to ram the bill through Parliament.


With its property development focused “Transport for London Bill”, TfL is trying to jump head first into the worst kind of corporate structures – “Limited Partnerships”. That is development orchestrated via opaque offshore investment vehicles that pay little tax and are magnets for crooks from around the world engaged in stealing money from their own public purses.

TfL is pinning all its hopes on filling the gap created by government cuts to its budget by leasing out land to offshore companies. It should not have been put in this position by government – TfL is struggling to run a transport network, let alone a property portfolio.


Their press office spins this as TfL’s contribution to tackling the housing crisis but RMT says it is nothing of the kind.


Even if Transport for London were to allow the building of giant residential towers above every one of its stations, the cost of housing in the capital will remain unaffordable.


While the provision of vital services such as housing continues to be dominated by corporate interests, the chief winners will remain the financiers. With ordinary working people left competing against each other to see how much money they can borrow for ever more miniscule and remote dwellings.


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:


“The Transport for London Bill may well have been whipped through the Commons last night but the fight is far from over.”


“TfL needs to be saved from itself and from a government indifferent to the growing financial crisis facing services in the Capital city as we saw from the transport department funding settlement agreed last week.


“Speculative property gambles benefit global finance capital and open the door to a barrage of dirty money and the warehousing of residential units that turn whole areas into ghost towns. TfL should have no part of that.


“TfL needs to be properly funded by government and not encouraged to gamble its financial future and the safe provision of transport services on shadey property deals straight out of The Long Good Friday.”



New Inflation Rates

New Inflation Rates


The Office for National Statistics has published inflation figures for the twelve months to October 2015.


The Retail Prices Index (RPI) stood at 0.7% for the year to October 2015, down 0.1% on the figure for the year to September 2015.


The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) remained at -0.1% for the year to October 2015, the same figure for the year to September 2015.


I would be grateful if you could bring this Circular to the attention of all Branch members and further information will follow in the Pay Bulletin presently.


Scroogeonomics Xmas Party

Head Office Circular No. NP/227/15/BO



To the Secretary all Branches,

Council of Executive members,

Regional Councils and Regional Offices


Friday 13th November 2015



Dear Colleagues,

RMT in association with Philosophy Football presents a Scroogeonomics Xmas Party


We are proud to present in association with Philosophy Football a seasonal night out against austerity, Scroogeonomics on Saturday 19 December at Rich Mix 35-47 Bethnal Green Road E1 6LA. A great Xmas party, with a purpose, for RMT members, families and friends. Tickets are on sale at £9.95.


The evening will feature the stand-up comedy of Bridget Christie, spoken word from poet Salena Godden and music from the legendary Thee Faction ‘Singing down the government one song at a time’ and in hot musical pursuit Ska legends The Meow Meows. If this array of talent does not get you laughing and dancing all we can say is, bah humbug!


The night won’t be short of ideas either. Opened by the renowned writer on inequality Danny Dorling there will be an international discussion on austerity and its discontents with Marina Prentoulis of Syriza joined by Sirio Canos Donnay of Podemos and Shelly Asquith NUS Vice-President Education & Welfare.

Plus new work has been commissioned especially for the night inspired by the message of The Christmas Carol by poet Matt Abbott and musician Nia.

Filling the dancefloor with an upbeat indie set will be the Melstars Music sound system.

BOOKING now from  or call to book 01273 472 721


Please bring this circular to member’s attention and make every effort to attend.


Yours sincerely,



Mick Cash

General Secretary










