Category: News

Save our Steel



RAIL UNION RMT today called on the Government and Network Rail to work up an urgent plan to bring forward rail renewals work to help ease the pressure on the UK steel industry.


Rail infrastructure projects are an area where the Government, working with the publicly owned Network Rail, can make an immediate and decisive intervention in support of UK steel and there is no shortage of renewals work backlogged throughout the system. Renewals has been one area systematically hit by Government attacks on the NR budget through its agents the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR).


Meanwhile, new RMT research shows that the spend by NR with TATA steel is actually in decline – just at the point when UK steel is under the most pressure.


In the financial year, 2014-15, Tata Steel UK Ltd supplied Network Rail with £98,022,077 worth of goods (accounting for 1.3% of Network Rail’s spend).


This has fallen by 14.6%, (from £114,865,267 or 2.1% of spend) in the year 2012-13.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“Britain’s rail infrastructure is under massive pressure and is creaking under passenger demand and it would be a win-double for the British tax-payer to see the bringing forward of rail renewals work benefitting UK steel at this pivotal time for the industry.

“There is no excuse for the Government dragging its heels as they control the publicly-owned Network Rail and could intervene right now to make a decisive move that would have huge long-term benefits for the twin industries of rail and steel.

“RMT is deeply concerned that the NR spend with Tata Steel has tailed off and that needs to be addressed urgently and decisively by Government ministers from all departments involved.”

Where's our bloody money?

Despite the RMT agreeing a Pay Deal with LUL on the first of March, the company have still not implemented the increase and paid the appropriate amount of back pay.

In pure exasperation at the latest bulletin stating the implementation would be as late as June, the RMT have written the Senior Management stating that we want our money at the first pay run.

It is straight and easy….where’s our bloody money?

Letter to Company (Headed) 4 4 16 (2)

LUL Circular 4th April 2016





 4th April 2016                                                                           Circular No: IR/092/16

Dear Colleagues,


Further to my previous Circular (IR/299/15, 4th December 2015), the Lead Officer advised that the issues affecting members on the Hammersmith & City Line include breaches of the attendance at work policy, an overbearing management team, refusal to release reps for meetings and misuse of the disciplinary policy. A dispute resolution meeting was arranged for Thursday 17th December where numerous problems were raised and assurances given by the line management team however, some of the actions which were promised to address the issues have not taken place and industrial relations have deteriorated as a result.

A further resolution has also been received from our Hammersmith & City Branch calling for a ballot of Train Operator members at Edgware Road for strike action and action short of a strike due to a breakdown in industrial relations and abuse of agreements.

The National Executive Committee has now taken the decision to advise the Company that we are now in dispute and arrange an immediate meeting with management and the relevant representatives and Branch Secretary. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.


 Further to my previous Circular (IR/243/15, 13th October 2015), the Lead Officer has confirmed that the 2015 pay award included paying the London Living Wage, effective 1st April 2015, to all those members to whom it is applicable and other grades received a 3.2% backdated increase later in the year. The National Executive Committee has noted that the 2015 pay review is now concluded and will consider the 2016 pay review when there is an offer on the table.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

RMT to take ex-UKPN Pay Issue to Company Council

The RMT are taking the issue of pay back to LUL for our members in UKPN. We are concerned that LUL are paying less to these staff than the negotiated pay settlement and we will not let the matter rest until our members are satisfied with the outcome.

It would appear that LUL are stating that they will place these TUPE’d members on the second year of the pay rise ie RPI and not pay the differential for the 2015 agreements, where LUL are paying RPI plus £500 and the UKPN deal was RPI + 0.25%

The LUL negotiated settlement was front loaded to allow for years 2 and 3 of the settlement and therefore the expectation is that the TUPE’d members will get the difference for 2015 (Year 1)

LUL Company Council Submission Below:


Thursday 14th April 2016


 To the Secretary of the LU Company Council 

Agenda Item: Title of issue

Rates of Pay  and Conditions of Service 2015 – LUL- Former UK Power Networks Staff


Submitted by: RMT
Date: 23 March 2016



RMT is of the view that the 2015 pay settlement supersedes a precious agreement reached during a period when Electrical Generation & Distribution Staff where outsourced and employed by the above named company. 

An agreement was reached for these employees in 2011 for a five year pay deal with 2015 being the 5th Year.

 This means their increase in 2015 is June RPI plus 0.25% which is less favourable than Year 1 (2015) of the LUL award, even though they were TUPEd back into LUL in 2013.

RMT want the Year 1 LUL 2015 award applied to these employees.

Please indicate why you believe this item should be discussed at Company Council: Application of General Pay Award




Purpose of raising at Company Council: For decision and conceding of RMT Claim
Additional Information: Please include any relevant attachment or correspondence which could aid discussion of this issue
Estimated time required on agenda for this item: 30 Mins




March Inflation Figures

New Inflation Rates

The Office for National Statistics has published inflation figures for the twelve months to February 2016.

The Retail Prices Index (RPI) stood at 1.3% for the year to February 2016, the same as for the year to January 2016.

The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) stood at 0.3% for the year to February 2016, the same as for the year to January 2016.

I would be grateful if you could bring this Circular to the attention of all Branch members and further information will follow in the Pay Bulletin presently.

Last Weeks Pic Line Drivers Strike

Solidarity from LUEngineering Branch to the Drivers striking to stop Bullying on the Pic Line

From Last Week

Piccadilly line strike action rock solid

TUBE UNION RMT said that strike action by drivers on the Piccadilly Line is rock-solid this morning in a dispute over bullying and harassment of staff that has led to a complete breakdown in industrial relations. All services are currently suspended and will remain so throughout the rest of the day.

RMT says that responsibility for the strike, and the disruption to services, rests squarely with the LU management who have allowed a culture of bullying and harassment of staff to build up over a number of years on the line as drivers have been subjected to the abuse and misuse of disciplinary processes and left to take the rap for systemic failures with the aging Piccadilly Line fleet.

Mick Cash RMT General Secretary said:

“RMT congratulates our members for the rock-solid and determined support for today’s action. They are making a stand against bullying, the ripping up of procedures and in defence of the safety of staff and passengers alike.

“The blame for this action rests solely with the LU management who have walked away from numerous opportunities to resolve the issues at the heart of this dispute. It is time for LU on the Piccadilly Line to end the macho posturing and start talking seriously with our representatives.”



Under Item No. 41, the 2011 Annual General Meeting adopted a resolution to commission an independent review of our internal structure and to report back to the 2012 Annual General Meeting with any recommendations deemed necessary. Due to the proposals regarding a merger between RMT and the TSSA, this matter was postponed while discussions took place.

The Executive Committee determined that a review of the internal structure would be best served by involving the RMT’s Branches and Regional Councils, the Council of Executives, Regional Officials, National Officials, Grades Conferences and Advisory bodies. As part of the review, responses were sought and distributed within the Union’s structures. The matter was also placed before the 2014 AGM under Item No. 72 which included a timetable recommended by the Executive Committee which, via a consultation document, would ultimately lead to finalised proposals and alterations to the Rules being placed before the 2015 AGM. Under Items 82 (a – f) and 90 (a – f), the principles of the proposals and alterations to Rule were adopted by conference.

However, within the Executive Committee’s consultation document, it was recommended that any proposal regarding the creation of a Wales Regional Council should be delayed until the 2016 AGM due to the wider consultation that was taking place. The recommendation was adopted and the matter regarding the creation of a Wales Regional Council was referred to the Organisation, Training & Education Sub-Committee as separate items for review, examination and report.

At a Special Meeting of the newly formed National Executive Committee on 10th February 2016, the following Organising, Training & Education Sub-Committee report was noted and adopted:

 “That we instruct the General Secretary to write to branches and regional councils affected seeking their views on the creation of a Wales Regional Council based on the Welsh Assembly boundaries.”

Accordingly, while I am writing to all Branches and Regional Councils for reference, I should be grateful if the respective branches and regional councils, as per the NEC decision, submit their responses to this office by Wednesday 1st June 2016. This will enable all responses to be collated and presented to the National Executive Committee at the Statutory Meeting in June 2016.

Blacklisting Update

  1. High Court latest

The next hearing at the High Court blacklisting litigation is Thursday 7th April.

BSG stance is the same as always. We want to see the directors of the multinational companies that orchestrated this human rights scandal to give evidence in the High Court under oath. Justice demands that however rich and powerful, individuals guilty of wrong doing be called to account. Whatever the outcome in the trial, BSG will continue the fight to expose the full extent of the blacklisting conspiracy in every avenue available to us: Legally – Politically – Industrially


  1. Pitchford public inquiry

Blacklist Support Group and a number of blacklisted activists have been granted ‘core participant’ status in the public inquiry into undercover police spying on activists. On Tuesday & Wednesday this week the Pitchford inquiry has spent 2 days debating the policy of ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ by the Metropolitan Police. NCND means they refuse to answer any questions about undercover police officers whatsoever even when the officers has self identified themselves in the media! The police want to be allowed to adopt this position throughout the entire public inquiry. As you can imagine, there was a lot of opposition.

NCND is a deliberate wall of silence erected by the police to cover up their wrong doing. NCND has no legal basis, it is simply a recent policy decision by the police.  Blacklist Support Group along with the other non-state core participants demand that all the cover names of the undercover police from the political spying units are released along with a list of the campaigns they infiltrated and inquiry hearings should be heard in public. Some of the women and others who have been abuse and had their human rights violated are fully entitled to anonymity but the police officers involved in wrong doing should not be allowed to get away scot free without any public scrutiny. If NCND is allowed to stand, it will make a mockery of the entire public inquiry.

Helen Steel was the only activist to make a submission – the star of the entire 2 days. The judgement is excepted in a few weeks.

Full transcripts available here:


  1. From Blacklisted to Shortlisted

‘Blacklisted’ book has been shortlisted for the prestigious Bread & Roses book award – the ceremony is 7th May at London Radical Bookfair

Phil Chamberlain and Dave Smith view the book as another strand the BSG campaign and want to thank everyone who has supported the cause over the years.


  1. Safety


  1. AOB

The Reel News video of the BSG occupation of Skanska HQ has had over 16,000 views on facebook in a week.

Spread this one far & wide:


If union branches are making financial donations at their AGM, below are a list of campaigns that have supported the Blacklist Support Group and are in need of some support:

Construction Rank & File

Reel News


Families Against Corporate Killers

Scottish Hazards

Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance

Undercover Research Group

Spies Out of Lives

National Shop Stewards Network

Unite the Resistance


Enjoy the Easter break everyone


Blacklist Support Group







Tube Lines Safety Forum Minutes March 2016

Minutes of the AP JNP Health & Safety Forum

On Thursday 17th March 2016 at 10:00 to 13:00

In Auditorium 1, Ground Floor, Westferry Circus


  Attendees representing Management:

Angela Back, Head of HSE Operations (Chair)

Paul Cooper, JNP HSE Senior Manager

Paul Rankin, Head of Operations

Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk, Meeting Secretary


Attendees representing the Trade Unions:

Peter Bickers, RMT

Russ Clark, RMT

Pat Gaskin, RMT

Michael Jones, ASLEF

Paul Lisi, RMT

Anthony Mack, RMT

Danni Rogers, RMT

Phil Saunders, ASLEF

Bill Teale, RMT

Stephen Wakefield, ASLEF

Martin White, RMT


Paul Arnott, RMT

John Edmonds, HR Business Partner

Mark Langridge, RMT





1.0 Items raised by the H&S Representatives


1.1 Diesel fumes and dust whilst tamping in cut and cover tunnels


  SSL staff now refusing to work with tampers. Anthony Mack gave an overview:


·         This issue had been previously raised at Tier 1 and Tier 2 meetings in TransPlant one year ago.

·         Staff are not assured by the level of protection in the cab

·         Staff are exposed to diesel fumes, emissions and dust.

·         You cannot communicate when wearing full face mask.

·         A trial was promised but has not been carried out.

·         Personal monitoring of the tamper crew was promised has not been carried out.

·         Certificates for exhaust emissions have not been requested but not produced.


  Paul Rankin advised he fully supported getting the above resolved. A meeting is to be arranged with Paul Rankin, Andy Pereira, Tony Jessop and Paul Cooper to take this forward.

Action: Paul Rankin


1.2 No fire evacuations taking place at Stratford and other locations at night when most staff are in attendance


  Bill Teale said that Mark Langridge had originally raised this issue but was off sick.

·         Raised at Tier 1 and 2.

·         A test was scheduled at SMD but cancelled at the last moment.

·         This has been ongoing for 2 years.

·         There are lots of contractors that are not familiar with SMD


  Paul Cooper advised TfL Facilities were now responsible for fire evacuations. Paul Rankin is to follow up.

Action: Paul Rankin

1.3 Request that the PPE Committee is reinstated


  Bill Teale advised that it was reinstated but abandoned after one meeting. It should be a regular meeting.


  Paul Cooper and Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk to arrange the PPE Committee meetings.

Action: Paul Cooper/Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk

1.4 Appropriate arrangements should be made for reps to attend H&S Exhibitions


  Martin White advised that reps had not been notified of when H&S exhibitions were on, been released to attend or had any involvement in them.


  Paul Rankin said this needs to be discussed and coordinated at management level and he is happy for the reps to be involved.
1.5 Up date regarding the Euston number 4 escalator diamond issue


  It was noted this issue is already on the open action tracker and was originally raised by Paul Arnott who was not at the meeting.


  Escalator left in passenger service with a passenger emergency stop covered up after contractor cut into a cable. There was a meeting on 16 October with Robin, Andy Derbyshire and Paul Cooper.

A follow up meeting is to be arranged with Robin, Paul Rankin, Paul Cooper and Paul Arnott.

Action: Paul Rankin/Paul Cooper

1.6 Engineers train paths – Unrealistic train travel times


  Michael Jones advised:

·         Trains were coming back late

·         They shouldn’t be getting back after 6.15 – should be cancelled

·         Was advised it would take 3 months to sort out the train paths on the district line


  Paul Rankin is to speak to Andy Pereira and Charles Carter to get a better understanding of the above issues and provide feedback at the next H&S forum.

Action: Paul Rankin

1.7 Communications on outcomes of IRF’s


  Bill Teale advised the H&S reps never get the outcome of an IRF or any feedback. Managers should be notifying a rep of the outcome if it an issue the reps were involved in.


  Paul Rankin said that IRF’s could be reviewed at local monthly H&S meetings and fully supports these meetings taking place.


Paul Cooper is to check the IRF list to ensure all the H&S reps are on there.

Action: Paul Cooper

1.8 Clarification on Station and Site access – passes and permits
  Bill Teale said there still seems to be a great deal of confusion as to what is necessary to access a Station or work site. Pat Gaskin was not able to access a site with his PTAC.


  Paul Cooper is to get a definitive statement on what is required to access stations and sites.

Action: Paul Cooper

  Transplant H&S Reps are not provided with details, results of fact finding or reports of the safety incidents listed below:
1.9 Incident 1: SPAD involving Schoma locos 3+9 pulling tamper 774
1.10 Incident 2: Two separate incidents of handbrake failure of JLE wagons
1.11 Incident 3: Current not discharged in a specified area, member of train crew lucky not to get electrocuted.
1.12 Incident 4: Train returning to Ruislip depot from a weekend site uncoupled en-route.
1.13 Incident 5: Track Recording Vehicle (TRV) on the Northern line.
  Peter Bickers advised that the TransPlant reps had not been notified officially of the above incidents but had been told by other drivers. They had requested further information, updates and reports from management but this had not been provided despite chasing several times. H&S reps are entitled to be part of the investigations.


  A regular ‘H&S review’ meeting is to be arranged on a monthly basis with the H&S reps, Paul Rankin, Andy Pereira and TransPlant management to review all of the incidents. Paul R will also have a separate discussion with TransPlant management.

Action: Paul Rankin

2.0 Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising


2.1 The minutes of the 17th December 2015 were agreed as a true record.
2.2 Refer to the action tracker for the latest status of actions.
3.0 Health & Safety Quarterly Overview


3.1 Paul Cooper gave an overview of performance during Periods 09 – 12 2015/16 (15th November 2015 – 5th March 2016).


High Potential Incidents and Noteworthy Incidents are currently included in the report but will be included from the next report.


The section titled Assets: System Safety Precursors will be presented in a different format going forward.


Paul is to get the H&S reps registered for inspection training.

Action: Pau Cooper




4.0 Safety Bulletins & Alerts


4.1 Paul Cooper gave an overview of some recent Safety Bulletins.
  It was noted that the AP JNP H&S reps had not been receiving the recent HSE Bulletins that had been issued.


Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk is to speak to ask Joanne Parker if the HSE Alerts and Bulletins distribution lists can be updated.

Action: Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk

5.0 A.O.B


5.1 Anniversary of  staff member killed in service


  Danni Rogers said there had been no communication regarding the 40th anniversary of Julia Stevens who was killed in service and the company should do more to mark the anniversaries of staff that have died in service.

Action: Angela Back

5.4 The next H&S forum will be held on Thursday 23rd June at 10:00 in Auditorium 1, WFC.


Report on the 2016 RMT Women's Conference

There were just over 50 RMT Members who attended the Conference this year.

This was another well attended Conference with 5 speakers on various subjects and 4 main reports from the RMT Women’s Advisory, TUC Women’s, STUC and European Transport Federation Committees.

The Assistant General Secretary Mick Lynch was in attendance today. He gave a talk on the current events around the country and the Membership of Women which to date is 14% of the RMT averaging 11,500.

We also welcomed Kathy Mazur who is a member of the National Executive Committee (NEC) to our conference. A written report was received from the Equal Rights Sub-Committee which came from the resolutions put to the NEC. Please see review below:

There were four resolutions carried at last year’s conference

  • Female Carers

 This was the first to be sent to the AGM 2015 where it was passed unanimously.

‘We instruct the General Secretary to write to employers about flexible working arrangements and carer responsibilities in line with the sentiments of the AGM decision.’ This has been carried out.

  • Support Kurdish and Middle Eastern Women (KMEWO)

This resolution was the first to be referred directly to the NEC. The following actions are being carried out by the NEC on the 1st June 2015:

‘That we agree with the sentiments and instruct the General Secretary to write to the TUC seeking their opinion regarding the situation.’

The reply was put back to the NEC in September 2015. The TUC informed us that they had no plans to visit the region due to the internal problems within the Kurdish Trade Union Movement. However there had been discussion about the possibility of financial support to promote women’s involvement.

Contact was made with KMEWO by the RMT in the stance of a support letter which was received on 24 November 2015 with much appreciation from the Director and the KMEWO Domestic Abuse Service’s Development Manager.

  • Sexual Assault Against Women Passengers

This was the second resolution sent onto the RMT AGM from last year’s Women’s Conference where it was once again passed unanimously.

RMT continues to carry out numerous campaigns with our Parliamentary Group and others pointing out the dangers of de-staffing and the need to increase front line staff in the context of sexual assault. Examples of campaigns include the London Underground Tube and GTR ticket office closures and Northern Rail Franchise Agreements.

RMT are liaising with the TUC to increase union collaboration with the BTP and their programme to tackle sexual assault on public transport, ‘Project Guardian’.

We are looking at better ways of carrying out surveys of our members of their experience of helping victims of sexual assault other than through RMT News given the low return of previous surveys.

  • Violence Against Women Transport Workers Poster

This resolution was the second to be referred directly to the NEC.

The poster was named ‘‘Violence against Women Transport Workers – It’s not Part of the Job’ and the poster included this statement in number of different languages.

The poster which was produced by the RMT, printed up and distributed to the Branches before the UN Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November 2015.

Our Speakers throughout the conference were (in no particular order):

  1. Vice –President , National Pensioner Convention (NPC) Jan Short
  2. Women’s Institute (WI) – The Scarborough Connection – Judith
  3. British Transport Police (BTP) : Child abuse – signs to spot and how to help – Andy Barnes
  4. Railway Chaplaincy , Network Rail – Angela Harwood
  5. Prisoners Rehabilitation Service – Scarborough Help Network

New Resolutions

  • Submitted by LU Engineering Branch

‘This Conference believes that some Women in the RMT are not aware that there is a Women’s Advisory Committee. In order to maximise our reputation (as with the badge that we sent out to all Women) we ask the NEC to support the RMT women activism by 3 distinctive points.

This resolution was moved by Val Barzey and seconded by Jennifer Kissi-Debra.

  • Submitted by Central Line East Branch

’This Conference believes that it is important that members and potential members see RMT as a diverse union which includes people like them. We note however that there are no female RMT Full Time Organisers.’

We therefore ask the union to organise a quarterly women’s organisinf week with central funding for members of the NWAC to have release from work to visit work places and take part in organising activities.

This resolution was moved by Jennie and seconded by Christine Willet.

Full details of any resolution can be obtained from the RMT Equalities Officer, Jess Webb.

Her e-mail address is:

The next RMT National Women’s Conference 2017 will be held in the Isle of Wight. The dates are to be confirmed.

The Chair for 2016 is Mary Jane Herbison and the Vice chair is Jennifer Kissi-Debra.


Save Lilliebridge Depot

The following resolution will be discussed at the next LUEngineering Branch Meeting: Save Lilliebridge

Ballot of All RMT Members in Lillie Bridge Depot

 Lillie Bridge Depot Closure and Breach of LU Company Council Agreement

 Talks at LU Company Council aimed at averting a dispute were successful and ended in an agreement that the Beaumont Ave end of the depot would be opened up to allow works traffic in and out during the Lillie Rd development, and that LU/TfL would consult the RMT in good time as and when the TfL/Capco development plans progressed to affect the depot again.

Beginning this year notice has been given to our departments TDU, MIS TMD, MM, District Line Trains and Fleet, Plant Services at Lillie Bridge Depot that we are required to vacate the depot by 2019.

The time scales are very tight:

The Feasibility Study for the move to Acton Depot has to be done by May 2016 (1 month) the concept approval for what happens to all of us based in the depot is due to be completed in June 2016 (2 months)

We have had little only one consultation meeting despite raising the urgency of the situation at both the last LU Track & Signal Functional Council and LU Company Council, and no real progress has been made.

At this consultation meeting on 8th March 2016; it was agreed to hold a further consultation meeting before Easter 2016.

This has not happened and my reminders to LU in the intervening period were first ignored and then the consultation meeting refused despite my advice this would lead to a “failure to agree”.

RMT reps and members and this branch will not be satisfied until we have:

  1. An agreement signed off at the highest LU/TfL level setting out an acceptable location for us all to move to.
  2. An agreement signed off at the highest LU/TfL level that all the finances needed to fund the move plus any building etc at the new location is agreed to be made available


Because LU are breaching the previous LU Company Council agreement to consult adequately in good time; and due to the extremely tight timescales we are now in dispute.

RMT LU Engineering Branch requires a ballot for both strike action and action short of a strike of all affected RMT members in members in TDU, MIS TMD, MM, District Line Trains and Fleet, Plant Services (TLL).

The livelihood and continued work of all affected RMT members is under a most severe threat due to London Mayor Boris Johnsons wish to wrap up the Capco/TfL luxury housing development deal for the super rich between Earls Crt, West Kensington and West Brompton ahead of the Mayoral election  at the expense of local tenants, residents and the jobs of our RMT members affected by the accompanying demolition of Lillie Bridge Depot.

The RMT has spent years successfully defending our members at Lillie Bridge Depot which is one of if not the most solid RMT depot on London Underground.

We will resist this blatant attack with all forms of action necessary!
