Category: News

Corbyn & Burnham pledge a public inquiry for blacklisting

  1. Corbyn & Burnham pledge a public inquiry for blacklisting

This week both Jeremy Corbyn and Andy Burnham made speeches praising the Blacklist Support Group and calling for a full public inquiry into blacklisting. The Leader of the Labour Party made his speech at the GMB conference in Bournemouth while the Shadow Home Secretary raised the issue during a debate in the House of Commons over the Investigatory Powers Bill.

Corbyn speech to GMB congress

Andy Burnham’s full speech (from 952 in Hansard)…/160…/InvestigatoryPowersBill


  1. Undercover police spying on activists


  1. Dave Smith trial

The twice adjourned trial following dave Smith’s arrest for protesting against blacklisting will take place on Thurs 9th – Fri 10th June at City of London Magistrates Court (next to Bank tube station).
It’s a public gallery, so anyone who wants to come along is more than welcome. BSG protest outside the court from 9:15am


  1. After the High Court admission of guilt – stop giving publicly funded contracts to blacklist firms


  1. More construction workers killed in Qatar


  1. Art Against Blacklisting

Support the Blacklist Support Group campaign song

Blacklist Number 1 by Sean Taylor

Download the song –

Share the video –


Art Against Blacklisting at Glastonbury


Any Means Necessary – play by Kefi Chadwick

special read one off exclusive through in London next Wednesday 15th June – contact Kefi for tickets


Blacklist Support Group







John McDonnell endorses blacklist campaigner on trial over democratic right to protest

The trial of Dave Smith takes place in the City of London Magistrates Court on Thurs 9th – Fri 10th June following his arrest for blocking after traffic in Park Lane during a protest against blacklisting of union members in the construction industry. The secretary of the Blacklist Support Group and co-author of the book Blacklisted has been on bail for over 15 months since his arrest on 18th March 2015. The companies involved in the blacklisting have recently admitted their guilt, paid out millions in compensation and apologised for their involvement in The Consulting Association conspiracy in the High Court.


Smith does not deny standing in the middle of the central London thoroughfare but is claiming that he has a democratic right to protest and that includes causing minor disruption to traffic. This right being enshrined in Article 10 (freedom of expression) and Article 11 (freedom of assembly) of the European Convention on Human Rights. In fact, Smith is providing video evidence of the incident as part of his legal submission.

Video of the Park Lane protest:

Video of Dave Smith’s speech outside the court on the first trial date (that was adjourned):


The trial is about whether it is lawful to exercise every citizens’s democratic right to protest.


John McDonnell MP, who contacted the police on behalf of Smith on the night of his arrest commented:

“Blacklisted workers have suffered a grave injustice. Direct action has been an essential part of exposing that injustice. The action taken by Dave Smith stands in a long standing tradtion of direct action in this country. I fully support Dave Smith and his colleagues”


Dave Smith commented:

“Not a single company director responsible for blacklisting has been forced to appear in court for their role in the scandal. But if blacklisted workers protest about the human rights conspiracy, we could face a criminal conviction. That speaks volumes about the British legal system”.


Smith’s pro-bono legal team of John Carl Townsend (barrister) and Liam Dunne (solicitor) of Guney, Clark & Ryan solicitors, were central players in the High Court blacklisting trial. The attached legal ‘skeleton argument’ presented to the court provides an in depth explanation of the legal issues at stake.


Attached photos from Guy Smallman (NUJ)


Blacklist Support Group protest

9:15am Thursday 9th July

o/s City of London Magistrates Court

1 Queen Victoria Street London EC4N 4XY.

(next to Bank tube station)



Tube Overcrowding Projections

Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said;

“These projections are truly terrifying and require urgent action if we are to avoid a lethal cocktail of gridlock and extreme passenger danger right across the tube network.  Stations and platforms are already being closed on a routine basis on the quiet and those emergency measures are set to become commonplace.

“Anyone who has used major hubs like Kings Cross, Victoria and Oxford Circus at peak times knows that capacity on trains, platforms and escalators is already at breaking point and it is simply pure luck that there hasn’t been a major disaster. The risks to passengers at the Platform/Train interface are growing by the day.

“Axing station staff jobs against this background is criminally irresponsible and RMT ‎is calling on the new Mayor Sadiq Khan to reverse the cuts and to instruct his officials to start taking the union safety warnings seriously.

“These surging passenger numbers are compromising safety on both tube and mainline rail services and hacking back on safety-critical staff represents a lethal gamble by those calling the shots. Those cuts must be reversed before we have a major tragedy on our hands. ”


Latest LUL Circular 26th May 2016



Further to my previous Circular (IR/133/16, 5th May 2016), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast…              610

Number Voting ‘Yes’…         524

Number Voting ‘No’…          86

Spoilt Papers…                   0


Question: Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?


Total Votes Cast…              610

Number Voting ‘Yes’…         584

Number Voting ‘No’…          26

Spoilt Papers…                   0


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee and a meeting has been arranged between the Lead Officer, Reps and NEC Member within the next 7 days to discuss the result and to decide on industrial action. I will keep Branches informed of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/043/16, 25th February 2016), I am pleased to report that following a further meeting with London Underground and discussions with the Lead Officer and Reps, Brother Glen Hart has accepted a proposal from LUL for his return to work. This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has noted the correspondence on file and that Glen Hart will be returning to his grade and his workplace after 20 months of being suspended for trade union related activity.


This successful outcome has been achieved due to the resolve of Glen himself and the actions of all LUL grades who were balloted and took industrial action to defend Bro. Glen Hart. All those who supported Glen, including our Branches nationally and the wider Labour movement should be applauded and I wish to take this opportunity to thank our Lead Officer, Reps and all members for returning Bro. Glen Hart to work.



Further to Head Office Circular NP/115/16, 11th April 2016 the TUC have published a guide for union workplace representatives as part of their campaign to make all workplaces asbestos free, RMT is part of this campaign.

The guide sets out details of the scale of asbestos substances in the workplace, the legal position and debates the question of whether to remove asbestos or leave it in place. The guide concludes with a section on what steps health and safety reps should take in the workplace.

Please find attached a copy of the guide which can also be downloaded from the RMT website at:


Copies of the guide will also be sent directly to RMT Health and Safety Reps.

Tube Lines Ballot Result



Tube union RMT confirmed today that a ballot of Tube Lines maintenance and engineering staff over Night Tube, pay and pensions has recorded an overwhelming vote for action.

Over 85% voted for strike action with an even larger majority for action short of a strike.

The dispute is over the companies refusal to discuss outstanding pensions issues until after the launch of the Night Tube operation.  There are also major unresolved issues over Night Tube staffing arrangements and a threat to undermine PRP agreements through Tube Lines refusing to base budgets on the negotiated levels of Performance Related Pay.

The result will now be considered by RMT’s executive.

RMT General Secretary, Mick Cash said:

“RMT members have now shown their anger at the way that Tube Lines have attempted to tie in attacks on pensions with the offer on pay and Night Tube. There are also major unresolved issues over the Tube Lines staffing arrangements for the Night Tube and over Performance Related Pay.

“The ballot result will be considered by RMT’s executive and now that the members have shown their anger it is absolutely essential that there is the earliest possible resumption of serious and meaningful talks on these issues and the union is ready to engage in those talks.

LUL Night Tube

Following the announcement of the start of Night Tube, General Secretary Mick Cash said; “There are major unresolved issues in relation to the Tube Lines engineering workforce and it is imperative that the company now moves quickly to address the points at the core of that dispute and reaches a proper negotiated settlement with the union that doesn’t leave that essential group of workers disadvantaged on conditions and pensions.

“RMT also still has major concerns over the safe running of the Night Tube and there are unresolved issues on the detailed safety case that will have to be agreed through the Health and Safety machinery. Against a background of massive cuts over shadowing TFL budgets all parties have to be clear that Night Tube, a development that RMT supports, cannot be delivered on the cheap.”


Glen Hart Dispute

Dear RMT members


I am pleased to advise you that we have some good news with regards to Brother Glen Hart. I have received a letter from  LUL that Glen , myself and NEC member John Reid are happy with.


Shortly Glen will be able  to return to his normal duties in his job at work.


This is great news for Glen, the union and all of us. Justice and common sense has prevailed.


Thanks and in solidarity


John Leach

RMT Regional Organiser

London Transport region 11

LUL Signals: Night Tube

Following talks at Acas, LUL agreed that staff would not be compelled and could stay on their existing rosters. In CPD it was stated that there would be no impact.

In recent weeks management have been asking staff to sign preference sheets to see if they will volunteer to change rosters to Sunday to Thursday working.

The RMT have always stated that they believed this was a fruitless activity. That our members have stated ‘why would they change shifts?’ and ‘what is in it for us?’

The reality is nothing and the preferences have gone back to management largely stating staff wish to stay as they are.

LUL are now looking to use signal staff across all lines so that they are fully utilised on a Friday Night. Apart from being a logistical nightmare, the reality is staff must be competent to work on other signalling systems and that does not mean just hold a license, but also means training, familiarisation etc etc etc. There is also the requirements defined in the AWC Procedure


AWC procedure


We will be meeting LUL again in a few weeks and will be stating the obvious, that if you want people to volunteer, then you need to offer them a reason to. We will update our members following the meeting at the 2nd June

Health & Safety Issues: Trackside House

The situation at Trackside House: Stratford Market Depot Messroom has long been undesirable. It is over crowded and not good enough to cope with the large numbers of staff based there.

Following a recent inspection and the fact that even more staff are due to be has now made this issue intolerable and serious management action by facilities needs to take place.

Therefore the below advise is issued to our members with a reminder that staff have the right to refuse to work if they feel that they are in serious and imminent danger.


Dear Union Members

We have agreed not to condemn the locker room today and to resolve the outstanding issues with management over the next few days on the basis that all the “new” extra white lockers and benches restricting the emergency walk way are removed prior to any member being asked to use the room (ie before tonight’s shift)
This was agreed, and if it has not/ does not take place, we recommend staff do not access the room on the grounds of H&S

Following a routine inspection of the male locker room facilities a number of issues which have been identified and raised many times over a long period of time either remain or have become even more hazardous , We believe these are a substantial risk to our members health and safety.

This has almost lead to local Union H&S reps condemning the use of the male locker room on health and safety grounds.

Some of the substantial issues are listed below:

1: Benches/seating situated along the fire exit walk way restricting the width of the walk way and potentially obstructing staffs exit in an emergency

2: Benches/Seating could also possibly cause collision injuries if staff had to move quickly through the area in an emergency due to extreme reduction in space

3: Emergency exit signage isn’t visible from all areas of the locker room

4: Benches had been removed from the seating area running down the centre of the locker room and replaced with lockers, restricting the full use expected for comfortable changing in and out of work PPE

5: Width between lockers reduced to 800mm in some places making it impossible for staff to be able to change in and out of PPE safely and unobstructed and without contaminating the clean clothes of nearby colleagues

6: Width between lockers restricted when locker doors are open on both sides to between 000mm and 300mm reducing path ways to inaccessible and presenting a serious collision hazard

7: Access to windows for ventilation restricted or obstructed

These are just a few simple examples of the issues which have been brought to us by numerous members.

It is worth remembering that this is not a “legacy” building but a room originally created just a few years ago for Signal works and Track staff at that time, and as such should maintain high standards of welfare rather than the constant degradation of conditions that has taken place in those few short years.

There was also an incident raised (IRF) regarding the possible contamination of the male locker area, which is now being checked out by the hazardous materials unit (HMU)

We have also been working closely with management over the day and into the evening resolving some of the issues now and agreeing to talk further with a view to resolving all the issues asap.

We would also like to ask at this point if staff and members could please keep PPE in lockers or the drying room after each shift to help maintain good house keeping and free up space for people on shift to use accordingly.

If tools could be locked away in the appropriate areas and lockers.

Materials return to their rightful places and storage areas.



Thales Pay Rise LR1 -7 2016

This is a to inform you of the latest situation regarding your pay and a response to the Bulletin issued today by Thales stating that they are imposing this years pay deal despite no agreement being reached.

We have been in protracted talks over pay since the New Year. However, the reality is that there has been very few meetings on this matter and in my view the company have prevaricated long enough. We reached a final point about a month ago, when the company made an offer of 1.7% which following discussions with the reps, we rejected it. Despite this we also asked for further talks on other issues to see if we could negotiate a more acceptable package for our members. (see email section below sent to Thales HR)

I confirm that we reject the 1.7% however we are willing to discuss further around the entire package on offer.

To enable this we need some further Information please:
1. Details of the Management Team payrise believed to be 8%
2. Details of other payments within Thales.

We also wish to further discuss the below:
1. Full settlement of the ALP and backpay
2. Implementing the A-Z in RSS
3. Remuneration for Rosters in RSS
4. Training and loss of Night Rate
5. Payment for people doing the SPC role (as per Field Engineers)
6.  Any hours left at the end of the year for annual leave rounded up to a full shift
7. An end to the Tracking of people (Veludu Connect)
8. Internal staff having priority for Training over Contract Labour)
9.  Full details of the alleged debt issue in DTS
10.  Retention and recognition of overtime rate for night staff to include night rate enhancement across our bargaining unit

Thales have not fully replied, but did state they could not come back to us on some issues until the end of May. Whilst this is not ideal as we have a meeting arranged for the 24th, then it was acceptable to wait. However, we now find that Thales have imposed the pay rise on our members arguing they did not want to ‘delay’ this benefit to its staff. This clearly is not in the spirit of them asking to delay a response to the end of May and then saying that they are hugely concerned about the delay.

The RMT have only one reply to what can only be seen as a breakdown in Industrial Relations and that is to tell the company that we are in dispute. Our reps are looking at the membership list and we will be preparing a ballot matrix as per legal requirements so that if there is no positive outcome in the talks next week, then we will be asking the RMT National Executive to ballot our members for Strike action and Action short of Strike.

RMT to take Lilliebridge Fight to the Mayor

Raise Lillie Bridge Depot Closure Concerns with New London Mayor Sadiq Khan

Our branch wants the matter of the planned closure of Lillie Bridge Depot and provision of appropriate an alternative location to be raised with the New London Mayor Sadiq Khan as and when proposed talks between the Mayor and the RMT take place

Beginning this year notice has been given to our departments Track Delivery Unit, Maintenance Infrastructure Services, Track Manufacturing Department, Material Management Department (Stores), Transplant, Fleet Maintenance, District Line Trains and Plant Services at Lillie Bridge Depot that we are required to vacate the depot by 2019.

The services undertaken in and from Lillie Bridge Depot are highly specialist and are vital to the operation of maintenance, Capital Programmes project work and the daily running of the tube.

Sections such as the Track Manufacturing Department also have operational requirements for specialist machinery which can not readily be located elsewhere.

The livelihood and continued work of all affected RMT members is under a most severe threat due to previous conservative Party London Mayor Boris Johnson’s wish to wrap up the Capco/TfL luxury housing development deal for the super-rich between Earl’s Court, West Kensington and West Brompton at the expense of local tenants, residents and the jobs of our RMT members affected by the accompanying demolition of Lillie Bridge Depot.

For all these reasons the RMT should impress on the new London Mayor that the ill advised and expensive proposal to continue with this development should be rejected.

Previous talks at LU Company Council level in September 2013 aimed at averting a dispute were successful and ended in an agreement that the Beaumont Ave end of the depot would be opened up to allow works traffic in and out during the Lillie Rd development, and that LU/TfL would consult the RMT properly and in good time as and when the TfL/Capco development plans progressed to affect the depot again.

LU are again failing to consult properly; and as a consequence RMT are in dispute and balloting our members at Lillie Bridge Depot.

RMT believe that the London Mayor should end the proposal to develop the depot; short of that the  Reps and members and this Branch will not be satisfied until we have:

  1. An agreement signed off at the highest LU/TfL level setting out an acceptable location for us all to move to.
  2. An agreement signed off at the highest LU/TfL level that all the finances needed to fund the move plus any building etc at the new location is agreed to be made available.

