Category: News

Coalition of Londoners calls for an end to ‘appalling attack’ on the Capital’s transport

Coalition of Londoners calls for an end to ‘appalling attack’ on the Capital’s transport
A coalition of organisations have today joined together in a letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, calling on him to end his government’s attack on the capital’s transport system, 48 hours before negotiations between the government and TfL over a new funding deal are due to end.
The letter, signed by 13 organisations representing London’s transport workers, passenger groups, children, young people, students, pensioners, disabled people and anti-poverty campaigners, condemns the government for imposing what is in effect ‘a new round of austerity cuts that will throw more families into poverty and increase hardship for ordinary working people and small businesses across the capital.’
The signatories condemn the government’s ‘offer’ – reported to be £1 billion over 6 months, conditional on TfL imposing driverless trains, attacks on pensions in retirement, fare and tax rises and cuts to concessions for children, young people and pensioners – saying:
“This package of cuts is punitive, cruel and unnecessary. It’s an open attack on the livelihoods of 9 million Londoners who are being punished because, unlike other major cities our capital’s transport system has been forced to become overly dependent on fare revenue, leaving it exposed to the shocks of the pandemic”.
The letter says,
“We call on the Prime Minister to abandon this appalling attack on the livelihoods of London’s people and its transport workers and immediately agree a proper funding package that fully supports public transport in our capital during the current crisis and also reinstates government grant to a level that allows for the retention and expansion of safe, sustainable and affordable public transport for the future.”
The signatories to the letter are:  ASLEF, RMT, TSSA, Unite the Union, National Union of Students, London, East and South East TUC, London Region National Pensioners Convention, Child Poverty Action Group, Age UK London, Disabled People Against the Cuts, We Own It, the Association of British Commuters and Bring Back British Rail.

The full letter, send to the Prime Minister today, can be read below:
 29th October, 2020
Dear Prime Minister,
Listen to London: Stop the austerity attack and properly fund London Transport
As we move into a hard winter and a second wave of Covid-19 infections, Londoners who have done everything asked of them during this crisis, including transport keyworkers who have put their lives on the line to keep the capital moving, are facing a new round of austerity cuts that will throw more families into poverty and increase hardship for ordinary working people and small businesses across the capital.
The cuts being proposed will:
Increase child and pensioner poverty in London by cutting access to free travel concessions; Increase hardship for London’s working families and small businesses through fare rises and council tax supplements; Unfairly target the 55,000 keyworkers who have worked heroically throughout the crisis by attacking their jobs, wages, conditions of employment and their pension provision for old age; Damage passenger safety and confidence in public transport through the loss of jobs that are vital to clean, safe and orderly travel; Lead to a degradation of our transport system which will reduce accessibility for disabled people, prevent us from meeting our decarbonisation goals and improving air quality and public health in the capital drive London’s economy further into recession.
This package of cuts is punitive, cruel and unnecessary. It’s an open attack on the livelihoods of 9 million Londoners who are being punished because, unlike other major cities our capital’s transport system has been forced to become overly dependent on fare revenue, leaving it exposed to the shocks of the pandemic. This is a broken funding model, but instead of working to fix it, your government appears to be using it to inflict yet more austerity on people who have done what they have been asked to do and endured great hardship in the process.
We call on your government to abandon this appalling attack on the livelihoods of London’s people and its transport workers and immediately agree a proper funding package that fully supports public transport in our capital during the current crisis and also reinstates government grant to a level that allows for the retention and expansion of safe, sustainable and affordable public transport for the future.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash, General Secretary, RMT
Mick Whelan, General Secretary, ASLEF
Manuel Cortes, General Secretary, TSSA
Len McCluskey, General Secretary, Unite the Union
Larissa Kennedy, President, NUS
Sam Gurney, Regional Secretary, London, East and South East TUC
Cat Hobbs, Director, We Own It
Abigail Wood, Chief Executive, Age UK London
Alison Garnham, Chief Executive, Child Poverty Action Group
Barry Todman, London Region, National Pensioners Convention
Paula Peters, National Steering Group Member, Disabled People Against the Cuts
Emily Yates, Co-Founder, Association of British Commuters
Ellie Harrison, Founder, Bring Back British Rail

Undercover Police Public Inquiry starts Monday 2nd November

After a five and a half year delay, the public inquiry into the systematic human rights abuse carried out by undercover political police finally starts on Monday 2nd November. The union strard of the public inquiry consists of the Blacklist Support Group, eight individual blacklisted workers, UNITE, Fire Brigades Union and National Union of Mineworkers, who have all been granted core participant status – as the state has already admitted spying on us. After nearly a decade of campaigning, we will finally hear evidence from the undercover police and their senior managers who spied on unions, MPs, anti-racist campaigners, the families of murder victims, environmental and political activists.


The inquiry starts with Opening Statements from the police & those targeted by the UK’s political policing units. Dave Smith speaking on behalf of the Blacklist Support Group, John Hendy representing UNITE & FBU and Gareth Pierce representing NUM speak on Fri 6th Nov. There is still a legal argument taking place over whether the public will be allowed to see the evidence live streamed or only view transcripts afterwards.


We do not expect the state investigating itself to provide ‘justice’. Our participation is based on exposing at least some evidence of the institutional racism, institutional sexism and anti-union bias of the police & security services to public scrutiny. To follow the public inquiry via social media search for the hashtags: #SpyCops #SpyCopsInquiry


Blacklist Support Group thanks everyone who has helped us get to this stage and sends solidarity to all non-state core participants

LUEngineering Branch COVID Fund

The Fund has now raised almost £6,000 and we have moved from raising money to helping our members that are in need.


So far we have supported members affected by the Covid and the Covid shutdown and have suffered severe financial stress. This has included people unable to work and also a person that lost their loved one to this terrible illness.


When working people stand together, we can make a difference and help change lives, even if just in a small way.


If you are an RMT member, in our branch and have been affected by covid then you may also be able to claim assistance.


if so please fill out the form below and we will get back to you.


Claim Expenses

RMT pledge to protect TfL Pensions

RMT pledges all-out fight to protect pensions as Government line up savage cuts in TFL funding deal


London’s main transport union‎ RMT pledges all-out fight to protect jobs, pensions and working conditions as Government line up savage cuts in TFL funding deal as details emerge this morning.


General Secretary Mick Cash said;


“It is appalling that the Government are targeting staff pensions amongst a range of other savage measures in this short-term funding deal. I put them on notice that any attempt to hack away at our members pension rights will be met by an all-out campaign of political and industrial resistance.


“These are difficult times for the staff who have kept London moving since the COVID pandemic and it is a disgrace that they are now being set up for a battering in these cuts measures. The TFL staff are essential workers who have performed heroically and RMT will fight off any  attempt to hack back on jobs, pay, pensions and working conditions‎.”


Branch Meetings – Zoom

Your branch is continuing to meeting on the first and third wednesday of every month.


Should you yes an invite, then please contact us


You will need the software to run ‘zoom’ and have to identify yourself so that we all know who each other is

Website Issues

Dear ALL


We have been working on a new website and APP that should be ready to launch very soon.


This work has led to our website being down for a while so we would like to apologise that this occurred.

NPC members take to streets for 11th hour socially-distanced demos over axing of free TV licences

NPC members take to streets for 11th hour socially-distanced demos over axing of free TV licences

Britain’s biggest campaign group for older people will demonstrate tomorrow (Thursday 30th July) in a bid to save the free TV licence for over all 75’s before it is axed on Saturday.

Despite the ongoing threat of the pandemic, the fittest members of the National Pensioners’ Convention are staging ‘safe and socially distanced’ actions at several locations around the country.

They want the government and the BBC to stop the broadcaster imposing the £157.50 licence fee on our oldest and most vulnerable before the 1
st August deadline.

Protests are planned in London, Newcastle, Oxford, Norwich, Liverpool, Irvine and Belfast, with many more members staging social media protests from the safety of their homes.

Jan Shortt, General Secretary of the NPC said: “The free TV licence for all over 75’s is a universal entitlement to supplement our poor state pension. To force people to find the money to pay for it now, particularly during the pandemic when they rely on their TV’s for information, is just cruel.”

“That is why on Thursday, the fittest and healthiest of our older members will put on their masks and gloves – and pop sanitiser in their pockets – to join static, and socially distanced demonstrations around the country.

This is a big step for an age group that has been in lockdown longest and are just getting to grips with coming out of their homes. For that reason, we do not expect great numbers to attend, but those who are able to,  want to show just how angry all of us feel at the loss of this important benefit for our oldest and most vulnerable citizens.

“We hope the Prime Minister – who promised last November to save the free licence for over 75’s – and the BBC, hear how much distress will be caused by their actions and  take immediate steps to reverse their decisions.”

NPC protests will be happening in the following places on Thursday, 30th July:
  • London
10 Downing Street, 11:15am to 12 noon.
  • Norwich
BBC Studios at the Norwich Forum, from 11.30am.
  • Oxford
Bonn Square, from 12 noon.
  • Newcastle
BBC (Pink Palace) in Newcastle, 11.00 am until 11.45am.
  • North London
Hornsey Pensioners, BBC TV Tower, Alexandra Palace, 11.00am to 11.30am.
  • Liverpool
Merseyside Pensioners Association online Zoom protest at 7pm.
  • Northern Ireland
Static demo of 30 people outside BBC Belfast on Friday31st (time tbc).
  • Ayrshire, Scotland
Saturday, 1st August. All day protest in Irvine town centre.

The NPC is also continuing to push its social media campaign encouraging supporters to retweet the NPC’s message on its Twitter page to the Prime Minister.  NPC members who are unable to go out because they are still shielding are asked to send pictures and videos of their own home-based protests to
*For more information about the NPC protests on Thursday morning, 30th July, 2020 please contact Bev Morrison, 07588 779515 or Jan Shortt, 07773 051210.

*The National Pensioners Convention was set up in 1979 to champion the rights and welfare of the UK’s older people. It now represents more than 1.5 million people in over 1,000 different organisations across the UK and holds an Annual Convention – a pensioners’ parliament – to debate issues affecting older people.


Other TV Licence materials

Dont Switch Us Off poster 
TV Licence poster 
TV Licence Flyer 
TV Licensing briefing 

Don’t forget to also tweet:

@BorisJohnson promised no one over75 would pay for a #TVlicence and you would sort it. Stop blaming the #BBC. 3.7 million over 75s will now have to choose to pay to watch TV or cut down on essentials like food & fuel or lose a source of info & company #BorisPromised #SwitchedOff

Further information about the NPC can be found on

LUL Circular 30th July 2020

Further to my previous Circular (IR/208/20, 13th June 2020), the Union declared a dispute with LUL over managements’ refusal to adhere to the agreement for station staff to be adequately protected regarding social distancing by holding discussions to explore shorter shifts and/or additional rest days.
Since this time, a number of meetings have taken place with management at Stations Functional Council level and significant progress has been made. The Area Managers concerned have now taken steps to observe the relevant agreement and have enabled the creation of rosters or local working arrangements which reduce time spent on customer facing duties during the pandemic.
The National Executive Committee has considered this matter and congratulated our Reps and all members involved for securing the implementation of acceptable rosters during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is however appalling that RMT had to threaten strike action before some managers would implement safe working practices that had been agreed between management and the Union at functional level.
While the above is a positive step forward and represents an agreed plan to progress the matter, the dispute is not fully resolved and discussions will continue to take place within the machinery. I will of course continue to closely monitor all developments and keep Branches advised accordingly.
Further to my previous Circular (IR/262/20, 16th July 2020), the Union declared a dispute with LUL over working conditions for members at Hammersmith Service Control Centre. The National Executive Committee has considered this matter again and noted the Lead Officer’s report that the Company has agreed to meet RMT on 3rd August 2020.
The NEC will consider this matter again following these talks and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
Further to my previous Circular (IR/208/20, 13th June 2020), the Lead Officer advised that Balfour Beatty are looking to bring back 6 out of 11 track supervisors from furlough. Anyone not un-furloughed to the LUL Contract will be offered redeployment roles at Kings Cross, Doncaster and Peterborough.
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has noted the correspondence and that the current selection criteria proposed by the Company are unacceptable. Discussions with the Company are ongoing and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.

Branch Hardship Fund

The Branch Hardship Fund is now fast approaching £5000.


This has been an amazing effort by our branches, supporters and activists and we thank you very much.


If you have been financially affected by Covid-19, then please contact your local rep or email


To make a claim, please fill in the form below and leave your contact details and we will call you asap.

Branch Covid Update

Area Comments
Track and Signals Tier 2:

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices.

·         Risk Assessments are either done or in process.

·         Looking at sharing best practice around areas.

·         Looking at fire doors being automatically released in the event of a fire (trial being undertaken) so that they can be left open for Covid-19 ventilation.

·         Vehicle access and social isolation being looked at.

·         SOO waivers being investigate as to what has been changed and why no consultation.

Signals Incident

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices.

·         Work TO scheme agreement ready for sign off by he Head of Signals.

·         DSIMs back at work, need to chase up.

·         Need to get the JNP reps invited to Covid Updates ref SMD.

Track Projects

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices. Some work now return but funding issues remain. Staff back on Sunday and TDU doing small works. Not full rerailing yet and nearly there with risks assessments. TDS progressing on

LUL Track

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices. Issue with meeting invites.

R&E/ TLL & Stations

Furloughed 95% of staff for at least 3 weeks and would receive a letter when needed.

·         Told not to use company phones or iPads and make a declaration of not doing any work for TfL. Budget cut by 2/3. 6 people now off furlough but nothing changed. Back to work schedule has been created but not implemented.

·         TU’s assured that no loss of head count but there may be redistribution of staff to other areas.

·         No remedial works and no project work

Stations & Civils

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices. COVID bolt on to define essential and non-essential work. Certain works now going ahead and have the support of local managers in going forward.



Portal was implemented without discussions. No training and poor instructions on NEPA. No communications with the senior management, only via bulletins. Issue was challenged and was told this was to deal with COVID however, this has been expanded now to also include exclusion areas etc. End users also need to pursue this issue. 7 ON and 7 OFF system working well as is the back up location.


Will all be given jobs and will be given the opportunity to complete the apprenticeship. Some retention issues in R&E being resolved.

TLL Signals

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices. Issues with BAME risk assessments and Works TOs in incident

Tampers and ETOs

Looking to un-furloughed all staff from Monday if confirmed as back to the new Normal, 2m isolation and PPE.

8 BTR’s potential but awaiting further finance sign off. Maybe restart mid-week BTR from mid-August. Tamping budget will increase if BTR budget is reduced.

TLL Escalator Maintenance

Looking to ramp up the work soon. Expected approx. 20% most work can do. Local H&S Reps have been doing suite visits and ensuring that the worksites are safe.

Annual Leave

LUL stated that they was going to remove annual leave from furloughed staff. On-going discussions at Company Council. LUL will not move on this and it is obviously completely disappointing and likely to impact sick rates. LUL have also announced they this is also going to apply to people that are currently off for shielding. Bro  has stated what is the union policy on this matter and how was they pursuing it.

Bro proposed sending it to the Branch Executive. Meeting to be set up within 7 days.

Back Pay: LU/ TLL Company Council

LUL are refusing to pay staff that left. Bro to run a test case.

Congestion Charge

Asked LUL to pay it now that it has been reinstated and increased. LUL have stated that it will be on a case by case basis. Issue closed

Covid Risk Assessments

All areas need to complete these and have certificate displayed.

LUL BAME Risk Assessments

People need to aware that these should be carried out and that the use of central communications was not appropriate and that we need to move to a more local approach. The onus should be away from the individuals and the RMT had major concerns regarding how LUL was looking into this issue. Sis has sent out documents but their starting point risk assessment was for White Finger Vibration issue which was unacceptable.


Concerns that glasses were misting up with the face masks. LUL is looking special products that can be used.

Minimum Numbers in the Van

Concerns ref minimum numbers and the need to maintaining 2m distance. Only driver in the front and space in the back. For example 10 seater minibus means only 4 able to travel in to. All vans need to have a Covid assessment, maybe wear masks and have internal cleaning. Do need more vehicles and need more people to volunteer to drive. Action: Bro to distribute any guidelines.

Vehicle Insurance

It was reported that cover as now mentioned in the company guidance but people need to check their own insurance.

Training restart

Looking at phasing course start times, all agreed but joining instructions not updated

Thermal Monitoring of staff

Should not be to do away with other protections and at the start and not in place of PPE. If high temp then staff go home. Need to progress pay for non-permanent staff. Branch position generally in favour.

LUL BAME Risk Aseessments Meetings

Awaiting further meetings on the issue but unclear if its at company council level or the distinct meetings

LUL Disciplinaries

Bro reported that Company Council has stated that guidance was now chasing and LUL had now restarted doing fact findings. Both done over zoom. Need to be mindful of material that needed to be reviewed. Bro has done some gross misconduct cases face to face and finds it far easier to adjourn and talk to their members. Discussed at the MATs functional council and it seems that Hr and Management in some areas are looking to avoid travelling and are pushing the video conference.

Local Lock Downs

Bro raised the issue of local lock downs such as Leicester and whether there is any discussions or planning. Issue to be raised at the Company Council


Bro asked if there was any guidance on room ventilation and whether it was being raised anywhere else?

Balfour Beatty

More staff furloughed. Looking at restart and job moves. Wish to use thermal camera as above. List of questions sent to the company and new reps elected


Concerns that RA’s aren’t available

Self Employed/ Protection

Very hard times. LUL changing protection arrangement hours and very little work


Hardship Fund now over £4000.


·         Need to publicise so that people can claim. Initially looking at £200 given the level of current claims.

·         Look at ways of communication actioned.

·         Need the NEC to act faster.

Branch Exec

Produce PPE Guidelines, work in progress


Obtain RMT Face Masks


LUEngineering Branch Hardship Fund passes £3000

The LUEngineering Branch Hardship Fund has now passed the £3000.


We would like to thank all those that have donated to our cause but now we need to move onto the most important phase, which is helping our members that are in financial need due to Covid-19.


This terrible disease has affected many of our families and friends and we have lost several friends in our union.


It has also seen a huge downturn in work and this has led to many being furloughed or unable to work and receive any support, such as self employed members.


We want to help you.


If you have been financially affected by Covid-19, then please contact your local rep or email


To make a claim, please fill in the form below and leave your contact details and we will call you asap.

RMT responds to appointment of new TFL Commissioner

RMT responds to appointment of new TFL Commissioner


RMT general secretary Mick Cash said:


“The new commissioner will arrive with TFL facing a financial crisis in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic that is being ruthlessly exploited by the Tory Government for political purposes.”


“Mr Byford will be well aware of the strength of RMT across TFL and that it is our members who have kept services running and essential workers moving throughout this emergency.”


“He will also be aware that any attempt to hit the transport workforce with cuts to jobs and conditions at the behest of the Government will be fought with every weapon at our disposal.”

