Category: News

PPP Code of Best Practice

During the TUPE talks for certain staff from LUL to be transferred into TfL, LUL continually stated that the PPP Code of Best Practice was non-contractual.


Your union was able to obtain information that clearly showed that that was not the true position and not only that, but, that the LUL negotiating team was fully aware that this was the case.


Email evidence was given over to LUL that stated that the companies legal advice had been that the PPP Code of Best Practice was indeed a contractual right.


So why would they lie to us?


The Code itself contains many safeguards that need to be abided by during any transfers. LUL have not done this. Furthermore, it also contains a clause called Annex H that is more familiarly known as the ‘Jobs for Life Deal’. This agreement means that a person must be offered a suitable job and therefore cannot be made compulsory redundant. Even today, LUL still maintain that this is a purely aspirational principle and not contractual, which is as sad as it is funny as that section of the document contains the phrase, this is contractually binding!!!


The RMT has demanded to know why the company has mislead its staff during these talks and want writing explanations as to how they intend to correct this matter.



Click here for the PPP Code of Best Practice



Talks in this area have taken place over the last few months and the RMT remains opposed to this transfer and does not believe that we have ended consultation or have we reached a satisfactory conclusion to all of the issues that we have been raising despite the TUPE being imposed.

All the way through these talks the RMT argued for the need for full consultation and that we believed LUL was rushing this transfer through for Political reasons and to enable massive changes to occur straight after the transfer.

We also argued for guarantees of the below:

  1. That TfL would honour the fourth year of the LU Pay Deal.
  2. That current pension arrangements would transfer.
  3. That collective bargaining arrangements were agreed and continue, noting that there is no H&S machinery in TfL.
  4. That there is an EqIA to measure the impact on equality.

Eventually LUL had to admit that legally they had no option but to honour the fourth year of the Pay Deal which we welcomed.

However, item 2 was never about the pension rules because we understood that they remained the same, the argument was always about the pension promise that everyone received within their yearly statement. The argument surrounded the yearly increase in pensionable salary that we believed that the transfer to TfL would interfere with. The RMT have never accepted the TfL Pay for Performance formula that we believe disadvantages people in this transfer by placing them into pay bands where they will receive non-pensionable payments rather than increases in their actual pensionable salaries. We believe that this forms part of the real reason for the TUPE and is part of the government cuts agenda.

Item 3, was about not only maintaining the current negotiating structures but also about making sure that LUL & TfL understood with collective agreements applied and continued. There are a raft of decisions and agreements that the company would dearly like to get rid of and that the RMT have gone on record to highlight each and every main agreement so that there can be no hiding in the future behind the banner of ignorance when we look to enforce our members rights in all possible ways, including legal and industrial. In terms of Safety, it has to be said that there was not one single Health and Safety Meeting to discuss the implications of what can only be seen as a huge change that could have catastrophic implications for the future. The truth is that the drive to force the change through was far more important than discussing and showing that the TUPE is safe.

Item 4 is key, after months of arguing, LUL finally accepted that there was a need to carry out an Equality Impact Assessment and the RMT was appalled but not surprised to show that women and people from ethnic minorities were the most affected. The assessment showed that there is a huge amount of work to be done in TfL and LUL regarding Equality and Diversity and that this was not designed to be change for the better.


(17) MATS MANAGERS Functional Council Minutes 01 June 17


(17) MATS MANAGERS Functional Council Minutes 15 June 17


(17) MATS MANAGERS Functional Council Minutes 22 June 17


(17) MATS MANAGERS Functional Council Minutes 26 May 17


FINAL Joint Functional Council notes 05.05.2017


FINAL Joint Functional Council notes 09.06.2017


FINAL Joint Functional Council notes 23.03.2017

Opps TUPE’d the Wrong People

In quite an amazing show of incompetence, LUL have admitted that they have sent letters to staff involved on the TUPE transfer from LUL to TfL and had not even managed to get the dates correct. More worryingly than this admin error, they also seem to have welcomed people to TfL that were not even part of the TUPE Transfer!

The RMT argued against this rushed and badly organised project and it beggars belief that errors of this kind could occur. An extract from the LUL HR correspondence to us is shown below:

“Proposed transfer of Engineering, Major Projects, PMO and Change Delivery activity from London Underground Limited (LUL) to Transport for London (TfL)

As you are aware the TUPE of Engineering, Major Projects, PMO and Change Delivery from LUL to TfL took place on 9 July.

A letter has been sent to the Engineering TUPE population welcoming them to TfL. It has been brought to my attention that this letter had the incorrect transfer date and has been sent to a number of individuals not in scope of transfer.

TfL HR are working to identify how these errors occurred, put measures in place to rectify and will reissue corrected welcome letters and letters of apology at the earliest opportunity.

I apologise for the confusion. Should you receive any queries from your members regarding the receipt of a TfL welcome letter I would advise they contact their HRBP in the first instance.”

RMT Circular 13th July





Further to my previous Circular (IR/286/17, 10th July 2017) and following the overwhelming ballot result in favour of industrial action, talks were held with the Company at Director level to try to resolve this matter. RMT reiterated our total opposition to fixed term contracts and our position that the 35 jobs affected should be permanently employed staff. The Lead Officer and Reps also put forward a proposal to include the 35 new staff into the current team which management agreed to consider.


The NEC has considered the Lead Officer’s report and has noted that although there was some movement from the Company, this was not enough in terms of our members’ aspirations. Consequently it has been decided to call members to take industrial action as outlined below:-


With effect from 07.30 hours on  Tuesday 25th July 2017 until further notice members are instructed as follows: –


  • Not to work any Overtime
  • Not to carry out roles beyond their substantive positions and locations
  • Not to deviate from current valid approved work instruction documents
  • Not to deviate from current valid approved risk assessments
  • Not to deviate from latest issue of Tube Lines supplement to the rule book
  • Members not to work onsite unless a first aider is on duty
  • Members not to perform coaching and/or buddy duties


We salute the determination of members in the rock solid ballot turnout which showed the clear resolve to halt the attempted introduction of two tier workforce in the LU Piccadilly Line Fleet area and I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/204/17, 17th May 2017), the meeting with the NEC, SAGS, RO and Reps has taken place and following final amendments to the revised machinery of negotiation, the negotiating team recommended its acceptance.


This matter has now been considered by the National Executive Committee, which congratulates the efforts of all members, Reps, the DLR Branch, Lead Officer and SAGS for their roles in negotiating this M.o.N which represents a significant improvement on the previous ‘partnership’ agreement and includes sole recognition for RMT. In line with the NEC decision, the Company has now been informed of our acceptance of the new machinery.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary






Our representatives on LUL have been raising our members’ concerns over the suitability of and individual employees’ understanding, of the company’s security arrangements following the incident at North Greenwich in October 2016 and more recent high-profile tragedies. Our Regional Organiser was not satisfied with the company’s response to our concerns and the matter was placed in front of the National Executive Committee (NEC). On 11th July 2017 the NEC adopted the following resolution:


We note the report from the Lead Officer; and following failed talks with London Underground Management and the significant security situation on Tube network and the strength of concern expressed by our affected Members and their Reps we instruct the General Secretary by the end of this week to: 

  • Write to all members advising them that we are strongly opposed to LU’s insistence, contained in the new HOT Process, compelling our members to look inside unattended items. Also to give guidance to our members on what to do when dealing with such packages. 
  • Seek a face to face meeting with the Mayor to advise him of this issue and to make him clear about our position; and that safety critical training designed to assist our members when dealing with ‘active shooter’ and ‘bladed weapon’. 
  • Contact the DfT to verify statements by LU that these changes are driven by them. We do not believe this to be the case and need the issue clarified.


All members to be advised by email and text.

 All relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Following on from this Decision further information was received and the matter was once again considered by the NEC. On 13th July 2017 the NEC adopted the following resolution:

 Further to our decision NWW 11.7.17, and upon further examination; we consider it important to note that there has been no changes to Government guidance around HOT procedures, and instructing staff to open or tamper with suspicious packages is contrary to current guidance and may put staff and the travelling public in serious and imminent danger.

 The current guidance advises that if, after following the HOT protocol a member of staff considers an object to be suspect, they should take the following actions in this order:

 (1) clear the immediate area and

(2) inform your supervisor/control.

 So the decision is clearly with the frontline staff on the spot and not with the manager or supervisor.

 Accordingly, any member compelled in a contrary manner by management to open or tamper with a package they consider suspicious may wish to refuse to do so on the grounds of health & safety; and this union will provide them with its full and ongoing support.

 We also note to that the DfT has NOT driven or endorsed London Undergrounds revised HOT procedure as the company have falsely claimed.

 Due to the severe danger of the companies revised HOT procedure and rash approach to consultation with this union on this matter, we instruct the General Secretary to raise this with the London Mayor with utmost vigour and a campaign involving briefing the press and London MP’s.

 We also note the failure of the company due to financial constraints to address the worsening situation of lack of train cab security needs to be raised also with the London Mayor.

 All members to be advised by email and text.

 All relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

 I am acting in accordance with this instruction. An RMT guide to the HOT procedure is under production and will be distributed shortly. In the meantime, RMT’s pamphlet on ‘serious and imminent danger’ is available to download from the RMT website at:

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

14th June RMT Circular

14th June 2017                                                                         Circular No: IR/247/17


Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/215/17, 24th May 2017), members will recall the dispute situation over Tube Lines’ intention to recruit 35 new staff to work in workshops on the Piccadilly Line on a 2 year fixed term contract. The Union is opposed to this introduction of a two-tier workforce as it will impact upon job security and represents a casualisation of current members’ work. The Union’s position is that all new staff within the Company should be directly employed permanent staff.

The ballot papers will be posted to affected Tube Lines members at Northfields Depot and Cockfosters Depot today and the closing date for the ballot is Tuesday 4th July 2017. If any member does not receive their ballot paper, please ask them to call the Freephone helpline on 0800 376 3706, the switchboard on 0207 387 4771 or e-mail to request a replacement.


Further to my previous Circular (IR/204/17, 17th May 2017), the ballot has concluded and the results are as follows:-

The result for strike action is as follows:-

 Number of members balloted…             3,743

Total Votes Cast…                                 1,290 (34.4% turnout)

Number Voting ‘Yes’…                          1,039 (80% but only 28% of members balloted)

Number Voting ‘No’…                           249

Spoilt Papers                                        2

 The 40% and 50% thresholds were both not met.

 The result for action short of strike is as follows:-

 Number of members balloted…             3,743

Total Votes Cast…                                 1,290 (34.4% turnout)

Number Voting ‘Yes’…                          1,112 (86.7% but only 30% of members balloted)

Number Voting ‘No’…                           171

Spoilt Papers                                        7

The 40% and 50% thresholds were both not met.

As you will see from the above, the ballot returned a definite ‘yes’ vote in favour of taking industrial action but the result does not meet the new legal thresholds for turnouts where 50% of members balloted must cast their vote and 40% of members balloted must vote ‘yes’. This means that regrettably, we do not have a mandate to call members to take any industrial action.

It is now more important than ever that EVERY MEMBER RETURNS THEIR VOTING PAPER to make sure that we are not prevented from acting on members’ wishes by the draconian anti-trade union laws.

This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee and I am currently acting in accordance with its decision to seek release and arrange a meeting of all LU Stations IR and H&S Reps. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


Further to my previous Circular (IR/156/17, 5th April 2017), further discussions have taken place with the Company and this matter was referred to ACAS last month but the National Executive Committee has noted reports that there are issues which are still not rectified. As a result, the NEC has taken the decision to prepare a ballot matrix of all affected London Underground members in both APD & CPD, advise the Company that we are now in dispute over the issues and proceed to a ballot for industrial action if no resolution to this unsatisfactory situation is agreed.

I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.

Yours sincerely



Folloiwng LUL’s decision to renege on agreements reached at Tube Lines and Metronet for staff that had been transferred into LUL previously, the RMT have decided that it will not just accept this decision. The General Secretary has sent the branch the following letter.

Further to my letter dated 7th June regarding the above. This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the following decision:-

“We note the reports from the Lead Officer and that there are issues still not rectified.

 We instruct the General Secretary to prepare a ballot matrix of all affected London Underground members in both APD & CPD, advise the company we are now in dispute; to refer this matter to ACAS and proceed to a ballot for industrial action if no resolution to this unsatisfactory situation is agreed.

 Members to be advised by e-mail and text.

 Relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised”.

I am currently acting in accordance with the above decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

LUL Engineering TUPE to TfL

Dear ALL,

We met with LUL on the 1st June in a stormy discussion regarding the proposed transfer of 1600 staff into TfL Engineering Directorates.

The RMT reiterated its opposition to this cost cutting change and our commitment to ensuring that our members are protected and their terms and conditions are not affected adversely by this change.

Below are the major areas that were discussed in summary.

  1. Pensions – The RMT stated that the proposed measure to move to Pay for Performance (PfP) will not be supported and want existing staff to remain within their existing LUL Pay Terms and Bands.  We believe that PfP will adversely impact on pensionable pay and future earnings and destroy the Pension Promise made to people on a yearly basis when they receive a pension statement showing what they are likely to receive when they retire.
  2. Functional Council Membership – LUL are fully aware that people have been removed from this TUPE because they are in Operational Grades. This has happened in Fleet, Track and Signals and in Stations & Civils (Lift & Escalators). The removal of people from scope and changing their reporting lines is a change to terms and conditions and a discussion matter for the Trade Unions. For example, the SES Group with its standing Tier 1 Rep is mainly made up of managers that are being TUPE’d. However the whole section sits in Track and Signals and therefore is part of our sphere of influence. These talks affect us all
  3. Collective Agreements – LUL have stated that collective agreements will not transfer but contractual terms and conditions will.  The RMT have massive concerns around this statement and demand clarity as to the specifics of the Metronet and TLL agreements that are considered to be contractual. This statement involves all staff that were transferred from Metronet and Tube Lines and will not go unchallenged. If people believe that we will see our hard won agreements shredded and binned, then they are deluded. Unless we hear positively on this issue, then we will potentially have a dispute involving nearly 4000 people across this TUPE and former Metronet and Tube Lines areas.
  4. Terms and Conditions – We want a full list of individual contract variations provided to us. We want to see exactly what terms LUL believe people have so that we may we challenge and correct this belief. Also, LUL have to provide this information to TfL by TUPE law so they should have this information to hand
  5. H&S – The RMT have continually stated that we believe that there must be discussion regarding Health and Safety. The should be changes potentially that are reflected by a Change Assurance Plan and we must make sure that safety is paramount. We have asked to see all the meeting minutes and inspections that TfL have carried out with its Trade Union Reps.
  6. EQIA – Throughout this whole process, we have stated that we believe minority and women may well be adversely affected by this transfer. What is there to hide and do a EQIA and let’s all see how this affects equality and diversity?
  7. Hidden Measures – We are concerned that there is more to this transfer than is being said. It looks obvious that this is just Phase 1 and that other people may well follow such as Operational Staff in Fleet, Track and Signals and Stations and Civils

It must also be said that this transfer involves far more people and areas than has been described by the company business case. This aspect needs to be fully explored and anyone not in this scope should not transfer. We believe that there has been a ‘land grab’ to get people into TfL and we will do our own ‘land grab’ to get them back!


The next Branch Meeting for LU Engineering Branch is 7th June at the Savoy TUP 17:00. If you are affected then please attend and give us your views.


Renewed terror threat – RMT calls for reversal of Tory manifesto proposals

Renewed terror threat – RMT calls for reversal of Tory manifesto proposals to abolish British Transport Police and for a halt to cuts to rail staff


Transport union RMT has today written to the Home Secretary Amber Rudd seeking an urgent meeting and urging her to abandon the proposal in the Tory manifesto to abolish the British Transport Police and calling on her to protect security on the transport network by halting cuts to frontline staff who are trained to help prevent a terrorist attack.

The union also said it was pure hypocrisy for ministers to praise transport police and rail staff one day and then cut them the next.

The call follows the union’s demands last week for an urgent security summit to discuss security on the transport network. RMT has also made it clear that there are a number of specific safety and security issues on London Underground that it wants addressed as a matter of urgency and which have been raised with senior LU managers.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said,

“Rail staff are the eyes and ears of the rail network who are especially trained to help prevent terrorist attacks yet one day the government is praising rail workers as heroes and next day they are cutting rail workers- it is not only hypocrisy it is also pure folly.”

“On top of this the Tory manifesto is proposing to abolish the British Transport Police. Not only will this increase the terrorist threat by diluting a specialist police operation on the railway it will also mean that the force will be subject to a major reorganisation and no doubt cuts when it should be focusing on the terrorist threat.

We are repeating calls for an urgent security summit and seeking an urgent meeting with the Home Secretary.”

Blacklist Support Group – Vote for a public inquiry into blacklisting and workers rights

  1. The Labour Manifesto pledges to hold a full public inquiry into blacklisting whereas Theresa May has repeatedly refused to set up a public inquiry when she was Home Secretary. The polls indicate that the General Election is now a 2 horse race between Labour and the Tories, therefore the Blacklist Support Group is encouraging its supporters to vote for a public inquiry on June 9th and where possible to volunteer in the campaign.


BSG set up a video shoot with other rank & file union activists outside parliament and the Conservative Party HQ last week.

This is the outcome:

Share this video to support the campaign. The pop-up gig by Steve White & The protest family on the steps on Tory Party Central office has also started a Guerrilla Gig Challenge amongst musicians – if you know any band that has performed a political slot in the street or outside a hustings, post a video on social media using the hashtag #GE2017GuerrillaGigChallenge


While at the gig outside Tory Party Central Office, the Reel News photographer Guy Smallman managed to take photos of Steve Back leaving the Tory HQ, the photojournalist whose pictures have been used to smear Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell.

See here:


  1. Our giant Corbyn banner has become a ‘thing’ in the campaign – after it appeared on the Kop and at Goodison, working class voters are flocking to be associated with the campaigns on it – Blacklisting – Hillsborough – Orgeave – Shrewsbury (plus Corbyn & McDonnell). Videos & photos are appearing all over social media  The iconic image is now available as a t-shirt with all proceeds going to food banks across Merseyside – great work by Roy Bentham who have been on Radio Merseyside and the Liverpool Echo.

T-shirts available from:

Associated media coverage:


  1. The fascist English Defence League were chased out of Liverpool at the weekend by over 1000 scousers and the Blacklist Support Group banner was proud to be in the middle of it. Photo attached.


  1. Shrewsbury Pickets Protest – 12 noon Wed 7th June

Criminal cases Review Commission

5 St Philip’s Place
B3 2PW

This is because of the CCRC reluctance to give a decision on whether of the not the case of the Shrewsbury Pickets is to go to the court of appeal. Campaigners have been told time and time again that a decision is imminent. The case of the Shrewsbury Pickets is 45 yrs old. There can be no place in our society for miscarriages of justice to go unchallenged.


  1. Spycops

New judge to take over at the undercover police inquiry due to the ill-health of Lord justice Pitchford.


Scottish police were seconded to work in the disgraced NPOIU undercover policing unit – little wonder campaigners complain about the police investigating themselves again – Full public inquiry needed in Scotland.


  1. Solidarity videos form the heroic Reel News

LSE cleaners – fighting for equal rights:

NHS protests:


7.And finally;

‘Liar Liar’ by Captain Ska – the song banned by the BBC has become the soundtrack to the general election and is number 4 in the charts – enjoy:


Blacklist Support Group







SPEAKERS & ENTERTAINMENT ANNOUNCED – RMT / Cuba Solidarity Campaign 15th Garden Party

SPEAKERS & ENTERTAINMENT ANNOUNCED – RMT / Cuba Solidarity Campaign 15th Garden Party

In association with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, the 15th RMT Annual Garden Party for Cuba will take place on Wednesday 21st June 2017 at Maritime House, Clapham, London, commencing 7.00pm.

Tickets are now available and are £15 each. This includes a free bar, buffet and music. As usual we will be joined by a number of distinguished guest speakers including:

  • A representative of the Cuban embassy.
  • John McDonnell, Shadow Chancellor
  • Ian Lavery, Shadow Minister for Trade Unions and Civil Society
  • Dave Ward, General Secretary Communication Workers Union
  • Kevin Courtney, joint General Secretary National Education Union

We will also be joined by comedian Mark Thomas who will be doing a brief set, along with the Omar Puente salsa band and the Alabama 3.

The Garden Party will provide a wonderful opportunity to show solidarity with Cuba with friends from across the Labour and Trade Union movement.

To order tickets if you are paying by card please call 0800 376 3706 or use the form attached.

I hope to be able to see you at the Garden Party on 21st June.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


24th May RMT Circular



Further to my previous Circular (IR/193/17, 9th May 2017), the following resolution has been received from LU Fleet Branch:-


“This Branch resolved to call on the Union’s NEC to inform the Company that we are now in dispute regarding the intended implementation of a two tier workforce within Piccadilly Line Fleet, after talks with Tube Lines management aimed at resolving a dispute, it has become clear, management, directed by LUL are now willing to chop up our members long term job security by the imposition of 35 fixed term staff allocated to the Piccadilly Line.


After canvassing our members’ views, they have made clear that the casualisation of work carried out by our staff will not be tolerated. The Reps in conduit of its members therefore also resolve that the ballot matrix for fleet staff at Northfields and Cockfosters Depots is now prepared in effect to execute our members’ wishes that this issue is fought with the utmost determination, to include industrial action and industrial action short of a strike”.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which commends the view of the Branch to halt the attempted introduction of a two tier workforce and seek proper permanent employment for all future members joining the company. In line with the decision, I have informed the Company that a dispute now exists over this issue and I am making the necessary preparations to conduct a ballot of affected members. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/134/17, 27th March 2017), the National Executive Committee has consulted with the Lead Officer and LU Fleet Branch Reps concerning the latest correspondence from the Company and welcomes the offer from London Underground to pursue the matter with Bombardier and liaise with our Representatives.


In line with the NEC decision, I have informed the Company that this dispute is resolved subject to the commitments given. RMT will of course continue to monitor this situation and I will keep Branches advised of any further developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

