Category: News




I refer to Circular NP/079/15, 30th April 2015, as you will recall a resolution agreed at the 2014 National Retired Members Advisory Conference called on RMT Branches and individual members to join the NPC. Subsequently the Council of Executives (National Executive Committee) in support of this motion instructed the General Secretary to circulate to Branches and members information on how they can affiliate to the NPC.


While I would hope Branches and individuals have already affiliated to the NPC I would once again encourage those Branches who haven’t to affiliate.


I would ask all Branches to bring this circular, and attached form, to the attention of members so that they will also be able to support the excellent work the NPC carryout on behalf of pensioners in trying to secure dignity in retirement for all.


Yours sincerely,



Mick Cash

General Secretary



NPC Affliation

RMT Circular 28th September 2017  

28th September 2017                                                                  Circular No: IR/431/17


Dear Colleagues,


PROPOSED TUPE TRANSFER OF AP JNP (TUBE LINES) TO LONDON UNDERGROUND LTD (formerly Termination of Amey Maintenance Contract – Tube Lines AP JNP) (LUL/15/10)


Further to my previous Circular (IR/237/16, 12th August 2016), I advised of Tube Lines AP JNP intention not to extend the contract with Amey for the management of maintenance activities across the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly lines from the end of 2017.


Correspondence has now been received from the Company confirming that the Amey contract will end on 31st December 2017 and all AP JNP activity will transfer to London Underground. As a result, all affected members will TUPE transfer from AP JNP to LUL and consultation meetings are due to start shortly.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee which has taken the decision to arrange a meeting of all infrastructure, maintenance and engineering reps from LU BCV, SSL and JNP AP with the Senior Assistant General Secretary, Lead Officer and NEC members. I am currently making preparations for this meeting to take place and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/337/16, 10th November 2016), I advised that TfL was undertaking a ‘root and branch’ review of the business and the joint trade unions recently attended a Director’s Level Meeting where TfL advised the Transformation Programme is about to enter its third phase. A presentation was given at this meeting to advise of the total transformation savings target of £5.8bn – made up from £5.2bn Business Savings and 0.6bn Operating Model Savings. The Trade Unions were also informed that they would each be receiving an official notification of proposed job cuts related to this review.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which is alarmed at the programme of job and financial cuts TfL is soon to be embarking on which would affect both our hardworking members and the service to the travelling public. The NEC then referred this matter into the Southern Sub-Committee for examination and repot. I will keep Branches advised of any further developments.


Thales Pay Offer

Dear ALL,


The below offer is for LR1-7 Job Families 7 & 10 plus site engineers ONLY.  Please note that I still have to come up with a form of words regarding CPI and this is not a measure that the RMT accepts for the inflation rate as we use the RPI measure. However, that is not substantive to the overall agreement and is a tidying up exercise.


I would therefore be grateful if you could feed back to myself or reps asap regards this offer.


This is the maximum that can be achieved through negotiation and Thales have made it clear that this is the most that they can afford.


Therefore, should this offer not meet your aspirations then further rejection would mean the RMT undertaking a ballot of our members and any associated action that our members wished for. So please give honest feedback, because you’re either happy with the offer or you are willing to potentially take strike action to further push your pay claim


The offer:


Thales have confirmed the ebit for 2017 will be paid, so the offer is in summary:


2017 1.8%

2018 2%

2% plus 0.5% ebit related



Year Base % Ebit Related % Total% Additional offer
2017 1.5% 0.3%* 1.8% Increased base offer by 0.3% ,

0.3% Ebit related paid in Jan 18 onto base salary*

2018 2% 2% “Inflation Protection”**

Base % increased to reflect Guaranteed Ebit component

2019 2% 0.5%*** 2.5% “Inflation Protection”**

Base component increased to 2%


* 0.3% increase to base salary – based on delivery of 2017 EBIT targets (confirmed). To be paid in January 2018 and backdated to 1 January 2017. EBIT related payments are in addition to any gain share payment.

** Inflation Protection – Base % will be reviewed subject to significant movement in CPI index as previously described

*** 0.5% increase to base salary – following delivery of 2019 EBIT targets.  To be paid in January 2020 and backdated to 1 January 2019.  EBIT related payments are in addition to any gain share payment.

RMT Contribution Rates

RMT Contribution Rates


In 2014, following a successful AGM resolution, the union introduced a reduced contribution rate to encourage organisation and provide support for members within low paid sectors of the industry.


Upon its introduction the union conducted an exercise with full time officers to identify those members who met the qualifying criteria based on their basic rate of pay. Whilst this was by and large successful some members fell through the net and were subsequently given the opportunity to contact the union to adjust their contribution rate and claim any overpayments.


At this years AGM a further successful resolution drew attention to a number of members who may still be paying incorrect contributions and instructed the union to initiate a further exercise  to resolve such problems in line with the unions rules.


As a result we are now initiating a further campaign to encourage those members who  may be paying an incorrect contribution rate to contact the union and not only correct their contribution level but to also claim any refund.  The refund will be calculated from commencement date of the rule change , 1st January 2014 or the date of joining which ever is applicable.


Adverts encouraging members to apply will soon appear in the RMT News. Once members have contacted the union they will be sent a claim form for completion and return. They will also be asked to provide proof of earnings, normally a payslip or  tax return. Once this has been returned and processed eligible  members will receive a refund for any overpayments either by  Bacs Transfer or cheque. Corrections will be made to the deduction for those members paying by direct debit and employers advised to make the adjustment for those on paybill deductions.


It is important to note that all applications must be received by HO no later than 31 January 2018.


If branches or regional councils are aware of any groups of members who may be paying incorrect rates then they should provide full details to HO in order that these can be investigated by the Regional Organiser.


Just to clarify the low rate contribution applies to members who are paid a basic rate below £21,100 per annum. The correct contribution rate for these members is  £2.05 per week. Members paying above this level may be due a refund.


Yours sincerely



General Secretary


Thales revised Pay Offer

Thales have made a revised pay offer for their LR 1-7 staff in job families 7 & 10 plus site engineers.


The offer is below:


Year 1 – 1.2%

Year 2 – 1.5% +0.5%*

Year 3 – 1.7% +0.8%*


*Subject to meeting the in year MYB EBIT target.


The issue is now being discussed with our reps to decide the next way forward, however, we remain in dispute with the company at this time.


This matter needs to be brought to a head and we remain committed to further talks and discussions around Pay.



Dispute notice (headed) 7.8.17

9th August LUL Circular



Further to my previous Circular (IR/325/17, 27th July 2017), the discussions with our Reps regarding rostering during the 3 month leaf fall period have concluded with an agreement covering the next 2 years to allow extra lifting work due to the leaf fall season for 2017 and 2018.


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has congratulated all Piccadilly Line AP Fleet members and reps on waging a most spirited and effective dispute leading to success in resisting the implementation of a two tier workforce via the introduction of 35 new members of staff on two year fixed term contracts. Every aspect of our joint strategy has been achieved including no use of agency staff, any redeployment being temporary and solely within the Tube Lines/LUL family, no onerous rosters and ultimately, the 35 new starters now on fully employed contracts.


The Company has been advised accordingly and the Union will of course continue to monitor the implementation of the recent agreements.




I write to advise you that London Underground has awarded its cleaning contract to a company called ABM. This new company will manage all cleaning across London Underground and approximately 3000 staff will be TUPE transferring across to the new employer.  We have been informed that Interserve and Vinci staff will transfer over on 17th September 2017 and ISS (JNP) staff will transfer on 31st December 2017. RMT is involved in discussions with ABM over the transfer and I will keep Branches informed of developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

RMT warns of Night Tube crisis on the Piccadilly Line

RMT warns of Night Tube crisis on the Piccadilly Line


TUBE UNION RMT warned today that the Night Tube on the Piccadilly line is in crisis with a serious lack of trained train operators available to run the service.


RMT has been informed that the amount of drivers available to run the Mayor’s flagship Night Tube service on the Piccadilly Line is now so low  that last weekend saw only 7 trains running instead of the normal 22 – a near reduction of 70%. The union understands that the situation could continue until Christmas.


The impact on the service has meant waits of up to an hour for a train for customers, serious safety concerns for drivers, and serious issues for stations staff facing angry customers – many intoxicated – waiting on platforms in the middle of night.


This lack of drivers is not down to sickness or industrial action but operator LUL’s lack of planning in getting enough drivers trained in time – something  RMT has repeatedly warned management about.


The issue has been further exasperated by management’s reluctance to fully take on board a number of  legitimate concerns raised by RMT Health and Safety reps.


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:


“Tube bosses need to send out a clear signal that they are addressing the driver shortage issues which have reduced the Night Tube on the Piccadilly Line to chaos.


“London Underground also need to urgently address the major safety and customer service issues arising from the Piccadilly Line Night Tube crisis that they have created.


“ Instead of dismissing some of the key points raised by our safety reps , LUL needs to listen to the concerns of its workers and implement  an urgent solution so that Night Tube trains and stations are staffed and run safely and customers get the service they were promised.”
