Category: Branch

LUL Pay Branch Survey

Dear ALL


This is just to update you all that the branch carried out a survey on the two LUL pay offers. It is now closed.


This survey was to help our negotiators understand better what our members want and that our members are streadfastly determined to fight to better their terms and conditions. To that end, we won’t reveal the survey votes at this time to ensure that we negotiate the best deal for you. However, I can confirm the replies was overwhelming and extremely strong.


Under the law, should we ballot we must reach certain thresholds and in just 8 hours, we recieved over 600 completed replied.


We do recognise that survey’s such as this, and others are not the only way to reach and interact with our members but it is a useful tool to contact you all fast.


Please continue to feedback your views to our reps and come to the branch.


If you did not recieve a messgae, it was ONLY sent to members of the LUEngineering Branch working for LUL.


But also please check that your contact details are correct by logging in at:



Do you want to be an RMT Rep?

We elect all our representatives and officers for the branch every year in November.


So if you wish to be a rep or support someone else that does, then please come to the Branch AGM


Branch AGM Details



What a rep does?


Union Reps: They represent you. They should listen to your views and make sure management hear and act on what our members want. They are here to help you if you have problems and if you get in trouble. Sometimes it will seem like the only friend you have is your union rep. So support them to support you


Health and Safety Reps: We come to work to earn money, not to go home in a body bag or hurt. Unionised work places are safer. We work together with companies and sometimes in conflict to make sure that our work places are safe. Your reps carry out inspections and investigations and regularly meet with companies to ensure it is safe at work


Union Learner Reps: We want everyone to fulfil their potential. That can be through pay and conditions but also through education. Union Learner Reps are here to help you through education. They can help you find courses and maybe get release from work and funding




Rmt Elections: Jared Wood for NEC

Dear ALL


Please note that elections for the RMT are carried out by the Electoral Reform Society and election forms come via a white envelope.


Your branch has nominated Jared Wood for the position of London Transport National Executive Member of the RMT.


Remember to use your vote in the RMT NEC election.


Look out for the white envelope from the Electoral Reform Society, it contains your ballot paper.




Membership Details

It is vitally important that members keep their contact and work details up to date with the RMT.


This is so that we can keep you updated and if need be, have the details that we need to ballot you, ie correct job title, work location and company.


You can update your details via the rmt website



RMT Website


or talk to your local rep or email your secretary at

General Secretary Nomination

Dear Members,

We have a very important branch meeting on the 17th April. There we will discuss all disputes and members complaints plus hear reports from many areas.

We also have Mick Cash and Sean Hoyle attending as they seek our nomination from our branch for General Secretary of our union

Please attend if you can.

For more details click the link below

Click here

The Bob Crow Branch

Yesterday, the RMT agreed to change the name of our branch to the ‘Bob Crow Branch’ until the end of 2019.


This is the 5th anniversary of the passing of our late General Secretary and friend, Bob Crow and he is sadly missed by us all. As a mark of respect, we intend to honour his legacy and memory by the change to our name and other events throughout the year.


We are also in the process of having a new branch banner created which we intend to donate to his family.


Should anyone have their own memories of Bob, especially in his early days at LUL in the Veg Gang, please contact me, Paul Jackson, 07810 643 681 or post them on our memorial page below


Bob Crow Memorial Page




The BTUC Young Members’ Conference will take place in March 2019 dates to be confirmed. The Union will be invited to send four delegates to the event and, one of the delegates will be the winner of the 2018 John Cogger Award for Young Members.


Members who will be under the age of 27 years as of  21st  March 2019, and who are employed as defined in Rule 2, Clause 1(a), (b) or (c) and are fully paid up members, are eligible for nomination.


A nomination form is enclosed.  Completed nominations must reach Head Office by no later than Friday 12th January 2018.


The Council of Executives will make the final selection of the delegates following the closing date for nominations.




Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary



RMT Social Event 22nd Nov – Acton LT Museum



Our event in the Acton Town LT Museum is this Thursday afternoon.


It’s looking good, with  working and retired RMT members coming from as far as Bournemouth and the Forest of Dean.


It’s an RMT event but feel free to invite a friend

There’s a Regional Council rally and social afterwards so those who want can easily go to that – a short trip on the Picc from Acton to Finsbury Park.


A flyer for the event is attached and photo below.


Museum Social flyer




Branch Meeting 7th March

Branch Meetings

Things we discuss:


  1. Equality in the Workplace.
  2. Lastest News from your area
  3. Last Meeting Matters Arising such as:
  4. MIS Local Level Meeting:  Report on cleaners were being given block joint testers to test blockjoints
  5. District Signals: Report on the issue of the cameras in IMRs.
  6. Flexible Working: Report on his flexible working request.
  7. COMMs Vacancies: Report on the vacancies in their area.
  8. Suspended Member: Report on a person that has been suspended for six months and no one is investigating the case.
  9. Trainers in Track Skills: Reported on the meeting with the reps today and the plethora of issues in that area, that was now affecting safety.
  10. Carillion Liquidation: Reports on the latest news and meetings with TfL and Cleshar
  11. Vinci Changes to Terms and Conditions: Meeting had taken place and were now preparing a counter proposal

2017 Branch Social and Long Service Awards

The Branch rounded off 2017 with a well earned social event.


Mick Cash, Steve Hedley and Mick Lynch all attended on what was a very enjoyable evening.


The branch also honoured our long service members of 10, 25 and 40 years, by giving out badges to all that could attend.


We thank them all for their help and support over the years.

