Category: Blacklisting

Blacklisting News

  1. Blacklist event at Scottish parliament

6pm Wednesday 4th November

Holyrood parliament building (please get there early as it takes time to get past security).

Speakers: Neil Findlay MSP, Dave Smith (BSG), Jackson Cullinane (UNITE)

Everyone welcome but please contact as soon as possible in order get your name down.


Daytime ‘Blacklisted’ book event:

1pm, Wednesday, 4 November at Word Power Books 

43-45 West Nicolson Street


  1. Pitchford public inquiry

Blacklist Support Group and many individuals on the Consulting Association blacklist have been granted core participant status within the Pitchford inquiry into undercover policing. There is now a specific category within the public inquiry.

Reel News video talking to people who were targeted by the undercover police:

Full list of core participants:



  1. Blacklisting at the High Court in December

The next date for the High Court case management hearings is 7-8 December 2015 at Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand.

This is the first court appearance since the major firms admitted their guilt and apologised for their involvement in the Economic League and the Consulting Association. We are yet to hear what the remaining contractors involved in blacklisting decide to do. The biggest construction companies in the UK are falling out with each other and scrambling to protect their corporate brand. On our side, all the legal teams representing the blacklisted workers are united in our desire to see real justice. Blacklist Support Group (BSG) publicly state our desire to continue all the way to the High Court trial. We want to see the directors who orchestrated this unlawful conspiracy give evidence under oath about their human rights violations.

BSG want to make Monday 7th December a big one. It is the first High Court session since the firms have admitted their guilt and we hope to generate some publicity for the campaign. Come with your Blacklisted t-shirts.


Monday 7th December

9am – assemble outside the High Court

10am – 4pm – High Court blacklisting trial case management hearing


6pm BSG parliamentary meeting (all welcome)

Speakers include: John McDonnell MP (shadow chancellor), John Hendy QC, Chris Stephens MP (SNP trade union spokesperson) and many blacklisted workers.


9pm – Pre-Xmas celebratory drinks


  1. Michael Meacher R.I.P.

Graham Bowker, blacklisted electrician and constituent of Michael Meacher commented on behalf of the Blacklist Support Group :

“Michael Meacher was a respectful gentleman who put in endless work on behalf of all blacklisted workers since 2004, long before the Consulting Association database was discovered. It was picketlines in Manchester that led to the scandal being exposed and Michael supported us throughout, later raising the issue in parliament, on his blog and was a keynote speaker at the Blacklist Support Group AGM in March 2013. Our thoughts and condolences go out to Michael’s family and close friends at this sad time”.

Obituary from Morning Star:

Michael Meacher at BSG AGM:



  1. Carillion admit guilt, apologise and then chase blacklisted worker for legal costs–Sorry-but-Dave-must-pay-Pounds-35k–INVESTIGATES-21242233/

The story also made the Daily Mirror thanks to Andrew Penman and  Private Eye.



  1. Ex-senior police officer who attended Consulting Association meetings has the front to criticise John McDonnell in the press. Blacklisted workers stand shoulder to shoulder with John McDonnell.

To hear a retired senior police officer who actually attended the blacklisting meetings claim that his future career prospects have been harmed because an MP raised the issue somewhat sticks in the throat of the thousands of honest hard working construction workers who were denied employment over decades by this illegal conspiracy.

Detective Chief Inspector Gordon Mills was the liaison officer for the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit (NETCU), a police unit tasked with spying on organisations such as CND, trade unions, leftwing journalists as well as activists within environmental and animal rights campaigns. In his official role, DCI Mills attended and gave a Powerpoint presentation at a meeting of an organisation called The Consulting Association. The Consulting Association is the secret body responsible for the illegal blacklisting of 3213 trade union and environmental activists by major construction firms and the audience at the 2008 meeting included senior managers from the following companies: Vinci, AMEC, Skanska, Costain, Sir Robert McAlpine, Emcor, and Sias Building Services. The protest DCI Gordon Mills was so upset about was organised by the GMB and amounted to 6 trade unionists carrying flags and someone dressed up in a furry crocodile suit (photo attached).



  1. Dates for the diary

Fri 30th October – Benefit gig at Kings Arms in Salford – all proceeds to campaigns against fascism


Mon 2nd Nov – Trade Union Bill – TUC mass lobby of Westminster parliament (12 noon onwards)


2nd – 14th Nov – United We Stand – the story of the Shrewsbury Pickets at Bussey Building, Peckham, tickets £12 (£10 concessions).


Wed 4th Nov – Holyrood blacklist 6pm meeting & Edinburgh lunchtime 1pm meeting


Sat 7th Nov – National construction rank & file meeting – Newcastle Labour Club (12-3pm) – all construction workers welcome

Sat 7th Nov – Socialism 2015, Institute of Education (blacklisting in the ‘Big Brother is watching you’ workshop).

Saturday 14th November – Unite the Resistance – Defend Our Unions (Blackisting & Teesside #PayTheRate)

15th November – 6th December – Film maker Lucy Parker Blacklist exhibition in Edinburgh



  1. Ongoing victimisation & blacklisting

Reinstate Sandy Nicholl, SOAS Unison Branch Secretary


Glen Hart, RMT rep victimised by London Undergraound for his TU activities


Peel Ports Liverpool


Pay The Rate camapign at Wilton Complex in Teesside is now in its 8th month – follow by searching #PayTheRate on social media.


BSG activists at Dismaland


  1. Appeal from Reel News

The Reel News collective are an integral part of the Blacklist Support Group campaign, they have been with us for many years and their photos & videos have spread the story around the world. Reel News are currently running an appeal to allow them to carry on their work with the trade unions, environmental campaigns and refugees. We urge all our supporters (especially union branches) to donate to the appeal or better still take out an annual subscription to Reel News.



Blacklist Support Group







Blacklisting: High Court latest

  1. High Court latest

The blacklisting firms have admitted ‘vicarious liability’ for the role of their managers in blacklisting. But they still refuse to admit that their conspiracy caused the workers they targeted any financial loss. So we are still full steam ahead for a 10 week conspiracy trial at the High Court next May. The next pre-hearing will take place on 7th-8th December. Blacklist Support Group will be organising a public meeting on the evening of Monday 7th December (venue tba)


  1. Trade Union Bill

The Trade Union Bill which intends to restrict the freedoms of trade unions is currently in the committee stage and a number of organisations have given evidence highlighting how it breaches international law. Blacklist Support Group gave evidence alongside Amnesty International and the human rights organisation Liberty. (this is the punchline) (full evidence starts around 15:03)


Monday 2nd November TUC Demo & Mass lobby of Westminster parliament 12:30 onwards


There are 100s of Trade Union Bill meetings taking place around the country – we encourage all supporters to attend and join the campaign to Kill The Bill. Cambridge Trades Council who are hosting TU Bill 21st October. 7pm – 9pm at Keynes Hall, University of Cambridge.


  1. Ongoing issues

BAM win £170 million rail upgrade in Scotland


Pay The Rate in Teesside – police target protesters


Carillion in Liverpool (BBC Radio 1:54:30)


  1. Blacklisting & Art currently wowing audiences in Peckham and New York


Ragged Trousered Philanthropists in Peckham – Dave Smith will be speaking about blacklisting on Tuesday 20th October


United We Stand – story of the Shrewsbury Pickets in Peckham – multiple celebrity nights from 2-14 November


Mark Thomas brings his award winning human rights show to New York. Blacklisted by the construction giants, spied on by BAE systems and placed on the Met Police domestic extremism database. Spread the word to our US comrades. If any NY unions or journos want to contact Mark while he is in the US, get in touch to arrange.


  1. Charlie Pottins R.I.P.

The funeral of our comrade and friend, Charlie Pottins will take place at 1pm on WEDNESDAY 21st OCTOBER, at Northwood Cemetery, Chestnut Avenue, Northwood, HA6 1DE. Charlie was an active trade unionists and a stood shoulder to shoulder with blacklisted workers over many years on protests, picket lines and in court.

Nearest tube: Northwood Hills (Metropolitan Line)

  1. Future dates for the diary

Wed 4th November (6pm) – Blacklisted book event in Holyrood parliament

Saturday 7th November – Socialism 2015, Institute of Education (blacklisting will be covered in the ‘Big Brother is watching you’ workshop.

Saturday 14th November – Unite the Resistance – Defend Our Unions conference (Blackisting & Teesside #PayTheRate coovered).


Blacklist Support Group







Massive Blacklisting Victory

High Court trial – employers surrender!

Blacklisting was in the High Court on Thursday and after 6 years of denying everything, that the High Court trial is getting close, the blacklisting wretches have revised their legal defence, finally admitting their guilt. The 8 largest firms have run up the white flag and the ongoing negotiations between the lawyers are now just drawing up the terms of the surrender. The lawyers representing the blacklisting contractors are still huffing and puffing about their desire to go to court to fight the issue of ‘quantum’ and ‘causation’ (ie: how much compensation they need to pay) but this is just for show. The blacklisters will do anything to avoid the spectacle of a High Court conspiracy trial, which is still set to start in May 2016 and last for 10 weeks. BSG position is that we still want to see the directors of these multinational firms being forced to give evidence under oath at the High Court about their active involvement in this human rights scandal. Buying us off with a few thousand pounds is not justice.


The Blacklist Support Group would like to go on record to thank the stirling work carried out by all of the lawyers on our behalf. We could not have done this on our own. But we would like to particularity praise the work carried out by JC Townsend, Liam Dunne, Sean Curren and the rest of the legal team at Guney Clark & Ryan solicitors who have been working on the High Court conspiracy claim completely unpaid since 2009. Without their initial support, hard work and the resources allocated by GCR over the past six and a half years, we would not be in this position today. Blacklisted workers salute you.


Below is the statement issued & written by PR spin-doctors Graylings on behalf of the 8 largest firms.

On 7 October 2015 we, the eight companies that comprise the Macfarlanes Defendants*, submitted a Re-Amended Generic Defence to the Court.  In this document we lay out clearly a number of admissions; these admissions are also covered in the accompanying summary which, we hope, will provide interested parties with an easily accessible reference.  Both documents contain a full and unreserved apology for our part in a vetting information system run in the construction industry first through the Economic League and subsequently through The Consulting Association; we recognise and regret the impact it had on employment opportunities for those workers affected and for any distress and anxiety it caused to them and their families.


We are making these admissions now as we believe it is the right thing to do; we are keen to be as transparent as possible and to do what we can to simplify the High Court hearing scheduled for mid-2016.  We hope that the clarity this brings will be welcomed by the affected workers.    Indeed, ever since the closure of The Consulting Association in 2009, we have been focused on trying to do the right thing by affected workers.  This was why we set up The Construction Workers Compensation Scheme (TCWCS) in 2014 to provide those who felt they had been impacted by the existence of the vetting system with a fast and simple way of accessing compensation. Currently, we have paid compensation to 308 people who have contacted TCWCS and we are processing 39 ongoing eligible claims.


We remain committed to TCWCS.  We are approaching the High Court hearing in the spirit of openness and full transparency and continue to defend the claim strongly in relation to issues of causation and loss.


* Balfour Beatty, Carillion, Costain, Kier, Laing O’Rourke, Sir Robert McAlpine, Skanska UK and VINCI PLC


TV and newspaper coverage:



Pitchford Inquiry – police involvement in blacklisting to be investigated

If the blacklisting companies think that they can buy their way out of public scrutiny, they are very wrong. Teresa May has set up a public inquiry into undercover policing being headed by Lord Justice Pitchford. The first preliminary session took place on Wednesday in the Royal Courts of Justice. Blacklisted workers represented by the Blacklist Support Group have been granted core participant status. So the Pitchford inquiry will now investigate the role of the police in the blacklisting scandal. UCATT, FBU & NUM have also been granted CP status. The next 3 years will be very interesting.


Ongoing fights against blacklisting

Blacklisting is not a historic thing of the past – it is still ongoing.


Victimsed PCS rep, Candy Udwin reinstated at the National Gallery after more than 100 days on official strike. BSG would like to send a message of support to all the PCS strikers and especially to Candy. Your determined struggle and solidarity are an inspiration to us all.



New Royal Hospital project being built by blacklisting firm Carillion.

Sat 10th October

9.00am-10.30am Demo outside New Royal Hospital, Crown Street Entrance

11am-1pm – Organising meeting at Unite the Union Office



The ongoing dispute over contractors refusal to pay the nationally agreed rates of pay and blacklisting of union members at Wilton In Teesside is now in its 7th month. The Teesside activists recently took their fight against SITA to Liverpool. #PayTheRate


Andy Burnham pledges to fight for Shrewsbury Pickets


Blacklisted book was in Leeds this week – massive thank you to Kath Owen and jane Holgate for organising the meetings. The blacklisting campaign can only operate if local grassroots activists support us.


Blacklisting & the Arts 

Film maker Lucy Parker has been working with the Blacklist Support Group for a number of years. she will be doing a presentation in Edinburgh. BSG encourage anyone who has been blacklisted and especially wives and artners of blacklisted workers to participate in this project.

Contact Lucy via:


Mark Thomas in New York

Comedian / activist Mark Thomas appears on the construction industry blacklist, was spied on by BAE systems and also appears on the Metropolitan Police domestic extremism database. He is one of 6 journalists being represented by the NUJ currently suing the Met Police. Mark is taking his award winning show Cuckooed (about his experience of corporate spying) to New York throughout November. The show won awards at the Edinburgh Festival and the Amnesty International. The link is for tickets. If any trade unions or journalists in New York wish to get in touch with Mark during his NY run, please contact BSG at to arrange.


United We Stand – Ragged Trousered Philanthropist

Townsend Productions 2 political plays about the building industry are in Peckham throughout October & November with special press nights and speakers throughout the run.



Blacklist Support Group







Blacklisting News

  1. Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing – an opportunity for justice or potential cover up?

Below are various press articles and comments from blacklisted workers, unions and other victims of undercover political policing in response to the start of the Pitchford inquiry


Below is the initial response from Blacklist Support Group:

“The opening remarks from Lord Justice Pitchford is a now available on the website especially set up for the public inquiry. The public inquiry is of course to be welcomed and hopefully will uncover the truth behind some of the most shameful elements of British secret state operations against its own citizens. However Pitchford’s remarks and the Terms of Reference published by Teresa May, leave cause for concern.

  1. Spying on trade unions and proven police collusion in blacklisting is not mentioned once. Although social justice campaigns are included. We will need to argue that trade unions fall into this category.
  2. The document stresses that only covert spying by police will be investigated. This leaves a huge gaping hole in the area of corporate spying on activists. The state is not neutral but is always on the side of big business against trade unions. Police and corporate surveillance are completely intertwined with sharing of intelligence standard operating procedure. Some state spying may have actually been out-sourced to private companies. Is this going to be off limits? Will blacklisting fall through the net?
  3. ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ has been the response from the police to every attempt to pry open their dirty secrets. In addition they have refused to disclose evidence on the same basis claiming ‘national security’ or ‘ongoing investigations’ as the reasons. Continued use of this position by the police would make the entire inquiry a farce. Pitchford makes no mention of this but does talk about having to hear some evidence in secret and keeping identity confidential. Clarity on this issue is essential.
  4. Immunity from prosecution under the Official Secrets Act for whistleblowers will be crucial if the true extent of police operations are to be fully investigated. Without this, the inquiry is going nowhere. Pitchford does mention evidence given not being used to bring subsequent criminal charges – but this could apply to undercover officers who were involved in serious criminal activity such as sexual assault, arson or terrorism. It is not clear at all from the documentation so far released whether Peter Francis, the primary whistleblower will be protected.
  5. The Child Sex Abuse inquiry has set up a panel to hear and assess the evidence. The final report will be a collective response. In addition, an advisory panel made up of victims of abuse has also been established to assist in guiding the direction of the inquiry. No such equivalent structures have even been mooted by the Home Office or Pitchford. With the full PR machinery of the state at the disposal of the police, it is easy to see how the inquiry may cover areas which paint the police in a good light but completely ignore other areas.
  6. For the Pitchford inquiry to have any credibility, it will need to leave no stone unturned. There will be a period of lobbying and submissions by lawyers in the next few months. BSG and unions will be directly involved in that process. Which direction Pitchford will take is far from certain. One path may lead to groundbreaking insights into the anti-democratic operations of the secret state. A different path could result in another good old fashioned establishment cover up”.


  1. High Court orders Blacklisting firms to disclose evidence (previously hidden)

We also name the senior managers actively involved in blacklisting union members in the building industry. Many of these wretches have now moved to top HR jobs in the NHS, Universities, Lottery, Jockey Club and the off-shore sector. Do you recognise any of the names?


  1. VICTORY – sacked UNITE rep reinstated after direct action picket line

Graeme Boxall, the UNITE shop steward sacked at the Morgan Stanley HQ in Canary Wharf on Friday has been re-employed. Graeme was dismissed immediately after he requested direct employment for the electricians he represents but following a picket line this morning, negotiations took place between UNITE official Guy Langston and Lee Crompton Phoenix Managing Director. The outcome was that the sacked steward is now re-employed and the union will participate in continuing talks with the company about the direct employment issue.

Police threatened to arrest pickets and managers tried to intimidate the pickets by waving paperwork in front of them saying, “you are on private property and this is document is a High Court injunction which bans this protest”
The rank and file sparks reply was, “so what?”

Following the successful re-employment, protests have now been suspended to allow the union to negotiate the outstanding issues. Graeme Boxall commented: “I would like to say a massive ‘Thank You’ to all those who came down to support me today. I would especially like to thank the vast majority of construction workers on site who showed such solidarity by respecting the picket line, despite all the intimidation from the police and senior managers. Millions of workers are being denied their basic employment rights by the use of zero hours contracts, employment agencies and umbrella scams. But we don’t have to passively accept these abuses. Today has proved that if we fight back, we can win”.



  1. Pay The Rate – Teesside Construction Activists

The ongoing 16 week dispute in Redcar, Teesside is going to kick off big time. The national collective bargaining agreement is being ignored by major companies on the site who are exploiting workers by paying them less than the nationally agreed rates of pay, lodge and travel. We are not prepared to see any workers exploited, whether they are from Canterbury or Croatia.

This could spread like wildfire into a national wildcat strike. COBRA will have to meet if workers on power stations across the country follow the lead of the Teesside construction activists.

Reel News produce the first major video of the dispute:

If you want to show solidarity – contact Teesside construction Activists via FB:


  1. Blacklisting in the Labour Party leadership election

Jeremy Corbyn’s official flyer for the Labour Party leadership election (attached) specifically calls for compensation for the thousands of blacklisted workers and a full transparent public inquiry.

The flyer also calls for justice on Orgreave & Shrewsbury Pickets. For a number of years, Jeremy Corbyn attended Blacklist Support Group events in his own Islington constituency and in parliament. If any of the other candidates have official flyers that support blacklisted workers, we will be very interested in seeing them.


  1. Reel News

Everyone involved in Reel News deserves an award for all the hard work they are putting in to tell the stories the mainstream media are ignoring. We could not do what we do without the work they do – they are an integral part of the rank and file blacklisting campaign.  Please get your union branch to subscribe or make a sizable donation to keep this essential trade union based indymedia collective afloat.


  1. Happy holidays – enjoy the sunshine

Corbyn flyer

Blacklist Support Group








A Unite shop steward has just been sacked while working at Morgan Stanley Investment Bank in Canary Wharf after he asked for direct employment for all the electricians he represents. The company is D&D, who are sub-contracting for Phoenix Electrical who are a JIB registered company. Under JIB rules, all labour on site should be directly employed. This had actually been agreed in principle but when the steward actually asked to go on the cards, he was immediately dismissed.


We are not standing for this.

Casualisation is the scourge of the UK workplace. Zero hours contracts, agencies, temporary contracts and umbrella companies. But we don’t have to simply accept this erosion of working conditions and legal rights. We can fightback and demand direct employment. If you want to fight back against the tide of casualisation & have a pop at global capitalism at the same time – join the picket:

Monday 27th July – 6:30am onwards

Morgan Stanley

25 Cabot Square

Canary Wharf


Morgan Stanley rule the world and Canary Wharf is the spiritual home for financial capitalism. If the construction firms want to have a fight about workers rights – we’re happy to have it there.


Everyone welcome, especially any legal observers (as the private security and police might get heavy).



BREAKING: The industrial relations consultant representing the electrical companies in the Morgan Stanley sacking is Frank Westerman.

The ex-Amicus official now works as a freelance consultant for the major construction employers, including Skanska and other multinational firms responsible for blacklisting trade union members. Frank Westerman’s name appears as the source of information on a number of Consulting Association blacklist files, especially in relation to electricians who worked on the Jubilee Line. Westerman denies ever deliberately grassing up his members to the bosses and any other wrongdoing. He himself has a blacklist file from his youth as a shop steward.

Blacklisting High Court Update

  1. High Court update:

We spanked them 4-0.

Hugh and John crushed them on Tuesday and Wednesday. Dinah and Guy were brilliant on Thursday. We won on every single decision made by the judge. The blacklist firms now have a massive, costly and highly intrusive exercise to find & disclose the documentary evidence by 31st October. Take that, you human rights abusing wretches.


  1. Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing. 

Spycops inquiry Terms of Reference announced by Teresa May today. Not a single explicit mention of blacklisting or spying on unions – we need to keep up the pressure to ensure that we are a core part of the inquiry. John McDonnell MP asked a parliamentary question about whether spying on unions would be part of the inquiry – but there has been no response from the Home Office.

Statement from the Blacklist Support Group regarding the announcement of the terms of reference for the Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing

“The Blacklist Support Group has called on the Pitchford Inquiry not to become a whitewash in its investigation into undercover policing and ensure that spying on trade unionists is properly investigated. Teresa May has today (Thurs) announced the terms of reference for the public inquiry into undercover policing. The announcement by the Home Secretary lays out the scope of the inquiry to be led by the High Court judge and Privy Council member, Lord Justice Pitchford. The inquiry, set to run for three years, will look into the role of undercover policing and political campaign groups and social justice groups. The concerns of thousands of trade unionists must be heard and must be investigated – otherwise this is just another whitewash.

Many in the trade union movement may be skeptical about whether the Pitchford Inquiry, or indeed any investigation by the British establishment, will expose the full extent of state spying on unions. Even to get to this point has been a struggle. Getting the Pitchford inquiry to looking at political campaigns was not granted out of the generosity of Teresa May’s heart. Campaigners have had to fight for it over many years. This is only the latest stage in our battle for justice.


Trade unionists have known for decades that the police have been spying on us but whenever we have raised it we were accused of being conspiracy theorists with no evidence to back up our allegations. That has changed thanks to a combination of grassroots campaigning and investigate journalism – and the Pitchford Inquiry has the opportunity to test these allegations.


It is now known that the undercover police officers Mark Jenner and Peter Francis spied on trade union members in construction and other sectors. Both were part of the Special Demonstration Squad, a unit within Special Branch where police officers went undercover not for the occasional demonstration but for years on end.


Peter Francis, the undercover cop who turned whistleblower to expose the scandal, has publicly admitted spying on UCATT, FBU, CWU, NUT and Unison members. He released a statement admitting this at the Parliamentary launch of Blacklisted – the book which details the secret vetting of construction industry workers and environmental activists. However Francis was unable to appear in person even in the House of Commons because he feared prosecution under the Official Secret Act.


It is vital that Francis is able to give evidence in full to the Pitchford Inquiry without fear of prosecution. Just as the Child Sexual Abuse inquiry has secured a guarantee from the Attorney General that whistleblowers will be granted immunity from prosecution.  Similarly, the Attorney General needs to give such an assurance to the Pitchford Inquiry.


The inquiry must investigate the activities of officers such as Mark Jenner. Under his alias Mark Cassidy, the officer was well known on construction picket lines in London. The police spy was a paid-up member of the construction union UCATT between 1996-98, infiltrating the union to spy on activists.  He chaired meetings for one rank and file campaign.


One of those he spied on was Steve Hedley, currently the RMT Assistant General Secretary. Hedley said:”The police and big business has spied on me and other union activists for decades for nothing more than standing up for rights of our fellow workers. The undercover cop Mark Jenner targeted me for a number of years in the late 1990s and even stayed at my mum’s house. The sooner this anti-democratic scandal at the heart of the British state is exposed the better.”


Other ‘enemies of the state’ were targeted by undercover cops such as John Dines, Bob Lambert, Marco Jacobs and Mark Kennedy. These include environmental and anti-racists activists. Many of those subject to state surveillance also had files held by the notorious The Consulting Association (TCA) blacklist maintained on behalf of some of the country’s biggest construction firms. Francis says he opened a Special Branch file on one Liverpool bricklayer – that activist has a TCA file which says he is “under constant watch officially”.


This is more than about simply gathering details of who attended which meeting. The total lack of morality at the heart of this state-sectioned surveillance is demonstrated by the fact that the SDS training manual encouraged these officers to have sexual relationships with women activists as a way of gaining trust within the campaigns they were targeting. In some cases they fathered children with their targets. When the bereaved families of racist murder victims such as Ricky Reel and Stephen Lawrence dared to question the police, this resulted in undercover surveillance by the SDS.


And this was not about a few secret policeman swapping gossip with friends in the private sector. This was not about a few bad apples.


In 2013, the Blacklist Support Group complained to the IPCC about the role of the police spying on blacklisted trade union activists in the building industry. In a frank admission, the police watchdog admitted that its initial investigations had found that “every Special Branch in the country routinely provide information about prospective employees”.


Documents leaked to John McDonnell MP show that DCI Gordon Mills from the then National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit (NETCU) even attended The Consulting Association meetings to give a PowerPoint presentation. A ‘two way exchange of information’ was agreed between TCA and NETCU..


Spying on trade unionists is not an aberration but standard operating procedure, outside of democratic oversight and out of control. The effects on those targeted were often life-changing. It is a human rights abuse that cannot be tolerated – and which Pitchford cannot ignore.


A central question Pitchford must answer is why police intelligence was exchanged with big business. If our liberal democracy is to have any meaning then we deserve to know in whose interests the state acts. It may be uncomfortable for some but the public needs to know what, if any, political oversight has been exercised by both Labour and Conservative home secretaries.


One obvious omission from Teresa May’s statement is any mention of the role of the security services. The excuse of national security will be used as a cloak these undemocratic antics. The actions of Special Branch, the foot soldiers for MI5, cannot be the  end of Pitchford’s investigation if it is to have any meaning.


Our hopes are not high on this.The government continues to block the release of official papers relating to the prosecution of pickets at Shrewsbury in 1972. These secret documents would expose the role of undercover state agents in this notorious miscarriage of justice.


But public inquiries are stand alone bodies, in theory at least, one step removed from the government. If Pitchford is demonstrate that justice done must seen to be done without fear or favour then it must show its teeth. Campaigners will be arguing forcibly that other instances such as the Miners Strike, Grunwick, Wapping and blacklisting should all be investigated. There is prima facie evidence in all these case of undercover police involvement. The internal police inquiries so far have been a sham.


Pitchford may not get the full story of state surveillance on trade unions but an opportunity like this only comes along once in a generation. After decades of campaigning, we cannot tolerate a whitewash”.


  1. Tolpuddle Festival 

Phil Chamberlain and Dave Smith will be at Tolpuddle Festival at 10:30am this Saturday 18th July in the Marquee.

Books signed by the authors available from the Bookmarks tent.


  1. Blacklisting Arrest

Dave Smith’s trial following his arrest for protesting about blacklisting and safety isues on Crossrail is next week.

Thursday 23rd July (assemble 9am for photos)

City of London Magistrates Court

(next to bank tube)

Expect celebrity witnesses, political revelations and fireworks (not literally) in court





Blacklisting: Pitchford Inquiry

MPs have called for the Pitchford inquiry into the failures of undercover policing to cover spying on trade unions. Teresa May is set to announce the full Terms of Reference for the Pitchford Inquiry next week. The full text of Early Day Motion #263 submitted by John McDonnell MP is below:


“That this House remains deeply concerned about the extent and conduct of undercover police surveillance and the use of covert human intelligence sources; deeply regrets the distress caused to women by undercover officers forming intimate relationships and even fathering children with them; is concerned that police surveillance extended to covert monitoring of anti-racist and family justice campaigns, together with other civil society and political groups; is shocked by the revelations of Peter Francis, former member of the Metropolitan Police Force’s Special Demonstration Squad, in relation to the unit’s covert state surveillance of trade unions and their members, including Unison, the Fire Brigades Union, the Communication Workers Union, the National Union of Teachers and the construction workers union UCATT; commends the ongoing campaign of the National Union of Journalists over the surveillance of union members; welcomes the inquiry to be conducted by Lord Justice Pitchford into covert police surveillance; and calls on the terms of reference of the inquiry to include an investigation into the practice of covert surveillance of lawful trade union activities”.


Link to EDM 263


John McDonnell MP has been at the forefront of exposing the role of undercover police spying on and colluding with the blacklisting of trade unions. He commented:

““Thousands of innocent trade unionists and their families have suffered at the hands of blacklisting companies. They deserve a thorough and open inquiry to bring out the truth of how they were victimised and harmed by blacklisting.”


The Blacklist Support Group (BSG) has led the campaign to expose the role of the police spying colluding with blacklisting union members and has made a formal submission to the Home Office with suggested Terms of Reference for the Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing, calling for the judge led inquiry to investigate police surveillance of trade union members. The Pitchford Inquiry was set up by Teresa May before the General Election following the revelations that undercover police units spied on the Stephen Lawrence family and had long term sexual relationships with women activists they were spying on. BSG are being legally represented by the prominent human rights solicitor Imran Khan, who has supported the blacklisted construction workers since presenting an IPCC complaint about the police collusion in blacklisting back in 2012. Imran Khan is also representing Doreen Lawrence in the Pitchford Inquiry.


Dave Smith, BSG secretary and co-author of the book ‘Blacklisted’ that exposes the blacklisting conspiracy commented:

“There are secret political police units in the UK that spy on anyone they consider to be a ‘domestic extremist’. In reality, that means trade unions, environmental activists, anti-racist campaigns and even the families of murder victims who dare to criticise the police, all of which are perfectly legal within a democratic society. The Pitchford inquiry must investigate why the police have been spying on trade unions and why they have been exchanging information with multinational companies. Any pressure put on by politicians and trade unions is extremely welcome. BSG applaud the EDM and call on all MPs concerned about human rights to sign it”.


Imran Khan commented:

“It is extremely sad to note that it often takes many years, grave injustices and tenacious individuals to uncover discreditable conduct in society. Those involved in the BSG have been bearing the brunt of severe injustices for a long time. Their hardship in doing so has not diminished their tenacity in seeking to throw light on this most murky of worlds. The Public Inquiry to be chaired by Lord Justice Pitchford will give the BSG the opportunity to not only uncover what happened to them but also ensure that the general public finally hears what went on and that the conduct complained of never happens again.”


Proposed Terms of Reference for the Public Inquiry into Undercover policing from the Blacklist Support Group:


“To inquire into and make recommendations as to the role, conduct and governance of the police service and her majesty’s Government in the establishment and deployment of undercover and covert operations, with specific regard to the Special Demonstration Squad, National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit and any other similar units in the police and in particular, to consider: 

  • The surveillance of trade union activists and trade union supported campaigns;
  • The provision of information by the police, whether directly or indirectly, of information contained on databases they have access to, to businesses about prospective employees;
  • The collusion, specifically with the Economic League and the Consulting Association and any other similar organisations, in the blacklisting of trade union members;
  • The outsourcing of state surveillance operations to private contractors;
  • The level and degree of political oversight into the above operations;
  • The extent to which the police were assisted in the above operations by the security services;
  • The circumstances of, and the reasons for, the loss, destruction and /or unavailability of documentation with regard to the matters above.

The Inquiry will also consider how to fulfill the objectives set out in these Terms of Reference by considering, in particular, the:

  • Extent and degree of protection from prosecution, under the Official Secrets Act or any other relevant legislation, of any witnesses giving information / evidence including whistleblowers;
  • Extent and degree to which the police’s stated position of ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ affects a transparent and thorough investigation into the matters set out above”. 


Steve Hedley, Assistant General Secretary RMT, who was blacklisted by the Consulting Association and targeted by undercover Special Demonstration Squad officer Mark Jenner commented:

“The police and big business has spied on me and other union activists for decades, for nothing more than standing up for rights of our fellow workers. The undercover cop Mark Jenner targeted me for a number of years in the late 1990s and even stayed at my mum’s house! The sooner this anti-democratic scandal at the heart of the British state is exposed the better”.





  1. High Court

The next dates for the High Court group litigation is set for 14th July – it will be a very busy schedule covering disclosure of documents, destroyed evidence, expert witnesses etc.. If all items are not finished, the hearing will carry over into the 15th July.


  1. Pitchford public inquiry into undercover policing

BSG have sent an official submission to the Home Office regarding the remit for the upcoming Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing. We called for there to be a full investigation into undercover police infiltration of unions to spy on activists. Teresa May is expected to announce the full scope of the inquiry sometime in mid-July.


  1. Teeside #PayTheRate Protests

The ongoing SITA dispute in Teeside is still attracting 100s of workers to weekly early morning protests. Last week, scores of activists turned up unannounced at the Liverpool offices of the MRWA to press their point home. Keep up the good work brothers & sisters – you are leading the fightback against the attacks on our terms & conditions.

For more info and updates about the latest actions follow Teeside Construction Activists on FaceBook:


  1. Blacklisting events – Dates for the Diary in July

Thu 2nd (6:30pm) – Defend Our Unions, ULU

Sat 4th (all day) – National Shop Stewards Conference – Conway Hall, Holborn

Thu 9th (6:30pm) – Blacklisted book event – Black Pig, Tunbridge Wells, Kent – with Helen Clifford

Fri 10th (5:30pm) – Durham Miners Gala Education 4 Action event – NUM Offices, Redhills – in association with People’s Bookshop

Sat 11th (2pm) – Blacklisted workers filmed discussion, London – in association with film maker Lucy Parker – please contact BSG ASAP if you are interested in attending.

Tue 14th (10am) – High Court blacklisting trial case management hearing

Tue 14th (6:30pm) – TUCG Tolpuddle Seminar – Jubilee Room, Houses of Parliament – with MPs & Gen Secs

Wed 15th (10am) – High Court day 2 (tbc)

Wed 15th (7pm) – Hackney TUC

Sat 18th – Tolpuddle Festival

Thu 23rd – Dave Smith arrest trial – City of London Magistrates Court


  1. Get Carillion out of Liverpool

BSG are working with Spirit of Shankly supporters group in Liverpool FC about the contract given to blacklisting firm Carillion to redevelop the Anfield stadium.

BSG are also involved in ongoing meetings with Trust operating New Royal Liverpool Hospital that has also awarded a contract to Carillion.

Watch this space – this could get very big.


  1. Blacklist Support Group at Glastonbury Festival

BSG were at Glastonbury Festival appearing at Leftfield stage, Speakers Forum in the Green Futures Field and the Reel News installation in Shangri-La. Phil Chamberlain, Tom Fowler, Martin Smith, Shaun Dey, Merrick Badger, Dave Smith were flying the flag. All the photos are on social media


  1. Other Blacklisting news items:

Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ Gen Sec review in the Morning Star:

Join Blacklist Support Group on FaceBook or follow @daveblacklist on Twitter for the most up to date news as it breaks


Tunbridge Wells flyer


Blacklist Support Group








The Blacklist Support Group (BSG) has made a formal submission to the Home Office with suggested Terms of Reference for the Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing, calling for the judge led inquiry to investigate police surveillance of trade union members. The Pitchford Inquiry was set up by Teresa May before the General Election, in response to revelations that undercover police units spied on bereaved relatives of murder victims, including the Stephen Lawrence family and had long term sexual relationships with women activists they were spying on. BSG are being legally represented by the prominent human rights solicitor Imran Khan, who has supported the blacklisted construction workers since presenting an IPCC complaint about police collusion in blacklisting back in 2012. Imran Khan is also representing Doreen Lawrence in the Pitchford Inquiry. The deadline for such submission is tomorrow (Wednesday 24th June) and the final remit is expected to be published by the end of July.


Proposed Terms of Reference for the Public Inquiry into Undercover policing from the Blacklist Support Group:


“To inquire into and make recommendations as to the role, conduct and governance of the police service and her majesty’s Government in the establishment and deployment of undercover and covert operations, with specific regard to the Special Demonstration Squad, National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit and any other similar units in the police and in particular, to consider: 

  • The surveillance of trade union activists and trade union supported campaigns;
  • The provision of information by the police, whether directly or indirectly, of information contained on databases they have access to, to businesses about prospective employees;
  • The collusion, specifically with the Economic League and the Consulting Association and any other similar organisations, in the blacklisting of trade union members;
  • The outsourcing of state surveillance operations to private contractors;
  • The level and degree of political oversight into the above operations;
  • The extent to which the police were assisted in the above operations by the security services;
  • The circumstances of, and the reasons for, the loss, destruction and /or unavailability of documentation with regard to the matters above.

The Inquiry will also consider how to fulfill the objectives set out in these Terms of Reference by considering, in particular, the:

  • Extent and degree of protection from prosecution, under the Official Secrets Act or any other relevant legislation, of any witnesses giving information / evidence including whistleblowers;
  • Extent and degree to which the police’s stated position of ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ affects a transparent and thorough investigation into the matters set out above”. 

The covering letter to the Home Office from Imran Khan states:


“In 2009, following a raid by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at premises connected to The Consulting Association (hereinafter “TCA”), it was discovered that there was a database of secret files kept on 3123 trade union activists by some of the largest multi-national building firms in the UK.  The database was used to deny trade union activists work on major projects and was a continuation of a process that had been previously conducted by the Services Group within an organisation called the Economic League. There is prima facie evidence that some of the information on the database originated from or was provided by the police. Given this, a complaint was lodged with the Independent Police Complaint Commission (hereinafter IPCC) whose initial scoping of the complaint confirmed that “every Special Branch in the country routinely provided information about prospective employees”. 


In addition to the trade union members, around 200 environmental and social justice activists also appear on the blacklist, including some of the women spied on by the undercover police that led to the inquiry to be set up.


Dave Smith, BSG secretary commented:

“3 years ago, when the BSG started talking about the police colluding with big business to spy on trade union members, people looked at us as if we were paranoid conspiracy theorists. But we refused to let it lie and now the evidence is beyond dispute: senior police officers were actively participating with the Consulting Association blacklisting operation. Trade unions are a perfectly legal part of civil society. Why are we being infiltrated by undercover police units and why is the state sharing intelligence with big business?


It is only because we were prepared to kick up a stink that the evidence about police collusion has slowly come to light. We now call upon the Pitchford Inquiry to carry out a thorough and transparent investigation into the out of control anti-democratic practices of these secret political police units. A first step would be for the Inquiry to be given a wide enough remit to uncover the truth, rather than being so narrowly defined that we get another establishment whitewash”


Imran Khan commented:

“It is extremely sad to note that it often takes many years, grave injustices and tenacious individuals to uncover discreditable conduct in society. Those involved in the BSG have been bearing the brunt of severe injustices for a long time. Their hardship in doing so has not diminished their tenacity in seeking to throw light on this most murky of worlds. The Public Inquiry to be chaired by Lord Justice Pitchford will give the BSG the opportunity to not only uncover what happened to them but also ensure that the general public finally hears what went on and that the conduct complained of never happens again.”


John McDonnell MP, who has championed the cause of blacklisted workers in parliament commented:

“Thousands of innocent trade unionists and their families have suffered at the hands of blacklisting companies. They deserve a thorough and open inquiry to bring out the truth of how they were victimised and harmed by blacklisting.”






Blacklist Support Group (BSG) are applying to the Home Office for ‘core participant’ status in the Pitchford public inquiry into failures in undercover policing set up by Teresa May.  This follows claims in the book ‘Blacklisted’ by Dave Smith & Phil Chamberlain, that undercover police officers spied on trade union activists from the construction industry and intelligence gathered was passed onto big business – resulting in blacklisting of union activists. Imran Khan & Partners solicitors are representing BSG, the same firm is also representing Doreen Lawrence in the Pitchford Inquiry.


The BSG are the only organisation to have officially complained to the IPCC over police collusion in the Consulting Association blacklist scandal and have been informed that ‘every Special Branch in the country routinely supplied information about prospective employees’ in correspondence from the police watchdog.


As a ‘core participant’ in the Pitchford inquiry, the BSG would be part of a central group of parties entitled to some input into the remit and to see the evidence before it is put into the public domain.


A number of individuals on the construction industry blacklist were spied on by undercover police officers from different units including the notorious Special Demonstration Squad, including Bob Lambert, Mark Kennedy, John Dines, Mark Jenner and the ex-undercover police officer turned whistleblower, Peter Francis. During an interview published in ‘Blacklisted’, Peter Francis admits targeting prominent union activists from the construction industry.


Special Demonstration Squad undercover officer Mark Jenner, became a member of UCATT under his false name during his deployment and was a regular visitor to picket lines and meetings in London during the late 1990s.


In addition, DCI Gordon Mills from another undercover police unit known as National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit (NETCU) actually attended meetings and gave a PowerPoint presentation to the illegal Consulting Association. According to ‘Blacklisted’ there was a two way exchange of information between the police unit and the illegal blacklisting body.


There are likely to be clusters of evidence sessions around different aspects of undercover policing. Spying on justice campaigns (such as the Lawrence family), the women who were targeted & abused by the police, anti-racist / socialist / environmental groups, the use of dead babies identities etc… A number of the activists that appear on the building industry blacklist were participants in a variety of peaceful democratic campaigns and will therefore have an interest in a number of the different themes.


Dave Smith, BSG secretary & himself a victim of undercover police surveillance said:

“Hopefully by the BSG applying for core participant status, we will be able to guarantee that spying on trade unions and passing over information to private companies becomes a theme within the Pitchford inquiry. Police and security services spying on trade unions is not a one off aberration, it is standard operating procedure by the state.


Undercover police units and security services were involved in operations against trade unions at Grunwick, Shrewsbury, Wapping and during the Miner Strike. It is known that activists & officers from UCATT, UNITE, RMT, FBU, Unison, CWU, NUT and PCS have been targeted by undercover police units. BSG hope that all the unions affected come together and put in a joint submission to Pitchford, probably under the umbrella of the TUC. Official pressure from France’s O’Grady and other General Secretaries could have a significant influence on the scope of the Inquiry.”





Blacklisting Support Group

There was stunned silence followed by audible gasps in the High Court when Matthew Nicklin QC read out documentary evidence indicating that the blacklisting firms had deliberately set out to destroy evidence of their illegal conspiracy. The unions UNITE, UCATT & GMB plus solicitors Guney, Clark & Ryan (working in association with the Blacklist Support Group) are representing 581 blacklisted union members in ‘group litigation’ against 40 of the UK’s largest construction firms, including Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd, Balfour Beatty, Carillion, Kier, Costain, Laing O’Rourke, Vinci, Skanska, Bam.


The procedural hearing yesterday was deciding on case management issues to be put in place before the full trial which is now confirmed to take place on 16th May 2016 and set to last 10 weeks. With directors of multinational firms and former undercover police officers set to give evidence, this will turn into a show trial for the construction industry.


The major issue to be decided in this week’s hearing was one of disclosure of documents to be used in the trial. The firms have repeatedly denied holding documents relating to the illegal Consulting association blacklist, despite invoices proving that directors of the companies attending quarterly meetings from 1993-2009. The told the court that to search for the relevant documentation would cost them £27million and that they had already provided a list of documents that they have found on their computers.


But Matthew Nicklin QC, representing the blacklisted workers from UCATT, told the court that the pitiful disclosure by the firms was “worse than useless” and that the firms were being deliberately obstructive. Nickiln QC then read out documentary evidence that showed that David Cochrane, director of Human Resources at Sir Robert McAlpine & chairman of The Consulting Association (TCA) when it was raided in 2009 instructed Ian Kerr (chief executive of TCA) to destroy blacklisting documents and to ring round others to tell them to do the same. The document was a hand written record made by Ian Kerr of a series of conversations he had with various industry grandees immediately after the Information Commissioners Office served its warrant. The relevant part of the note read to the High Court states that David Cochrane told Ian Kerr:


“Ring everyone – Cease trading – Close down – We don’t exist anymore – Destroy data – Stop Processing”

Later sections of the same note record conversations with other senior managers who say they have already destroyed the documents they held.

(full note attached)


Roy Bentham, blacklisted joiner from Liverpool & Blacklist Support Group said:

“The wheels of justice turn painfully slow but we now have a date for the full trial. In 12 months from today, I look forward to seeing those captains of industry being questioned about their illegal blacklist with ruined so many lives”.


Dave Smith, BSG secretary added,

“We have repeatedly called for jail sentences for these wretches who violated our human rights. If the destruction of documentary evidence is proved in court, those responsible should be prosecuted for perverting the course of justice and be sent to prison. That would be real justice”.



Other issues decided by Judge Supperstone


20 lead cases decided upon.

Application by defendants for further information regarding DWP and  HMRC records for lead cases regarding schedules of loss.

Length of trial – 10 weeks

2 further hearings scheduled. Next on the 14th July and two to be set in October including a costs hearing.

Expert evidence. Professor to give overview and detailed analysis of earnings and specifically loss of earnings of the claimants.

Defamation, data protection, libel, slander, conspiracy cases are all in the mix for which criteria that will be selected.

Blacklist Support Group


video: Blacklisting 2013 – The Workers Strike Back



