Category: Blacklisting

Blacklisting, Bullying & Blowing the Whistle

Blacklisting, Bullying & Blowing the Whistle

Blacklist Support Group are co-hosting a major employment rights conference in September at the University of Greenwich.

Bringing together activists & academics, politicians, unions and lawyers to expose the hidden underbelly of the modern workplace. Confirmed contributors include: John McDonnell, Michelle Stanistreet, Gail Cartmail, John Hendy, Roger McKenzie, Art Against Blacklisting – many more speakers to be announced.

Come along, spread the word and be part of setting the political agenda on workers rights (plus on Friday evening there will be a Blacklisting Victory party with live music & DJs)



  1. When Len McCluskey said that that MI5 could be covertly undermining the Corbyn leadership, he was condemned as a conspiracy theorist. Perhaps his critics should take a look at the evidence of legal democratic campaigns being infiltrated by undercover police and the security services.


  1. Video shown at UNITE Policy Conference in Brighton

Bill Harvey, Jessica Sparrowhawk, Sandy MacPherson, Bridgett & Darrel Crapper represent


  1. Solidarity

Solidarity – Wood Street Cleaners

Wood Street cleaners have WON the London Living Wage but have voted unanimously to stay on indefinite strike until their sacked union reps are reinstated.

Day 50 on strike – protest – Time for our entire movement to mobilise in support of this heroic dispute.

5pm Wednesday 27th July


Solidarity with the striking Offshore workers


Solidarity with the Durham TAs


Solidarity with Hazards conference – this weekend


  1. Davey Hopper R.I.P.

Blacklist Support Group wish to send condolences to the famioy and friends of Davy Hopper, Durham NUM. Funeral this Friday.


  1. The short film ‘Apologies’ by Lucy Parker about the blacklisting scandal is showing as part of an exhibition from Tuesday this week until 28th August

Jerwood Space, 171 Union Street, Bankside, London, SE1 0LN.


  1. Corbyn keeps pushing the case for blacklisted workers at Durham & Tolpuddle



Blacklist Support Group update – 15 July 2016

  1. Neil Findlay MSP names Gayle Burton from Costain in Scottish parliament as key link between the police and the blacklist.

This is a big breakthrough but amazingly none of the media have picked it up.


  1. Corbyn and McDonnell stood with blacklisted workers in our time of need. Now they are under attack, the Blacklist Support Group stand with them.

Morning Star Feature article:

Roy Bentham speaking at a Liverpool Keep Corbyn rally


  1. Blacklist Support Group to host a major employment rights conference at University of Greenwich on 16-17 September

Blacklisting, Bullying, Whistleblowing & Police Surveillance

Everyone welcome – to register for the conference contact:

Please note: within the 2 days, a stand alone session will be set aside for the BSG AGM.


4.Current victimisation of union reps

BSG Solidarity with the Wood Street cleaners – blacklisted workers and Art Against Racism supported a group of cleaners based at Wood Street in the City of London after they were sacked for joining a trade union and asking for the London Living Wage. This dispute has the potential to turn into this generation’s Grunwick – please support the strikers




Gingsters pasty’s sack Baker’s union activist


London Met UCU branch sec & chair both dismissed


  1. BSG out and about:

Durham Miners Gala with Stewart Emms speaking at the historic NUM Rednalls offices

Speakers Forum & Art Against Blacklisting in the Shangri-La area of Glastonbury


  1. Art

Glasgow School of Art award rebuild contract to Kier

Lucy Parker’s film: Blacklist – being made with support of the BSG now has its own website:

If your union branch is looking for a speaker – think of inviting Lucy (or just making a donation)


  1. UNITE Policy Conference

Unite conference was held in Brighton this week and passed a unanimous resolution on blacklisting moved by Dave Walsh and seconded by Tony Seaman.

Jeremy Corbyn got a huge ovation when he talked about courageous blacklisted construction workers struggle for justice. Blacklisted for trying to improve dignity for workers improving safety and conditions.


  1. Strike news

Offshore workers vote 99% in favour of industrial action – stick that up your TU Bill ballot threshold

Employers prepare by hiring ‘scab labour’


Fawley Power station hit by strike action by migrant workers complaining about non payment of full rates of pay within national agreements



  1. BLACKLISTED t-shirts

After countless requests, the Blacklist Support Group iconic ‘BLACKLISTED’ t-shirts are now available to buy from the Hope Not Hate website.
Proceeds from t-shirts go back into the campaign


  1. Dates for the diary:

Tolpuddle Festival – this weekend – solidarity greetings to everyone attending


Hazards Conference 29-31 july


Construction Rank & File national meeting

6th August

UNITE Holborn HQ – all building workers welcome – especially from UCATT


  1. Seven years too late – CIPD statement on blacklisting


Blacklist Support Group







Blacklist Support Group Update

  1. Jo Cox R.I.P.

Blacklist Support Group send their condolences to the family and friends of Jo Cox at this appalling time.


The murder of a Labour MP by someone shouting ‘Britain First’ and with apparent links to fascist groups is not an isolated incident, it is a one of numerous assaults, murders, petrol bombings and terrorist attacks by the far-right over the past decade. A number of fascists have been sent to prison for these attacks and for possession of firearms, chemical weapons and bomb making equipment. If you cannot remember them, that is because the mainstream media barely mentions these outrages, not because they do not occur. This far-right terrorist fringe does not exist in splendid isolation, it operates within the wider context of xenophobia, racism and intolerance whipped up by politicians and the press. This is a dangerous time with the rise of the far right across all of Europe. BSG stand shoulder to shoulder with those taking a stand to fight against fascism, wherever is raises its head.


  1. BSG on tour

Glastonbury Festival – Thurs 23rd July, Speakers Forum


Marxism Festival – Thurs 30th June, Institute of Education, 7pm


National Shop Stewards Network conference – Sat 2nd July, Conway Hall, 11am


Durham Miners – Fri 8th July, Rednalls, 4pm


  1. Guilty as sin

Dave Smith was found guilty with conditional discharge – which means no fine.

During the 2 day trial in which 5 police officers gave evidence, the suffragettes, Anti-Apartheid, the Stephen Lawrence justice campaign, fights to keep hospitals open and the Blacklist Support Group were all name checked as movements that have all on occasions used civil disobedience to highlight greater human rights injustices. Unfortunately, the judge still found us guilty.

Dave said after the decision.

“Huge ‘thank you’ to my superb & principled legal team JC Townsend & Liam Dunne from Guney Clarke & Ryan, who fought the case purely on the basis of upholding the democratic right to protest (as enshrined in Article 10 & 11 of ECHR). Plus John Bryan and Guy Smallman who acted as witnesses & the video footage of the incident by Reel News. And to everyone who came down to court or sent messages of support – it is really appreciated. I am blessed to have such good friends & comrades”.


  1. Blacklisting condemned at the United Nations


5, Ongoing victimisation of union activists

Kumaran Bose – Gingsters pie makers sack Bakers union activist

Wood Street cleansers sacked for organising a union and asking for the London Living Wage – United Voices of the World


  1. Have you downloaded the BSG campaign song yet?

Blacklist Number 1 by Sean Taylor reached Number 3 in the Amazon Blues charts and Number 7 in the Folk charts on its first week.

Keep up the momentum – download the track and support the campaign.

Any homemade videos of groups of union members singing the chorus should be uploaded to the BSG FB page


Keep the Faith


Blacklist Support Group

Undercover police spied on the RMT union

Undercover police officer Carlo Neri spied on the RMT union.  Photographic evidence shows that in October 2004 the spy cop was present at the industrial dispute following the sacking of the prominent union militant Steve Hedley (now elected as Senior Assistant General Secretary of the RMT union) during construction of the Kings Cross terminal for the Channel Tunnel Rail Link.

The presence of the police spy from the Met’s disgraced Special Demonstration Squad was captured on camera by the freelance photographer Andrew Wiard. The photographs show the police spy standing behind an RMT banner with the slogan ‘Reinstate Steve Hedley’ while handing out leaflets to construction workers who had walked out in support of the victimised union activist.  Also present at the picket line were RMT activists Alex Gordon and Sarah Friday plus GMB construction organisers Kelly Rogers and Steve Kelly (who was subsequently banned from the project controlled by the blacklist companies Costain, O’Rourke and Emcor).


Photographs only available for use in the media upon direct email request to Andrew Wiard


Steve Hedley commented:

“I am appalled that a secret police spy thought that it was justified to turn up on a peaceful RMT picket line in order to gather information. I had earlier housed this person rent free as he claimed he was being made homeless and feel shocked that taxpayers money could be used like this to betray the trust of people engaged in completely legitimate industrial action. We heard a lot growing up about police states in other countries whilst it turns out our state was doing exactly the same thing here”.


The photographs were rediscovered by Dave Smith while researching for the updated version of the book Blacklisted and were first made public at the GMB conference in Bournemouth on Sunday evening (5th June). Smith commented afterwards:

“We were standing up for workers rights but apparently the British state considered us such a threat, that we were kept under constant surveillance by shady anti-democratic units in the police. This is nothing less than political policing and has no place in a democracy.

This took place during the Tony Blair government and I want to know why trade unions were were being spied on under a Labour Home Secretary. David Blunkett has serious questions to answer”.


The CTRL dispute is recorded on Consulting Association blacklist files of Steve Hedley and GMB organiser at the time, Steve Kelly.

Both Steve Hedley and Dave Smith have been granted core participant status in the Pitchford public inquiry into undercover policing.



Blacklist Support Group








Corbyn & Burnham pledge a public inquiry for blacklisting

  1. Corbyn & Burnham pledge a public inquiry for blacklisting

This week both Jeremy Corbyn and Andy Burnham made speeches praising the Blacklist Support Group and calling for a full public inquiry into blacklisting. The Leader of the Labour Party made his speech at the GMB conference in Bournemouth while the Shadow Home Secretary raised the issue during a debate in the House of Commons over the Investigatory Powers Bill.

Corbyn speech to GMB congress

Andy Burnham’s full speech (from 952 in Hansard)…/160…/InvestigatoryPowersBill


  1. Undercover police spying on activists


  1. Dave Smith trial

The twice adjourned trial following dave Smith’s arrest for protesting against blacklisting will take place on Thurs 9th – Fri 10th June at City of London Magistrates Court (next to Bank tube station).
It’s a public gallery, so anyone who wants to come along is more than welcome. BSG protest outside the court from 9:15am


  1. After the High Court admission of guilt – stop giving publicly funded contracts to blacklist firms


  1. More construction workers killed in Qatar


  1. Art Against Blacklisting

Support the Blacklist Support Group campaign song

Blacklist Number 1 by Sean Taylor

Download the song –

Share the video –


Art Against Blacklisting at Glastonbury


Any Means Necessary – play by Kefi Chadwick

special read one off exclusive through in London next Wednesday 15th June – contact Kefi for tickets


Blacklist Support Group







John McDonnell endorses blacklist campaigner on trial over democratic right to protest

The trial of Dave Smith takes place in the City of London Magistrates Court on Thurs 9th – Fri 10th June following his arrest for blocking after traffic in Park Lane during a protest against blacklisting of union members in the construction industry. The secretary of the Blacklist Support Group and co-author of the book Blacklisted has been on bail for over 15 months since his arrest on 18th March 2015. The companies involved in the blacklisting have recently admitted their guilt, paid out millions in compensation and apologised for their involvement in The Consulting Association conspiracy in the High Court.


Smith does not deny standing in the middle of the central London thoroughfare but is claiming that he has a democratic right to protest and that includes causing minor disruption to traffic. This right being enshrined in Article 10 (freedom of expression) and Article 11 (freedom of assembly) of the European Convention on Human Rights. In fact, Smith is providing video evidence of the incident as part of his legal submission.

Video of the Park Lane protest:

Video of Dave Smith’s speech outside the court on the first trial date (that was adjourned):


The trial is about whether it is lawful to exercise every citizens’s democratic right to protest.


John McDonnell MP, who contacted the police on behalf of Smith on the night of his arrest commented:

“Blacklisted workers have suffered a grave injustice. Direct action has been an essential part of exposing that injustice. The action taken by Dave Smith stands in a long standing tradtion of direct action in this country. I fully support Dave Smith and his colleagues”


Dave Smith commented:

“Not a single company director responsible for blacklisting has been forced to appear in court for their role in the scandal. But if blacklisted workers protest about the human rights conspiracy, we could face a criminal conviction. That speaks volumes about the British legal system”.


Smith’s pro-bono legal team of John Carl Townsend (barrister) and Liam Dunne (solicitor) of Guney, Clark & Ryan solicitors, were central players in the High Court blacklisting trial. The attached legal ‘skeleton argument’ presented to the court provides an in depth explanation of the legal issues at stake.


Attached photos from Guy Smallman (NUJ)


Blacklist Support Group protest

9:15am Thursday 9th July

o/s City of London Magistrates Court

1 Queen Victoria Street London EC4N 4XY.

(next to Bank tube station)



Blacklisting Vindication

This happened at the High Court on 11th May:


9:30am – John McDonnell MP joins blacklisted workers outside the High Court celebrating their legal victory against the major construction firms. McDonnell reminds the crowd how he chaired the first ever meeting of the Blacklist Support Group back in 2009 with less than 10 people present – but now we have won a famous victory. McDonnell tells the 100s of supporters and the world’s media and his millions of twitter followers that “compensation is one thing, justice is another”


10:30am – Roy Bentham, blacklisted carpenter from Liverpool, makes an application not to be bound by the settlement agreement but to be able to continue to the full trial representing himself. Bentham tells the court how as a Hillsborough survivor he had waited 27 years for justice with many false hopes in courtrooms over the decades. He explains that he wants to continue to ensure that those responsible for the blacklist are called to account. “A bit of compensation here and there is not justice.”  There was a spontaneous round of applause and cheering from the packed public gallery.

Lord Justice Supperstone ruled against Roy and denied him the right to appeal. Responding Bentham said: “This will be judged in time because this hasn’t been justice today. I look at the episode in this courtroom as a failure of the British justice system”.


11am – Construction firms at the centre of the blacklisting conspiracy were forced to make a grovelling apology “for the distress and anxiety caused to workers and their families”. A six page agreed statement (attached) was read in open court which reads like a history of blacklisting in construction from the 1960s, covering the covert operations of the ‘Services Group’ within the notorious Economic League until the discovery of The Consulting Association blacklist in 2009. Senior company directors including Cullum McAlpine are named in the statement which ends with an apology from the firms.


While welcoming the agreed statement for putting on public record the shameful activities that have tarnished the reputation of an entire industry, blacklisted workers remain extremely skeptical about how genuine the apology really is. Even now the firms cannot bring themselves to use the toxic word ‘blacklisting’, despite the British Parliament passing the Blacklist Regulations 2010 in order to outlaw the disgraceful practice as a direct response to the Consulting Association scandal.


11:30am At the point where Caldercott QC apologised on behalf of the firms, the High Court hearing was interrupted for several minutes by chants of ‘No Justice – No Peace’ by blacklisted workers and an impromptu speech by Dave Smith who told the court, “Under no circumstances do we consider this to be a sincere apology.”


12:00 – The judge rules the High Court blacklisting group litigation  is concluded – blacklisted workers, lawyers and supporters went to the pub to celebrate our victory.


BSG would like to publicly thank all the legal teams who have worked on out behalf over many years but especially JC townsend and Liam Dunne who have been with us from the very start. Without GCR, there would not have been any High Court litigation.



Blacklist Support Group statement:

“The victory in the High Court is vindication for our campaign..

The multi-million pound settlements are a major hit for any organisation.

The admissions wrung out of the blacklisting companies are enormous.


The grassroots campaign combined with the legal fight has brought us to this point. But the Blacklist Support Group do not agree with the wording of the apology, nor do we think it is sincere.

The only thing the firms are sorry for is getting caught.

This is not the end of the matter – this is unfinished business.


Blacklist Support Group demand a full public inquiry to fully expose the blacklisting human rights conspiracy and the collusion between big business and the shadowy anti-democratic elements within the police. We are hardworking men and women used to getting our hands dirty. We are not giving up until the job is completed


Full justice still needs to be fought for – but tonight we celebrate

All those who have stood with us over the past 7 years, raise a glass to celebrate”.


Blacklist Support Group






Blacklist Update

  1. High Court

Construction firms pay out millions to settle more blacklisting claims but the fight for justice continues.


  1. Hillsborough

Blacklist Support Group would like to pay tribute to the tremendous campaign by the families and supporters of the 96 football fans who lost their lives at Hillsborough. Their 27 year campaign for justice has finally been vindicated in court with the verdict of unlawful killing. The Hillsborough campaigns are an inspiration to millions around the world and prove that when we are steadfast in our fight for the truth, even the rich and powerful will be brought to account in the end.


  1. Third elected MSP found on blacklist


Academic who criticized Police Scotland is on blacklist – but his file has been destroyed


  1. Workers Memorial Day


  1. Scottish Labour Election Manifesto:

“A Scottish Labour Government will stand up for citizens’ individual rights and protect the Human Rights Act. We will right the wrongs for the people denied that basic human right to work — a Scottish Labour Government will deliver a full inquiry into the practice of blacklisting trade unionists in Scotland”.


  1. ‘Blacklisted’ is shortlisted for the Bread & Roses book award 2016

Sat 7th May at London Radical Bookfair


  1. Strikes & Protests

North Sea


Solidarity with scaffs and labourers striking for one rate for the job at the Polmadie waste-to-energy site, Glasgow. Next 48 hour strike Tuesday 3 May

NG Bailey – direct employment


Victimized union activists:


  1. Undercover police



Blacklist Support Group







RMT Supporting Blacklisted Members

Should you feel that you have been subject to blacklisting and have appeared on a Blacklist Database (as the Information Commissioners Office can confirm) then the RMT may be able to support you through their solicitors, Thompsons.

Many of our members have suffered severe hardship for fighting for safety or undertaking legal activities such as representing members and have had their livelihoods taken away through the actions of the state and in the name of corporate greed.

Both our Assistant General Secretaries, Steve Hedley and Mick Lynch appeared on lists that stopped them earning a living without recourse.

It is time for justice. So if you was affected, then fill in the form below and send off to Unity House for our legal team to review whether they believe you have a case.


L2-June 2014

Blacklisting and Corporate Lies

Blacklist Support Group today announced that it intends to make a formal submission to the Metropolitan Police calling for an investigation into the destruction of documents and computer files by multinationals involved in the blacklisting scandal.

High Court orders have resulted in retrieved computer records from construction firms only recently being disclosed to the lawyers of blacklisted workers. This previously hidden evidence indicates that computer hard drives were destroyed, email accounts were deleted and correspondence was shredded by companies appearing in the High Court litigation.

Witness evidence and documents provided by Ian Kerr (chief executive of The Consulting Association) to a Select Committee investigation indicate that over 90% of the paperwork held by the blacklisting body was burnt on a bonfire and instructions were given to destroy other evidence. The destruction of the documents and computer files occurred at the same time as the ICO was carrying out an investigation, a criminal trial was taking place, hundreds of Employment Tribunal cases were still live, cases were submitted to the European Court of Human Rights and a High Court group litigation trial was being prepared.

Now the newly disclosed evidence is available to blacklisted workers, it is felt that there is a strong case that the course of justice may have been deliberately perverted. A dossier is being compiled for legal opinion before considering pressing for the DPP to charge individuals involved with TCA and possibly the CEOs who sanctioned their illegal activity.  Perverting the course of justice is an indictable criminal offence without statute of limitations. If a person is found guilty of concealing evidence sentencing guidelines suggest a two year term of imprisonment.

Dave Smith – BSG secretary commented:

“The pieces in the jigsaw are now coming together, albeit many are lost forever. The stench of corporate wrongdoing is no longer a moral issue but potentially a serious criminal offence. We will be doing everything in our power to make sure the police and the DPP take this matter seriously. The rich and powerful may think they are above the law but blacklisting will not be covered up like Saville was. Whatever the outcome in the High Court, our dossier will be handed into the police. If senior individuals gave orders or knowingly colluded in destroying documents that anyone could have predicted would undoubtedly have been used as evidence in numerous legal proceedings, they need to be held to account for their actions”.

Howard Beckett Legal Director at Unite said:

“The reason given by the defendants for poor disclosure is to openly admit to a corporate policy of ensuring the destruction of documents. Their attempts to deny meaningful levels of compensation and to deny conspiracy allegations rely upon the lack of records. Multiple legal cases became inevitable the very day that the Consulting Association was established, let alone the day it was raided. People clearly felt their actions were unlawful, why else the secrecy and why else routinely destroy documents. The Consulting Association was a secret conspiracy and Cullum McAlpine, a named defendant was at the core of it. McAlpine is determined to avoid giving evidence at the High Court but for the sake of justice, he needs to now confirm he will appear to finally allow the victims of blacklisting to ask how far this conspiracy goes.”


Blacklisting and Police Spies

Newly uncovered documentary evidence shows how police officers infiltrated campaigns by construction workers protesting against deaths on building sites. The documents include a series of letters written to and from Mark Jenner, an undercover officer from the discredited Special Demonstration Squad (SDS), who during the late 1990s claimed to be a carpenter while infiltrating the construction union UCATT. Using the cover name of Mark Cassidy, the spycop ingratiated himself with the Colin Roach Centre (formerly known as Hackney Trade Union Resource Centre) and targeted a series of trade unions and union backed campaigns, attending union branches, conferences, picketlines and pay talks.

The new documents give an insight into how deeply, the police went to embed themselves into even grassroots union campaigns. On 21st March 1997, Cassidy / Jenner  wrote a letter to a number of different organisations regarding the ‘Building Workers Safety Campaign’,which he describes as a ‘rank and file organisation run by building workers’, asking for support in getting ‘information on deaths on building sites’ in order to visit ‘the site within one week after the event and ask workers to stop work’. The police authored letter continued: ‘We believe that only by hitting production can we hope to stop the killings on building sites’. This was in 1997, when the fatality rates in construction were averaging around 3 deaths a week.

The identical letter was sent to a number of trade union bodies including Haringey UNISON, Hammersmith UNISON, TGWU North London Textile branch and civil servants in the CPSA union (forerunner to PCS). The police spy also sent the letter to the charity ‘Inquest’ that provides free legal advice to people bereaved by a death in police custody. Why a charity dealing with deaths in custody would be an obvious source of information about deaths on building sites is difficult to fathom but raises questions of public interest about what the undercover police officer was trying to achieve.

One response from the local authority funded and well respected safety charity the London Hazards Centre, identifies HSE inspectors, the Coroners Office and the local police as sources of information but highlights that the authorities ‘can be very tight lipped when it comes to giving out information’ – this no doubt brought a smile to Jenner’s face when reading it.

The documents were uncovered by Brian Higgins, a 75 year old Glaswegian grandfather and blacklisted retired bricklayer based in Northampton who was the national secretary of the rank & file Building Worker Group (BWG). Brian Higgins has been granted ‘core participant’ status in the Pitchford public inquiry into undercover policing alongside a number of other union activists from the Blacklist Support Group, as information gathered by police officers appears on a number of blacklist files kept on construction workers by the notorious Consulting Association.

Brian Higgins commented:

“The police would be infinitely better employed investigating, prosecuting and jailing the corporate criminals responsible for the killing and maiming of many building workers, rather than spying on those of us who dedicate our industrial lives to trying to put a stop to this wanton carnage and the terrible grief which accompanies it. Intelligence gathered by these police spies has found its way onto an illegal blacklist in the construction industry. They say justice never sleeps: time it woke up over this!”

Alison (not her real name) was the female activist that Mark Jenner deceived into a long term relationship and lived with during his deployment. It was from their shared address in hackney that the undercover police officer joined the construction union UCATT and became a regular attendee at the Hackney branch meetings. Alison is one of the women that has received an unreserved apology and compensation from the Metropolitan Police for the abuse and human rights violations they suffered due to the activities of undercover police. Alison recalls having numerous conversations about the building industry and trade union campaigns which she describes as ‘a key part of his work’ and ‘a big part of what he was doing during this period’.

Another trade unionist who was spied upon by Mark Jenner and has been granted core participant in the Pitchford inquiry is the RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary, Steve Hedley. He commented:

“Mark Jenner gained my confidence and even stayed at my mothers home in Ireland. When I learned that he was a police spy I was dumbfounded .Why the police would be interested in a trade unionist like me is quite frankly astonishing. All my activities were open and transparent and usually even minuted. What kind of a society are we living in, when the state feels it’s necessary to employ people at the taxpayers expense to snoop on people carrying out perfectly legal activities?”

Blacklisting Update

  1. Blacklisted workers taunted by central figure in the blacklisting conspiracy


  1. Blacklisted workers speak at the High Court about how standing up for fellow workers affected their families

Please share and circulate this video far & wide – and donate to Reel News


  1. Cullum McAlpine ‘mastermind’ behind blacklisting conspiracy refuses to give evidence in High Court trial


  1. George Tapp – working class hero – has been awarded £80,000 compensation for the life changing injuries he suffered after he was run down by a motorist whilst handing out leaflets at a blacklist protest against the construction giant BAM during the Crossrail dispute. Well done to the union & lawyers for fighting the case.,000


  1. Overview of the High Court trial


  1. Undercover police spied on the Grunwick strikers & caused the abandonment of the Grand National


Major conference on undercover police spying on activists this coming weekend – with an all star line up of speakers and a workshop on blacklisting


  1. Blacklist firm Balfour Beatty also exploiting construction workers in Qatar


  1. Mildred Gordon R.I.P.

Mildred Gordon MP for Bow & Poplar and an active supporter of the Construction Safety Campaign has passed away.

“Is it not true that, in this country, no employer who has been found guilty of negligence that has caused a fatal accident on a building site has ever been imprisoned for criminal negligence? Should not such employers be sentenced? If it is their fault that a worker dies, is it not true that only imprisonment will make them take the matter seriously? When great profits are at stake, fines of £400, or even £2,000, will not improve the position”

  1. Construction & Offshore safety concerns



Blacklist Support Group






