Category: LUL

RMT to ballot London Underground fleet staff

RMT to ballot London Underground fleet staff for action over breakdown in industrial relations


RAIL UNION RMT confirmed today that it will be balloting its London Underground fleet staff members for strike action and action short of a strike over a breakdown in industrial relations and numerous breaches of agreed machineries and agreements by LUL management including:

•          Not consulting or negotiating with RMT over reduced staffing levels within Fleet.

•          Breaching our agreement on Night Tube and failing to recruit adequate additional staff to cover this work.

•          Actively attacking RMT Reps for carrying out their trade union duties.

•          Not following the correct process when seeking to change rosters.

•          Removing a long and established practice of ‘phone in days’ throughout Fleet without agreement.

Jan RMT Circular




Further to my previous Circular IR/395/16 of 19th December 2016 I want to congratulate members for the solid overtime and rest day working ban. This has left LU with a shortage of cover to fill the gaps left by their slashing staffing levels to the bone. The Fit for the Future – Stations programme is simply not fit for purpose and stations are being chronically understaffed. The solid action being taken by members continues to highlight this unacceptable situation.

A meeting was held just before Christmas  with our LUL representatives to discuss this matter and the National Executive Committee has decided to call all station and revenue members to take further industrial action which is outlined below: –

Station and Retail members are instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between: –


  • 1800 hours on Sunday 8th January 2017 and 1759 hours Monday 9th January 2017

For legal reasons we have to suspend the current overtime and rest day ban, non-familiarisation and non rostering of overtime bans just for the duration of the strike.

I urge our stations and revenue members to continue to support the above action to demand that management give their attention to resolving the issues at the heart of this dispute and start to reverse the disastrous cuts to staffing levels. We continue to impress on London Underground that the only way to resolve these issues is to have enough fully-qualified staff on all stations at all times, without having to rely on overtime and rest day working. The ticket office closure programme must also be reversed immediately.

I will of course keep you advised of all developments.


 Further to my circular IR/395/16 of 19th December 2016, the NEC further considered the matter just before Christmas. Having met with our reps to discuss the dispute the NEC decided to suspend the industrial action called from Christmas Eve.  However the action called for Monday 9th January 2017 remains on.

Train Operator and Instructor Operator members at West Ruislip and White City are instructed not to book on for any shifts between 0300 hours Monday 9th January 2017 and 02.59 hours Tuesday 10th January 2017

I urge our members to support this action in defence of their colleague Brother Storey who has been very harshly treated by management.



Referring to Circular No IR/274/16 27th September 2017, legal advice has been received on this matter and the NEC has instructed me to arrange a meeting with our reps from LU Engineering to discuss it. The NEC will consider the matter again once the meeting has taken place.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

RMT calls for postponement of night tube on the Pic Line

RMT calls for postponement of night tube on Piccadilly Line over safety concerns


RAIL UNION RMT today called for the postponement of the night tube on the Piccadilly Line – which is due to start on 16 December – due to on-going safety concerns.

The serious fleet problems involve trains that continue to suffer from “flatted wheels”, which means that they have to be taken out of service for the wheels to be checked and lathed back to safe tolerances .

RMT is calling for postponement until all the trains are fixed and safe.

Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said:

“LU fleet engineers have worked under impossible management pressure to keep services running on the Piccadilly Line.

“The fleet consists of 43 year old trains that have recently had their wheels replaced, leading to serious problems. RMT has been told the problem could take weeks to fix properly. The priority in the meantime should be to run a safe and reliable service in the daytime, when most people will be using the service.

“It is utter madness that while the service on the Piccadilly Line is at breaking point the company plan to run trains right through from 0500 Friday morning until 0030 Sunday.

“LUL should postpone night tube on the Piccadilly Line until all these engineering problems are fixed and the trains are signed off as safe.”

LUL Station Strikes

Strikes Loom on Tube while middle managers shown to agree with RMT following job cuts


TUBE UNION RMT says that while strikes loom on London Underground middle managers have asked LUL Chief Operating Officer “How am I supposed to convince staff to break a strike/OT ban when I completely agree with many of the issues raised by the RMT?”

A leaked record of an “Area Managers Briefing” where senior Tube bosses met with area and line managers has exposed the chaos at London Underground stations following over 800 job cuts as part of LULs ‘Fit for the Future’ reorganisation that resulted in the closure of ticket offices on every station on the tube network.

Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary said,

“Tube unions have been warning LUL for two years that stations cannot function after so many job cuts. Now their own middle managers are telling them the same.”

RMT is accusing senior Tube bosses of risking passengers’ safety in order to try and avoid stations closing due to lack of staff.

“Instead of addressing a chronic lack of staff Tube bosses are ordering office workers and senior managers with no operational experience to cover the jobs of trained station staff after one day courses. We have seen people in jeans and trainers breaking safety rules as they try to cover roles that they are simply not qualified to do”, Mick added.

Tube unions are imposing an overtime ban on stations at present. As a result senior managers are having to cover for staff shortages on gatelines and platforms. While London Underground claims to be saving money they are paying managers and office workers bonuses of up to three times the cost of a customer service assistant’s wage to cover their roles.

RMT is now considering dates to take strike action in this increasingly bitter dispute over jobs, grading and forced transfers as a result of the closure of all ticket offices and associated reorganisation.

RMT has now released minutes of a management meeting between LUL Directors and middle managers. In the minutes area managers, who are responsible for all aspects of a group of up to seven stations, are quoted as saying:

 “None of the top leadership team have ever been an ACTUAL operational manger in LU. Do you really think there is a sufficient breadth and depth of knowledge?

 Doesn’t having Area Managers (£65k) regularly having to personally keep a station open in place of a CSA (£30k) clearly show that Fit for the Future was a disaster?

 Mark Wild (LULMD) was quoted at a Managing our Stations event saying we’d cut too far and the model wasn’t working, but aren’t the same people that designed the model doing the review?

 If you took a straw poll of the room what proportion do you think would take Voluntary severance now? I’d guess about 50%. How do you fix it?

 Isn’t Steve’s (Steve Griffiths LUL COO) acceptance that there will be a mandate for action ‘as usual’ (Referring to RMT’s ballot for industrial action) an indictment that we’re getting it wrong all the time, or more often than not?

 “How am I supposed to convince staff to break a strike/OT ban when I completely agree with many of the issues raised by the RMT?”


Latest RMT Circular


 Further to my previous Circular (IR/361/16, 25th November 2016), talks took place with the Company at ACAS on 25th November, 1st, 2nd and 5th December  in an effort to avoid the strike action due to commence from 21:30 hours this evening. These were attended by the new LUL JNP Director and good progress was made with management moving to our position on some key issues.

The National Executive Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to cancel the planned strike action on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th December 2016 as the major issues of this dispute have been ceded by management and are therefore resolved.

LUL has confirmed that there are no foreseeable plans to extend the use of Cockfosters Depot facilities and all members will continue to receive full familiarisation. A SPAD Policy briefing with management will take place in conjunction with the Trans Functional Council Reps to seek to resolve any negative perceptions and to ensure the process is undertaken fairly and consistently. Assurances have been received on other issues and Brother Gary Fitzpatrick’s safety has been protected by removing the other party from the workplace while the matter is resolved through the proper procedures.



 Further to my previous Circular (IR/361/16, 25th November 2016), following constructive following talks at ACAS, the National Executive Committee considered a report from the Lead Officer and the view of the negotiating team and has taken the decision to suspend the planned strike action on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th December 2016.

Some important commitments were received from management regarding meetings and adherence to proper policies and procedures. Further meetings at ACAS will take place in January 2017 to review progress and I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/361/16, 25th November 2016), all RMT Train Operator & Instructor Operator members on the Hammersmith & City Line and District Line should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above dispute. I urge all affected members to vote ‘YES’ FOR STRIKE ACTION and ‘YES’ FOR INDUSTRIAL ACTION SHORT OF A STRIKE and to return the paper in the freepost envelope provided to reach the Scrutineer by Thursday 15th December 2016.

If you know of a member who has not received their ballot paper, please ask them to call the Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or e-mail as soon as possible so we can send them a replacement paper.



Further to my previous Circular (IR/361/16, 25th November 2016), all RMT Train Operator & Instructor Operator members at White City Traincrew Depot and West Ruislip Traincrew Depot should now have received their ballot paper regarding the above dispute. I urge all affected members to vote ‘YES’ FOR STRIKE ACTION and ‘YES’ FOR INDUSTRIAL ACTION SHORT OF A STRIKE and to return the paper in the freepost envelope provided to reach the Scrutineer by Tuesday 13th December 2016.

If you know of a member who has not received their ballot paper, please ask them to call the Freephone Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or e-mail as soon as possible so we can send them a replacement paper.


Drivers on Piccadilly and Hammersmith and City Lines to strike on 6th and 7th December

Drivers on Piccadilly and Hammersmith and City Lines to strike on 6th and 7th December

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that drivers on the Piccadilly and Hammersmith and City Lines are to strike for 24 hours on the 6th  and 7th December in two separate disputes over a breakdown in industrial relations, breaches of procedures and bullying and harassment of staff.

The action in both disputes will run from between 21.30 hours on Tuesday 6th December and 21.29 hours on Wednesday 7th December 2016.


‎400 drivers on the Piccadilly Line will take strike action in a dispute over breaching agreements, procedures and policies which amounts to a wholesale breakdown in industrial relations between the union and London Underground.

The Piccadilly Line is the fourth busiest on the London Underground network and serves the terminals at Heathrow Airport.

The dispute is over a combination of issues including:

  • Failure to properly administer LUL’s SPAD policy with continued threats to our members’ role as drivers
  • Failure to respond to members concerns regarding the quality of training with management refusing machinery meetings and reneging on previous commitments
  • The assertion from the Director of Employee Relations stating that staff other than the driver have the final say on the serviceability and safety of a train, going against agreed instructions
  • Continued breaches and misuse of a number of LUL policies to the detriment of members, including but not exclusive to the Attendance at Work Policy and the Harassment and Bullying Policy.

The dispute on the Hammersmith and City Line is over heavy handed and aggressive management and a flagrant disregard for agreed policies and procedures. ‎

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“This dispute on the Hammersmith and City Line is about the basic issues of protecting working conditions of our members and defending agreements from attempts to drive a coach and horses through them. The management are out of control and the anger at their failure to follow procedures has boiled over.

“This breakdown in industrial relations should never have been allowed to happen and if agreements and processes had been adhered to from the off the package of issues at the heart of the dispute could have been resolved through the joint machinery.

“In the separate dispute involving drivers on the Piccadilly Line, safety is again a major factor and is tied in with the ripping up of policies and procedures and ignoring warnings from staff. Our members have been left exposed and vulnerable and we have no choice but to blow the whistle before lasting damage is done.

“The union remains available for talks in both disputes.”

Update on the Section 15 Dispute

 Update on the Section 15 Dispute

Section 15 possessions are now a thing of the past. This is because over last year or so, local RMT H&S reps have successfully negotiated with LU management to completely withdraw Section 15  and replaced it with a Possession Code of Practice to work in all possessions on London Underground.

Final discussions on a new way of taking possessions in Engineering Hours are in the final steps of allowing LU to introduce this new, safer possession.

The RMT have also been involved in the rewriting of Possession Rule Books 14 & 15 and once agreed, the new rule books will be introduced sometime in the New Year.

Let’s be clear of what has happened of the past year, in regards to the section 15 dispute, LU management have been forced to listen and work with the RMT on this serious matter. This was not for political gain, not for financial gain, but for the safety and welfare of not only the RMT members but the safety of all people that work on the track.

Your strength and perseverance and our determination to make a safe working environment, we believe, will significantly address the issues that caused this dispute and we truly believe that someone would have been killed if we had not taken action. The fight for your safety continues and we must not drop our guard.

Unity is Strength



New LUL Vehicle Policy

Following lengthy discussions regarding driving company vehicles and how best to ensure the safety of our members and at the same time protect their rights to privacy and against disciplinary action, the below document has finally been agreed.

Whilst not fully reaching our aspirations, we have removed many of the areas of concern that was in the original draft



RMT slams Tory axing of TFL Operating Grant

RMT slams Tory axing of TFL Operating Grant as “criminally irresponsible” as Greenwich incident focuses attention on safety and security.


General Secretary Mick Cash said

“The axing of the TFL Operating Grant is an act of criminal irresponsibility by the Tory Government which shows yet again that they could not care less about safety on Britain’s railways. It must be restored immediately.

“The unions will unite to fight this act of transport vandalism which come at a time of surging demand, dangerous overcrowding and heightened terrorist alert. The serious incident on the Jubilee Line at North Greenwich last week must lead to an immediate halt and reversal of the cuts programme ‎on London Underground. ”


LUL: New Signals Framework Agreement Agreed

Following lengthy discussions, the New LUL Signals Framework Agreement has been agreed at the Company Council.




If you work for LUL in Signals, Power or DLO (Comms & Electrical), then this will apply to you.

The Main changes are:

  • The introduction of the support fitter grade in Stations & Civils area
  • Changes to how people are chosen for grade progression (move to trade tests to ensure equality)
  • Changes to the On-Call agreement in Power
  • Auto-Tech Grade will be phased out with new technology. Agreement on their promotion to Technical Officer and redeployment to alternative signalling areas agreed at Functional Council

Tube Lines Pensions Update

John Leach (LT Regional Organiser), John Reid (LT NEC Member), Senior LUL and Tube Lines Reps met today to discuss progress in the campaign to achieve Pensions for all staff.

It was noted that there was difficult talks in all areas however the talks in Tube Lines areas have progressed and we have visibility in nearly all areas regarding their proposed efficiencies to fund the pensions.

However, the talks in LUL have been less successful with Management tabling cuts to Main Terms and Conditions such as Pay, Annual Leave entitlement and increases to Hours worked. All of these are unacceptable and all are rejected. Similarly, it would appear that LUL are hoping to impose their previous proposals for efficiencies savings to fund pensions into the general austerity cut agenda. This would similarly be unacceptable and rejected.

In order to drive these talks in the right direction and maintain our deadline for progress of 5th October, we are now asking for Acas to be reconvened so that we can have a straight talking discussion on this matter. The fact is that there are plenty of efficiencies to be had from Amey losing their contract and our members want equality and an end to a two tier workforce

The reps will again reconvene after the 5th October and we hope to either announce progress or what action we may be forced to take regarding this cause

RMT calls for London Underground to bring forward staffing review

RMT calls for London Underground to bring forward staffing review in wake of safety investigation


TUBE UNION RMT is calling for London Underground’s staffing review to be brought forward after the company’s own safety investigation slammed its new staffing model.


As well as closing ticket offices London Underground has removed staff from control rooms and the vast majority of stations have less staff on duty than before the changes, which imposed in April of this year.


The investigation was ordered after an incident involving a passenger slipping between a train and platform at Canning Town in May. The report describes how the incident spiralled out of control with communications hampered by the absence of a control room and inadequate staffing to deal with the situation.
