Category: LUL

LUL Trainers

The RMT was disappointed that despite raising the issue regarding the LUL Trainers reorganisation, LUL are hell bent on forcing new trainers to become support manager grades. This will not only have an impact on new starters but create a two tier work force and try to impose a ‘race to the bottom’ in terms of terms and conditions whilst at the same time ripping through existing agreements in that area. It looks like a cynical attempt to remove new starters from the protection that Q Grade staff have under the Main Framework Agree i.e. the ‘jobs for life deal’ and  can only be seen as a precursor for further attacks on our members. 


This issue will be discussed at the 16th September LU Engineering Branch Meeting to decide what action to take next


RMT – Training DirApp 9 9 14

LUL Signal Mtce

LUL and the RMT are in talks regarding the reduction of the Signal Maintenance frequencies from 12 to 16 weeks.


These talks had been going fine and we have been working  with management through the proposal and it was a massive surprise to see a bulletin from management this morning stating that the proposal was being implemented. This is not acceptable.


we have lodged an immediate failure to agree at departmental level and will be demanding that LUL listen to your representatives on all matter that affect our members

Every Job Matters



RMT has been in ongoing discussions with London Underground over several months over their plans to slash jobs, reorganise station grades and close ticket offices. We have tried to engage with the company in a constructive manner, even offering our own counter proposals, but they have refused to step back from implementing their plans.


After eight months of discussions not one job has been restored and we still face a decimation of station jobs. At present 953 cuts are proposed with thousands of members facing the prospect of downgrading with a resulting loss of salary. Every ticket office would also close by the end of 2015.


We have urged LUL to reconsider their new staffing model which would require the displacement of up to 1200 skilled and trained staff. These staff who mainly works in Central London stations issuing tickets, servicing POMs and running control rooms, would be moved into roles involving them applying new operational skills in a totally different environment of lone working on local stations. At the same time they plan to displace hundreds of supervisors, who have operational skills, into Central London on new roles running control rooms. Furthermore they are seeking to displace every CSA who works on a local station, including many part time staff who are unlikely to be able to make long journeys to work.


Whilst LUL claim that a post will be offered to all staff with no loss of pay, this is only on basis that you pass competence assessments for the new roles and agree to the move.  We have demanded an unconditional commitment from LUL that no member of staff will suffer a loss of pay because of reorganisation at the company’s behest. We don’t think you should have to suffer from the company’s disastrous decision to reorganise station jobs.


From our view of the job figures, it is clear to us that many locations will be left without sufficient staff to safely and effectively run stations. For example Ladbroke Grove Cover Group will have its staffing level halved. All local stations will be lone worked through both peaks and even the busiest gateway stations will see cuts, despite an LUL commitment they will get more staff. In terms of ticket offices, we have serious concerns over the company’s reliance on unproven, unreliable technology to replace them. Despite our protestations, LUL refuse even to discuss their contingency plans should any aspect of their plans do not unfold as intended. We believe this is foolhardy and irresponsible to members and the travelling public.


We have demanded meaningful talks with London Underground but unfortunately this is falling on deaf ears. They are now beginning to implement their proposals with the appointment of Area Managers and confirmation of voluntary redundancies. In addition Station Supervisors have been summoned to development centres for development training and assessment. We gave them a 48 hour deadline to give us the necessary assurances to withdraw these notices but this was totally ignored.  


A mass meeting of members was organised last Friday to discuss our “Every Job Matters” Campaign. The clear view of those in attendance was that further action is the only solution to protect the interest of members and the travelling public.  The General Grades Committee has considered the views of the members at the meeting as well a report from the negotiating team and has decided to call further industrial action the details of which are below:


  • With effect from 00.01 hours Wednesday 3rd September 2014, until further notice, all station staff and station supervisors are instructed not to work any overtime


  • With effect from 00.01 hours Wednesday 3rd September 2014, until further notice, all Station Supervisors members are instructed not to participate in development courses and assessments at the Development centres.


I urge our LU members to continue their superb support our campaign to reverse LUL’s disastrous plans. We are determined to continue to fight to stop job cuts, keep ticket offices open and push back austerity on the tube. We will shortly be consulting with our senior representatives on proposals for further strike action in the near future.

Ex-Metronet Grades Breakdown in Industrial Relations

The RMT have asked to meet LUL at Acas in order to avoid a dispute over the below issues:

  1. Metronet Breakdown in Industrial Relations:
    1. VLU and onboard signalling being done by signals
    2. Incident Management Reorganisation imposed without talks being concluded in a rushed a ill conceived manner
    3. Representation rights at fact findings and harassment cases for all members 
    4. Treatment of night staff, Mondays/ medicals etc and failure of LUL to allow these people two nights off
    5. Use of pway contractors on the Vic Line to do signalling staff
    6. That management deals with all outstanding items and failures to agree from both Tier 2 and Functional within a timely manner
    7. The TG Graded staff be given the opportunity to convert to Q Grades
    8. That’s the on-call roster payments are brought in line with pay rises since 2007
    9. That the attendance at work policy is not redefined and reinterpreted in our area to allow Rainbow through the back door and to remove annual leave for people that are sick and go abroad to recuperate
    10. Certain HR PMA’s are removed from our sphere of influence and abuses to the Absence at Work Policy

All these issues have been outstanding for months and the situation is becoming intolerable to our members.


More details to follow following acas

Every Job Matter



I write to advise branches that the General Grades Committee has discussed the latest position in relation to our Every Job matters dispute. Our Regional Organiser reports that management are not conducting meaningful negotiations over this plans and are in fact moving to implement them without agreement. We are acting in conjunction with our sister union TSSA and have outlined our demands which are as follows: –


  • A clear unconditional commitment that no member of staff will suffer a loss of substantive pay


  • To state how many jobs they propose to cut, if it has been changed from 953 after the station by station review.


  • To state what contingency plans have been put in place should they continue to close ticket offices.


  • Assurances for the withdrawal of their notices summoning staff to the Development Centres.


  • Meaningful negotiations


A mass meeting of members and reps will shortly be organised to discuss the dispute. A report on this meeting will then be submitted to the General Grades Committee to consider our next course of action.


The arrangements for this meeting are currently being made and will be publicised widely once confirmed. This Union will continue to fight against unsustainable job cuts and the closure of ticket offices.


