Category: LUL

LUL Pay Talks

The RMT have started talks with LUL regarding pay and terms and conditions. As always these are early days and there are no proposals from Management yet but we are demanding our members are rewarded for the hard work and efforts that they have made in an increasingly busy tube.

Latest Union Circular (LUL)

Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular No. IR/08/15, 12th January 2015, the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-


Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                       486

Number Voting ‘Yes’                 466

Number Voting ‘No’                  18

Spoilt Papers                            2


Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?


Total Votes Cast                       486

Number Voting ‘Yes’                 473

Number Voting ‘No’                  10

Spoilt Papers                            3


The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and applauded the overwhelming vote in favour of taking strike action and action short of a strike. Having consulted with the Branch and Lead Officer, the GGC has taken the decision to instruct all members on the Docklands Light Railway to take strike action and NOT TO BOOK ON FOR SHIFTS THAT COMMENCE BETWEEN:-


  • 04:00 hours on Wednesday 28th January 2015 until 03:59 hours on Friday 30th January 2015.


I am sure all RMT members will support their colleagues on the DLR taking this action in protest against detrimental changes to their terms and conditions and inferior policies, secondments without members’ consent and a failure by the Company to resolve outstanding health and safety issues. I will of course keep you informed of all developments.




Further to previous correspondence (Circular No. IR/261/14, 3rd October 2014), I am pleased to report that Sister Vicky Hayward has been reinstated to her substantive role at London Underground. The General Grades Committee has applauded the good news that common sense and fairness has prevailed in this case, which is now resolved.




As members are aware, the campaign against cuts on London Underground is on-going and we recently received two resolutions from the Central Line East and Central Line West Branches concerning ticket office closures and the proposed new rosters for station staff which, if introduced will have a devastating impact on the work/life balance of our members and have a detrimental effect on their health. The resolutions also raised the issue of Driverless Trains, which is outlined in my previous circular (IR/272/14, 16th October 2014).


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has noted the resolutions and taken the decision to convene a meeting of London Underground Reps and Activists to discuss the possibility of further industrial action in relation to defending jobs, services and conditions.


I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all developments.




Further to previous correspondence (Circular No. IR/261/14, 3rd October 2014), members will be aware that RMT is also conducting a campaign against the unfair dismissal of Brother Noel Roberts from London Underground and we have recently received a resolution from East Ham Branch in relation to this matter, which is as follows:-


“This Branch is disgusted at the unfair dismissal of Bro. Roberts. Noel was a CSA on the East Ham Group, with 26 years’ service. He was dismissed on medical grounds, despite being cleared as fit for full duties by his own Doctors and most importantly by London Underground Occupational Health. The manager who made the decision tried to justify it by stating that Noel may go sick again in the future.


This appalling abuse of procedure leaves every member of staff open to attack and the possibility of losing their job simply for having to take time off sick from work. We call on the GGC for a ballot of all members on London Underground for the reinstatement of Noel Roberts.”


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has taken the decision to organise a meeting between the Lead Officer and Branch Officers. I will keep you advised of all further developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary




I write to advise Branches of the position reached for LU Signals, LV Power and TDU Operational Staff working on the Earl’s Court Major Closure for Capital Projects on London Underground, which is as follows:-


  • Triple normal pay for shifts ending or beginning on 25th December.
  • £700 Completion Payment for shifts beginning on 26th December and ending on 27th December and for shifts ending or beginning on 1st January 2015.
  • £300 Completion Payment for all other shifts in the period 24th December 2014 to 4th January 2015 inclusive.


The above is subject to staff completing all their rostered 12 hour shifts with safety paramount and the successful return of the railway to service.


The Functional Council Representatives and Lead Officer recommended acceptance of the above and the General Grades Committee has noted the offer appears to have met the aspirations of members and there have been no further issues.

LUL Christmas working: Earls Court Blockade 2014

Dear ALL,


The following offer is due to go before the GGC regarding Christmas Period Working on the Earls Court Blockade:

All LU Signals, LV Power and TDU operational staff who work in the Earl’s Court (and associated works) Major Closure will benefit from;


  • Triple Normal Pay for shifts ending or beginning on 25th December
  • £700 Completion Payment; for shifts beginning on 26th December and ending on 27th December & for shifts ending or beginning on 01st Jan 2015
  • £300 Completion Payment for all other shifts in the period 24th December 2014 to 04th January 2015 inclusive


The above is subject to staff completing all their roster 12hr shifts with safety paramount and the successful return of the railway to service.


For the avoidance of doubt,

  • These arrangements are Project funded and apply equally to CPD and COO AP staff engaged on the works


This offer came following intensive talks with LUL. We will be entering into talks hopefully in early January to ensure that all future works are appropriately rewarded and resourced internally

CAUTION: LU Signal Post Structures


Caution when climbing signals at height


An incident on the mainline railway network at Newbury has highlighted shortfalls in not only Network Rails structural surveys, but also within London Undergrounds own survey standards. The incident involved  a signal post which had rusted at/below ground level causing the signal to collapse across the track and a train colliding with it,

LU’s Civils Department have stated that their current inspection process would not have been able to detect this fault on our assets due to them carrying out their metal thickness tests at 1 metre above ground level and not below ground level. LU’s Head of Safety has been informed of this issue and we await a reply on how they are going to rectify this safety concern.

In the meantime, please be cautious when working on signal structures. If in any doubt it’s advisable to not access the asset and report it through the asset at height reporting form and process that can be found on the intranet.

Link to RAIB investigation:

Further updates to follow.

LUL Safety

LU management are proposing to change the rules for platform working in the new year. Under the catchy heading “Simplification of platform working – changing definition of track to exclude platform (600mm)”, management are once again putting cost savings before safety.

If management get their way, any work on a station platform (engineering or traffic hours), would not need to book out or get permission with the TAC or Station Supervisor/Line Controller. 25 years of a safe system of working would be destroyed.

The RMT will not tolerate LU management’s further erosion of tried and tested safe system’s of work. We will not accept this unsafe change.

Safety Before Profit!

TAC's and PM EH

LUL have let slip plans to radically alter the way staff take protection to enter the track, specifically on nights. It appears that LUL are working on a system to integrate inputs from service control/ power control and work plans to directly authorise entry onto the track via handheld devices. This has major health and safety worries and also massively impacts on job security for Track Access Controller Grades and Protection Masters EH.  These concerns are already being raised directly with LUL by our union and we will be seeking urgent meetings with them to discuss this matter

LUL Circular









24th November 2014                                                           Circular No IR/313/14




Further to previous Circular No. IR/282/14, 23rd October 2014, the ballot has concluded and the result is as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast…              58

Number Voting ‘Yes’…         45

Number Voting ‘No’…          13

Spoilt Papers…                   0


The General Grades Committee has considered this matter, noted the views expressed by members at a special branch meeting of our Morden & Oval Branch on 19th November, and taken the decision to instruct Train Operators and Instructor Operators at Morden Traincrew Depot NOT TO BOOK ON FOR SHIFTS THAT COMMENCE BETWEEN:-


·         04:44 hours on Monday 1st December 2014 until 04:43 hours on Tuesday 2nd December 2014.


I urge all affected members to stand firm together in this fight against a blatant victimisation by London Underground and to demand justice for Brother McGuigan.


Asbestos Acton Town

District Line Health and Safety Reps have raised concerns with Management regarding suspected Asbestos found around 42a, 41b and 41a points at Acton Town.

4Rail have been notified to come and test the site. Anyone working there please seek advice from your local health and safety reps and raise with your local management team. Similarly, if you’ve worked on these points recently again make sure this is reported. If any doubts then remember you have the right to refuse to work on the grounds of health and safety. Hopefully the site will be cleared as a matter of urgency

Driverless Trains



Further to my last circular, a resolution has been received from our Central Line East Branch concerning the  Every Job Matters Campaign and highlighting the issue of Driverless Trains. Just last week London Underground unveiled the design of automatic trains which they believe will run without a Drivers by the mid 2020s. The union is fully committed to campaigning against Driverless trains which will be disastrous. Not only will cause the loss of jobs but we believe it is fundamentally an unsafe way of operating.


Although the recent focus has been on station staff, due to the immediacy of the “Fit for the future” proposals, we have always defended members’ jobs across all grades and functions within London Underground. There is a concerted plan at London Underground to slash jobs and impose “Condem” government led austerity.  Apart from their plans for stations, they plan automation in train maintenance, engineering, service control and train operation. Our position on all these issues will be included in our future campaign materials and with be raised in negotiations.


It is important to also see he timing of this announcement by the Mayor of London. Ever the opportunist, this announcement came out the same day as the LUL dispute announcement.


The reality is, that LUL have not got the money to push this through on anything like a medium term agenda. LUL is not the same as the docklands railway, there are not escape walkways along the length of the tunnel. Passenger density is massive and people are still needed to be on the train.


This is purely semantics and an attempt by a populist politician, rather than good old fashioned engineering and economic accountancy.


Boris, if you want to keep a promise, keep the ticket offices open instead 




Following discussions earlier this year, where RMT raised concerns over the use of Corrective Action Plans and Performance Improvements Plans (PIPs) leading more often than not, to the application of the Discipline at Work Procedure, the Company withdrew the interim guidelines that had been put in place. They have since revisited the temporary guidelines in order to give managers a broad approach but these guidelines no longer make reference to the Discipline at Work procedure.


A review of the revised document is currently taking place with your RMT Representatives and I will keep you informed of all developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

