Category: LUL

LUL Secret Plans for Night Tube

Senior Management have revealed their secret plans to force people to work Sunday to Thursday. The Head of Infrastructure Bakerloo, Central, Victoria and Waterloo & City Lines stated that he wanted to put all rostered track staff onto Sunday to Thurday and remove their rostered rest days despite this proposal never being placed before the Track and Signals Functional Council. LUL need to be mindful that last time they tried to force roster changes onto the Engineering side, they suffered a very bloody nose. So it is important to that should the talks at Acas fail, that we get as large a YES vote in the coming ballot to let LUL know that we will work with them on Night Tube but not at the expense of seeing our hard won agreements ripped up and dismissed.

LUL Pay and Night Tube

Further to the press release below. Notice has been given to LUL regarding our dispute and ballot papers are due to start arriving in about a weeks time. The RMT and their sister unions, have been meeting at Acas to discuss the pay and night tube and regular updates will be given to our members on the latest situation



RMT declares dispute over tube night running and derisory pay offer and prepares to ballot for action


TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it has declared a formal dispute with London Underground over an outrageous attempt to drive a coach and horses through existing procedures by attempting to impose new rosters on staff in the run up to the scheduled date for the introduction of night tube operation – 12th September 2015. The rosters would pin staff into a regime of anti-social hours and appalling working conditions.


The union is also placing the derisory pay offer from London Underground into dispute as well – a pay offer that the company have chained together with the night running issue.


RMT is now preparing a ballot for industrial action and has pledged to co-ordinate its campaign with sister unions who have been hit by the same ripping-up of existing agreements, and the same derisory pay offer and the attempt to bully staff into agreement at local level, that has sent shockwaves through depots and workplaces right across the London Underground network.


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“It is simply outrageous that management, in a mad dash to bulldoze through the Mayor’s night tube vanity project, have smashed apart long-term agreements and have resorted to trying to bully staff into accepting roster changes at a local level and the message from RMT is clear – we are not having it.

“These changes would lock our members into a culture of anti-social hours and appalling working conditions that would rip apart work/life balance whilst at the same time they are being hit with pay proposals that would undermine their standard of living.

“We are now formally in dispute with London Underground over night running on the tube and the derisory pay offer and are preparing a ballot for action over this scandalous attack on procedures and agreements.

“RMT will be co-ordinating this campaign with our sister tube unions as we seek to defend negotiating agreements, decent pay and the rights and working conditions of our members.”

Emergency resolution to RMT AGM 2015: Anti-Trade Union Laws

The following resolution was carried at our branch last night


Emergency resolution to RMT AGM 2015

Anti-Trade Union Laws


This AGM condemns planned attacks on trade union rights by a Try government serving the rich and powerful.

The government proposes to make any strike in the rail industry illegal unless 50% of eligible voters take part in the ballot AND 40% of eligible members vote in favour;  This from a government that was voted for by less than 25% of those eligible to vote in the General Election.

RMT will approach other transport unions and propose a joint campaign against the proposed legislation. RMT will also approach other trade unions who represent members in essential services including Unite, Unison, FBU, teaching unions and others to mount a joint campaign.

RMT will submit resolutions to the TUC in 2015 calling for:

  • A campaign against further anti-union legislation amongst trade unions representing members in essential services and in the wider trade union movement.
  • A commitment for the TUC to organise a general strike should legal action be taken against any trade union or trade unionist in connection with the proposed Tory laws.

Latest LUL Circular











4th June 2015                                                            Circular No IR/144/15


Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/081/15, 23rd March 2015), members will be aware that the Union continues to oppose and resist all cuts in jobs, pay and conditions at London Underground and the following resolution has been received from Finsbury Park Branch:-


“This Branch believes that LUL’s latest pay offer, including Night Tube, is completely inadequate and an insult to the hardworking men and women who deliver a world class service for London. If Night Tube is to work, the staff have to be properly rewarded for the extra antisocial hours and the disruption to their work/life balance.


This Branch believes that LUL’s Fit for the Future (FfF) programme is an appalling attack on the working conditions of London Underground station staff and will lead to a system that is unsafe for customers and staff.


This Branch instructs the RMT NEC to:-


  • Call an all grades ballot for strike action and action short of a strike in pursuit of our pay claim, our demand for a reduction in our working week, and our belief that Night Tube should be properly staffed and properly rewarded.


  • Call a ballot for strike action and action short of a strike for RMT station staff and a ballot for action short of a strike for all other grades in support of RMT’s Every Job Matters campaign.”


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has taken the decision to re-ballot all of our Station Staff members on London Underground over the dispute regarding Every Job Matters which, despite huge opposition from staff and the public remains unresolved. The issues included in this dispute are as follows:-


  • The closure of London Underground Ticket Offices
  • Loss of round the clock Station Supervision
  • Non Filling of Vacancies across London Underground
  • Restructuring of Station Staff, with job roles changing and staff being re-evaluated for their own jobs
  • The unacceptably high number of job losses
  • The unacceptable rosters being imposed on Station Staff, including lone working
  • The unacceptable displacement of huge numbers of staff on London Underground
  • Detrimental changes to employment policies


I am currently acting in accordance with the decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/124/15, 14th May 2015), members will be aware that the pay offer received from London Underground consists of a 0.75% increase effective 1st April 2015, and an RPI increase in 2016. Also included, in return for the future operation of Night Tube, is a non-consolidated lump sum payment for all COO and CPD Operational to be paid at two stages of £250, making £500 in total. Train Drivers and Track and Signals staff only would be offered a further £250 for Night Tube running.


This offer has been rejected and following the resolution received from Finsbury Park Branch (as above) and a resolution received from LU Engineering Branch, the General Grades Committee has taken the decision to conduct a ballot of all our London Underground members for strike action and action short of strike action as the pay offer from management and the proposals for and imposition of Night Tube are unacceptable.


I am currently acting in accordance with the decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/107/15, 23rd April 2015), members will be aware that preparations were underway to conduct a ballot for industrial action of all London Underground Fleet members over the Company’s intention to employ agency trainers at Ruislip Depot. The LU Fleet Branch also submitted a resolution on this matter and the Company has now been informed that a dispute situation exists.


The ballot papers will be posted out to all LU Fleet members on Tuesday 9th June and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 30th June 2015. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/070/15, 12th March 2015), members will be aware that preparations were underway to conduct a ballot for industrial action of all Station Grades members at East Ham, Tower Hill and Embankment over the unfair dismissal of Brother Noel Roberts. The Company has now been advised that a dispute situation exists as this Union finds it completely unacceptable that a long-standing employee is dismissed on spurious medical grounds, despite being cleared as fit for duty by his GP, London Underground Occupational Health and even the East Ham GSM who dismissed him.

The ballot papers were posted out to Station Staff members at East Ham, Tower Hill and Embankment on Wednesday 3rd June and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 16th June 2015. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




The following resolution was received from our Jubilee South Branch:-


“This Branch is concerned that once again a new procedure has been introduced on the Jubilee Line which decreases safety checks in order to avoid disruption to the train service.


The latest Jubilee Line supplement changes the procedure for responding to an ‘M door alarm’. Previously a rear M door alarm would require the train driver to stop the train where it is and check the rear M door is secured before proceeding. LUL want to alter this procedure so that the train can continue to the next station and then be checked.


We ask that the Union Executive take whatever action is necessary, up to action short of strike, to prevent LUL imposing this new process.


We also note that recent changes to procedures for train drivers effectively remove or less the role of the train driver and subsequently are less safe. We believe LUL’s primary aim is to enable the introduction of driverless trains”.


The Lead Officer has also raised this issue with the Company however, the situation remains unresolved. The General Grades Committee has now taken the decision to ballot our Train Operators and Instructor Operators on the Jubilee Line for industrial action short of strike action. I am currently acting in accordance with the above decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/124/15, 14th May 2015), members are congratulated for their solidarity in returning a magnificent result in favour of taking strike action however, despite being given numerous opportunities by our negotiators, Interserve has failed to take the initiative to resolve this dispute. The General Grades Committee considered this matter and took the decision to instruct members not to book on for a 48 hour period between Wednesday 27th May and Friday 29th May 2015.


The determination and resolve of our members is absolute in this dispute and the General Grades Committee has now called further action and instructed our Interserve (KAD) members NOT TO BOOK ON FOR ANY SHIFTS THAT COMMENCE BETWEEN:-


  • 05:30 hours on Monday 8th June 2015 and 05:29 hours on Wednesday 10th June 2015.


I am sure all Branches will show their support for these members who continue to fight for fair and decent wages and for long-standing agreements regarding differentials to be maintained. I have advised the Company that we remain available for talks at ACAS to resolve this dispute but management have stated they are unable to attend a meeting until late next week. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/124/15, 14th May 2015), members are congratulated for their solidarity in returning a magnificent result in favour of taking strike action. This prompted some movement from KAD management and our RMT Reps recently attended a meeting with the Company where the following revised three year pay offer was tabled:-


Year One

  • A 2% pay increase, backdated to 1st January 2015 (including for allowances) and running to 31st March 2016.
  • Those with a salary of less than £30,000 will receive a minimum increase of £750.


Years Two & Three

  • An increase of March RPI + 0.25%, with a guaranteed minimum increase of 1.5%.


  • To reflect the movement of the pay anniversary date, one additional day’s leave will be given in 2016 to each member of staff employed on 1st January 2016. This extra day of leave applies to 2016 only and is equivalent to 7 hours. Usual rules for rostering and/or booking of annual leave will apply.


The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and the improved offer from the Company and taken the decision to conduct a referendum with a recommendation that members VOTE ‘YES’ TO ACCEPT THE OFFER. The voting papers were posted out to members on Tuesday 2nd June and the closing date for this referendum is Tuesday 16th June 2015.


I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




In line with Union policy, a claim was submitted to the Company for a substantial increase in rates of pay and improvements to conditions of service. The Company initially tabled a 0.5% pay increase which was rejected. At a further recent meeting, the Company offered a two year deal which was the same as the offer received from London Underground – a 0.75% increase in year one, an RPI increase in year two and a one-off payment in return for the introduction of Night Tube. Following our rejection of the offer, the Company advised that this was not its final offer and agreed that further meetings would take place.


The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision or convene a meeting of Tube Lines Reps to discuss the pay offer and to decide whether or not they wish to be balloted for industrial action alongside our London Underground members. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.







The following resolution was received from our London Underground Fleet Branch:-


“This Branch calls on all RMT Ruislip Depot Tube Lines Night Transplant Drivers to be balloted for strike action and action short of a strike, to defend our members’ rights and to fight back against the imposition of compulsory overtime.


LU continuously book a number of transplant trains paths to stable after 06:15am at Ruislip Depot when management are fully aware that their shift finishes at 06:15am this is unacceptable to our membership and we expect management to adhere to our members’ contractual hours”.


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has noted the reports on file and taken the decision to organise a ballot of Tubelines Night Transplant Drivers at Ruislip Depot. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/098/15, 10th April 2015), members are commended for returning a solid vote in favour of taking industrial action. A number of meetings then took place with the Company and following lengthy discussions, an agreement was reached and the Company provided the required assurances and protections regarding redundancies and rosters. The threat of compulsory redundancies was withdrawn, all affected staff will retain their alignment compensation and members in an alternative role will have their pay protected for a period of 12 months so they do not suffer a detriment, all at risk members will get the opportunity to apply for Rapid Response Technician roles ahead of other staff. The Company has withdrawn its unacceptable roster proposals and all future rosters will be discussed through the machinery of negotiation.


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee and as confirmation of the agreement has now been received in writing from the Company, I have advised that the dispute situation is resolved.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


March 2015 Track and Signals Functional Minutes LUL

Please find attached the March 2015 LUL track and Signals Functional Minutes


Track and Signals Functional Council Minutes 3 March 2015_RMT Clean





Management Staff Side
Mr Bob Doyle (Head of AP SSL – Chair) Mr Andy Littlechild (RMT)
Gary Warner (Engineering Director), Mr Paul Grant (RMT)
Mr Gary Russell (Head of MIS)Mr Neil Hyde (Head of Permanent Way)Mr Jamie Stapleton (HR Business Partner)Ms Samantha Curniffe (Employee Relations Manager)

Mr Sayara Ali (Employee Relations Support Manager)

Minute Taker???

Mr Peter Ashley (RMT)Mr Paul Jackson (RMT)Mr Mark Harris (RMT)Mr Les Harvey (RMT)

Mr Niall Lynch (RMT)

Mr Paul O’Reilly (RMT)


GUEST: Joe Hickey (Access Solutions Manager), Doug Hammersley (Protection Implementation Manager),

Ben Wells (Unite), Scott Godfrey (RMT)


APOLOGIES: Mr Simon Milburn (Signal Incident Systems Manager), Mr Rick Taylor (Area Infrastructure Manager)


1. Adoption of Previous MinutesMinutes from the previous meeting were agreed.2. Arising & Outstanding Matters

Minutes 11 December Item 17.8 Parity with SSMs

RMT said that this related to SSMs at Osborne house and Baker street and that there was an individual who was paid considerably more than their counterparts. Mr Doyle said that he would give a response on the issue.


3. Previous Actions

Actions of 11th December2014

Action 4, Item 11 Increase in Payment for IRSE Assessments/ Principles Tester

Mr Doyle said that consideration had been put to this matter and concluded that the existing payment was adequate.

The RMT did not accept this answer and believed that the amount of work and changes to the process meant that the existing payment needed to be increased.  FAILURE TO AGREE

RMT also stated that they believed the Payment for Principles Testers was too low.  Mr Milburn to review and reply to the Trade Unions

Action 5, Item 13 – Canteen Facilities –Stratford

Mr Doyle advised that there was no bar on staff eating their own food. He added that staff are required to take off their PPE before entering the canteen facility. The RMT stated that they believed this needed to be relayed to the canteen staff involved

Action closed


Actions of 25th September 2014

Action 3, Item 1.1.4 Closure of Hainault

Mr Doyle said that his investigation had determined that the individual had a substantial pay increase in the same year which was considered to include the payment for site person in charge duties.

Bob Doyle had agreed to meet the individual along with the TU side to discuss the matter


Action 4, Item 1.1.6 Handheld devices

Mr Doyle said that as per the update on the actions list the management team had supplied the bare bones of the draft agreement and they were awaiting TU feedback.


Action 6, Item 1.1.8 Overtime Limit

Management stated that the overtime limit was an average and was reviewed on a job by job basis. It did not include individuals working in other areas such as CPD

4. Recruitment & Transfer List Across Track and Signals

The lists were shared. The RMT stated that th elist were incorrect and needed updating


5. Skills Training Review

[The lists were shared, no issues raised.]


6. Maintenance Capability Update

Mr Doyle said that the Patrolling changes on B&V had been implemented and the changes in regard to the Central line had been agreed in principle.


7. Organisation Update

[There were no updates to give.]


8. Sentinel

Mr Hickey explained that LUL was moving away from LUCAS to Sentinel (the LUCAS contract was expiring on 1st April). He said that from 1st April 2015 there would be no requirement for LUL staff to have a LUCAS card but that they were still expected to maintain their competence. He said that the LUCAS card was only used to gain access to the LU infrastructure. (Post meeting Update – It is now mandatory for LU staff attending worksites to undergo the on-line Worksite Safety Induction on the eZone).


9. Permissioning

Mr Hickey outlined that Permissioning was moving away from people working out for themselves when traction is off to being told. Requirements will be put in the new SCADA system where people can book on and get confirmation back from SCADA to keep traction current off until the track is cleared. He said a Proof of Concept prototype App had been developed by the Innovation team; this App will communicate with a server and utilises QR codes to simplify entering the work booking and sentinel numbers. Potentially some of the set up could be done by the administrator or manager beforehand and the person providing protection would be given a unique booking reference. The system comes back with details of competencies and the work booking.


Mr Hickey explained how track can be booked out as a possession, how to update a working party and check their competencies. He demonstrated how the app would work and that it could be used to increase/decrease track access and where individuals are starting and leaving the track. He said that the system identifies hazards with the use of the Sabre number. A standard declaration is produced with a booking reference which staff can use to book on directly. The QR code can be used by Station Supervisors to go on PICER which is quicker and easier at the station.


RMT queried whether the system would apply at depots; Mr Hickey said this wouldn’t really be the case. He said that the app could pick up if the wrong QR code was scanned for the work that is intended to be done. He informed that it can check if traction current is in a booking, if it’s off and if the last train has left – it then confirms if track access can be granted (alarms etc. can be seen if applicable).


RMT asked what would happen if there was an over-run. They also asked whether staff could leave from different locations if for example they did not get as far as they had intended. Mr Hickey said that the Protection Master should know where staff are going. Mr Hickey confirmed that the change would also be discussed at Tier 2.  He estimated that go live would be in 2019, in the mean time work rules need to be finalised and feedback received on them from users. Mr Hickey said that the contract for SCADA was going out to tender in the middle of March. Mr Warner explained that the current system will be replaced in 2018.


RMT asked what the process would be if the system crashed, Mr Hickey advised that zonal protection and other protection to set people on track.  He said that everything was based on SCADA so if SCADA fails staff wouldn’t go onto the track anyway. RMT felt that assumptions were being made; Mr Hickey explained that this was why he was working with the Trades Unions – to work through assumptions etc.  He said that what was being shown was a prototype to test the waters.


RMT felt that QR codes on platforms would be used to monitor staff whereabouts and times and would be unacceptable. Mr Hickey explained that they would be used to confirm an individual’s location and confirm that traction current was off; this does not necessarily have to be done utilising QR codes as there maybe a better way of confirming location. The QR codes were used as a simple method of showing the concept. RMT asked how management could stop members of the public taking a picture and hacking the system. Mr Doyle stated that this would not be possible as they would not have the necessary code or passwords etc.


The RMT stated that there was massive health and safety issues associated with Permisssioning and that LUL was basicfally asking our members to risk their lives on the say so fo a mobile phone game.  This matter needed to be fully discussed there


The RMT also felt that this would lead to to demise of the TAC’s and other job losses and wanted this  to be discussed further


10. ACAS Agreement and associated meetings i.e. incident/rainbow

RMT stated that they did not accept Rainbow but that as part of the Acas Agreement, any case would be reviewed prior to any meeting on the matter. They said that there had been a case on the District line that had to be stopped as it had proceeded without Mr Doyle’s review. The RMT stated that they was to be understand his review process and have a line of communication on this review


11. Changing the framework agreement with reference to the training selection

RMT said the Signals framework agreement needed adjusting. It had been agreed at an Adhoc Directors review on stations to introduce Support Fitter Grades on stations only. Also there was issues with the signals selection process for courses and it may be discriminatory. It was suggested that therefore selection moved to a trade test undertaken by the school


12. Introduction of Support Fitter (Stations)

Mr Doyle said that there was a Directors Review as in 11 above. The only outstanding issue was agreeing the grade progress requirements to Support Tech in that area


13. Apprenticeship Issues: Tubelines – Pensions/Four Counties

RMT wanted to know what input Four Counties had and felt that LU should stop using them. Mr Doyle said that there were discussion going on as to why they had failed the OFSTED inspection and how LU may be able to help them until there is another solution.

Action: Acquire and share details of Four Counties involvement in apprentice training and share with RMT.

RMT stated that they believed that LUL apprentices taking jobs on Tube Lines would lose their right to remain in the TfL Pension Scheme. This they believed was against agreements to with this union and removal of anyone from the scheme would be unacceptable. Bob Doyle said he would investigate


14. CPD Resource planning for Christmas 2015 and review of leave

There was a query over the resources that may be needed over this period.  Mr Hyde advised that the 2014 arrangements had been successful and that the involvement of the RMT had been useful. He said that definitive knowledge of the work bank for this year was not yet known but the expectation was that a similar resource level would be required as was used in 2014.

It was agreed to review the staffing levels by July so as avoid any issues with resourcing as occured in 2014


15. Christmas and Boxing Day Payments for all Staff

The RMT stated that their members were aggrieved over Christmas Payments mainly for Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Mr Doyle said that if the RMT put something forward it could be discussed. RMT said that Tubelines staff were being paid and LU staff were not, as were LUL drivers.


16. Night Tube Update

Mr Doyle said that the issue had been included in the pay discussions and that the matter now sat at Company Council. RMT said that LUL had asked for functional position statements to be created. Mr Doyle said that there were certain things such as Banked Rest Day’s that needed clarify as to what was in his gift or within the remit of the Company Council discussions.


17. UKPN Update

An update was given with regard to the proposed new Framework for the Power Distribution Group. The Framework had been sent to company council for ratification and RMT and Unite had said that there were some matters that they wanted to take away before it could be ratified to discuss with their members. A further JWP meeting was scheduled for the following day.


18. Stores re-org position (Plant & Equipment Manager) to be made available to light duties staff

RMT said that his post was originally amongst talks in SSL and BCV. They said that that role is being undertaken by NPL that the RMT wanted to be made permanent.

Mr Hyde said that the role needs to be looked at and management need to decide whether the role should remain and if so where it sits. He suggested that it should be looked at by Denise O’Connor as part of the stores review.

The RMT also raised why a former employee was being used to run an informal stors in Signals at Acton and wnated her removed and the role offered to someone who was medically restricted or other internal staff

Action: Liaise with Denise O’Connor re status and continuation of Plant & Materials Manager role


19. Cody Road, Lillie Bridge Update

RMT stated that they were aware that the proposed change was a work in progress, no decision had been made. Management were reviewing what RMT had put forward. Miss Curniffe stated that the RMT proposal was similar to the proposal that had been put forward by management and another meeting was scheduled for 1st April to continue the discussion. RMT said that John Lambert would ascertain what happened to Stores staff and that while staff would be spoken to they did not want staff to be asked to agree to anything.


20. Review of TBTC Training given by Stratford Staff

RMT said that at the moment Tubelines were delivering the training, the course is so complicated that people are struggling to pass it. They said that it was a 3 week course with a 3 hour written paper and a half day practical.  RMT said that they had concerns that the course should be testing on what’s taught and trained.

Action: Paul Campbell to review the syllabus


21. Internal Track Staff side-lined in favour of external labour

RMT said that they want a framework for Track as they felt that certain work should be carried out internally. Mr Russell said that a meeting would be arranged to discuss overtime and work to be done by internal labour.

Action: Mr Russell to convene a meeting regarding overtime and work to be done by internal labour.


22. Use of agency signals staff i.e. Kelly Rail at Acton

RMT said that they wanted a reduction in the use of contractors and that they thought that the posts would not be difficult to fill.

Action: Mr Hyde to look at issue outside of the Functional Council as long as there was a guarantee that shifts would be covered.


23. FRC Rep position in with Ops Managers

RMT said that they did not agree why their colleague was not recognised as a rep, they had an email from some time ago which stated that she was a rep. Miss Curniffe said that representative status had to be looked at in line with the machinery which states that for Signals Maintenance and Incident Managers there are spaces for 2 RMT representatives. If the RMT want this individual to occupy a seat and there is a vacancy there was no problem with this taking place. However, in the event that there is no vacancy and both current incumbents want to remain an additional space would not be created.

Action: Ms Curniffe to formalise the position with regard to the FRC rep


24. CPD Denial of access to LU Grievance procedure for TDU employee

RMT said that they have a member in TDU that put in a grievance and was told it would not be heard. They said that it had been raised at Stage 2 with George McInulty who had received some advice from PMA management that they did not agree with. Mr Hyde stated that the legal advice was that the issue was not a grievance. Miss Curniffe advised that the issue had been raised outside of the grievance procedure and that the PMA manager was arranging a meeting to discuss the issue with the individual and his rep.



Meeting Closed 15:25  


LUL Night Tube

LUL have decided to go to war with the Trade Unions by trying to impose Night Tube rather than carry on talking. Quite out of the blue, Unity House was sent the below letters detailing how LUL intended to start local discussions on ‘implementing’ revised rosters. The surprising aspect of this action is that talks had been progressing nicely at Functional Level until LUL decided, and again out of the blue, to refer the matter to company council and link the issue to pay, stopping all talks. Now after stopping discussions they want to move to imposition (a similar letter has gone to unity house regarding Train Drivers). This can only be seen as a challenge to the Unions right to negotiate on behalf of its members and must surely be linked to the new Government and the recent election result.

LUL Imposition Night Tube


The reality is that this is a totally unnecessary act by LUL which is as provocative as it is counter productive. The instant result was the below resolution being passed unanimously by the LUEngineering Branch and a Track and Signals Reps meeting

“This branch notes that LUL are trying to impose Night Tube talks on Track and Signals at local level. All representatives have been instructed to refuse talks unless Unity House authorize them. This branch believe that this is a direct attack on our machinery of negotiation and agreements based on rosters and Monday to Friday working that was won following strike action. We cannot let this issue go unchallenged. We therefore call on the GGC to ballot all members in our sphere of influence for strike and action short of strike. Furthermore there must be no worsening of terms and conditions”

The truth is this matter could easily have been negotiated. The truth is many of our members are Monday to Friday and wish to stay that way or be adequately rewarded for amending their contract. The bitter truth is that we cannot allow LUL or any other company, to dictate how, when and in what manner they rip up our agreements and tell us that they are imposing anything on our members.

Do not forget we have already been on strike over rosters and Monday to Friday working, reaching the below agreement with Management.

CMO Roster Agreement

We won this through action and it may take action to defend it.

For the time being the RMT are refusing to attend any local meetings about imposing rosters on our members and all matters are being dealt with at the highest level in our union. We therefore also ask ALL our members to NOT volunteer to change any shifts and allow your union to negotiate your terms and conditions of employment and refuse to allow LUL to rip up our agreements

LUL Pay and Night Tube

To all RMT members in LUL, Pay and night tube update

Today and earlier this week on Monday I met LUL directors, with our senior reps to discuss and negotiate on pay 2015 and night tube arrangements.

Once again no new offer was made .

As members will know LUL have so far tabled a offer of
Pay .. This is effectively a pay cut

2015 …0.75%

Night tube

£500 ( £750 for track/ signals & Train Ops) non consolidated ” ONEOFF”(in two or three parts) payment for ALL CHANGES EVER to do with the impact of, changes to numerous agreements and adverse working caused by night tube.

I have told Nick Brown LULs C.O.O that our union has spent decades building up our agreements that protect members from the adverse impact of shift working , that provide structure and rights at work …that have been worked to by hard negotiation , by old style managers making joint agreements with the RMT and the other unions, which all parties honour and stick with .These agreements made life better for our members and of course are supported by thousands of RMT members and the other unions in the Underground. It would be wrong beyond measure to throw all that away for a night tube that no ones funded properly or worked out the logistics of … and certainly not at the cost of our members work life balance / rights and agreements … Oh and they want a no strike deal too!

The talks have now been adjourned . We are available. We are not in dispute . Despite that LUL have advised us that they want to go to ACAS to assist them ? How that will help I have no idea . We have told them , as have all the unions have the offer is in both parts wholeheartedly inadequate and fails to address the critical point of sticking with agreements. And we could never agree to a no strike deal . Those points need to be addressed by LUL rather than calling in ACAS


John Leach
RMT Regional Organiser
London Transport
Region 11

RMT Circular

Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/107/15, 23rd April 2015), the ballot has concluded and the result is as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                  398

Number Voting ‘Yes’             337

Number Voting ‘No’              61

Spoilt Papers                       0


The General Grades Committee is currently considering this result and I shall advise Branches of its decision in due course.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/107/15, 23rd April 2015), the ballot has concluded and the result is as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                  58

Number Voting ‘Yes’             51

Number Voting ‘No’              7

Spoilt Papers                       0


The General Grades Committee is currently considering this result and I shall advise Branches of its decision in due course.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/107/15, 23rd April 2015), the following resolution was received from the London Transport Regional Council:-


“This region condemns London Underground for their naked attempt to divide the tube’s workforce by making different pay offers according to grade. LU’s claim that some grades are not impacted as much by night-tube has been made in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary  and represents nothing more than a cynical attempt to break the unity of RMT members across trains, stations and engineering grades.


LU’s offer remains a below inflation pay rise with derisory one-off payments in return for delivering night-tube. This is wholly unacceptable to our union.


This comes on top of fit for the future, which as it stands will leave our stations chronically understaffed and many members in unacceptable grades or locations. 


We applaud every member who took strike action over LU’s austerity cuts and we endorse the negotiating position of our union. Our strike action has won important shifts in LU’s position including a guarantee that no member would lose their substantive salary.


However, it is clear that LU’s proposals remain unacceptable in relation to both pay and austerity cuts. At the present time these include:


  • Below inflation pay offer
  • Demand for complete implementation of night tube tied to a no strike clause. This would include our acceptance of new rosters across functions accepting sharp increases in night and weekend working.
  • 900 job cuts on LU stations
  • Displacement of around 1500 station grades with many sent to unacceptable new locations.


In order to resolve these issues we will have to take significant strike action.


We are at our strongest when all grades are united. It would be preferable to take all grades action in order to fight on the key issues we face. We have to take account of the different mood of members in different functions. LU has pursued a deliberate strategy of imposing austerity on stations ahead of other areas and it is understandable that some members are not yet convinced of the need for immediate strikes.


RMT must seek to convince members that all grades action is required to ensure that night tube does not result in unacceptable rosters with more weekend and night working and to win a fair pay settlement. RMT should fight on these issues at the same time as the additional issues facing stations.


It may be necessary to take separate industrial action, either strikes or action short of strikes, on stations in response to LU’s fit for the future programme. In particular, LU’s continuing failure to restore significant numbers of jobs to our stations is a crucial issue, alongside issues relating to rosters and location.


Additionally, RMT will continue to campaign amongst passengers and the wider public against ticket office closures and job cuts on the tube.


The LTRC will produce regular propaganda in support of this fight. The GGC should convene reps meetings as necessary to ensure the involvement of reps in the development of our strategy.”


The Lead Officer and Senior Reps have attended two further meetings regarding this matter but no new offer was made and a mass meeting of members has taken place where this matter was discussed. The General Grades Committee has taken the decision to prepare an all grades ballot matrix of London Underground members as a matter of urgency. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and would be grateful if Branches could ensure that all members’ details are correct.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/70/15, 12th March 2015), this matter was raised at a Stations Functional Council meeting where a failure to agree was recorded over the Company refusing to honour its transfer procedure for station staff and I am currently seeking legal advice as to whether LUL’s action constitutes a breach of members’ contracts of employment.


A further resolution has been received from the London Transport Regional Council regarding LUL’s practice of employing CSA’s on fixed term contracts rather than moving these colleagues onto permanent CSA1 grade positions. Our Union has a history of opposing this type of contract and we should continue this tradition. The Branch calls for action including making a case for transferring members into permanent CSA1 positions and requiring a timetable for this to happen, producing literature about the issue and being prepared to take industrial action.


I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/100/15, 16th April 2015), a resolution regarding this matter has been received from the London Transport Regional Council, which notes the recent dismissal of Noel Roberts whilst fit and at work. This amounts to a capability/rainbow dismissal which is not a recognised nor agreed procedure with our Union and leaves all LUL members vulnerable to being sacked whilst fit and at work.


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has taken the decision to reiterate our position to LUL that we are opposed to the capability/rainbow disciplinaries and dismissals and to seek advice over the legality of members being sent to Occupational Health, which is perceived to be part of the disciplinary and dismissal procedure.


I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/340/14, 19th December 2015), members will recall that the industrial action was suspended to allow for further discussions to take place and to explore a way forward that would meet our claim for Service Controller’s to be paid the SCL1 for the job.


Unfortunately, these talks failed to make satisfactory progress on the issue and this matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has taken the decision to organise a meeting of all affected members as soon as possible. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary





A proposal was received to transfer the Employee Relations Team from LUL to TfL to bring these members under the same employer as the rest of the HR department. Following an initial consultation meeting, the Company confirmed that this transfer will be dealt with under TUPE but, for the purposes of Collective Bargaining the TfL Framework for Consultation and Collective Bargaining will apply and affected members will be incorporated into LCG3 represented by TSSA and Unite Unions.


This matter was considered by the General Grades Committee and I have now written to the Company to advise that it is unacceptable that RMT will lose recognition rights for our members in the Employee Relations Team. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.

LUL Substations Framework Agreement

Despite months of talks with LUL and awaiting a reply to the last RMT proposal, LUL have decided to threaten to impose a settlement on our members.

This is clear provocation and unacceptable to the RMT and the company will be sent a clear reply on our intentions, including Industrial Action if necessary

LUL Letter ref Power Framework
