Category: LUL

RMT suspends LUL action

RMT suspends this week’s action and puts on September strike dates as talks over Night Tube make significant progress


TUBE UNION RMT said this afternoon that the strike dates on London Underground this week have been suspended, with new dates announced in September, as talks over pay, jobs and Night Tube have made significant progress at ACAS.

The union has made it clear to London Underground that the union remains in dispute and further strike action will be taken on the 8th and 10th September. RMT has also made it clear that the union will take further industrial action if there are moves to run test trains or if there is any attempt to impose Night Tube operations.‎

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“Our negotiators have been able to make enough significant progress in talks at ACAS over pay, jobs and Night Tube to allow us to suspend this week’s strike dates. We have still not reached a final agreement and as a result we are putting on additional strike action on next month. In the meantime, the talks process will continue.

“I want to pay tribute to the union members who have remained united and rock solid throughout this dispute. It is their determination which forced LU to begin talking seriously and which has enabled us to make the progress that we have so far.

“Our dispute is not with the working class of London and RMT is not opposed to Night Tube providing it is introduced properly with safe and robust staffing arrangements which recognise the substantial extra pressures that this expansion will inevitably create.”


LUL Track and Signals Apprentices/ Tubelines

Following the RMT raising concerns that LUL apprentices on Track and Signals who took a job on Tube Lines were being told that they may potentially be made to leave the final salary pension scheme and sign a contract that only allowed them to join the Tube Lines Defined Contribution scheme, LUL have now confirmed that this would not apply.

Any apprentice joining Tube Lines will go on secondment and retain all LUL conditions. The RMT continue to work to get all TubeLines staff TUPE’d back into LUL


From: Kallah Satty <>>

Date: 5 August 2015 12:03:01 BST

To: “‘Paul Jackson'” <<>>, Littlechild Andy <<>>, Grant Paul <<>>, Ashley Peter <<>>, Harris Mark <<>>, Harvey Les <<>>, “‘<>'” <<>>, “O’Reilly Paul” <<>>

Subject: RE:  Track & Signals – Apprenticeship Issues Action Point


Dear All,


Just a quick update on the above Action Point following the last Track & Signals Functional Council meeting on the 2nd June 2015.


The Apprentices that are appointed to roles in Tubelines at the end of their term will go across on a secondments and will remain as LUL employees.  They will also retain their pension benefits.






Satty Kallah | Employee Relations Support Manager Employee Relations | London Underground 7th Floor G6, Palestra, London, SE1 8NJ

Tube Strike Film

The LUEngineering Branch commissioned a mini-film to explain our side of the Tube Strike. The union is often criticised for not getting our story over. Its not for lack of trying, its purely because the press chooses not to give our side. A press which is dominated by anti-union propaganda and anti-worker stances.

Well here is our side of the story

LUL Dispute: Aslef/ Acas Update

Aslef are an independent Union and are fully entitled to make their own agreements and deals. We have no wish to comment on what or how Aslef represent their members.

However, our union believes that you get more together and would appeal to all unions that Unity is Strength and that it is vital to avoid allowing LUL to operate a divide and conquer strategy. That is why we are an all grades union and that is why we have so successfully represented all our members of whatever grade.

This the actual offer from LUL that was made to not only to Aslef and the RMT but all Trade Unions including TSSA and Unite.


Below is an Aslef Leaflet suggesting far more than any written undertaking from LUL

Aslef Leaflet page 1Aslef Leaflet page 2

Again, it is for all independent trade Unions to decide their action, however, our negotiators do not see this as satisfying their members. The RMT position and why they have stayed talking at Acas, is that there needs to be a formal offer with regards to Night Tube and acceptance that rosters will not be imposed. LUL have stated that they reserve the right to impose Rosters and that they still intend to go ahead with Night Tube on the 12th September (this despite the private belief from Senior Managers that Night Tube is an unwanted distraction). The RMT Negotiators believe that there needs to be something firmer and not a vague promise and suggestions of draft rosters and that we need a formal agreement and an agreed terms of reference between LUL and the Trade Unions. We believe that that is in the best interests of all our members whatever the grade. We must not also forget that there is still the issue of the annual pay discussions and the two issues are equally important.

Whilst we acknowledge that following the RMT and TSSA escalation to of the dispute to two days, that LUL have at least discussed slowing down the introduction of night tube, we believe that a verbal promise isn’t worth the paper it is written on. Especially as there is nothing concrete to show that Night Tube will be delayed if necessary. Do not believe for one second there are not massive health and safety issues to still be discussed even if agreement was fully reached today because our members and the travelling public’s safety are by far the most important aspect of any settlement..

By the way, it is even more important to have a written agreement rather than an empty and vague promise, when even a Senior Aslef Rep himself expects the need for further action. As we saw in the Aslef Boxing Day strikes, action is far more effective when taken together.

Aslef Strike Tweet


The RMT will now continue discussions at Acas and it has arranged a meeting for all its reps this Wednesday to discuss the situation. However, we are fortunate as a union that whilst we wish for unity and solidarity, we also note the anger in many sections of our all grades membership and we will not shy away from taking the action that we have already called if necessary and as LUL will confirm this will have a massive impact on the train service. It is times like this that a cool head is needed because a cool head gets it in writing first, because without doing that, it might easily be perceived to look like panic.

Finally, and I suspect the Aslef member that tweeted the below will be fully criticised by his leadership not least as sometimes it is forgotten that Aslef have some recognition rights in manager’s grades. I am sure that Aslef will equally confirm to its members that we are an independent trade union entitled to make our own decisions as they are and that they will point out the massive RMT victories that we have had for all grades that we represent. The tweet below is especially laughable given, purely as just one example, the way on Metronet (where there was no Aslef recognition), that our members successfully defended their grades from incessant attack to win total success against that private company. D3AN comedy gold

Aslef tweet

Latest LUL Dispute Update from Acas

At today’s talks no real progress was made LU made their position known:


– No improvements on Pay

– No improvements on Night Tube payments

– No improvements for easing weekend or night working for all grades

– An undertaking from LU that Night Tube working will not be imposed on staff; BUT that management still retain the ‘right’ to impose rosters if the roster talks are unproductive


RMT, UNITE & TSSA are accordingly of the belief that there are no real improvements from LU; and we are still in dispute and will continue to defend all our members

Chaos on District Line

Chaos on District Line as action short of a strike bites leaving severe train shortages


The District line has lost more than a third of its trains this morning due to the union work to rule in the depots which has been ongoing as part of the Night Tube dispute.


Tube bosses have attempted to put in stopped trains which are near their maximum kilometres but those can only do short trips as they are on the very edge of their safety tolerances. Those in charge haven’t a clue where train units are overnight due to units being put anywhere due to lack of depot space. The union suspects that even the concessions are being fudged just to get trains in.


Today the action short of a strike has really hit home and the impact is set to escalate. The entire Wimbledon & Ealing Broadway service branches had to be suspended earlier due to the severe lack of trains.


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;


“Tube bosses have tried to cover up the impact of the action short of a strike which is continuing across the network and which is hitting services hard with the impact set to escalate.


“RMT will be raising again today serious concerns that safety tolerances are being fudged and breached to try and keep services running, threatening passengers and staff alike.


“The solution to this dispute is serious negotiations around the work/life balance issues that have led to the action, not a cavalier attitude to safety to try and cover up the impact. “

Another Shocking Section 15 Incident

The RMT have been made aware of another shocking incident in the Section 15 possession. It is inconceivable that LUL continue the relentless changes to track safety on the basis of saving money and risking lives.

We come to work to earn money, not to go home in a body bag

Section 15 eIRF

RMT confirms new strike dates in Night Tube dispute

RMT confirms new strike dates in Night Tube dispute


TUBE UNION RMT has today confirmed two twenty four hour strikes in the Night Tube and station jobs disputes as London Underground management, under the direction of Mayor Boris Johnson, continue to stall over the issue of work/life balance and job cuts arising from the new rosters and the Fit for the Future programme – due to come into force from the 12th September.


As a result, the executive of the union has taken the following decision:


“We note the magnificent strike action involving all 4 Trade Unions on the Underground. We particularly applaud our members for their solid and resolved action to defend their conditions of service, jobs and pay.


We note the continued intransigence and provocation by LU Management and their continued failure to address the wider issues of work life balance.


We therefore instruct the General Secretary to inform London Underground that:


Train Operator and Instructor Operator members are to take strike action as follows:-


  • By not booking on for any shifts commencing from 2100 hours on Tuesday 25th August 2015 until 2059 hours on Wednesday 26th August 2015; and again


  • By not booking on for any shifts commencing from 2100 hours on Thursday 27th August 2015 until 2059 hours on Friday 28th August 2015


All Other Grades:-


  • By not booking on for any shifts commencing from 1830 hours on Tuesday 25th August 2015 until 1829 hours on Wednesday 26th August 2015; and again


  • By not booking on for any shifts commencing from 1830 hours on Thursday 27th August 2015 until 1829 hours on Friday 28th August 2015


We also note with concern that two of our Fleet Branch members have been sent home and pay deducted for carrying out Union instructions on training. We salute these members and we will not leave them isolated. We instruct the General Secretary to liaise with LU Fleet Branch in order to provide practical support to these members.”



RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:


“Our members the length and breadth of London Underground have made it clear that they are determined to protect their work/life balance and not fall into a trap where they will be forced to wreck their home lives in order to comply with the “rosters from hell” which have been drawn up to plug the staffing gaps in the Night Tube plans.


“Staff are angry that their grievances are being ignored and dismissed by both the Mayor and his officials and that there has been no substantial move as of today from London Underground  to make progress towards a negotiated settlement. That is why we have no option but to strike again. It is ridiculous that the job cuts programme for fleet, engineering and station staff is also still being bulldozed through against this background.


“The Night Tube plan has been botched from the off. The basics haven’t been done and those who will pay for this shambles will not only be our members but the London daily travelling public who cough up a fortune and who will find their safety and the reliability of the service compromised from 12th September onwards. Running tube services with fatigued and burnt-out staff is a recipe for disaster.


“The action goes ahead and RMT remains available for talks regardless of the point we have reached in the dispute which is perfectly normal.”

RMT tables response to LU at ACAS Tube dispute talks

RMT tables response to LU at ACAS Tube dispute talks


TUBE UNION RMT has set out a position statement in talks with London Underground at ACAS over pay, night tube and continuing job cuts. The LU management have taken away the statement, and responses from the other unions, for consideration.


RMT’s position covers the following ground:


  • Suspension of two fleet trainers at Ealing Common without pay for carrying out lawful industrial action. RMT’s sees this as provocative, aggressive and an escalation by LU and demands an assurance by the end of today that the staff have been returned to work immediately with their pay reinstated.


  • RMT will continue to engage through the ACAS process on the three separate issues in dispute, Fit for the Future Stations, Pay and Night Tube. The settlement of these issues will need to be properly resourced to secure progress.


  • RMT opposes the “gun at the head” conditional and confrontational approach adopted by LU which is not conducive to constructive talks. Current agreements must not be undermined or overridden as part of the process. The pay offer of 1% in 2015 and RPI or 1% in the two subsequent years is not acceptable and the union seeks a guarantee of RPI plus. However, in order to make progress RMT suggests deferring immediate discussion on pay at this time.


  • RMT is not opposed to Night Tube by agreement and with all issues properly addressed, including:

Rosters and Work/Life balance for all grades to be properly agreed with no one required to work more nights and weekends than at present. Headcount reviews will be required to meet agreed staffing levels in all functions

All volunteers for Night Tube to be properly rewarded, in order to facilitate the new working practices we expect proper rewards and recognition for all.

Transitional Night Tube proposals for Train Operators to be developed, agreed and extended to all functions and grades as part of any agreement.

The Fit For the Future proposals to ensure that all staff have comparable numbers of weekends off with appropriate changes to current agreements to allow new means of rostering the future cover structure which is to be agreed by consent.


General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“RMT has made it crystal clear from the start that in return for the very basic guarantees and assurances sought on work life balance that the union will work to agree a final form of station rosters for all areas. A final agreement would have as its basis the best work-life balance and reward for staff while addressing the needs of the business which may well require additional staff resources.

“London Underground  and the Mayor can throw out whatever propaganda they like direct to staff but until these issues are addressed, and the threat of imposition of the rosters is removed,  the dispute will not be resolved and it is now time for them to recognise that and to start negotiating seriously around our position statement. We’ve seen the proposed rosters and if management and Boris Johnson want to know what staff think they should take a trip to depots like Leytonstone and White City and hear what our members think of being rammed in to what are now known across the job as the “rosters from hell.”

“It is also clearly difficult to make progress while Boris Johnson, as Mayor of London and Chair of Transport for London, is boxing in his negotiators through the media while refusing to get his hands dirty himself by talking to us. That is a major obstacle and is at odds with the way that the First Minister intervened directly in Scotland to broker a settlement in the ferries dispute. The ball is now in LU and the Mayor’s court.”


RMT demands an end to posturing by the London Mayor

RMT demands an end to posturing by the London Mayor as he announces that he is to write to all tube staff telling them to accept Night Tube rosters 

Mick Cash said;

“It is time for Boris Johnson to stop the posturing and start talking. This latest stunt of writing to all tube staff just confirms that he is calling the shots on Night Tube from top to bottom and doesn’t understand the fury he has unleashed across all grades, depots and lines.

“The continued refusal of the London Mayor to have any direct contact with the transport unions, despite the fact that he is clearly in charge of the tube dispute, ‎is a ludicrous way to deal with a crisis that has developed on his watch.The appeal direct to the tube workforce ignores the anger and concerns of nearly 20000 union members, reflected in massive votes in successive ballots, and will just inflame the situation.

“In Scotland, when RMT had a dispute on the ferries, the First Minister stepped in and brokered talks which led to a settlement. The Mayor cannot continue to lurch along in ignorance of the facts, ducking his responsibilities as chair of TFL,  when the whole of London is crying out for a negotiated solution that deals with the fundamental issues at the heart of this current dispute.. “

Secret RMT Plans

The RMT always prides itself on being an all grades union. We are open. We like to communicate with each other and inform our members what is going on.

Its always nice to see senior managers subscribing to our webpage/ facebook or twitter.

So in the spirit of openness, please click the below link for all our secret plans.

Secret Plans: Click here


RMT calls for Urgent Meeting with Boris

With Boris Johnson taking direct control of Night Tube dispute RMT calls for urgent meeting


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;


“It has become clear from the media coverage over the past forty eight hours that Boris Johnson has taken direct control of the current tube dispute.


“As the Night Tube is his personal project, and as chair of Transport for London, it is now time for the Mayor to reverse his long standing policy of not meeting with the trade unions and to give our negotiators an opportunity to set out the facts to him directly.


“From the Mayor’s statements it is clear that he has not got the message that this dispute is not about money it is about work/life balance and it is essential that with Mr Johnson now taking charge of the dispute that he grasps the fundamental issues. That can only happen through a direct meeting which looks like it’s now essential to making serious progress towards a resolution of this dispute. “
