Aslef are an independent Union and are fully entitled to make their own agreements and deals. We have no wish to comment on what or how Aslef represent their members.
However, our union believes that you get more together and would appeal to all unions that Unity is Strength and that it is vital to avoid allowing LUL to operate a divide and conquer strategy. That is why we are an all grades union and that is why we have so successfully represented all our members of whatever grade.
This the actual offer from LUL that was made to not only to Aslef and the RMT but all Trade Unions including TSSA and Unite.

Below is an Aslef Leaflet suggesting far more than any written undertaking from LUL

Again, it is for all independent trade Unions to decide their action, however, our negotiators do not see this as satisfying their members. The RMT position and why they have stayed talking at Acas, is that there needs to be a formal offer with regards to Night Tube and acceptance that rosters will not be imposed. LUL have stated that they reserve the right to impose Rosters and that they still intend to go ahead with Night Tube on the 12th September (this despite the private belief from Senior Managers that Night Tube is an unwanted distraction). The RMT Negotiators believe that there needs to be something firmer and not a vague promise and suggestions of draft rosters and that we need a formal agreement and an agreed terms of reference between LUL and the Trade Unions. We believe that that is in the best interests of all our members whatever the grade. We must not also forget that there is still the issue of the annual pay discussions and the two issues are equally important.
Whilst we acknowledge that following the RMT and TSSA escalation to of the dispute to two days, that LUL have at least discussed slowing down the introduction of night tube, we believe that a verbal promise isn’t worth the paper it is written on. Especially as there is nothing concrete to show that Night Tube will be delayed if necessary. Do not believe for one second there are not massive health and safety issues to still be discussed even if agreement was fully reached today because our members and the travelling public’s safety are by far the most important aspect of any settlement..
By the way, it is even more important to have a written agreement rather than an empty and vague promise, when even a Senior Aslef Rep himself expects the need for further action. As we saw in the Aslef Boxing Day strikes, action is far more effective when taken together.

The RMT will now continue discussions at Acas and it has arranged a meeting for all its reps this Wednesday to discuss the situation. However, we are fortunate as a union that whilst we wish for unity and solidarity, we also note the anger in many sections of our all grades membership and we will not shy away from taking the action that we have already called if necessary and as LUL will confirm this will have a massive impact on the train service. It is times like this that a cool head is needed because a cool head gets it in writing first, because without doing that, it might easily be perceived to look like panic.
Finally, and I suspect the Aslef member that tweeted the below will be fully criticised by his leadership not least as sometimes it is forgotten that Aslef have some recognition rights in manager’s grades. I am sure that Aslef will equally confirm to its members that we are an independent trade union entitled to make our own decisions as they are and that they will point out the massive RMT victories that we have had for all grades that we represent. The tweet below is especially laughable given, purely as just one example, the way on Metronet (where there was no Aslef recognition), that our members successfully defended their grades from incessant attack to win total success against that private company. D3AN comedy gold