Category: LUL

LUL Track Patrolling Strike SUSPENDED


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the following decision:-

“Further to our Decision No. NWW of 4/2/16, we note the report from the Regional Organiser and the letter from LUL.

We accept the proposals in the letter from LUL as a way forward on this issue, and note that further meetings will be held. LUL have offered to suspend the training and assessment of non-permanent employees for track patrolling for two weeks.

 We therefore suspend the strike action planned for Friday 12th February, and instruct members to book on as normal.

 The action short of a strike, from 06:30 on Saturday 13th February, by not taking part in any mentoring or assessing activity with Cleshars T001 Trainees, stays in place.

 London Transport Regional Council and LU Engineering Branch to be informed.

 Members to be informed by text and e-mail”.

I am currently acting in accordance with the above decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary



LUL Track Patrolling Dispute


Tube union RMT confirmed today that nearly 500 London Underground track patrol staff are to strike for 24 hours from 0630hrs on Friday morning – 12th February – in a dispute over the use of private contractors to casualise and undermine their jobs.

LU are trying to bulldoze through, without agreement, the training of staff working for contractors, Cleshar, to undertake track patrolling duties in a direct attack on the job security of RMT’s track patrol members.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“This dispute is over an outrageous attempt to casualise and undermine the jobs of our London Underground track patrol members through an extension of the use of private contractors. The plan must be halted.

“RMT will continue to fight all attempts to undermine and casualise jobs across London Underground as the company looks to cut corners to meet Government austerity targets. This union will not accept the undermining of jobs, conditions and safety or the creeping privatisation of functions.

“The union remains available for talks.”

Section 15 Strike: Acas Update

The issue of Section 15 Possessions and this Friday’s strike was today discussed at Acas. The RMT stated that they was concerned that LUL were turning track access into a death trap and wanted Section 15 Possessions suspended whilst a safe system of work was agreed.

LUL made the following commitment ‘to suspend AP (Maintenance) staff working in Section 15 Possessions from 9th February for two weeks to continue talks. This would not apply to CPD (Project) areas’

The RMT asked six questions:

  1. How would this be safe for CPD staff if AP staff needed to be withdrawn?
  2. Who exactly would be working in these possessions?
  3. Would Maintenance work take priority?
  4. How would CPD work as Service Control were in dispute too?
  5. We represent all staff and their health and safety and project staff live’s mattered to?
  6. Why can’t you just suspend Section 15 and use orthodox means of protection?

Following an adjournment LUL gave the following disappointing replies.

  • They felt Section 15 had positive benefits for safety
  • They felt CPD staff were more experienced for track access
  • That Service Control staff were adequately trained
  • Only one work group would work in a CPD Section 15 Possession
  • That they did not want to lose the momentum and experience they felt that they was gaining

We considered their answers wholly inadequate. We firmly believe that there have been enough incidents and lack of certainty over the process that someone will be hurt or killed. There is no reason LUL cannot suspend the use of Section 15, which is a process they already admit was flawed and rush in too fast.

The reality is a life of a track worker is not worth risking by a rushed implementation of a process that casualises track access to the level of the keystone cops. Therefore LUL have been informed that the strikes and action short will remain in place and that we will protect our members in all ways possible.

LUL have been told, that this action is not for any gain and is purely regarding Health and Safety and our right to go home safely.

We are returning to ACAS tomorrow




Further to previous correspondence regarding the above, this matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the following decision:-


“Further to our Decision No. NWW of 3rd February 2016, we instruct our members to take strike action by not booking on for any shifts between 06:30 Friday 12th February 2016 and 06:29 on Saturday 13th February 2016.


We also instruct our members to take action short of a strike from 06:30 Saturday 13th February, by not taking part in any mentoring or assessing activity with Cleshars T001 Trainees.


This matter to be placed back before the NEC to consider any futher developments and further action.


London Transport Regional Council and LU Engineering Branch to be informed.


Members to be informed by text and e-mail”.

Section 15: Frequently asked Questions

LUL have sent out a Bulletin regarding Section 15 Possessions and the Keystone Cop approach to safety. Here is our reply


Frequently Asked Questions




 NOT Frequently Asked Questions – Section 15 Possession Protection


To:          RMT Members ONLY

Date:      2nd February  2016

I know nothing about Section 15. What is it?

Section 15 is one several possession protection methods in the various LU Rule Book 15’s. The difference with this protection method is that it is aimed at undermining the need to book out with the Track Access Controllers by booking on with god knows who on the night and remove the need for professional Protection Masters directly looking after you and your track access.

How does the Possession Master find out that the last train has gone and traction current has been switched off?

The Service Controllers (SC) are being balloted over this very issue. The awareness of last trains is clearly defined in Protection Master training and everyone knows what to do if they miss the last one. The Protection Master is therefore certain that it is safe to allow staff onto the track. It is about trying to save money and nothing to do with safety.

Does Section 15 change engineering staff access to possession worksites?

The amazing thing is that LUL seem to be claiming that it is NOT only Section 15 Possessions that are dangerous, they ALL are. Let us be clear, Section 15 Possessions are aimed at undermining our safe system of work that we would currently do with a Protection Master and  Booking out with a Track Access Controller

Isn’t Section 15 just another way of adding ad hoc work into engineering hours?

Yes, of course it is. Section 15 fundamentally changes the way we access the track. We book on with a Lead SPC, or his mate or whoever eventually answers the various phone numbers that we are given. It is not a safety critical role and these possessions are being used to cover large track areas for general and unplanned work. These are instead of the Track Access Controllers with a Safe System of Work and therefore not an enhancement to access but a step backwards

It seems like Section 15 was rushed into use without proper consideration or testing.

Section 15 was indeed rushed in. Yes, it went through the same LUL processes that allowed a Rail Grinder to work on  the Northern Line without a proper breaking system. The talks with the RMT were a sham and LUL imposed the procedure half way through them. Any incident within a Section 15 Possession is always declared as ‘not their fault’ and there was many recorded incidents. LUL could not even say whether staff had the correct certification because they failed to audit or control the process. It was not a trial, it was an imposition

Isn’t Section 15 just about increasing efficiency?

Yes, it’s purely about saving money. They save money by ending the tried and tested role of the Track Access Controller. They save money by removing Protection Masters from each gang. YES that will hit you in the pocket, no £10 per shift on LUL and wave goodbye to the £1000 a year on Tube Lines. This is about working to the limit without training and without control.


I’ve heard that Section 15 is safer for protection staff accessing the track. Why?

OMG does anyone really believe this is a real question and not a made up one from LUL employment relations team? Removal of the safety critical role of the Protection Master and replacing it with an adhoc and poorly or untrained Lead Site Person in Charge is not progress. The whole problem with Section 15 is that it introduces human error into a safe sytem that was compueterised and well understood. We rely on memory, we rely on someone telling us the train is moving, that we are safe, that we are even there. There has been several slips where people could have died. The truth is, we do not ballot lightly, we are not asking for any gain, we are only asking to come to work, do our jobs and go home ALIVE



Can the current be recharged after the published time?

YES, if the Service manager makes a mistake, and we all do when we are tired, then the only way to contact you is through a faceless Possession Master with many groups to control.


Haven’t there been recent safety incidents with Section 15?

Yes, there has. There has been many. Every incident is either covered up or described as a ‘nothing to do with Section 15’. When LUL have been asked, would this have happened if we had booked out through the track access controllers, we are met with silence


What was the cause of the incident in December?

There was a major incident where staff were incorrectly authorised and nearly accessed the track as a train was coming into the section. The confusion came because there was more than one Section 15 Possession and the Lead SPC from the wrong area gave permission to access the track. LUL argued that this was not a near hit because they did not access the track! Again there was no use for this Section 15 Possession and this incident would NEVER have happened if normal Track Access Arrangements had been in place. There have been briefings, very poor ones leaving people none the wiser at the end of them! Why not just properly TRAIN people. LUL say that if you would like more information please contact your manager. We say do that too because most of them do NOT have a clue either because they have not been trained either.


If I want more information about Section 15 where can I find it?

LUL have produced a propaganda film so please watch it. It is available on YouTube: and would be funny if it was not such a serious issue.


Every journey matters and so does the lives of every track worker



Cleshars Outsourcing: Massive Vote

LUL Track Workers have sent a resounding YES for action and a NO to LUL over the training of Cleshars staff to undertake Track Patrols

Those voting YES for strike 141 to 9

Those voting YES to action short 151 to 8

We now call on LUL to enter into talks with the RMT and make the sensible choice and enter into talks with the RMT. Members are advised to come to the next LU Engineering Branch and share their views on the action to take place.

Section 15: A Personal View

Many people have been asking what is the dispute all about, below is an extract of an email sent by your Branch Secretary to Heads of Tube Lines and LUL. The email chain regards incidents in possessions and the company view that there is nothing wrong.

The email was sent the day after management refused to suspend section 15 Possessions and then two further possession incidents occurred that very night.

“…….It is interesting times we live in. I am not sure what individual will be blamed for this error or indeed the one for LU Incident – 51703336, but I have little doubt that someone will be held up to not followed a process or instruction correctly. This blame, in my opinion, should not be laid at whatever person is decided to be held accountable, but should be placed fairly and squarely on those on your side of the table that are allowed these processes to continue. I put it to you that a better, more productive and safer culture would be to draw back and examine, along with us, in a systematic manner, the inadequacies that lay before us, that our union believe will end in tragedy. Suspend these processes completely in the name of safety first and sit round a table and talk

However, I am also sure, that whatever you find the reality of the situation that you and your colleagues are facing, is that we are informing you, in as emphatic a way as is possible that you have implemented a process, that has casualised a safe system of work, allowing human error to creep in at every level without correct checks and balances that are necessary for us to be safe at work. We are informing you that inadequate briefings are being carried out that are no mitigation for formal training and are wholly inadequate for staff to know what they should be doing and allowing the knowledge and confidence that others are doing their job properly too.

We all have our stories and mine is no different to many insofar as we have all lost friends and colleagues to accidents that are as avoidable as they are tragic. The common factor is usually not the major element or major failure of process but the build up of small acts and omissions that coincide to form a pathway of inevitable consequence. The decision is yours, the consequence will fall on us

That remains the reason we are in dispute, because people like me have sworn to our members that we will shed tears, toil and sweat on their behalves, but will not stand idly by when we truly believe they are in serious and imminent danger. We will therefore oppose this process, not through political motivation, not for benefit or gain, but through fear that the decisions you make are wrong and that we will pay the price.

Regards Paul J….”

Huge Action Planned for Section 15


Further to Head Office Circular NP/252/15, 15th December 2015, and following the ballot result showing overwhelming support for industrial action your National Executive Committee has taken the decision to instruct all members covered by this dispute at LUL and Tubelines NOT TO BOOK ON FOR SHIFTS that commence between:

  • 0630 Friday 12th February 2016 and 0629 on Saturday 13th February2016
  • 0630 and 1829 on Sunday 6th March 2016
  • 0630 Friday 25th March 2016 and 0629 Saturday 26th March 2016
  • 0630 Sunday 27th March 2016 and 0629 Monday 28th March 2016
  • 0630 and 1829 on Sunday 24th April 2016
  • 0630 and 1829 on Sunday 15th May 2016
  • 0630 and 1829 on Sunday 12th June 2016

Members are also instructed to take action short of a strike by doing: no work of any kind in a section 15 possession, and by taking meal breaks as per agreements.

I urge you all to support this action and demand that the Company takes action to resolve the issues at the heart of this dispute.

The Lead Officer has also raised concerns over staff in Service Control and similar grades that these staff are faced with additional workloads and duties due to the imposition of the Section 15 Possession arrangements and the National Executive Committee have instructed that we inform LUL that staff in these grades are also in dispute with the company and will be balloted for industrial action.




Section 15 Update: Tube Lines back safety

Tube Lines members have delivered a massive yes vote for action in their demand for safety at work

Out of 185 Votes


170 For

12 Against

Action short of strike

180 For

3 Against

That makes an overwhelming majority for action across affected Engineering Grades in both LUL and Tube Lines

Further talks at Acas are now expected and we believe that these will be arranged for next week

Our members will not stand by and allow this danger to continue

Unity is LIFE

Section 15 Ballot Result

28th January 2016

Dear Colleague,

Section 15 – Possessions – London Underground

Further to previous correspondence regarding the above, the ballot has now concluded with members voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast        381
Number Voting ‘Yes’        287
Number Voting ‘No’        92
Spoilt Papers            2

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast        381
Number Voting ‘Yes’        325
Number Voting ‘No’        54
Spoilt Papers            2

The National Executive Committee is currently considering this result and I will write again shortly.

LUL Circular – Pay & Night Tube, EJM, Track Patrolling Cleshar, Glen Hart



Further to my previous Circular (IR/011/16, 14th January 2016) all members will have received a copy of the revised offer from London Underground in respect of Pay, Night Tube and Fit for the Future Stations. For your ease of reference, the full offer can still be accessed on our website via


Dispute resolution proposal.


The mass meeting of our LUL Reps took place yesterday and having considered the views from this meeting, the National Executive Committee has taken the decision to suspend this week’s strike action. Members are therefore instructed to work as normal on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th January 2016.


Both these disputes, on Pay & Night Tube and on Every Job Matters will be considered by the National Executive Committee again on Thursday 28th January. The future strike dates in February currently remain in place and I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/011/16, 14th January 2016) and in addition to the above, the National Executive Committee has recommitted to a Week of Action from Sunday 7th February 2016. All Station Grades members should be very clear that RMT has not, and has never accepted any part of the Fit for the Future Stations proposals.


To reiterate, as things stand there will be industrial action called for RMT Station Grades members during the WEEK OF ACTION COMMENCING SUNDAY 7TH FEBRUARY 2016. Also, the overtime ban which has been in place for Station Grades since Sunday 3rd January 2016 is still on and I urge all members to CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE OVERTIME BAN. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/011/16, 14th January 2016), members will be aware of the dispute situation with London Underground over its decision to train Cleshar Staff to undertake track patrolling duties.


The ballot papers were posted out to affected members on Tuesday 19th January and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 2nd February 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/011/16, 14th January 2016), members will be aware of the dispute situation that exists with London Underground over the continued suspension and threat of disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, against RMT Activist Glen Hart.


The ballot papers were posted out to all London Underground members on Thursday 21st January and the closing date for this ballot is Thursday 4th February 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/276/15, 12th November 2015), members will recall the case of Sister Rachel Gard who suffers from type 1 diabetes and was recently dismissed from London Underground. This matter has now been considered again by the National Executive Committee, which has noted the outcome of the Director’s review to uphold the decision to dismiss Sister Gard, and taken the decision to commence a ballot of our Customer Service Assistant members at Bond Street Station.


The Company has been advised that a dispute situation exists between us as it is the view of this Union that Sister Gard did not deserve the sanction of dismissal and that this member has been unfairly targeted on her disability.


The ballot papers will be posted out to members on Tuesday 26th January 2016. The closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 9th February 2016 and I will keep you advised of all further developments.

LUL Pay & Night Tube Survey

The results of the informal text survey are below

151 Accept

120 Reject

This will be reported back at the Reps meeting tomorrow. Many thanks for completing the survey.

113 People left comments, here they are below and we will be taking note of all of them and getting back to you with answers to some of the questions raised

Yes I think it is respectable. Could be worse could have no job.
Would prefer a shorter term offer as long term offers tie you in with no room for negotiations
Work life Balance for night workers.
Why wasn’t. The fact that outside contractors are still doing our work. And why wasn’t it added into the deal
Why should we accept less than our previous deal which was designed to butter us up for the Olympics? Considering the Olympics was a 6 week period and Night Tube is a permanent change to our work life balance we should be getting at a minimum the same deal
Why is it not rpi plus a quarter or a half and why is it not a flat 2% as 1% plus 500 means you do net get the extra 1% on overtime done and does the 500 £ go on your salary
Who decides that night tube is ‘successful ‘? They could just refuse us the extra night tube bonus regardless of whether it actually works or not? ?
We work hard we should have a pay rise for all works We work hard we should have a pay rise for all works We work hard we should have a pay rise for all works
We will have lost more money than the rise is worth at this rate. I know people taking pay cuts or not getting anything at all….
We save our powder for the bigger battles ahead.
We have been told for years that we can’t have more than the private sector now we’re told we can’t even have that.
Try to show interest in track staff and not just fleet and signals
Too long
To low the changes they are making
To be quit honest
This is a good offer! For signals there is a commitment not to get anyone to change shifts fewer maintenance hours available whichlends itself to suggesting that they will require more staff or provide more progressive training. Then they are giving people between 1.7% and 2.4% increase to do it this year. I am really happy with that
Think it a goo offer and rmt held out well for it. Can’t imagine it being any better than that . Thanks
They have to honour the agreement
There is a budget which tfl lose in 2018/19. Will we be attacked after this deal? We usually only agree 3 years and not 4.. why?
The pay is acceptable if the issues could be separated the deal would be acceptable. The pay is acceptable if the issues could be separated the deal would be acceptable.
The night tube will fail
The amount of money in total we are losing over all the strikes will probably be more than the pay increase anyway
Sunday’s are very much a family day – I can’t see family friendly or work life balance in forcing employees to change shift patterns that they have worked for over many years
Strike … !!
Stop insisting that we strike
Should not be a one off payment   rather an increase in your pay
Should have been kept separate
Should ge guarantee Glen Harts position
Seems to cover all the issues
Seems fair
Period … !!Strike … !!
Only when people were getting pay cuts and no pay rises we did
Not really
Not everything is about the drivers. You want to do and effective strike do on a patrol night.. Nothing will move for 2 days
Not enough … !!
Not as much as would have hoped. Feel track and signals have been sold short as were majorly affected having to move Sunday to Thursday. Even if it’s voluntary it’s just delaying the innevitable and killing any overtime etc.
Not acceptable … !!
Not a fair pay at all.
No more Friday night working
No its shite
No bonus give us 2%
My shift pattern is changing to Sunday to Thursday nights so I will no longer be able to enjoy a pint with my Sunday roast. This will impact on my family and social life.
More money
More investment for training support staff.
More action
Members are of mixed opinions
It’s only just acceptable pay-wise would like to see when night tube extends to other lines what the working time plan is for night maintenance staff.
It’s not enough
It’s far too low but I keep going on strike when others go into  work so I’m piss ed off.
Ithink its an ok deal as they have had subsidies cut.
It could of been done a lot sooner
Is there anything on offer for those staff who’s rosters will be affected
In the present climate i think its the best we can do. We must stay strong for the battles over the casualisation of staff and section 15 but this time we need to accept the offer and move on.
In the current climate it secures us a pay rise over 4 years I seem to be acceptable
In regards to the back dated pay offer. We should also request a tax free sum in addition as compensation for such a lengthy delay in the pay Negotiations. (10 months to date)
If you go Sunday to Thursday will we still have a frame work agreement that is in place and are we gaurenteed of no future change in our roster
I would of loved a 4 day week deal.
I work for s and e and haven’t received much information about how night tube will affect my shift  which is permanent nights Monday to Friday
I think we should not sign up to a four year deal. 2 at the most
I think this is a good offer
I think the 1st year pay offer should be 2% for all rather than an average
I think it’s a pay CUT not a pay rise
I feel sorry for station staff there rosters are awful but shame on ASLEF for calling off the action too soon and without the other unions
I don’t believe that to go ahead with the strike when ASLEF have suspended is productive or beneficial. Suspend whilst the unions consider their response
I do not know what the pay offer is as nobody has explained anything to me.
Good offer in this current times
Good negotion – well done
Going on to long .plus we are losing money by striking .no wim position.
Except offer
Due to the state of world economys and the likelyhood of another financial crisis soon this offer is looking worth while accepting. If a crisis hits you can bet we will get nothing or considerably less.
Drivers sold us out
Don’t think track or signals are getting anything out of it
Don’t think that it’s a good enough offer and especially don’t think we should be tied into a 4 year deal
Don’t believe that the company would  improve on current offer
Could be better but we have to look at the bigger picture outsourcing track work
Can’t agree to a multi year deal unless it suits all members
Be sensible
Are we agreeing to night tube conditions by accepting this deal?  Will they change our conditions later?
All operations employee should get back payed due to not having a pay rise
All negotiations have been more directed for drivers with very little consideration for other divisions within LU
Accept and carry on..
Above inflation by at least 1pc on our basic wage would be acceptable to me.
£500pa for those effected
£500 bonus to change our shift for the rest of our career is not good enough. I can make that in a couple of OT shifts on a Sunday night which I will no longer be able to do.
a guaranteed 1% is not what we went on strike for in Engineering it is about the money. yes they will be coming for us in the next round of FFtF but until then it is about the money. Now we have hope that RPI will make us look respectable for the next 3 years.
4day week please
4 years is too long until we actually get a pay rise having. Raised the customer satisfaction bonus so that we can no longer meet the target the £500 night tube bonus is only money we would of normally. Received so in effect they get night tube for nothing
4 day week would’ve been nice
4 day week longer shifts
4 day week for signals teams aswell as train drivers
3% on the 1st year would have been nice in line with other industries
3% and 2% and rpi following year
3 yr deal preferred
2%like network rail this year then 1% 2nd and 3ed year.4 year deal to long.
2% minimum 2%like network rail this year then 1% 2nd and 3ed year.4 year deal to long.3 yr deal preferred3% and 2% and rpi following year 3% on the 1st year would have been nice in line with other industries 4 day week for signals teams aswell as train drivers4 day week longer shifts 4 day week would’ve been nice4 years is too long until we actually get a pay rise having. Raised the customer satisfaction bonus so that we can no longer meet the target the £500 night tube bonus is only money we would of normally. Received so in effect they get night tube for nothing4day week pleasea guaranteed 1% is not what we went on strike for in Engineering it is about the money. yes they will be coming for us in the next round of FFtF but until then it is about the money. Now we have hope that RPI will make us look respectable for the next 3 years.£500 bonus to change our shift for the rest of our career is not good enough. I can make that in a couple of OT shifts on a Sunday night which I will no longer be able to do.£500pa for those effected Above inflation by at least 1pc on our basic wage would be acceptable to me.Accept and carry on..All negotiations have been more directed for drivers with very little consideration for other divisions within LUAll operations employee should get back payed due to not having a pay riseAre we agreeing to night tube conditions by accepting this deal?  Will they change our conditions later?Be sensible Can’t agree to a multi year deal unless it suits all membersCould be better but we have to look at the bigger picture outsourcing track work DisgustingDon’t believe that the company would  improve on current offer Don’t think that it’s a good enough offer and especially don’t think we should be tied into a 4 year dealDon’t think track or signals are getting anything out of it Drivers sold us outDue to the state of world economys and the likelyhood of another financial crisis soon this offer is looking worth while accepting. If a crisis hits you can bet we will get nothing or considerably less.Except offerGoing on to long .plus we are losing money by striking .no wim position.Good negotion – well doneGood offer in this current timesI do not know what the pay offer is as nobody has explained anything to me.I don’t believe that to go ahead with the strike when ASLEF have suspended is productive or beneficial. Suspend whilst the unions consider their responseI feel sorry for station staff there rosters are awful but shame on ASLEF for calling off the action too soon and without the other unionsI think it’s a pay CUT not a pay rise I think the 1st year pay offer should be 2% for all rather than an average I think this is a good offer I think we should not sign up to a four year deal. 2 at the mostI work for s and e and haven’t received much information about how night tube will affect my shift  which is permanent nights Monday to Friday I would of loved a 4 day week deal. If you go Sunday to Thursday will we still have a frame work agreement that is in place and are we gaurenteed of no future change in our roster In regards to the back dated pay offer. We should also request a tax free sum in addition as compensation for such a lengthy delay in the pay Negotiations. (10 months to date)In the current climate it secures us a pay rise over 4 years I seem to be acceptable In the present climate i think its the best we can do. We must stay strong for the battles over the casualisation of staff and section 15 but this time we need to accept the offer and move on.Is there anything on offer for those staff who’s rosters will be affected It could of been done a lot soonerIthink its an ok deal as they have had subsidies cut. It’s far too low but I keep going on strike when others go into  work so I’m piss ed off.It’s not enoughIt’s only just acceptable pay-wise would like to see when night tube extends to other lines what the working time plan is for night maintenance staff.Members are of mixed opinions More action More investment for training support staff. More moneyMy shift pattern is changing to Sunday to Thursday nights so I will no longer be able to enjoy a pint with my Sunday roast. This will impact on my family and social life. No bonus give us 2% No its shiteNo more Friday night workingNot a fair pay at all.Not acceptable … !!Not as much as would have hoped. Feel track and signals have been sold short as were majorly affected having to move Sunday to Thursday. Even if it’s voluntary it’s just delaying the innevitable and killing any overtime etc. Not enough … !!Not everything is about the drivers. You want to do and effective strike do on a patrol night.. Nothing will move for 2 days Not reallyOnly when people were getting pay cuts and no pay rises we didPeriod … !!Strike … !!Seems fairSeems to cover all the issues Should ge guarantee Glen Harts positionShould have been kept separate Should not be a one off payment   rather an increase in your pay Stop insisting that we strike Strike … !!Sunday’s are very much a family day – I can’t see family friendly or work life balance in forcing employees to change shift patterns that they have worked for over many yearsThe amount of money in total we are losing over all the strikes will probably be more than the pay increase anyway The night tube will failThe pay is acceptable if the issues could be separated the deal would be acceptable. The pay is acceptable if the issues could be separated the deal would be acceptable. There is a budget which tfl lose in 2018/19. Will we be attacked after this deal? We usually only agree 3 years and not 4.. why?They have to honour the agreementThink it a goo offer and rmt held out well for it. Can’t imagine it being any better than that . Thanks This is a good offer! For signals there is a commitment not to get anyone to change shifts fewer maintenance hours available whichlends itself to suggesting that they will require more staff or provide more progressive training. Then they are giving people between 1.7% and 2.4% increase to do it this year. I am really happy with thatTo be quit honestTo low the changes they are making Too long TOO MUCH SEEMS UNRESOLVEDTry to show interest in track staff and not just fleet and signalsWe have been told for years that we can’t have more than the private sector now we’re told we can’t even have that. We save our powder for the bigger battles ahead.We will have lost more money than the rise is worth at this rate. I know people taking pay cuts or not getting anything at all….We work hard we should have a pay rise for all works We work hard we should have a pay rise for all works We work hard we should have a pay rise for all works Who decides that night tube is ‘successful ‘? They could just refuse us the extra night tube bonus regardless of whether it actually works or not? ?Why is it not rpi plus a quarter or a half and why is it not a flat 2% as 1% plus 500 means you do net get the extra 1% on overtime done and does the 500 £ go on your salaryWhy should we accept less than our previous deal which was designed to butter us up for the Olympics? Considering the Olympics was a 6 week period and Night Tube is a permanent change to our work life balance we should be getting at a minimum the same dealWhy wasn’t. The fact that outside contractors are still doing our work. And why wasn’t it added into the dealWork life Balance for night workers.Would prefer a shorter term offer as long term offers tie you in with no room for negotiations Yes I think it is respectable. Could be worse could have no job.
