Category: LUL

Tube Lines Pensions Dispute/ TUPE

The RMT have requested a Tube Lines Mass Reps meeting at Unity House on Friday 23rd September 2016 start 10:00 to report back to reps from the last ACAS meeting. We have set a six week deadline for progress on securing ‘Pensions for All’  and currently Joint Working Parties are being set up to review the costings and proposals.

At the same time, the RMT is massively concerned that the word TUPE is not being used with regards to staff following Amey not having their contract renewed. This has been raised with LUL who have confirmed that whilst they do not rule this out, it is currently NOT part of their plans.

This will be fully discussed at the meeting.




RMT recently received a communication from the TfL Head of Employee Relations advising us of “…TfL faces an unprecedented financial challenge and that we [TfL] do not have the money to continue as we are.”

He goes on to say that one Andrew Pollins has been appointed by the TfL Executive to the role of Transformation Director, and his remit is to eliminate unnecessary duplication, obtain value from procurement, cut reliance on agency staff and cut costs across all functions.

Management had written directly to the General Secretary on this matter who duly reported it to the National Executive Committee whose decision was to call for an all-grades representatives meeting  from both LUL and TfL. This has now been arranged and the meeting details are given below.

Although this meeting is open to all Branch Officers and LUL/TfL Representatives, release for attendance has only been agreed for all LUL Functional and TfL LCG Representatives on this occasion and so, as before, Local Reps are asked to make their own arrangements to attend and Branches are asked to give support in this regard. The meeting details now follow:

Meeting of all LUL and TfL Representatives

10.00 hours Monday 26th September 2016

Indian YMCA – 41 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6AQ

I again ask those of you who have not been released to make your best efforts to attend and I thank you in anticipation of this.

With best wishes

Yours sincerely

John Leach


RMT to raise concerns over Redundancy Payment Cap

The RMT are to raise concerns with LUL at Company Council level regarding the proposed CAP to leaving payments. This is likely to affect Redundancy Payments and it has also been suggested that it may also affect Pension Lump Sums.

The consultation period is now over with the Government and it looks likely that they will steamroller this Law through and it is important that the RMT challenges any changes that will or may directly affect our members to understand how this may affect our members and all implications this change in Law will have


Exit Programme 2016






A long-running campaign by tube union RMT has scored a significant victory with the final confirmation from the London Mayor today that a major slice of tube maintenance work is to be brought back in house next year.

The TfL board has announced that it will now manage maintenance work on the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly lines through its own in-house management team.

The contract dates back to the failed tube maintenance privatisation programme and for the past 13 years the private company Amey has been contracted to manage maintenance work across the three lines – a legacy of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contract that previously existed between Tube Lines and London Underground.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“This is a massive victory for RMT in terms of the fight to end profiteering and privatisation on London Underground. This move helps to bring closer the end to the crazy experiment of tube maintenance privatisation and is a another nail in the coffin of the tube PPP disaster.

“It makes no sense at all having maintenance work hived off to private operators and RMT will continue the fight across the rail industry for these works, and all other supporting services, to come under the public sector, under direct public control with the staff jobs, pay and conditions protected.”

Night Tube this weekend

RMT sets out its position on the roll out of the first phase of the Night Tube this weekend


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;


“RMT supports the introduction of the Night Tube and ever since the idea was first floated our members have fought tirelessly to make sure that it is done properly and that the huge staffing issues it throws up have not been ignored.


“The truth is that it is not politicians and their top officials  who will deliver a Night Tube for London it is the cleaners, station staff, drivers, engineers and all the other grades working anti-social hours who will be transforming London into a 24 hour City and they deserve all the praise and the credit.


“RMT will be maintaining a policy of ‘extreme vigilance’ with our reps monitoring issues like safety, security and the impact on staff of running services round the clock. The union will also continue to resist any attempts to deliver Night Tube on the cheap. Huge logistical challenges in areas like safety, maintenance and engineering will remain under close scrutiny by the union.


“RMT is also conscious of a range of problems with the rolling out of the second tranche of Night Tube services and it is essential that those issues are dealt with through the negotiating machinery and that procedures aren’t dodged in order to hit arbitrary deadlines.


“Night Tube is a massive step for London at a time of surging demand for transport services. It must not be compromised by under-valuing the staff charged with delivering the service or by the Government cuts that are being lined up for the TfL budget.”


Rail Travel Concessions (Priv)



Further to my Circular No IR/213/14 dated the 21st August 2014 with regards to the trial changes to the rail staff travel concessions and in relation to the union’s approach to ATOC requesting an RMT representative to be an active participant at the trial evaluation during September 2015. Regrettably, ATOC responded by saying that they are unwilling to include a Union Representative and that the evaluation was a matter for individual TOCs.

As you are aware, it is union policy to pursue parity and improvements in staff travel arrangements for all staff working within our industry. Therefore, the union sought to explore all possible avenues with individual TOCs to ensure the trial arrangement was implemented permanently. I have received responses from some of the TOCs indicating that because it is an ATOC led trial and that the arrangement was extended again during September 2016 there was still no requirement for the union to get involved.

Following on from the above, I can now advise you that I have received a further response from ATOC advising that ‘the fare on which a Priv fare is calculated was expanded to include day and period walk-up off-peak fares (including super off-peak fares) for an initial one year trial period and was extended in September 2015. This arrangement has been extended for a further year and will now run up to September 2017.’

In accordance with the above, I would be most grateful if you could bring this matter to the attention of your members and I will, of course, keep you fully advised on any further developments.


Best wishes.

Mick Cash

General Secretary

RMT Circular 12th Aug






12th August 2016                                                                Circular No: IR/237/16

Dear Colleagues,



Further to my previous Circular (IR/212/16, 29th July 2016), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                22

Number Voting ‘Yes’           21

Number Voting ‘No’            1

Spoilt Papers                     0


Question: Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?


Total Votes Cast                22

Number Voting ‘Yes’           22

Number Voting ‘No’            0

Spoilt Papers                     0


The National Executive Committee is currently considering this result and I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/212/16, 29th July 2016), the ballot papers were posted out to affected members on Tuesday 9th August and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 23rd August 2016. I will keep you advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/196/16, 15th July 2016), members will recall the previous National Executive Committee to organise a meeting of Stations Reps to review the implementation of Fit for the Future – Stations to discuss our strategy, including possible industrial action.

The meeting took place on Wednesday 27th July, the NEC has noted the consensus from this meeting to use the broadsheet to build on the anger against the effects of the implementation of Fit for the Future Stations and to complete the preparation of the ballot matrix of all Stations and Revenue staff to ensure that we are in a position to ballot members by early September 2016.




The following resolution was recently received from the London Transport Regional Council:-

“Jubilee South Branch has been made aware that testing has taken place on the Jubilee Line whereby trains were moved without the need of the operator to ‘activate’ the cab before using ATO buttons.

 We believe this is a deskilling of the train operators role, and suggests that technology is being developed and tested on the line to enable – in theory – the operation of trains without an operator in the cab.

 The RMT has consistently warned of the obvious risks to safety of driverless trains and made clear that we will take action should London Underground have any plans to operate trains without a train operator in the cab in full control of the train.

 We ask that the National Executive take action to ensure that this matter is investigated and that a plan be devised to respond to this or any other attempts at deskilling the train operator role, or operating trains without a train operator”.

This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to consult with our Train Driver Reps on the Jubilee Line over this concerning issue. I will keep you informed of all further developments.



The Company recently issued a communication to Tube Lines AP JNP members advising of its intention not to extend the current contract with Amey for the management of maintenance activities across the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly lines from the end of 2017.

There are no current plans to make any changes to members’ jobs, terms and conditions or pensions although RMT will of course monitor this situation closely. I have written to the Company advising that we expect a full consultation over this matter and requesting a timescale for discussions to take place as well as the early assurance that all LUL maintenance will not be brought back ‘in-house’. I will keep you advised of all further developments.



Further to my previous Circular (IR/029/16, 5th February 2016), the Crossrail Audit Team TUPE transferred into TfL on 1st March 2016.



In line with union policy, a claim for an increase in pay and improved terms and conditions was submitted to the Company. After negotiations between management and the RMT, the following two-year offer has been tabled:-

  • YEAR ONE: An increase of 2% effective from 1st April 2016.
  • YEAR TWO: An increase of 1.5% effective from 1st April 2017.

In addition, management are offering a £300 one-off payment in recognition for hard work on the previous contract and there will be no changes made to terms and conditions.

The offer is the subject of a referendum which closes on Tuesday 23rd August 2016 and I will keep you advised of all further developments.

 Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


Tube Lines Pensions

Tube Lines Pensions

The RMT met with Tube Lines and Senior LUL management on Thursday at Acas and following this meeting they have written to Unity House outlining their proposals on the issue of Pensions.

Steve Griffith has affirmed his intention to provide access to the TfL Pension Scheme for Tube Lines and ex-TubeLines staff providing it is self funding. The aim is for this to be done for the new financial year on 1st April.

The Tube Lines reps were released to fully discuss this matter on Friday 8th July and the following was agreed:

  • Our reps believed this was a positive approach but that our members are willing to take action if necessary
  • Unity House would therefore need to protect the strike ballot result by any necessary means to comply with the Anti-Trade Union Laws
  • The RMT would enter into further and detailed talks on the efficiencies necessary to make this proposal self financing. These efficiencies would be through the introduction of technology that would remove the need for current staffing arrangements. This would be financed by efficiencies in LUL and Tube Lines.
  • This would be in a very defined time period and that this matter would not be allowed to be dragged out.
  • Both LUL and Tube Lines representatives would now review the cost savings as a matter of urgency with a view to reaching agreement.

The RMT welcome this move and believe that we can deliver our members aspirations for equality of Pension Rights and ending a two tier workforce. We also believe that some of these cost savings can be achieved by not renewing the Amey Contract however that would not be possible until the end of 2017.

It should be stressed that we have been meeting with LUL alone at Acas. However, it is right and proper that this now shared with our sister unions as per existing agreements and we have agreed to that.

Further talks on the details of the efficiencies will now take place mainly under the LUL and Tube Lines Functional Councils for Fleet, Track and Signals, with a report back to Acas on our progress.

It is our belief that talks will achieve TfL Pensions for our members by April next year and if it doesn’t then Industrial Action will be necessary.


Unity is Strength


Tube Lines Pensions Update 10 7 16


Letter from LUL

Latest LUL Company Council Minutes





Steve Griffiths, Chief Operating Officer (Chair) (NB)

Jean Cockerill, HR Director – LU Operations (JC)

Phil O’Hare, General Manager (POH)

Lance Ramsay, General Manager (LR)

Terry Deller, Senior Employee Relations Manager (TD)


Finn Brennan (ASLEF)

Terry Wilkinson (ASLEF)

Graham Dean (ASLEF)

John Leach (RMT)

Paul Jackson (RMT)

Will Reid (RMT)

Jim Whyte (TSSA)

Mary Anastasiou (TSSA)

Abdel Zaki (TSSA)

Hugh Roberts (UNITE)

Paul Maybin (UNITE)

Steve Coates (UNITE)



In Attendance:                                     Angela Palmer, Employee Relations Advisor (Notes)


APOLOGIES:                                     Wayne Geoghegan (TSSA)


No. Item Minute



Who Due Date Status


Introductions and apologies for absence

SG made introductions and apologies were received on behalf of Wayne Geoghegan.












Item 4









Item 5









Item 7













Previous Minutes and Matters Arising


SG noted there were no comments from the Trade Unions and the meeting notes from 2 February 2016 are agreed.


SG confirmed all matters arising from 2 February 2016 have been completed, with the following exceptions:-


Pension Transfer, Grievance Procedure and LU Machinery Breakdown – TD provided an update explaining that at the last meeting RMT and UNITE requested to have sight of the agreement stating right place for discussions to take place would be at Tube Lines Company Council. TD noted that there is no specific document to be shared as this was the output of a meeting, adding that originally the management letter to Trade Unions stated that issues would include Tube Lines only but the Trade Unions specifically requested that BCV and SSL reps were included.


Drug and Alcohol Policy – SG explained that an engagement event is to be arranged which is in progress. JC explained that the management position was that the D&A Policy did not require updating. We would set up an engagement event for interested parties and this would allow us all to assess if any changes to policy or approach were necessary.


RMT asked when this would be completed.  JC agreed this would be held before the next meeting on 7th July 2016.


Reps at Fact finding Investigation

    i.       Incorrect wording of letter referred to at the previous meeting – TD explained that this had been investigated and the template letters will be amended for clarity.

ii.       JC and TD to clarify the TU understanding of reps at Fact finding investigations – TD explained this had been investigated and both the Law and the Company Policy are clear but it has transpired that this practice has been happening sporadically across the business.


RMT feel that this is problematic as the policy is not reflecting the application on the ground. RMT asked why this has changed.

TD said this has not changed adding that he is simply stating the facts that this practice is not in line with the company policy.

ASLEF noted that managers are being trained to apply this principle in practice. ASLEF reiterated that they feel this should be included in the policy.


JC stated that whilst there is no statutory right for TU reps to attend fact finding meetings, in principle the company does not object to representatives attending but would not expect this to be routine. Additionally, meetings should take place without unreasonable delay and therefore could not be held up for a specific rep to become available nor would we expect significant requests for release as this would be unreasonable.


SG summarised stating that the issue is about “reasonableness” and ensuring individuals have sufficient support where appropriate, however it is not a right and as such it is not included in the company policy.





































































































7 July 2016




7 July 2016
























































3. Business Update


SG said if there are no objections he would like to share a business update with the Trade Unions following a meeting with the Commissioner, Mike Brown (MB) on Monday, 18th April 2016.


No objections received.


SG noted that MB reaffirmed the purpose of TfL remains the same, to keep London moving, working and growing and making life in our city better.  SG explained the company faces 4 stark realities Demand, Politics, Technology and Funding. SG said we need to respond to the realities in order to deliver the ambition which is to be customer focused service provider, commercially driven and the envy of transport authorities, cities and Governments around the world. SG said that to deliver this MB has set out 6 priorities:-

1.    To put customers and users at the core of business decision making

2.    To drive improvement in reliability and safety across our network

3.    To accelerate the growth and increase the capacity of our network

4.    To invest in our people and lead them to be the best they can be every day

5.    To cost less, be more affordable and to generate more income

6.    To exploit technology to produce better and faster results


SG said that MB vision is for the company to operate as One TfL, to be more coherent and as such more efficient. To do this the business will be managed differently with 4 Delivery Businesses which are London Underground, Surface, Major Projects and Commercial Development and these delivery businesses will be supported by 8 professional services each led by a single professional lead. The professional services are Customers, Communication and Technology; Finance; General Counsel; Human Resources; Engineering; Planning; Business Strategy and Crossrail 2.


RMT asked SG how the company plans to save £2.9 Billion as required due to changes in government funding.

SG acknowledged that this will be a challenge explaining that one of the things the business is doing is to review all current and planned programmes looking at how to take the cost out of the delivery by reducing the programme times and looking at duplication and unnecessary work.


UNITE asked if the company will be looking at getting more money out of the assets it already has.

SG said yes the company will be looking at the development of commercial revenue from the assets, such as land for housing.


SG said MB leadership team will now take responsibility for the whole of TfL operating with a more joined up approach, matching the demand and making improvements in a more efficient way. SG said he will keep the Trade Unions informed as these changes progress.





















































Update on progress made at Night Tube CCSG


LR provided an update from the ongoing Company Council Sub Group set up to discuss the Introduction of Night Tube Train Operators.


LR explained that significant progress has been made on the following issues adhering to the principle of avoiding making changes to existing agreements as far as possible:

o   Night Tube Train Operator Contract and offer letter has now been issued

o   Process for transfer from Night Tube to Full Time established

o   Successful placement of Night Tube Train Operators into location of choice

o   Options on patterns of Nights for Existing Staff established

o   Communications and Frequently Asked Questions document produced

o   Rosters for the Night Tube Lines based on our discussions are in production


LR listed a number of Item still under discussion as follows:

o   The management of Night Tube Train Operators

o   Train Driving experience once qualified for Night Tube Train Operators

o   Impact of the introduction of Night Tube on the Depot Establishment

o   Further discussion on the patterns of nights to be held at local level.

o   Annual leave carry over for internal candidates, how many will it affect and a solution for the leave to be taken


LR explained that with the consent received from Company Council the Trains CCSG intends to commence work on the long term commitments included in the pay deal (e.g. Four day- 36 hour week trial) as these are linked to the current discussions.

LR provided assurance that the commencement of the other work stream will have no impediment on the date of the introduction of Night Tube.


RMT and ASLEF agreed the talks have been productive and hope to continue as such.


ASLEF stated that they have heard there will be a phased introduction of Night Tube and asked which lines would be starting first.

SG said the CCSG should work towards Central and Victoria Line starting first, followed by Jubilee and Northern Lines with the Piccadilly line last.


ASLEF asked if the facilities for Night Tube drivers had been considered.

SG said this should be discussed at the CCSG.


ASLEF asked if a date for implementation had been agreed as this has implications on the discussions at CCSG in planning for training etc.

SG said no date for implementation of Night Tube has been agreed.


ASLEF asked why the Piccadilly Line will be launched last.

SG said the decision has been based on customer usage and impact and in addition this line is the only manual driving line.


RMT asked if the management team foresee any other barriers to the launch of Night Tube.

SG said they are aware that discussions are ongoing in Track and Signals regarding staff moving onto a Sunday – Thursday shift. SG added that whilst good progress has been made if staff will not move the business will look at other alternatives.


JC added that the business plans to launch Night Tube as quickly and efficiently as possible within the agreed parameters. JC closed by saying this was good work and will be pleased with the CCSG to continue with discussions in this vein.

















































































Rates of Pay  and Conditions of Service 2015 – LUL- Former UK Power Networks Staff

RMT is of the view that Former UK Power Networks employees who TUPEd into LUL in 2013 should be entitled to the 2015 pay settlement for LU.  RMT acknowledged that an agreement was reached for these employees in 2011 for a five year pay deal with 2015 being the 5th Year; however, this means their increase in 2015 is June RPI plus 0.25% which is less favourable than Year 1 (2015) of the LUL award. RMT want the Year 1 LUL 2015 award applied to these employees. RMT explained they are not asking for these employees to receive both pay increases but rather to be entitled to the more favourable LUL settlement for 2015 as this would be most fair option.


TD explained that the Powerlink pay deal is a collective agreement which transferred with the employees as part of their TUPE transfer and this was made clear during the consultation process. TD added that there was never any confusion, these employees were clear they already had an existing pay deal in place and we are adhering to this commitment.


RMT said staff from Former UK Power Network were included in their ballot matrixes and these were not challenged so they feel they have been clear about their intentions.


JC stated that the 2015 pay increase for this group of employees was paid on time and the company has been consistent with the TUPE approach. JC added that the pay deal for Powerlink expires in 2016 so the staff will be eligible for the LU pay deal from year 2.


SG stated that this point should have been discussed at the LUL Pay Talks but it was not raised in that forum and as such the existing agreement was honoured.


TSSA said they feel the staff on these grades should be entitled to have the £500 consolidated increase as part of the LUL pay award.

JC clarified that these employees will be paid the £500 Night Tube Launch Payment but not the £500 consolidated increase.


RMT pointed out that the Pay Award states the consolidated bonus is for “all grades”.

TSSA added that Night Tube discussions had not commenced when these staff TUPEd back in 2013 and they understood from the ACAS talks that all staff would be eligible for the £500 consolidated increase.

JC explained this is for all grades that are eligible for the 1st year of the pay deal.
































































4. Apprentices Contracts (3 years vs Permanent)

RMT explained that this issue was first raised at Fleet Functional Council in December 2015 but not resolved. RMT feel that apprentices employed on fixed term contracts is unfair and they should be offered permanent contracts with the company.


TD explained that apprentices are employed by LUL on a fixed term contract then they move into a permanent role, where available, on completion of their apprenticeship. TD added that he is not aware of any occasion where an apprentice has been told there is no role available.


UNITE stated this is a distinct change as the contract was always permanent and the deeds of the apprenticeship could be extended at the end of an apprenticeship if additional time was needed. UNITE asked to see when this had changed.


TD explained that this has not changed, only the perception that has changed. TD explained that an apprentice is employed on a fixed term contract with a set of terms and conditions and then when they are offered a new role they get a new contract with new terms and conditions relevant to the new role. TD added that the flexibility to extend a fixed term contract should the apprentice require additional team is still an option. TD said the company does make every effort to employ apprentices permanently if posts area available as a lot is invested in their training.


RMT asked to see the policies on this and if a response could be sent in writing for the Trade Unions to consider and revisit if necessary.

JC agreed to set out how apprentices are managed and recruited in a written response to each of the Trade Unions.


UNITE asked when the length of service for apprentices is calculated from.

JC said from the first day as an apprentice.


UNITE asked management to please take a view that a 3 year apprenticeship is not always enough time for each trade.

SG stated that apprenticeships have changed in that you do not stop learning at the end of the apprenticeship and the 3 years is to focus on the core competency required for that trade.


RMT asked management to consider the arrangements regarding Tube Lines apprenticeships.

JC and TD agreed.










































































































7 July 2016












7 July 2016


SG said there was nothing further to add and asked if the Trade Unions had any further questions.


Impact of National Insurance Increase on Back Pay


ASLEF asked what the impact of the increase to National Insurance Contributions would be to employees receiving back pay following the conclusion of the pay deal.

JC said contributions are taken at the time they paid and not at the time they are earned.  JC committed to clarify the situation in writing.


LCH Bonus Target Met


ASLEF asked if the LCH Bonus targets had been met for 2015.

SG said they had been met for Quarter 1 and 3 and as such employees will receive £100 for these quarters only.

JC said this will be clarified for the Trade Unions.











































7 July 2016






7 July 2016


Acas Update: Tube Lines Night Tube, Pension and Pay

The RMT met with Tube Lines and LUL management today at Acas. During this meeting we reached the following position:

Night Tube:

A poll of existing staff was conducted to find out how many would wish to transfer to LUL to retain Monday to Friday Working. This showed a variation between areas in terms of numbers but went from approximately 10-30%.

LUL agreed anyone that came over would go onto LUL Terms and Conditions (including Pension). They believed continuation of service would also apply but would confirm that in writing.

Finally, in terms of process there needs to be more work done to finalise this matter but we would probably utilise existing agreements for transfers between equal grades or individual needs.


LUL & Tube Lines stated that for Full Performance Related Pay staff (such as Q Grades etc), the bottom of the bands would be increased by the negotiated base line for the duration of the four year deal. The additional night tube payment of £500 had not been implemented and was awaiting finalisation of our talks on Night Tube. The RMT stated that the increase to the PRP pot should be equivalent to the negotiated general pay rise

In terms of non-PRP staff the pay would mirror the levels set in the LUL pay deal.


LUL & Tube Lines stated that they was still working on figures and these would be available by Thursday.

The RMT made it clear that these figures needed to before us and discussed prior to the Tube Lines Reps meeting on the 8th July. We stated that this data needed to clearly show:

  • Any numbers of potential redundancies
  • The total cost of providing the TfL Pension to those in the Tube Lines Pension Scheme
  • Location and Grades affected by any proposals
  • Any proposals can only be related to the introduction of new technology
  • A timescale for these cost savings
  • An implementation date for staff to be entered into the TFL Pension Scheme

Another meeting has been agreed for Thursday 7th July with an expectation that a final position will be placed before the representatives on Friday


Tube Lines Night Tube, Pay and Pensions Update 4 7 16

Tube Lines Pensions Discussions

Further discussions under the auspice of Acas are due to take place on Monday 4th July when we expect full details of the company proposal on how the entry to the TfL Pension Fund will be self funded (for ALL members of the Tube Lines Pension including those that TUPE’d to LUL).

Following this meeting, the RMT will be reviewing the document and the RMT have requested all reps from Tube Lines are released to decide the next steps on the 8th July


Tube Lines Night Tube, Pay and Pensions

The RMT met with LUL and Tube Lines today at Acas to discuss Night Tube, Pay and Pensions

Night Tube: Tube Lines have stated that they will identify how many people wish to remain on Monday to Friday rather than go to Sunday to Thursday (Night Staff affected by Night Tube). One potential solution will be to see if level transfers to London Underground are possible to mitigate this issue. However, this is dependent on Numbers and further talks.

Additionally, Night Tube has also been defined as only Friday and Saturday NIGHTs for affected staff. This mitigates any further ‘all night running’ issues in the future and they will require full talks again in the event of any new ‘Night Tube’ aspirations.

Performance Related Pay. A Lengthy discussion took place around this with the RMT stressing the importance of this issue to our members and that this group of people should not be disadvantaged compared to the main negotiations. Tube Lines and LUL have committed to further discussion on how the pot is divided up etc. They have stated this will be as per other years. We stand by our position.

Pensions: LUL and Tube Lines are examining a cost neutral solution to make entry into the Pension Scheme viable for all staff currently on a Tube Lines Contract (both LUL staff and Tube Lines). This will involve costs of approximately £15 million a year and their desire is to achieve this through increased productivity measures. Tube Lines and LUL are in the process of producing detailed figures that will be ready next by week.

The RMT and Management are meeting again on the 4th July to fully review any proposals and we will then report back to our members in the usual manner


Tube Lines Night Tube, Pay and Pensions Update 23 6 16

