I first met Bob at an RMT conference in Blackpool before he became General Secretary. CSC had a stall just outside the room where he was speaking at a fringe meeting and he drew attention to us. Singling me out by name he referred to me as Rev adding that he didn’t know if it stood for Reverend or Revolutionary! After that we met several times at Cuba events when we had a good chat. The last time we met was at the Miami Five concert at the Barbican a few days before he died when he asked if I would bless a new banner he had commissioned for a festival in Ireland. He said he would get in touch little knowing it would be the last time we would meet. It was a great privilege and honour to conduct his family funeral and to honour his wishes shortly afterwards when the banner was duly blessed and dedicated to his memory. Rest in peace Bob. You are ever present in our struggles as you continue to be an inspiration to all who believe another world is possible. Venceremos!