Blacklisting, Bullying & Blowing the Whistle

August 30, 2016

Blacklist Support Group is honoured to be co-hosting a major employment rights conference at the University of Greenwich. The conference is FREE but as numbers are limited and John McDonnell is a keynote speaker, registration is essential.


Blacklisting, Bullying & Blowing the Whistle

16-17 September 2016

University of Greenwich


This two day conference, organised by Blacklist Support Group (BSG) and the Work & Employment Research Unit (WERU) at the University of Greenwich supported by New Internatinalist and Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust, will reveal and discuss the hidden injuries of the modern workplace which are often neglected by mainstream media and academia.

Plenary sessions and workshops will consider the blacklisting and victimisation of activists and the treatment of whistleblowers, who have both highlighted corporate malpractice in the private sector and failures in public service provision. They will also consider the modern workplace tyranny of performance management where workers are bullied by intense monitoring and measurement of their work, with potentially discriminatory effects on disabled, Black and Minority Ethnic, migrant, women and older and younger workers.

A key aim will be to explore the different and interlocking ways in which surveillance and intensified control operate; in the workplace, in employment and in relation to community campaigns and civil rights activism.

The conference brings together academics, politicians, lawyers and activists with a view to inputting into the formulation of a programme of policy and action that can restore workplace rights and fairness at work.

Speakers include:

  • John McDonnell MP – Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
  • Michelle Stanistreet – General Secretary, National Union of Journalists
  • Helen Steel – blacklisted McLibel activist, Spies Out of Lives
  • Roger McKenzie – Assistant General Secretary , UNISON
  • Gail Cartmail – Assistant General Secretary, UNITE the union
  • Amanda Brown – Assistant General Secretary, National Union of Teachers
  • Donna Guthrie & Zita Holbourne – Black Activists Rising Against Cuts (BARAC)
  • John Hendy QC – Institute of Employment Rights (IER)
  • Professor Sian Moore – University of Greenwich (WERU)
  • Professor Keith Ewing – Kings College London (IER)
  • Professor Phil Taylor – University of Strathclyde
  • Phil Chamberlain – author ‘Blacklisted’, University of West of England
  • Shamik Dutta – Bhatt Murphy solicitors for victims of undercover policing
  • Dave Smith – Blacklist Support Group
  • Dr Minh Alexander – NHS Whistleblower & former consultant psychiatrist
  • Suresh Grover – The Monitoring Group
  • Dr Wim Vandekerckhove – University of Greenwich
  • Professor David Lewis – Middlesex University
  • Eileen Chubb – Bupa7, Compassion In Care & The Whistler
  • Wendy Addison – Speakup-Speakout
  • David Renton – barrister, Garden Court Chambers
  • Michelle Sweeney – Whistleblower & former probation officer Merseyside
  • Eveline Lubbers – Undercover Research Group
  • Lois Austin – Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance

Alongside the conference there will be the premier of a brand new documentary ‘Blacklisted’ by the film producer Thomas Wood, an exhibition of artwork supporting the campaign coordinated by Art Against Blacklisting and a party on Friday evening. The conference will also host the Blacklist Support Group AGM.


This event is ideal for union officials, activists and TUC Diploma courses. Spread the word and hope to see you there.


Blacklist Support Group







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